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Rajan the Driver

Case Summary:
The Cattle feed plant is unit of Sagarmatha Dairy Union and is located around 20 km
north of Nathadwara district on Nathadwara-Valta road. Cattle feed plant runs two minibuses for
its employees as there are very few transportation services available to the plant. On 23rd
January, 1993 Mr. Somaraju, Security Officer of plant, was waiting at sabjimandi for vehicle to
come to the plant. He saw plant’s minibus approaching the sabjimandi and signaled it to stop but
the driver Rajan did not stop. Aggrieved by this act of driver Mr. Somaraju complained to the
General Manger to take actions against the errant driver. According to the complaint filed on
24th January, 1993 to the general manager, Mr. Somaraju stated that he spotted some
unauthorized passengers in the bus. Also, he had ignored signal from an officer of the
organization to stop the bus. On top of that, As soon as he arrived at the plant gate he was
accosted by the driver at the gate and abused badly by him. He requested the general manager to
take stern action against the erring driver.

The General Manager issued a show cause notice. In his defense Rajan replied that as he
was coming back after dropping employees he was requested by some school children to carry
them back. He saw the signal by Mr. Somaraju but observed Somaraju was drunk so he did not
stop the bus.

In reply to Rajan’s allegations Mr. Somaraju told that he was not drunk and this was a
ploy adopted by Mr. Rajan to hide his mistake.

On 30th January General Manager asked the personnel Manager to look into the issue.
On 1st February Rajan was transferred to the production department. The transfer of Rajan to
production department has resulted in agitation of employees union who have voiced their
concern on the matter and issued an ultimatum to the management to either solve the case or
appropriate lesson will be taught to them. On the other hand Mr. Somaraju felt that the
punishment imposed by management on Rajan is not sufficient enough.

A small Issue between Mr. Rajan and Mr. Somaraju turned into a bigger issue of conflict
between management and union. General Manager asked personal manager, Mr. Suresh Mohan,
to resolve the issue as soon as possible so that smooth functioning of Cattle feed plant of
Sagarmatha dairy can be ensured. Now Mr. Suresh Mohan has to take a decision to prevent
further conflict between union and management.

Rajan is working with the company from last 12 years. He is working as a driver of the
company from last 7 years with a clean record barring one incidence which only shines his
caring as well as dedicated attitude towards work. He is very popular in the area and has helping
nature. He has helped other people in past by giving them lift on the route. So claim made by
him that he didn’t stop for Mr. Somaraju as he was drunk seems justified. Also, he is ready to
prove whatever he has said. And as he was coming back to the plant from dropping employees, it
was not his duty to take employees back to the plant as other bus is assigned for the same.

On the other hand Mr. Somaraju joined the Sagarmatha Dairy as a security officer three
years back only. He worked in Army before joining the plant. He has drinking habits which he
attributes to his stint in the army. Coming from an army background, Mr. Somaraju believes in
the hierarchy of the organization. He has past records of losing his cool and beating up laborers
mercilessly for small issues. He faced the wrath of leaders and employees union before and had
to apologize publically for the same. He seems to have a prejudice towards the people lower in
position in organization and believes in hierarchy of the organization. The Employees Union and
Mr. Somaraju, share a bitter history which is making this an issue between management and

Alternative 1:

Mr. Suresh Mohan should ask the Rajan to provide the proofs regarding the statements
made by him. If he is able to produce the proofs, Management should fire Mr. Somaraju as he
might create same kind of problems in future due to his drinking habit and superiority complex.

Alternative 2:

If Rajan fails to provide the proof, Management should ask him to talk to the union and
accept his wrong doings as well as to apologize to Mr. Somaraju publically.

Alternative 3:

Mr. Suresh Mohan should call for a meeting with Mr. Somaraju, Rajan and General
Manager and try to solve the conflict at personal level.

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