S V Exercises

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Exercise 1

Choose the correct verbs from the options in the parentheses.

1. The heart, although weighing less than 12 ounces, (is, are) a muscle about the size of a person’s fist.

2. This muscle in both children and adults (beat, beats) more than 100,000 times each day.

3. The walls of the heart (contract, contracts), forcing blood to rush out.

4. The lungs in either side of the heart (take, takes) oxygen from the air and add it to the blood.

5. A network of tubes (connect, connects) the heart to all the organs in the body.

6. The veins in this network (bring, brings) blood to the heart.

7. Arteries, on the other hand, (carry, carries) the blood away.

8. A system of valves (control, controls) the flow of blood throughout the heart itself.

9. The heart, along with 100,000 miles of arteries and veins, (supply, supplies) the oxygen needed by the body.

10. This hollow muscle (is, are) the most efficient and durable pump ever created.

Exercise 2

Underline the correct verbs in the parentheses.

1. Jun, along with other students, (think, thinks) of pursuing a career.

2. There (is, are) a good chance of thunderstorms today.
3. Most of the missing jewelry (has, have) been found at the pawnshop.
4. One of the kid’s wishes this month (is, are) to explore the cave.
5. All of the water in the different cans (is, are) contaminated.
6. Some of the ice (has, have) melted.
7. Where (is, are) the food you promised to buy?
8. Some books in the library (is, are) missing.
9. The scriptwriter and director of the play (is, are) a member of the graduating class.
10. One of today’s lessons in English (is, are) not easy.
11. Neither the singer nor his song (has, have) impressed the audience.
12. The President and his cabinet members (come, comes) for the commemoration.
13. Are you aware that the sale of tickets (has, have) started?
14. The decision of the Dean (stand, stands).
15. Down the road (skip, skips) the child.
16. Beneath these buildings (is, are) workers willing to join the training.
17. They pick the participants who (is, are) willing to join the training.
18. Three days (was, were) all I missed last year.
19. Three-fourths of the boxed fruits (was, were) spoiled.
20. Mathematics (seem, seems) easy this year.
21. Some of the delegates (is, are) disappointed over the result of the convention.
22. A mother and a career woman (has, have) a challenging job.
23. New words and new meanings for old words (is, are) included in all modern dictionaries.
24. Either a loan or a scholarship (is, are) included in all modern dictionaries.
25. Neither sheets nor towels (is, are) provided in the camp.
Exercise 3.

Underline the correct verbs in the parentheses.

1. There (is, are) at least two ways to find the answer.

2. The class (was, were) going to different camps.

3. Mumps (is, are) certainly an uncomfortable ailment.

4. There (is, are) 7,200 islands in the Philippines.

5. My classmates and friend (don’t, doesn’t) know about it.

6. Both Janet and Hilda (hope, hopes) to get summer jobs.

7. The news (has, have ) surprised us all.

8. Either the followers or the leader (don’t, doesn’t) understand the instructions.

9. A number of students (gather, gathers) in the gym.

10. A number of students (was, were) outspoken.

11. The new pair of pants (has, have) been repaired by the tailor.

12. That flock of geese (make, makes) a beautiful pattern in the sky.

13. What I must do (is, are) all that concerns me.

14. That you should vote wisely (is, are) the great challenge.

15. The living (continue, continues) the good works of Christ.

16. Down the street (live, lives) the poor shoemakers.

17. Any sensible idea (is, are) acceptable.

18. Much wealth (is, are) necessary.

19. A very beautiful scenery (attract, attracts) attention.

20. Much sad news (come, comes) after the typhoons.

21. A pair of scissors (symbolize, symbolizes) film censorship.

22. The woods (has, have) abundant resources.

23. Ethics (help, helps) a person make good decisions.

24. Ice cream and cake (is, are) not good for dieters.

25. There (is, are) thirty-one days in March.

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