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A Theoretical Overview of Microstrip

Antennas and Introduction to Metamaterials
Sivaranjan Goswami

This tutorial covers the fundamental theoretical considerations of the

project. The basic theoretical concepts of various parts of microstrip an-
tennas, their feeding methods, the design considerations and the techniques
for performance improvement of microstrip antennas are discussed. A brief
note on the various metamaterials, their evolution and applications are also
included in the chapter. Finally, a detailed discussion of the CSRR along with
its equivalent circuit and the related mathematical expressions is provided.

1 Theoretical Overview of Microstrip Antenna

We can find the fundamentals of microstrip antennas in [1] where the theories
of rectangular and circular patches as microstrip antennas have been elabo-
rately discussed. A brief discussion on the theory of microstrip antennas is
presented here. Our discussion mainly focuses on rectangular patch.
Figure 1 depicts a rectangular patch antenna. It contains a very thin
(t ¿ λ0 , where λ0 is the free space wavelength) metallic strip (patch) placed
a small fraction of wavelength (h ¿ λ0 , usually, 0.003λ0 ≤ h ≤ 0.05λ0 )
above the ground plane. The microstrip is designed so its pattern maximum
is normal to the patch (broadside radiator). This is accomplished by properly
choosing the mode of excitation beneath the patch. End-fire radiation can
also be accomplished by judicious mode selection. For a rectangular patch
the length L of the element is usually λ0 /3 < L < λ0 /2. The patch and the
ground plane are separated by a dielectric referred to as substrate in figure

1.1 Feeding Methods

There are various methods for feeding a microstrip antenna. The common
methods include:

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Figure 1: Microstrip antenna and coordinate system [1]

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1. Microstrip line feed: In this technique the feed line is also a con-
ducting strip, usually of much smaller width than that of the radiating
patch. This is easy to fabricate and impedance matching is also simple
as we just need to adjust the inset position. However, as the substrate
thickness increases the surface waves and spurious radiation increases,
which for practical design limits the bandwidth (typically 2-5%). It is
shown in figure 2.

2. Probe feed: Here the input wave is fed using a co-axial line, where the
inner conductor of the co-axial cable is attached to the patch while the
outer conductor is connected to the ground plane. This type of feeding
is also widely used. However, it also has narrow bandwidth and it is
difficult to model, especially for thick substrates (h > 0.02λ0 ). It is
shown in figure 3.

3. Aperture-coupled feed: Both microstrip and probe feed possesses

inherent asymmetries which which produces higher order mode which
produce cross-polarized radiation. Aperture coupled feeding is a solu-
tion to this. The aperture coupling consists of two substrates separated
by a ground plane. On the bottom side of the lower substrate there
is a microstrip feed line whose energy is coupled to the patch through
a slot on the ground plane separating the two substrates. It is very
difficult to fabricate as well as model. It is shown in figure 4. This
arrangement allows impedance optimization between the feed system
and the radiating element. Typically a high dielectric material is used
for the bottom substrate and a thick low dielectric material is used for
the top substrate. The ground plane between the two substrates also
isolates the feed from the radiating element and reduces the interference
of spurious radiation with the actual radiation.

4. Proximity-coupled feed: As shown in figure 5, It is similar to prox-

imity coupling as it also uses two substrates for the antenna and feeding
network. The difference is that a ground plane is in between the an-
tenna substrate and the feeding network substrate. An aperture exists
on the ground plane to allow coupling to take place via the aperture.
Issues on radiation efficiency and bandwidth enhancement using this
method have been looked into and has shown favourable results.

Both proximity coupling and aperture coupling exhibit better bandwidth

characteristics than the above two contact coupling methods due to the pos-
sibility of individual placement of the feeding network and the antenna on
thin and thick substrates respectively. Currently, these two methods are

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Figure 2: Strip-line feeding

Figure 3: Probe feeding

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Figure 4: Aperture-coupled feeding [1]

Figure 5: Proximity-coupled feeding [1]

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the more popular non-contact methods of feeding antennas. In the present

work, all the designs uses strip line feeding as it is easy to implement in
PCB. Although more complex feeding methods yield better results, there is
always possibility of losses associated with improper fabrication. Since we
are dealing with GHz band, 2-5% band width is acceptable.

1.2 Methods of Analysis

There are three methods for analyzing microstrip antennas:

1. Transmission Line Model: It is the easiest of all three models. It

gives good physical insight but it is less accurate and it is more difficult
to model coupling.

2. Cavity Model: It is more accurate compared to transmission line

model and also more difficult. However, it also gives good physical
insight but it is rather difficult to model coupling.

3. Full Wave Model: In general, when applied properly, these models

are very accurate, very versatile, can treat single elements, finite and
infinite arrays, stacked elements, arbitrary shaped elements and cou-
pling. However, they are most complex models and physical insight is
very less.

In the present work, most of the results are based on full wave analysis
using HFSS. However, some transmission line models and their results are
also discussed in Chapter 5.

2 Antenna Design Methods

The most common approaches for designing microstrip antennas include:

• Deriving some mathematical equations that relates the geometrical pa-

rameters of the antenna, properties of the dielectric material used in
substrate and feeding arrangements using any of the approaches shown
in section 1.2. In [1] the transmission line model and cavity model of
rectangular and circular patches are derived.

• Modeling the antenna using some soft-computational tool such as ar-

tificial neural network. For training such network a large data set is
required. Usually data set is generated by adjusting physical dimen-
sions of the antenna and simulating it to find the resultant resonant

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frequency or other desired parameters. Once training is successfully

completed such models can be used to design new antenna.

• Another approach is trial and error method, where some parameters of

the antenna are manually adjusted and simulated to verify the result.
After running a few simulations we have an insight of the effects of
varying a parameter on the output of the antenna. Such experimental
results later can be used to derive theoretical model or soft computa-
tional model to attain higher accuracy.
In the present work, the trial and error method is practiced in most
cases. Attempts have been made to mathematically model the antennas and
compare the results with obtained results. The mathematical models are
supposed to be helpful in future for design of CSRR based antennas.

3 Commonly used Techniques for Enhancing

Performance of a Microstrip Antenna
The size of a simple rectangular patch is slightly less than half of the resonat-
ing wavelength. It is slightly less because due to fringing fields the effective
length of the antenna becomes slightly more than the physical length. Thus
if an antenna is designed for bluetooth or wireless application i.e., 2.4 GHz
(λ0 = 125 mm), the required patch length is about 6 cm. This size is quite
large for applications like mobile phone. Moreover, at many places for better
performance, a number of patches are to be combined together to make an
array. Thus the size becomes much higher than this.
Another problem of microstrip antennas is that it has less bandwidth. In
most of the cases it is convenient to use either strip line feeding or probe feed-
ing. As discussed in section 1.1 in these two types of feeding the bandwidth
is very less.
Another problem in microstrip antenna design is the minimization of re-
turn loss (S11 parameter). This ensures that the impedance between the
feed mechanism and the antenna are properly matched and hence there is
minimum reflection from the antenna back to the source. Usually the fre-
quency at which the return loss of an antenna becomes minimum is called
the resonating frequency of the antenna
A number of approaches have evolved over years to overcome these limi-
tations. Some commonly used techniques include:
• Modified Geometry of Patch: In this technique the patch shape is
different from the conventional rectangular or circular patches. Such

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shapes include H-shapes[2], S-shaped[3], diamond shape, [4] etc.

• Multilayered Substrate: In this approach two or more substrate

layers are used to obtain a modified effective dielectric constant. In
[5] we can see such a method where an air gap is used between the
dielectric solid substrate and ground plane. As we know, air is also a
dielectric material and hence it serves as a secondary substrate layer.
An additional advantage of using air as substrates is that by mechani-
cally adjusting the width of the air gap the effective dielectric constant
of the composite substrate and hence the resonating frequency can be
adjusted. In [6] a similar method is used but artificial neural network
based model is used to obtain the resonant frequency from the physical
parameters of the antenna inclusing the width of the air gap.

• Etching Slot Sections: In this approach some slot of different ge-

ometry is etched from the patch or the ground plane to enhance the
performance of the antenna. The slot can be of different size and shape.
The geometry of the patch usually become additional parameters that
can be adjusted to enhance the performance of the antenna. Such
designs can be seen at [7], [8] and [9].

• Metamaterial Based Designs: Metamaterials have some periodic

structures inside it. They can have negative values of either relative
permittivity [10] or relative permeability [11] or both [12]. These arti-
ficial materials can be used as substrate to enhance the performance of
an antenna.

• Metamaterial Inspired Designs: For practical purposes it is more

convenient to use to commercially available materials for substrate of
an antenna. Because of this metamaterial structural elements, mostly
the SRR ring proposed in [11] or some modified version of it are used
as radiator [13] cut slot [14] or load [15]. This techniques are widely
used for antenna design.

The present work primarily focuses on metamaterial inspired designs.

However, slots are also used in some cases for further enhancement of the
performance of the designed antennas.

4 Measure of Performance of Antenna

The two most common parameters used for analysis of an antenna are:

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i. Return Loss (S11 ) Parameter

ii. Transmittance (S21 ) Parameter

This two parameters are originally from the scattering matrix of a two-
port network. Here, the port 1 is the input port (the power source that feeds
the antenna) and the port 2 is the radiating element of the antenna. At
resonance the return loss (S11 ) reaches a minimum value.
Transmittance parameter is the measure of the energy transmitted from
the source to the radiator. Although it doesn’t give any information of res-
onance, the S21 parameter is to be high at the operating frequency of the
Apart from these two parameters, the field pattern and schmitt diagram
are used to evaluate the performance of an antenna.

5 High Frequency Structure Simulator (HFSS)

ANSYS HFSS software is the industry standard for simulating 3-D full-wave
electromagnetic fields. Its gold-standard accuracy, advanced solver and high-
performance compute technology have made it an essential tool for engineers
doing accurate and rapid design of high-frequency and high-speed electronic
components. HFSS offers multiple state-of the-art solver technologies based
on finite element, integral equation or advanced hybrid methods to solve
a wide range of microwave, RF and high-speed digital applications. It was
originally developed by Professor Zoltan Cendes and his students at Carnegie
Mellon University, who is currently the chief technology officer of Ansoft
Corporation, Pittsburgh, USA.
The HFSS basically uses the FDTD method for the analysis of anten-
nas. The major difference between FDTD and other numerical techniques is
that analytical processing and modeling are almost absent in FDTD. There-
fore, complex antennas can also be analyzed using FDTD. There are various
advantages of using FDTD method such as:

1. It is a direct implementation of the Maxwell’s curl equations. There-

fore, analytical processing of Maxwell’s equations are almost negligible.
2. It is capable of predicting broadband frequency response because the
analysis is carried out in time domain.
3. It is capable of analyzing complex systems, including wave interaction
with human body, or satellits, nonlinear device simulations, complex
antennas and so on.

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4. It is capable of analyzing structures using different types of materi-

als, for example, lossy dielectrics, magnetized ferrites, and anisotropic

5. Finally, it provides real time anumation display which is a powerful

tool for both a student and an electromagnetic designer.

Analysis of any problem using FDTD starts with dividing the structure
into various regions based on material properties. The unbounded region, if
any is then bounded by terminating it with absorbing medium or termination
such that reflections do not occur. Next, the problem’s physical space is
discritized in the form of a number of cuboids of size ∆x ∆y ∆z. The
time domain is also discritized with interval size ∆t. The structure is then
excited by an electromagnetic pulse. The wave launched by the pulse in the
structure is then studied for its propagation behavior. The stabilized time-
domain waveform is numerically processed to determine the time-domain and
frequency-domain characteristics of the structure [16].

6 Theoretical Overview of Metamaterial Based

Microstrip Antenna Design
Electromagnetic metamaterials are broadly defined as artificial effectively
homogeneous electromagnetic structures with unusual properties not readily
available in nature [17]. For a structure to be effectively homogeneous, its
average cell size, p should be less that one fourth of the guided wavelength
λg , that is, p < λg /4. Due to negative values of µ and ², these values can
yield negative refractive index (NRI). These materials are also called Left
Handed (LH) Metamaterials.
Electromagnetic metamaterials are broadly classified into two classes as
follows [17].

1. Resonant Particle (RP) Metamaterials: They generally consist of

sub-wavelength thin wires, providing a negative permeability, and split
ring resonators, providing a negative permeability, within a restricted
frequency range, so as to lead overall to an NRI response.

2. Transmission Line (TL) Metamaterials: TL metamaterials are

artificial structures constituted of sub-wavelength inductors and capac-
itors, where negative permittivity is provided by shunt inductors and
negative permeability is provided by series capacitors. These metama-
terials are also known as Planar Metamaterials.

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RP Metamaterials have a large number of drawbacks which include:

• They have narrow bandwidth and high losses due to resonant nature.

• They are bulky in size as the structures need to be fabricated inside

the dielectric (substrate) block.

• They are not readily available and production thus the production of
these materials require expensive setup.

As already discussed, planar metamaterials achieve the NRI behavior

by incorporating series capacitance and shunt inductance. However, due to
transmission line nature of microstrip lines and antennas, they already have
parasitic shunt capacitance and series inductance. Thus TL Metamateri-
als introduce the richer concept of Combined Right-Left Handed (CRLH)
Materials [17].
To illustrate how this CRLH concept can be implemented using planar
metamaterials, the design proposed by J. Ha et. al. in [14] can be considered
which is shown at figure 6. In this figure, the zigzag slot on the patch is
known as an interdigital capacitance. The structure at the ground plan
(bottom) is known as a complementary split ring resonator (CSRR). The
interdigital capacitor can be modeled as a capacitor, in series and the CSRR
can be modeled as an LC tank circuit. Apart from that due to transmission
line effect, there will be a series inductance and a shunt capacitance. The
equivalent circuit of this antenna is shown in figure 7. Here the antenna
is modeled as a T-network, where, LA and CA respectively are parasitic
inductance and capacitance of the antenna, responsible for the right-handed
behavior. On the other hand the effective capacitance, CI of the interdigital
capacitor and the effective inductance LC of the CSRR are responsible for
the left-handed behavior of the antenna.

7 CSRR: A Theoretical Review and Applica-

The idea of electromagnetic metamaterial for obtaining negative values of
permittivity and permeability of a dielectric medium is very old. Two pioneer
works that made a practical approach for realization of such materials are
[10] and [11]. In [10], M. M. Sigalas et. al. proposed a photonic band gap
structure comprising of wire segments that can give rise to negative value of
permittivity (²). Negative value of permeability (µ) can be obtained using
split ring resonator (SRR) proposed by J. B. Pendry in [11].

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Figure 6: Top and bottom view of a CRLH Microstrip Antenna

Figure 7: Equivalent circuit of the CRLH antenna

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With the evolution of planar metamaterial, the complement of the split

ring resonator, popularly known as the complementary split ring resonator
(CSRR) became very popular. The complementary split ring resonator
(CSRR) was presented in 2004 by F. Falcone et. al. in [18]. The SRR
is arranged as a grid in a resonant particle type metamaterial block to ob-
tain negative value of magnetic permeability (µ) of the substrate at a certain
band of interest. The CSRR, following the principles of duality and comple-
mentarity, yields negative value of electric permittivity (²) at a narrow band
above its resonant frequency. Hence, in the initial works, CSRR was proposed
as a notch filter to remove certain frequencies in a microstrip transmission
Later, CSRR found its applications in the design of microstrip antennas as
well. A number of novel works have been published in the recent years where
the CSRR enhanced the performance of microstrip antennas. Examples of
CSRR being used to reduce the electrical size of the antennas are found in
[19], [20] and [21]. On the other hand, in [22], [23] and [24] resonance at two
or more frequencies are found to obtain using CSRR. Moreover, in ultra wide
band (UWB) antennas, it is can be to notch certain frequencies which are
not desirable [25]. However, that is quite straight forward and is analogous
to the use of CSRR is microstrip line.

7.1 The LC Equivalent Model and Related Mathemat-

ical Expressions
The SRR and the CSRR, to fit the convention of transmission line model, is
often modeled as an LC tank circuit.
One of the pioneer works for modeling the SRR and CSRR using equiv-
alent circuit is [26] which is shown in figure 8.
Now we need Cc and L0 to get the values of the resonant frequency of the
SRR or the CSRR. The value of CSRR is given by equation 1 [26].

Z · µ ² ¶¸
π 3 ²0 ∞
[bB(kb) − aB(ka)]2 1+ ²0
Cc = 2 0.5 1 + ²0 dk (1)
c 0 k2 1+ ²

Similarly, the value of L0 is given by equation 2 [27].

π 3 µ0 ∞ [bB(kba) − aB(ka)]2
L0 = 2 dk (2)
c 0 k2
Where a and b are given by equations 3 and 4 respectively.

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Figure 8: Topologies of the: (a) SRR and (b) CSRR, and their equivalent-
circuit models (ohmic losses can be taken into account by including a series
resistance in the model). Grey zones represent the metallization. [26]

a = r0 − (3)
b=c+a (4)
B is given by equation 5.
B(x) = S0 (x)J1 (x) − S1 (x)J0 (x) (5)
Where, Sn (x) is the nth order Struve function of x and Jn (x) is the nth order
Bessel function of x. The nth order Struve function of x is given by equation
(−1)m ³ x ´m+1
Sn (x) = (6)
Γ(m + 3/2)Γ(m + n + 3/2) 2
The nth order Bessel function of x is given by equation 7
³ 2 ´m
³ x ´n X
∞ −x
Jn (x) = (7)
2 m=0 m! Γ(n + m + 1)

One limitation of such models is that they are too complicated to calculate
and they are often limited to the first resonance of the CSRR structure which
may be beyond the area of interest.

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Figure 9: Pass band filter using CSRR

7.2 The Fundamental of CSRR as Applied to Microstrip

Line and Microstrip Antennas
As said by Pendry in [11], the SRR gives negative value of megnatic perme-
ability (µ) of a material. CSRR, being the complementary structure of the
SRR, gives negative value of electric permittivity (²) in a narrow band above
its resonant frequency. Thus when the CSRR is applied below a microstrip
line, the wave passing through the line is notched at that frequency. Hence
the CSRR can be used as a narrow band stop filter. To make the filter a
pass band instead of a stop band, capacitive gaps need to be etched in the
microstrip line to nullify the tank inductance. The structure with capacitive
gaps is given in figure 9.
The microstrip patch along with the ground plane is often modeled as a
cavity resonator. Two walls of the cavity, namely the patch and the ground
plane, are perfect electric conductor (PEC) whereas the remaining six walls
(the two radiating edges and the two non-radiating edges) are perfect mag-
netic conductors (PMC). The dielectric is filled inside the cavity. When a
CSRR is etched from the ground plane below that patch, in a narrow band
near the resonance frequency of the patch. Thus at that frequency the a part
of the dielectric inside the cavity is of negative permittivity. This gives rise
to change in the resonant frequencies of the antenna.

8 Experimental Measurement of Resonant Fre-

quency of CSRR
Although there are a number of analytical and numerical model available
for calculation of resonant frequency of an SRR and CSRR, they have some
limitations. From experimental results it is found that a CSRR resonates at
more than one frequency. Therefore it is necessary to observe all the resonant
frequencies of the CSRR near the band of our interest. An approach that

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gives the resonant frequency of the CSRR along with the combined effects of
the substrate and the patch material.

Figure 10: Experimental setup for measurement of the resonant frequency of


Figure 11: Frequency vs. Transmission Parameter (S21 ) plot that indicates
resonant frequency of the CSRR

We have found that at resonant frequency the CSRR behaves like a notch
filter when etched on the ground plane below a microstrip line. This property
may be used to estimate the resonant frequency of the CSRR. The experi-
mental setup is as shown in figure 10. A CSRR is etched from the ground
plane below the microstrip line. It is to be noted that the thickness of the

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ground plane and the copper is kept exactly same as that of the antenna.
This is maintained to keep the surface capacitance fixed which plays a key
role in the resonant frequency of a CSRR [28].
Now the transmission parameter (S21 ) is calculated using simulation. Fig-
ure 11 shows how this plot indicates the notch in the resonant frequency of
the CSRR. Thus this setup gives the resonant frequency of the CSRR.

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Design -Theory and Experiments”, IEEE transactions on antennas and

propagation, Vol. 51, No. 10, pp: 2572-2581, October 2003

[28] O. Sydoruk, E. Tatartschuk, E. Shamonina, and L. Solymar, “Analytical

Formulation for the Resonant Frequency of Split Rings”, Journal of applied
physics, Vol. 105, No. 014903, pp: 1-4, 2009

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