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Digitalization of recruitment process

Focusing on Applicant Tracking system

By Vrunda Suchak HRM19061
Recruitment and digitalisation

● Recruitment refers to the overall process of attracting, shortlisting, selecting and appointing suitable
candidates for jobs within an organization
● A good recruitment process can reduce the time involved in searching, interviewing, recruiting and
training. It streamlines these procedures and makes the search more efficient for viable candidates.
● Digitalization has played a massive role in the transformation of the talent recruitment process in the last
few years. It reduces time and cost involved in the hiring new candidates and reaches more people via
online hiring forums like head hunt,Naukri etc.,
● Online job applications has made life easier on both ends by saving time for the applicants on filling
lengthy forms and never ending paper work , resume reviews for recruiters.
Applicant tracking system

● An applicant tracking system(ATS) is

a software applicationthat enables the
electronic handling of recruitment needs.
● An ATS can be implemented or accessed
online on an enterprise or small business
level, depending on the needs of the
company.An ATS is very similar to
customer relationship management(CRM)
systems but are designed for recruitment
tracking purposes.
● In many cases they filter applications
automatically based on given criteria such
as keywords, skills, former employers,
years of experience and schools attended.
● This has caused many to adapt resume
optimizationtechniques similar to those
used in search engine optimizationwhen
creating and formatting their resume.
Benefits of Applicant tracking system
● Applicant tracking systems help businesses to filter through unsolicited resumes. They provide simple,
impartial solutions to the growing problem of resume management.
● Such systems also keep resumes in the system, thus if a future position arises that is more appropriate for
the candidate, the system will flag it as positive.
● Such technology is also more efficient in terms of time and money. Automated systems reduce paperwork
and lower administrative and advertising costs.
● It filters unsolicited resumes and helps in fast forwarding the recruitment process
● It also gives you further match rates and match of number of keywords that meet the job description best for
further selection
Disadvantages of Applicant tracking
● Applicant tracking systems only looks for resumes that meet the exact requirements of the position.
Therefore recent college graduates, borderline candidates or those switching Careers will be at a
disadvantage, and the resumes that you are left with will be from a very limited job seeker audience.
● Automated systems are often unreliable and can reject resumes for unnecessary reasons, such as if
the scanner is unable to read them properly. Some resumes received will be more complicated to read
and oftentimes such systems are unable to correctly read them.
● Some applicant tracking systems limit the information applicants can provide, due to character
restricted application fields. This may lead you to eliminate a perfectly suitable candidate for the
● Applicant tracking systems doesnt intake any graphic resumes only permitted to bullet points.
● Applicants have to customize and edit their resume to match the job description to have a chance to get
through ATS.

Weighing the pros and cons of ATS as a result of digitalization in recruitment process. I am of view
that even though it has potential benefits of saving time and money. ATS reduces the chance of
talented people being hired which can result in increased unemployment rate.As Oleg Vishnepolsky
Global CTO the daily mail says “ Hire the person not the resume”.

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