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On the letter head


The following resolutions were passed by the Board of Directors of

__________________(“the Company”) on and have been duly recorded in
the Minute Book of the Company.


1) DBS Bank India Limited (“DBIL”) be appointed as Escrow Bank for opening of
Current Account (s) and Escrow Account (s).

2) The Company constitute and appoint the “DBIL” as its attorney in respect of
such Escrow Account activities as the Bank may be required to carry out on
behalf of the Company and that Director / Signatory be and hereby is
authorised to sign the Power of Attorney Singly / Jointly on behalf of the
Company and that the Secretary be and hereby is authorised to affix the
Company's common seal thereto

3) Cash Account (s), INR current and Escrow Account(s) be opened with “DBIL”
in accordance with and subject to “DBIL” Terms and Conditions Governing
Accounts as amended from time to time by “DBIL” and THAT

a) any one of the following authorised signatories (the “Authorised

Signatories”) be authorised to sign the necessary account opening and
closure documents, including but not limited to the Escrow Agreement,
Letter of Authorisation and Indemnity for Facsimile Instructions, Client
Profile Document, Fee Schedule Acceptance and any other documents
incidental thereto, on behalf of the Company and to complete and furnish
the same to “DBIL”

b) any one Authorised Signatory be authorised to operate the Accounts for

the Company.

Name of Authorised Signatories


_________________________ _________________
Company Secretary / 2 Directors Affix company Stamp

4) RESOLVED FURTHER THAT the Company in accordance with and subject

to “DBIL” terms and conditions governing accounts including the terms and
conditions for availing Electronic Banking Services ("EB Services"), as
amended from time to time by “DBIL” and THAT the Authorised Signatory are
severally authorised to sign and execute such documents, forms,
declarations, undertakings, instruments, writings, assurances etc. as may be
prescribed by “DBIL” for obtaining the EB Services, from time to time.

5) “DBIL” be informed from time to time by notice(s) in writing of any change in

the list of Authorised Signatories of the Company and THAT “DBIL” be entitled
to rely upon such notice(s) until receipt by it of such further notice(s)

We hereby certify that the above resolution is a true extract from the minutes of the
Directors’ Meeting held on at and that said resolutions
were duly passed and are now in full force and effect.

______________________ _________________
Company Secretary / 2 Directors Affix company Stamp

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