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World History

Mr. Dawkins
Attendance/Make Up Policy:
If you are absent, it is your responsibility to find out what you missed while you were gone and to make up any missed
work, quizzes, or tests. Make sure you make arrangements to borrow Mr. Dawkins’ notebook to fill in notes/get other
assignments or get the missing notes from the Google Classroom/Weebly page. You have two days to make up your missed
work for full credit. All make-up work must be made up in this time range. All assignments that are not turned in on time will
receive a deduction in credit for every day that it is late, or you will receive a zero if it is never turned in. Please make
arrangements with me to make up tests or quizzes if you are absent. All late work can be turned in for deducted credit but it
must be turned in by the end of the unit!!

Student Expectations:
 Follow ALL school rules and policies. See the Social Circle High School Student Handbook.
 Each student MUST have a 5 subject spiral notebook and it must be brought to class EACH day**
 File all papers accordingly in your notebook. Organization is a key to good study habits.
 Be respectful to everyone at all times.
 Academic dishonesty: Awaiting central office approval on policy for academic dishonesty.
 Always try your best! Your effort is very important. It is great to want to be thorough and complete, but it is even more
important to work as hard as you can to try to finish your class assignments, tests, and quizzes. Work hard, and you will
see your hard work pay off!
 Remember: Your grade is up to you! You are the only person who has complete control over your grade.

Late Assignments: Assignments that are turned in late will receive a deduction in credit. Students will receive a zero for any
work that is not turned in. Late assignments will NOT be accepted once we have completed the unit.

Tardy Policy: Students must be inside of the classroom and fully

prepared by the time the bell rings. Google Classroom:
Google Classroom is an online platform we will use
Test Corrections: Students will have the option to complete test
throughout the year. During the year, you will have
corrections for an exam up to a week after the exam has been given.
some assignments that will be completed through
You will complete the test corrections outside of class. Late test
Google Classroom.
corrections will NOT be accepted.
Our Google Classroom page will include notes, study
Remind 101: guides, calendars, discussions, and other helpful
Throughout the semester I will send home reminders for homework, items for this class. It is imperative that you keep up
upcoming test/quizzes, assignments etc. via Remind 101. Remind with the Google Classroom page to help be
101 is a great tool to help students, as well as parents, stay up to successful in class!
date on the latest classroom assignments. You may register to
receive messages via text or email by doing the following: For more information go to:
To sign up for Remind by text
Text @dawkinswh to the number 81010

**The syllabus may be updated as needed throughout the year**

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