Pharmaceutical Promotion Tools Effect On Physicians' Adoption of Medicine Prescribing in Pakistan

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Pharmaceutical Promotion Tools Effect on Physicians’ Adoption of Medicine

Prescribing in Pakistan

Dear participating physician

This study is intended to find out the nature of the pharmaceutical promotion
tools impact on physicians adoption of medicine in Pakistan. At the end of this study, we hope that we would be
able to understand the behaviors, knowledge and attitudes of physicians in Pakistan toward this relationship.
“ Please note that you are not obliged to fill in this questionnaire. However, if you do so, we will be pleased and
grateful since this is probably the first study ever to be conducted in Pakistan regarding this topic. You will also
help us to add new information to the literature regarding this issue. ”

A) Demographic data:

(1) Sex: 1.( ) Male 2.( ) Female

(2) Age(Years)

i. 30-40

ii. 41-50

iii. 51-60

(3) Study abroad: 1.( ) Yes. 2. ( ) No. 3. Specify the country: …………………………………...

(4) Work abroad: 1.( ) Yes. 2. ( ) No. 3. Specify the country: ……………………………..…….

(5) Job titles: : (You can chose more than one)

1. ( ) Consultant 2. ( ) Specialist. 3. () Medical Officer
4. ( ) Professor. 5. ( ) Associate-professor. 6. ( ) Registrar. 7. ( ) Other, [specify]: …….…..…………

(6) Main specialty:

1. ( ) Emergency medicine. 4. ( ) Cardiologist
2. ( ) Family medicine. 5. ( ) Pediatrics.
3. ( ) Surgery 6. ( )Others……….

(7)Years of Experience:
i. 1-10
ii. 11-20
iii. 21-30
iv. 31-40
Direct to doctor Advertising:
Please fill in the following table:
1 2 3 4 5
Strongly Strongly
Do you agree or disagree with the following statements: agree
Agree Neutral Disagree

(1) Accepting gifts from PRs oblige me in changing

of my decision regarding the prescription/Rx
(Switching from one brand to another brand)
(2) Doctors in my institution accept gifts from PRs.
(3) In general, decision of other physicians in my
Institute, regarding change in their prescription is
influenced after receiving gifts from PRs.
(4) PRs mainly provide accurate information about
their medications.

(5) Detailing by PRs increases my preference

for prescribing the promoted drug.

(6) Drug information from PRs is important and

reliable than other sources.

Electronic Detailing:

Please fill in the following table:

1 2 3 4 5
Strongly Strongly
Do you agree or disagree with the following statements: Agree Neutral Disagree
agree disagree

(1) I perceive e-detailing positively.

(2) My attitude toward e-detailing is positive.

(3) E-detailing is more efficient than traditional
detailing because it is more informative.
(4) Detailing of PR by Tablet Oblige me in
changing of my prescription/Rx(changing from
one brand to another brand).
(5 ) E-detailing is more efficient than traditional
detailing because it allows me to conduct longer and
deeper research about the medicine.
Direct to Consumer Advertising:

Please fill in the following table:

1 2 3 4 5
Strongly Strongly
Do you agree or disagree with the following statements: Agree Neutral Disagree
agree disagree
(1) I believe that DTC advertising is, in general
beneficial to my patients awareness.
(2) I felt oblige to prescribe advertised
medications(Journal advertisement, advertisement
on T.V , clinic advertisements).
(3)I feel obligate to prescribe a drug for the
patient(who had asked for a specific drug to be

(4) Did the fact that this patient saw an

advertisement create any problems for your
interaction with this patient.

RTDs(Round Table Discussions):

Please fill in the following table:
1 2 3 4 5
Strongly Strongly
Do you agree or disagree with the following Agree Neutral Disagree
agree disagree
(1) I believe that RTDs improve my
knowledge about a generic or product.
(2) RTDs by pharmaceutical companies
oblige me in changing of my Clinical

(3) Generally RTDs presentations held by

pharmaceutical companies increase their good will
in front of me.
(4) I believe that RTDs are important
source of assessing drug knowledge.
Doctor Adoption of medicine:

Please fill in the following table:

1 2 3 4 5
Strongly Strongly
Do you agree or disagree with the following statements: agree
Agree Neutral Disagree

(1)For adoption of new therapy/medication I

follow the prescription pattern of my Senior
(2)Drug information and sharing of clinical trials
studies by PRs increase my preference to adopt a
new therapy.
(3)Funded clinical trials by Pharmaceutical
companies oblige me in adopting a new therapy or

(4)While adopting a new medication i consider word

Reputability of that pharmaceutical company.

Role of Generic Medicine:

1 2 3 4 5
Strongly Strongly
Do you agree or disagree with the following statements: agree
Agree Neutral Disagree
(1)I feel that medical representative is a good source of
information for me(relating availability and price of
generic medicine).

(2) I believe that detailing by medical representative

oblige my prescribing Pattern regarding generic drug.

((3)I believe that my prescribing decision is affected by

Medical Representative visit.

(4)Generic medicine manufacturing/marketing companies

promotional strategies and policies oblige me in my
choice of prescribing generic medicines.

(5)Minor gifts by pharmaceutical companies

e.g. (table reminders ) help me to remember the name name
of generic medicine.

(6) I feel that Socioeconomic condition of my patient

obliged my decision relating generic drug Prescription.
(7)Credibility of the manufacture is my concern when
prescribing generic Medicines over branded medicine.

Thank You

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