Integration of Servicenow With IBM Watson

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Setup Guide

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Watson Services Setup Guide

Table of Contents
1 Overview ....................................................................................................................... 3
2 Prerequisites .................................................................................................................. 4
3 Service API Versioning .................................................................................................... 4
4 Installing Watson Services Application Update Set .......................................................... 4
5 Configure Bluemix .......................................................................................................... 6
5.1 Setting up Watson Services ......................................................................................................6
6 Configure ServiceNow .................................................................................................... 7
6.1 Authentication Profiles .............................................................................................................7
6.2 Properties..................................................................................................................................8
6.3 Assigning Roles..........................................................................................................................9
7 ServiceNow Functions .................................................................................................. 11

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Watson Services Setup Guide

1 Overview
This document describes steps to install the IBM Watson Services Application as well as how to
configure IBM Bluemix Services and connect with ServiceNow.
After completing these steps, you will be able to start utilizing function calls to build custom
applications for a particular service or use anywhere within ServiceNow such as getting sentiment
in a Virtual Agent Topic using the Natural Language Understanding functions.
The following service have been built within the application and can be utilized once setup is
• Watson Assistant: With the IBM Watson™ Assistant service, you can build a solution that
understands natural-language input and uses machine learning to respond to customers in
a way that simulates a conversation between humans.
• Discovery: IBM Watson™ Discovery makes it possible to rapidly build cognitive, cloud-
based exploration applications that unlock actionable insights hidden in unstructured data
— including your own proprietary data, as well as public and third-party data.
With Discovery, it only takes a few steps to prepare your unstructured data, create a query
that will pinpoint the information you need, and then integrate those insights into your
new application or existing solution.
• Language Translator: IBM Watson™ Language Translator can identify the language of text
and translate it into different languages programmatically.
In addition to using the provided translation models, you can build upon the base
translation models to create your own custom models for your use case.
• Natural Language Classifier: IBM Watson™ Natural Language Classifier uses machine
learning algorithms to return the top matching predefined classes for short text inputs.
Natural Language Classifier can help your application understand the language of short
texts and make predictions about how to handle them. A classifier learns from your
example data and then can return information for texts that it is not trained on.
• Natural Language Understanding: With IBM Watson™ Natural Language Understanding,
developers can analyze semantic features of text input, including categories, concepts,
emotion, entities, keywords, metadata, relations, semantic roles, and sentiment.
• Personality Insights: The IBM Watson™ Personality Insights service provides an application
programming interface (API) for deriving insights from social media, enterprise data, or
other digital communications. The service uses linguistic analytics to infer individuals'
intrinsic personality characteristics from digital communications such as email, text
messages, tweets, and forum posts.
The service infers, from potentially noisy social media, portraits of individuals that reflect
their personality characteristics. It can also determine individuals' consumption
preferences, which indicate their likelihood to prefer various products, services, and
• Speech to Text: The IBM® Speech to Text service provides application programming
interfaces (APIs) that you can use to add speech transcription capabilities to your
applications. The service leverages machine intelligence to transcribe the human voice
accurately. The service combines information about grammar and language structure with
knowledge of the composition of the audio signal.

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Watson Services Setup Guide

• Text to Speech: The IBM® Text to Speech service provides an application programming
interface (API) that uses IBM's speech-synthesis capabilities to convert written text to
natural-sounding speech.
• Tone Analyzer: The IBM Watson™ Tone Analyzer service uses linguistic analysis to detect
emotional and language tones in written text. The service can analyze tone at both the
document and sentence levels. You can use the service to understand how your written
communications are perceived and then to improve the tone of your communications.
Businesses can use the service to learn the tone of their customers' communications and to
respond appropriately to each customer, or to understand and improve their customer
conversations in general.
• Visual Recognition: The IBM Watson™ Visual Recognition service uses deep learning
algorithms to analyze images for scenes, objects, faces, and other content. The response
includes keywords that provide information about the content.

2 Prerequisites
Prior to installing update set for the integration, the following prerequisites are required:
• ServiceNow Environment (Version Kingston+)
• Bluemix Account (with ability to Create services)

3 Service API Versioning

Some API requests require a version that takes a date in the format YYYY-MM-DD. The application
has been configured with the below versions (Note: if using an older/newer version, run tests to
ensure everything is still working properly).
Service Current Configured Version
Watson Assistant 2018-02-16
Discovery 2018-03-05
Natural Language Understanding 2018-03-16
Personality Insights 2017-10-13
Tone Analyzer 2017-09-21
Visual Recognition 2018-03-19

4 Installing Watson Services Application Update Set

The Watson Services Application has been created as a scoped application and published to an
update set for loading into a ServiceNow Environment. To install the update set, follow the below
1. Navigate to System Update Sets -> Retrieved Update Sets

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Watson Services Setup Guide

2. Under Related Links, click Import Update Set from XML

3. Browse for the downloaded Update set, once selected, press Upload.

4. Navigate into the record uploaded (filtering by loaded date will help)

5. Preview Update Set

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Watson Services Setup Guide

6. Commit Update Set

5 Configure Bluemix
In order to run any of the Watson Services, you must have a Bluemix account, if you have not
already configured your Bluemix account please visit: IBM Bluemix Tutorial.
Upon completing this section, you will have a Watson Service up and running ready for API calls to
be made.

5.1 Setting up Watson Services

Follow the steps below if you have not already added a Watson Service to your account.
1. Once you have signed in, navigate to the catalog, scroll down to AI, and select a service
supported by the application.

2. Then select the plan you wish to use and click Create. For this example, the Lite plan will
provide everything you need to begin testing.

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Watson Services Setup Guide

3. Once the Service is created, click show credentials and save the username/password as they
will be used later when updating the Authentication Profiles inside ServiceNow.

6 Configure ServiceNow

6.1 Authentication Profiles

Follow the steps below if you have not already added a Watson Service to your account.
1. Navigate to IBM Watson Services -> Authentication Profiles

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Watson Services Setup Guide

2. Select the Service Profile and update the username/password (Note: if you do not have the
Watson Services application selected, a message will prompt you for clicking “here” to edit the

6.2 Properties
Each service contains a properties page, in which an administrator of that service can configure.
Some properties are related to whether data is to be imported, while others are used when API
calls are made. To find the properties page follow the steps below:
1. Navigate to IBM Watson Services - > {Service (Example: Watson Assistant)} -> Properties

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2. Update properties as needed such as version (if applicable), whether to import data, etc.

6.3 Assigning Roles

The Watson Services application comes with a number of rolls that can be assigned. A IBM Watson
Services Administrator has access to everything installed with the app and is the only role (other
than a basic System Admin) to be able to update the Authentication profiles. Roles can be assigned
to restrict access to a particular service. For instance, if you want to have a user only administrate
Discovery, the Discovery Admin role can be assigned, and that user and they would only have
access to the modules, property page, and tables to that service. However, they would not be able
to see anything related to Watson Assistant, unless they contained the role as well.
Below is a list of all available roles and what they do:
Role Description
IBM Watson Services Administrator.
ibm_watson_services_admin Has access to all modules, including
Authentication Profiles & Import Data.
Can only administrate the IBM Watson Assistant

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Watson Services Setup Guide

Has access to only the Watson Assistant

modules, properties page, and tables (if
Can only administrate the IBM Watson
Discovery Service.
Has access to only the Discovery modules,
properties page, and tables (if applicable).
Can only administrate the IBM Watson Language
Translator Service.
ibm_watson_language_translator_admin Has access to only the Language Translator
modules, properties page, and tables (if
Can only administrate the IBM Watson Natural
Language Classifier Service.
ibm_watson_natural_language_classifier_admin Has access to only the Natural Language
Classifier modules, properties page, and tables
(if applicable).
Can only administrate the IBM Watson Natural
Language Understanding Service.
ibm_watson_natural_language_understanding_admin Has access to only the Natural Language
Understanding modules, properties page, and
tables (if applicable).
Can only administrate the IBM Watson
Personality Insights Service.
ibm_watson_personality_insights_admin Has access to only the Personality Insights
modules, properties page, and tables (if
Can only administrate the IBM Watson Speech
to Text Service.
Has access to only the Speech to Text modules,
properties page, and tables (if applicable).
Can only administrate the IBM Watson Text to
Speech Service.
Has access to only the Text to Speech modules,
properties page, and tables (if applicable).
Can only administrate the IBM Watson Tone
Analyzer Service.
Has access to only the Tone Analyzer modules,
properties page, and tables (if applicable).
Can only administrate the IBM Watson Visual
Recognition Service.
ibm_watson_visual_recognition_admin Has access to only the Visual Recognition
modules, properties page, and tables (if

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Watson Services Setup Guide

7 ServiceNow Functions
All available API calls that ServiceNow could make, have been wrapped in functions. Each function
is then available to call anywhere within ServiceNow, such as running in a Business Rule or using in
a Virtual Agent Topic. To find the documentation and learn more about what the functions do,
follow the steps below:
1. Navigate to IBM Watson Services - > {Service (Example: Watson Assistant)} -> ServiceNow

2. Once the page loads you will be able to explore all function calls, such as knowing what type of
parameters need to be passed, example of how to call the function, and expected result.


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