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Statement of problem

On previous days (1990s) people use to see the sun so as they can know what is the time of the
day since watch were very expensive to afford and small number of people own analogy watch.

The purpose of this project is to develop system will help a user computer to set a task due to the
use of advanced digital watch. Such as meeting, breakfast, lunch, presentation e.t.c, also it will include
other functionality such as time, alarm, location, and weather conditions.

Purpose of the problem

To keep track of elapsed time or to make other measurements


It increases efficiency and productivity in performing work to the user. Since every event it has been put
into schedule in advanced digital watch for desktop.

Research Objectives
i. Determine the effectiveness of advanced digital watch on reach and creation of awareness.

ii. Establish the reliability of advanced digital watch through computers.

iii Determine the relationship between application and the user.

iv. To display whatever is scheduled (scheduling ability)

v. Ability to connect to internet (wife/wireless).

Vi.To detect weather, day/night.

Vii.To track the location due to use of GPS.

Research Questions
1. What data is available on advanced digital watch?
2. What interfacing methods are available to the device?
3. How can the data be retrieved?
4. How could this data be verified, or can it be falsified?
5. Can advanced digital watch make the process more efficient (shorten the steps) and easier?
6. Can advanced digital watch perform a task in computer.

Advanced digital watch will perform functionality such as automatic time, manual time, scheduling
ability, location of the place weather condition of the area etc.

The extent of the area or subject matter that something deals with or to which it is relevant.

A system will be run on desktop computers.

Significance of the study

It will simplify the work due to use advanced digital watch in the computers.

It increases efficiency and high productivity in work place.

 Reduces the perception of wait times

 Adaptation to the context and audience
 Decreased complaints
 Attractive contents
 Dynamic Advertising
 More enjoyable consumption experience
 Collection of statistical data

Because digital clocks can be very small and inexpensive devices that enhance the popularity of
product designs, they are often incorporated into all kinds of devices such as cars,
radios, televisions, microwave ovens, standard ovens, computers and cell phones. Sometimes their
usefulness is disputed: a common complaint is that when time has to be set to Daylight Saving Time,
many household clocks have to be readjusted. The incorporation of automatic synchronization by a
radio time signal is reducing this problem (see Radio clock).

Operational definition of key terms




This chapter represents literature review partnering this project .it covers conceptual review that guided
this study, a conceptual framework, theoretical perspective and related literature and studies.

Conceptual review

Theoretical perspective

In 1970, the first digital wristwatch with an LED display was mass-produced. Called the Pulsar, and
produced by the Hamilton Watch Company, this watch was hinted at two years prior when the same
company created a prototype digital watch for Kubrick's 2001: A Space Odyssey. Throughout the 1970s,
despite the initial hefty cost of digital watches, the popularity of said devices steadily rose.

Related Literature

In all walks of life, digitals system are making sophisticated approach to the mankind. Of course the
machines cannot be replaced by human beings in exact accuracy in some fields. For a long time humans
were using analog devices in our case analog clocks in their daily life.

The first digital pocket watch was the invention of Austrian engineer Josef Pallweber who created his
"jump-hour" mechanism in 1883. Instead of a conventional dial, the jump-hour featured two windows in
an enamel dial, through which the hours and minutes are visible on rotating discs. The second hand
remained conventional. By 1885 Pallweber mechanism was already on the market in pocket watches by
Cortébert and IWC; arguably contributing to the subsequent rise and commercial success of IWC. The
principles of Pallweber jump-hour movement had appeared in wristwatches by the 1920s (Cortébert)
and are still used today (ChronoswissDigiteur). While the original inventor didn't have a watch brand at
the time, his name has since been resurrected by a newly established watch manufacturer.

Plato clocks used a similar idea but a different layout. These spring-wound pieces consisted of a glass
cylinder with a column inside, affixed to which were small digital cards with numbers printed on
thewhich flipped as time passed. The Plato clocks were introduced at the St. Louis World Fair in 1904,
produced by Ansonia Clock Company. Eugene Fitch of New York patented the clock design in 1903. 13
years earlier Josef Pallweber had patented the same invention using digital cards (different from his
1885 patent using moving disks) in Germany (DRP No. 54093).The German factory
AktiengesellschaftfürUhrenfabrikationLenzkirch made such digital clocks in 1893 and 1894.

The earliest patent for a digital alarm clock was registered by D.E Protzmann and others on October 23,
1956, in the United States. Protzmann and his associates also patented another digital clock in 1970,
which was said to use a minimal amount of moving parts. Two side-plates held digital numerals between
them, while an electric motor and cam gear outside controlled movement.

3.1 Introduction

This chapter focuses on research methodology that was used in the study. It provides a detailed
description of the research approach adopted in this study. Research design, target population, research
instruments, data collection and analysis methods used were presented in the subsequent sections.

3.2 Research Design

This study used descriptive research. Descriptive research involves gathering data that describe events
and then organizes, tabulates, depicts, and describes the data collection (Glass & Hopkins, 1984). It often
uses visual aids such as graphs and charts to aid the reader in understanding the data distribution and
therefore offered a better clarification on online advertising, and ultimately give a clear picture on the
effectiveness and reliability of online advertising and its relationship to purchase decision.

3.3 Population of the Study

University of Nairobi has over 63,000 registered students with 48,000 in undergraduate and 15,000 in
postgraduate as at July 2013 according to the Varsity Focus Newsletter. This study targeted
undergraduate students of the University of Nairobi because of their background diversity and exposure to
advertising with a larger percentage using the internet. Students of the University of Nairobi are provided
with the Internet access through wireless connection, and therefore, the chances for them accessing online
advertising via social media are very high. On the same basis of their diverse background, only
undergraduate students from the Main campus were chosen for this study.

3.4 Sample Design

Stratified sampling technique was used to select the units for study. 100, module I and II undergraduate
students of the University of Nairobi Main campus was used as a study sample to represent the
population of consumers.

This sample was stratified into each of the four years of study and respondents were randomly selected
from each stratum to come up with the representative sample of 100 for the entire population. This was
a viable sampling technique since it gave the advantages of focusing on important subpopulations and
allowed the use of different sampling technique for different subpopulations in improving the accuracy
of estimation.
3.5 Data Collection

The research made use of primary data, which was collected using structured questionnaire distributed
to the 100 respondents sampled from the University of Nairobi main campus, found outside the library,
from classes, within the university square and within the hostels. The administered questionnaires were
collected after completion by the respondents on the same day and their responses used for analysis.
The questionnaire had both open ended questions to enable guide the respondent through filling of the
questionnaire as well as probe them for more information.

3.6 Validity and Reliability

Content validity refers to the extent to which an instrument represents the factors under study. To
achieve content validity, questionnaires included a variety of questions on the knowledge of students on
internet advertising and consumer behaviour. All the subjects completed the questionnaires in the
presence of the researcher. This was done to prevent subjects from giving questionnaires to other
people to complete on their behalf.

Reliability can be ensured by minimizing sources of measurement error like data collector bias. Data
collector bias was minimized by the researcher’s being the only one to administer the questionnaires,
and standardizing conditions such as exhibiting similar personal attributes to all respondents, e.g.,
friendliness and support. Pilot testing was carried out by the researcher to identify any flaws on the
questionnaire to reduce errors of measurement and test for consistency.
Compared with the traditional mechanical clock, electronic clock has more advantages. Due to
the development of digital integrated circuits and the use of advanced quartz technology,
electronic clocks have the advantages of accurate running time, stable performance and
convenient carrying. Electronic clocks are used for automatic alarm and automatic ringing on
time. Time program automatic control, timing broadcast and automatic control and other fields.

After all, electronic clocks are electronic products, electronic products have radiation, but the
electronic clock harm is extremely low, not enough harm to the human body, not as much
radiation as mobile phones.

Principle of Operation

An electronic clock is a timing device that displays time, minutes, and seconds in human visual
1. Its timing period is 24 hours, the full scale is 23:59:59, and it has the function of correcting
and reporting time. Therefore, a basic digital clock circuit is mainly composed of decoding
display, "time", "minute", "second" counter, timing circuit, time reporting circuit and oscillator.
2. The main circuit system is composed of second signal generator, "hour, minute, second"
counter, decoder and display, timing circuit, point time circuit.
3. The second signal generator is the time base signal of the whole system. It directly determines
the precision of the timing system and is usually realized by adding a frequency divider to the
quartz crystal oscillator. The standard second signal is sent into the second counter, and the
second counter uses a 60 system counter, which sends out a "sub-pulse" signal for each
accumulative 60 seconds. The signal will be used as the clock pulse of the "sub-counter".
4. The division counter also uses a hexadecimal counter, which sends out a "time pulse" signal
for every accumulated 60 minutes, which will be sent to the "time counter". "hour counter" uses
24-ary timer, can achieve 24 hours a day cumulative. The output states of the "time", "minute"
and "second" counters are decoded by a seven-segment display decoder and displayed by a
seven-segment display.
5. The timing circuit generates a pulse signal according to the output state of the timing system,
and then triggers an audio generator to realize the timing. Timing circuits are used to calibrate
the time, minutes, and seconds display numbers.

At present, because of the direct and effective LCD digital display, electronic clock is mostly used in the
main business place of the city, as well as in the public places such as station, wharf and so on. When
setting electronic clocks in public places, users can also set up lcd screens according to the surrounding
climate, temperature, etc. At the same time, because the lcd display power consumption is very low, so
can maintain continuous work effect.

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