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Cardiac Point-of-Care Ultrasound: State of

the Art in Medical School Education

Amer M. Johri, MD, MSc, FRCPC, FASE, Joshua Durbin, MD, MSc,
Joseph Newbigging, MD, CCFP(EM), FCFP, Robert Tanzola, MD, FRCPC,
Ryan Chow, BSc, Sabe De, MD, FRCPC, and James Tam, MD, FRCP(C), FACC, Kingston and London, Ontario;
and Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada

The development of small, user friendly, handheld ultrasound devices has stimulated the growth of cardiac
point-of-care ultrasound (POCUS) for the purpose of rapid, bedside cardiac assessment. Medical schools
have begun integrating cardiac POCUS into their curricula. In this review the authors summarize the variable
approaches taken by several medical training programs with respect to duration of POCUS training,
prerequisite knowledge, and methods of delivering these skills (including e-learning, hands-on training, and
simulation). The authors also address issues related to the need for competency evaluation and the limitations
of the technology itself. The studies reviewed suggest that undergraduate education is a viable point at which
to introduce basic POCUS concepts. (J Am Soc Echocardiogr 2018;-:---.)

Keywords: Point-of-care ultrasound, POCUS, Handheld ultrasound, Teaching, Guidelines

Cardiac point-of-care ultrasound for the purpose of rapid, bedside ulum or universal testing benchmark for cardiac ultrasound at this level.
cardiac assessment has changed practice. A cardiac ultrasound study Although the ASE is currently in the midst of developing such a recom-
performed at the point of care in this manner is distinct from transtho- mended curriculum, the intent of this review is to summarize published
racic echocardiography (TTE), which is a formal diagnostic test with a reports to date of medical schools reporting their experiences in teaching
particular billing code, a standardized protocol, an advanced analytic cardiac POCUS. The intent is not to develop a training guideline but to
component, and archiving and documentation requirements defined summarize the literature that would underpin such a future effort.
by rigorous accreditation standards for acquisition and reporting For the purposes of this review, POCUS refers to the cardiac
(Table 1).3 Although cardiac POCUS does not yet have such a setting. Other terms used in the literature referring to cardiac
body of literature and quality programming underpinning its perfor- POCUS include focused cardiac ultrasound and handheld cardiac ultra-
mance, it may complement TTE in an integrative manner not only sound (HHU). We do not use the terms mini-echocardiography nor
by accelerating the identification of disease but also by enhancing pocket echocardiography, in order to distinguish POCUS from limited
the physical examination and as a teaching tool for understanding car- standard TTE, which is a test that can be converted to a full protocol
diac anatomy and physiology. during the course of the study by a trained operator as dictated by the
The utility of cardiac ultrasound as a teaching tool is of particular inter- lesion encountered (Table 1). Formal standard TTE has a body of liter-
est to medical school educators. Many medical schools have begun to ature associated with appropriateness, quality control, accreditation,
incorporate novel teaching protocols that include cardiac ultrasound in archiving, and certification that is beyond the scope of this review.
their curricula. The American Society of Echocardiography (ASE) also
defined its position by stating that POCUS may be viably integrated
into medical school curricula and may be used by noncardiologists and WHAT DO WE TEACH? CURRENT GOALS OF CARDIAC
nonsonographers.4 However, at this time, there is no standardized curric- POCUS MEDICAL SCHOOL EDUCATION

From the Department of Medicine, Cardiovascular Imaging Network at Queen’s The ASE and the European Association of Echocardiography both
(CINQ) (A.M.J., J.D., R.C.), the Department of Emergency Medicine (J.N.), and assert that POCUS should not be considered as a substitution for
the Department of Anesthesia (R.T.), Queen’s University, Kingston; the either the clinical examination or standard echocardiography.2,5
Department of Medicine, Cardiology, University of Western Ontario, London Rather, such scans should be demonstrated to provide diagnostic
(S.D.), Ontario; and the Department of Medicine, Section of Cardiology, value when used as adjuncts to a clinical examination.6-9 Because
University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba (J.T.), Canada. fundamental clinical examination skills have been shown to
Dr. Amer Johri is funded by a Heart and Stroke Foundation Phase I Career Award. develop during medical school, POCUS training during this time
This work was supported by the Canadian Society of Echocardiography POCUS may therefore have the most significant impact.
Committee. An overview of the current literature demonstrates significant vari-
Conflicts of Interest: None. ability in the design of the curricula used by medical schools, ranging
Reprint requests: Amer M. Johri, MD, MSc, FRCPC, FASE, Kingston General Hos- from no teaching to highly extensive teaching in all years and all blocks
pital, Watkins 1C, Room 4.1.312, 76 Stuart Street, Kingston, ON K7L 2V7, Canada of education. When used by most medical schools, the overall goals of
(E-mail: teaching POCUS appear to be summarized as follows: (1) introduction
0894-7317/$36.00 of the concept of ultrasound relatively early in medical education,
Copyright 2018 by the American Society of Echocardiography. including demonstration of common imaging views, correlation with anatomy, and physical examination skills; (2) development of scanning
2 Johri et al Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography
- 2018

techniques to a basic level of ages, whereas image interpretation was only lackluster. In contrast,
competence; and (3) recognition some studies implemented educational goals aimed equally at image
ASE = American Society of and differentiation between acquisition and quantitative diagnosis.14-16
Echocardiography normal anatomy and basic pa- Beyond the performance of image acquisition, some schools use
HHU = Handheld cardiac thology. cardiac POCUS and general ultrasound teaching to facilitate the
ultrasound With these goals in mind, the learning of basic cardiology concepts such as the physical examination
majority of studies introducing in the medical school curriculum. One such application is the use of
OSAUS = Objective
POCUS education to medical POCUS to assess right atrial pressure through visualization of the infe-
Structured Assessment of
Ultrasound Skills
students have stressed curricula rior vena cava, analogous to the physical examination technique of ju-
intended to educate students in gular veins.17 Visualization of cardiac valve structure and function
POCUS = Point-of-care making qualitative diagnoses of may also allow the teaching of auscultation and differentiation of car-
ultrasound specific pathologies (such as the diac murmurs and heart sounds.18
TTE = Transthoracic presence or absence of pericar-
dial effusion) and developing Summary. Currently, medical schools are using cardiac ultrasound
scanning technique, as opposed to teach anatomy, physical examination, and basic image acquisition
to making quantitative diagnoses of severity.6-8,10-13 In some studies, and to introduce recognition of simple disease pathology such as peri-
image acquisition and scanning technique using handheld devices cardial effusion and valvular regurgitation.
took precedence over the recognition of specific pathologies. A
preliminary curriculum created by Ho et al.13 focused primarily on
teaching fundamental POCUS theory and image acquisition and WHEN DO WE START? PREREQUISITE KNOWLEDGE
only briefly focused on clinical pathologies and diagnosis. Their curric- BEFORE POCUS TEACHING
ulum was justified with the notion that diagnosis and interpretation
require extensive time and clinical experience to acquire, whereas Creating a time frame for introducing POCUS education depends on
HHU technique and image acquisition can be learned within a brief consideration of prior knowledge. For example, an upper-year stu-
training program. Eighty-two percent of the students enrolled in the dent with prior education in cardiology and/or ultrasound imaging
study were deemed successful in their ability to acquire the correct im- would have an advantage over a novice first-year student without

Table 1 Comparison of POCUS and traditional TTE, with a brief overview of technological capabilities and limitations, indications
for techniques, and operators


Operators Typically  Level II, level III echocardiographer (physician)1

 Nonsonographer  ARDMS (sonographer)
 Nonradiologist  Credentialing laboratory
 May be conducted by traditional expert (ePOCUS)
Indications Assessment of  Wide spectrum
 Valvular function (gross)  See available published guidelines*
 Pericardial effusion/tamponade
 LV function/thickness
 RV function
 Expert consensus available2
Technological  Usually portable (<15 lb)  Full-service machine
capabilities  2D imaging  2D imaging
 Color Doppler  Color Doppler
 3D imaging
 Pulsed-wave Doppler
 Continuous-wave Doppler
 Telemetry signal
 Contrast can be applied
Advantages  Portability  ‘‘Gold standard’’
 Accessibility  High-quality images
 Relatively inexpensive compared to  Standardized guidelines for examination and reporting
traditional TTE machines  Multiple techniques available (3D, strain, contrast)
 Immediacy of results  Archiving of imaging studies
Limitations  Lack of formal training benchmarks  Portability
 Paucity of guidelines  Access
 Technological limitations  Cost of machines greatly exceeds that of portable units
2D, Two-dimensional; 3D, three-dimensional; ARDMS, American Registry for Diagnostic Medical Sonography; IVC, inferior vena cava; LV, left ven-
tricular; RV, right ventricular.
*A list of published ASE guidelines is available at
Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography Johri et al 3
Volume - Number -

and physiologic learning purposes. Second-year medical students

HIGHLIGHTS are then taught to use ultrasound for pathology recognition, and
POCUS is introduced into their physical diagnosis modules. It is not
 POCUS can be used for rapid, bedside cardiac assessment. until the third year of medical school that students are finally provided
 There is no guideline for a universal teaching curriculum for the opportunity to use HHU devices during their primary clerkships in
medical students. family medicine, internal medicine, and pediatrics. During this time,
students practice POCUS, as well as focused ultrasound of the
 This review summarizes common elements found in current
abdomen and pelvis. In addition to clinical implementation, students
published POCUS programs.
are assessed for HHU acquisition ability at ultrasound stations during
 Programs reported use of e-learning, hands-on learning, and their end-of-clerkship objective structured clinical examinations
competency evaluation. before entering the fourth year. Likely because of the cumulative
experience in ultrasound and image acquisition, students score
such education. Phase 1 of a study conducted by Cawthorn et al.11 remarkably well. These educators reported that students could ac-
consisted of an 8-week (16-hour) POCUS training program for first- quire good-quality images of the heart, inferior vena cava, abdominal
year medical students. When assessing image interpretation skills, stu- aorta, gallbladder, and urinary bladder. Students were able to capture
dents demonstrated an 86% increase in POCUS examination scores. high-quality ultrasound images of the heart and vena cava, and when
However, the absolute mean postintervention score was quite low at scored against image interpretation, the researchers reported an
61.3%. Furthermore, of the five pathologies students were required to average interpretation score of 86% for 2014.15 Through the use of
identify, significant improvement was observed for only two lesions a vertical curriculum, this study demonstrated the value of ultrasound
assessed: left ventricular hypertrophy and mitral regurgitation. This as an active learning tool when integrated within a primary medical
observation was postulated to be attributed to a lack of prior knowl- education model. The implementation of ultrasonography as a plat-
edge: first-year students had not undergone their cardiology teaching form to introduce new concepts in anatomy, physiology, pathology,
rotation, and thus the effectiveness of the POCUS training protocol and physical examination diagnosis provided these medical students
was restricted by the students’ knowledge of cardiac anatomy and pa- with early exposure to imaging while introducing a useful clinical skill
thology. Phase 2 of the study consisted of a similar 4-week training that could be incorporated into future clinical practice.15
curriculum totaling approximately 16 hours of training, except that Summary. Cardiac ultrasound can be taught in all years of medical
the target group was third-year medical students who had all school and in some schools is begun in the first year. Cardiac ultra-
completed their cardiology training. Even with a condensed training sound as a teaching tool (i.e., anatomy teaching) and cardiac ultra-
program, the third-year students were found to significantly improve sound as a diagnostic skill are distinct avenues of education.
their POCUS skills, confirming the researchers’ notion that a strong Evidence suggests some perquisite cardiac knowledge is advanta-
foundation had a priming effect facilitating POCUS education. geous in the performance of skills.
It has also been proposed that using traditional ultrasound ma-
chines before delving into POCUS using handheld machines could
be of benefit. Martinez et al.16 designed a curriculum for a 1-month
elective in emergency bedside ultrasound offered to third- and HOW MUCH TRAINING IS REQUIRED? CURRICULUM
fourth-year medical students that encompassed a variety of examina- DURATION
tions for emergency medicine (including POCUS). Each week, stu-
dents tried a different ultrasound machine; however, HHU devices There is no clear consensus concerning the duration of cardiac
were not provided until the students demonstrated competence POCUS training required for postgraduate physicians, much less for
with full-size ultrasound machines. Martinez et al. asserted that their medical students. Of published accounts from medical schools, qual-
goal was to ensure that students built enough confidence interpreting itative diagnosis-focused curricular designs have ranged in their dura-
acquired images using the highest quality full-size screen before tran- tion from as little as a 2-hour training program to as long as
sitioning to a pocket-size device. Student reception to the elective was 25 hours.6,12 Longer curricular types were generally the result of
positive, and the researchers concluded that students gained profi- more time provided for students to develop their image acquisition
ciency in ultrasound acquisition comparable with that of a resident skills through hands-on practice. For example, shorter courses offering
(postgraduate trainee). Although institutions looking to establish a 1.5 to 3 hours of hands-on training indicated that students were un-
relatively brief or introductory curriculum for POCUS may not be able to significantly detect the presence of certain valvular pathol-
able to incorporate the necessary time and resources involved with ogies.6,10 However, several studies demonstrated that students with
a full-service machine, those looking to use a longer duration curricu- >5 hours of POCUS training afforded a significant improvement in
lum may want to consider the use of full-size ultrasound machines valvular pathology diagnosis.7,11,12 Considering that POCUS is
before introducing HHU devices. regarded as an operator-dependent technique by the ASE, the notion
The ultrasound-integrated curriculum described by Hoppmann that increasing practice time potentially correlates with increasing
et al.15 at the University of South Carolina School of Medicine takes diagnostic value is expected. However, with the presence of financial
the principle of prior ultrasound experience and knowledge a step concerns, resource commitments, and/or rigid scheduling, a POCUS
further. This program places ultrasound as a foundational learning curriculum may have to be tailored to fit an individual school’s exist-
pillar that is taught vertically over all 4 years of medical school, along- ing circumstances. A summary of POCUS curricula in various under-
side other fundamental and longitudinal skills, such as professional- graduate medical education programs may be found in Table 2.
ism, quality, and patient safety. Image acquisition using traditional HHU devices currently offer simplistic user interfaces and basic
ultrasound machines is taught in the first year of medical school, controls.2,21,22 However, true mastery of HHU may actually be
with students focusing on using ultrasound images for anatomic more challenging than expected. Poorer image resolution,
4 Johri et al Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography
- 2018

Table 2 Summary of medical school curricula with integrated POCUS curricula

University Program length Population Teaching objective Results

Imperial 2-hour hands- Five senior Determine if ‘‘pocket Using pocket echocardiography
College on tutorial medical echocardiography’’ improved improved clinical diagnosis over
London6 students, clinical diagnostic skills in a group and above history, physical, and
three of medical learners ECG findings.
University 4 hours of POCUS 21 senior Students examined patients referred POCUS improved sensitivity to
of Oslo10 training medical for echocardiography with detect/assess MR, LVSF, and
students emphasis on auscultation followed RVSF. Detection of dilated LA, RA,
by POCUS effusions, AI, and AS did not
improve significantly.
Ben-Gurion 8-hour training Three POCUS on rheumatic valve injury and Good ability for students with brief
University7 senior complications training to detect rheumatic valve
medical injury. Modest ability to detect
students rheumatic heart disease
Norwegian 9-hour theoretical 30 senior Medical students were given pocket Medical students with minimal
University of and practical medical devices and trained to assess training were able to use personal
Science and training students LVSF, mitral annular excursion, devices to supplement standard
Technology8 pericardial effusion, B-lines, IVC physical examinations and were
diameter, hydronephrosis, bladder able to acquire adequate images
distension, gallstones, signs of and interpret them with great
cholecystitis, diameter of accuracy.
abdominal aorta, and ascites
Queen’s 16 hours over 8 weeks 12 first-year Develop and evaluate a novel Self-directed electronic modules are
University11 medical curriculum for POCUS in primary effective for teaching introductory
students medical education POCUS interpretation skills, while
45 senior Students randomized to one of expert-guided training is critical for
medical lecture-based training and hands-on developing scanning technique.
students scan training, Web-based training
and hands-on scan training, and fully
self-directed training with Web-based
modules and high-fidelity simulator
Medical 25 hours over 5 days Two medical Students were taught basic cardiac When used by briefly trained medical
University of students views and how to assess LVSF, and students, POCUS provides an
Lodz, Poland12 results from bedside POCUS and acceptable diagnostic value with
standard TTE were compared notable learning curve effect.
Chinese 2.5-hour lecture 133 senior Students were taught basic cardiac Most students were able to execute
University of Prematerials medical views; objective was to train common cardiac views fairly
Hong Kong13 (video and lecture) students students in diagnosis of common efficiently and had variable
cardiac pathology although generally favorable
success rates in identifying various
cardiac abnormalities.
University of Vertical curriculum All medical Ultrasound curriculum integrated into Ultrasound was effective for use in
South Carolina15 over 4 years of students primary medical education, with a active learning curriculum, platform
medical school enrolled vertical approach to content for curricular integration, and
Five or six delivery, with differential focus teaching of clinical skill.
laboratory depending on year of training;
sessions per students were taught a variety of
semester scans with the objective of using
ultrasound as both active learning
tool in addition to clinical skill
University 3-min prelecture 18 second- Determine efficacy of remote live Novice ultrasound users able to
of Kentucky19 on use of POCUS year medical mentoring via Google Glass vs obtain adequate imaging that was
and Google Glass students direct bedside teaching as tools for able to determine a healthy model’s
ultrasound training EF through telementored education
using Google Glass.
(Continued )
Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography Johri et al 5
Volume - Number -

Table 2 (Continued )
University Program length Population Teaching objective Results

Dalhousie 2-hour hands-on Six senior Determine if ACES provides sufficient Following a focused training process
University47 training medical curriculum for POCUS training using medical simulation, medical
students through the use of high-fidelity learners demonstrated an ability to
Six PGY 1–3 ultrasound simulator achieve a degree of competency to
residents both acquire and correctly interpret
cardiorespiratory POCUS findings
using a high-fidelity ultrasound
Icahn School Four modules, 142 first-year Study designed to assess the impact Students and faculty members agree
of Medicine14 20–40 min medical of a POCUS curriculum on image that physical examination course is
Integrated students acquisition, interpretation, and the right time to introduce
ultrasound student and faculty perceptions of ultrasound, students demonstrated
curricula into the course proper use of ultrasound machine,
physical cardiac, thoracic, and abdominal
examinations system assessments.
University of 4-week ultrasound 41 senior Offer a focused emergency medicine Students gained significant
Maryland elective medical bedside ultrasound elective confidence with their ultrasound
School of students skills and thought that they would
Medicine16 use them in the future.

ACES, Abdominal and cardiothoracic examination by sonography; AI, aortic insufficiency; AS, aortic stenosis; ECG, electrocardiographic; EF,
ejection fraction; IVC, inferior vena cava; LA, left atrium; LVSF, left ventricular systolic function; MR, mitral regurgitation; PGY, postgraduate
year of residency training; RA, right atrium; RVSF, right ventricular systolic function.
Senior medical students are medical trainees in their final 2 years of undergraduate medical education.

penetration, and processing power may result in greater difficultly for use of practice, that knowledge and skill will be rapidly lost.
novice examiners to acquire and interpret adequate images.2 Frequent reaffirmation of their imaging and interpretative skills is vital.
Furthermore, because POCUS viability is operator dependent,
adequate image acquisition skills will decline if not practiced consis- Summary. The duration of teaching cardiac ultrasound image
tently. Some educators report approaches that incorporate intensive acquisition and pathology recognition is highly variable. Given that
POCUS training into the standard curriculum as solutions to these evidence suggests that there is attrition of skills, standardization of car-
challenges.14,15 Nelson et al.,14 at the Icahn School of Medicine at diac ultrasound performance at the medical school level may inform
Mount Sinai, introduced a mandatory POCUS curriculum for the the need for ongoing quality benchmarks.
entire first-year student body. Students were first taught basic ultra-
sound instrumentation on HHU devices and POCUS (as well as
focused thoracic ultrasound and focused abdominal ultrasound) later HOW IS CARDIAC ULTRASOUND TAUGHT IN MEDICAL
in the curriculum as an adjunct to the physical examination module. SCHOOLS? METHODS
By teaching POCUS and other HHU techniques alongside the phys-
ical examination, the class had higher cardiac assessment scores than The ASE recommends three core components of POCUS educa-
could be achieved with physical examination alone.14 tion: didactic education, hands-on training, and image interpretation.2
In contrast, a study by Charron et al.23 was unsuccessful in training Didactic education is currently used extensively to teach fundamental
emergency physicians with HHU devices to perform reliable POCUS POCUS material before hands-on training. Fundamental material
using a brief 2-day training curriculum containing didactic cases and included the following curricular topics: ultrasound physics, relevant
hands-on practice with volunteers. In a correspondence to the study, cardiac physiology and anatomy, and pathologic versus normal states.
Gillon et al.24 recommended that future POCUS training curricula Didactic education offers the benefit of face-to-face interaction with
should be combined with a longitudinal support system even after instructors to directly answer questions pertaining to theory and tech-
training is complete to maintain and enhance skills. This highlights nique as they arise.2
an important challenge that faces POCUS education: ongoing quality Electronic learning (e-learning), involving the use of online multi-
control and the transition to clinical practice. media and/or interactive programs, is considered beneficial when
Maintenance of competence of POCUS skills is essential but re- used as an adjunct to supplement didactic learning.4 E-learning has
mains a challenge. Kimura et al.18 outlined the issue of postgraduate a number of benefits. Students are allowed geographic portability to
medical residents’ losing their skills without adequate ongoing use complete course work via Internet access and the flexibility of work-
of POCUS. Despite undergoing an extensive training program ing through material at their own pace.25 Furthermore, e-curricular
throughout postgraduate internal medicine residency, which designs generally require fewer resource commitments, such as class-
included documentation of proficiency in a limited set of ultrasound room bookings and/or instructors.25 As such, many POCUS curricu-
tasks, physicians rapidly lost their skills over the next few years lums have used ‘‘booster resources’’ that are intended to supplement
without practice. This study confirmed conventional wisdom that any material learned from a lecture.7 Stokke et al.10 used a novel cur-
without investment in equipment immediately after training and riculum that incorporated e-learning when teaching medical students
6 Johri et al Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography
- 2018

to diagnose valvular disease using HHU devices. An online precourse Twitter handle @POCUSJournal and the corresponding app offer
module was provided containing a number of ultrasound loop exam- peer-reviewed case reports. A case-based HHU iBook is also available.
ples, as well as an overview of cardiac anatomy and pathology. The ASE POCUS task force is developing an online modular curricu-
Students demonstrated a significant increase in sensitivity to detect lum at the present time with components spanning the use of POCUS
valvular disease when a physical examination incorporating for teaching anatomy, physical examination, image acquisition, testing,
POCUS was compared with a standard physical examination with and basic disease interpretation (personal communication). The intent
a stethoscope alone (64% vs 40%). It was also noted by the re- is to create a ‘‘menu’’ of teaching modules that may be selected by med-
searchers that this training curriculum allowed more efficient learning. ical educators and students on the basis of the differing needs of their
Course time was relatively much shorter (only 4 hours of training to- existing curriculum and stage of study throughout the medical school
tal, not including booster modules) than similar didactic curricular program.
types, but student improvement was comparable with curricular de-
signs of greater length. The researchers surmised that this observation
was due to the presence of the online modules, which compensated HANDS-ON PRACTICE AND SIMULATION FOR DEVELOPING
for a shorter training time. IMAGE ACQUISITION SKILLS
Other studies have reinforced the idea that the use of e-learning may
provide a viable alternative to didactic lectures as a means of introducing When teaching students how to operate ultrasound devices for im-
students to POCUS and teaching fundamental knowledge.2,10,11,15 As age acquisition, hands-on practice with live patients is considered
part of an investigation into developing a novel POCUS curriculum, of utmost importance in developing necessary clinical skills. Live pa-
Cawthorn et al.11 investigated how a didactic learning module and direct tients offer a more realistic experience of a diagnostic setting, as stu-
hands-on ultrasound training compared with an e-learning module with dents can become accustomed to various body types that reflect
hands-on training or independently directed high-fidelity simulation for typical clinical practice (cardiac size, chest wall structure, patient
teaching fundamental POCUS material to third-year medical students. cooperation, etc). Also, with the accompaniment of a sonographer
Following either online or didactic training, students would then train instructor, feedback and troubleshooting can be provided immedi-
with HHU devices to develop image acquisition skills independently ately to students focusing on technique. Depending on when
or with the guidance of expert sonographers. Curricular topics between hands-on POCUS education is implemented, or the number of
the didactic and e-learning programs were identical, with both programs learners in a particular class, some curricula may require students
teaching POCUS fundamentals, cardiac anatomy, basic ultrasound to practice on one another before actual patients, as clinical etiquette
views, and a number of chosen pathologies to interpret. Students has not yet been taught (similar to how students are encouraged to
were then evaluated upon their image interpretation abilities and using practice using their stethoscopes on one another before clinical
an online multiple-choice examination, researchers found no significant internship). Although practicing POCUS skills on one another in stu-
difference in learned interpretation among the educational interven- dent groups may not replicate the ‘‘real-world’’ application of
tions. Furthermore, there were no significant differences in mean scan- POCUS, there are some derived benefits: the ability for significant
ning accuracy, while the mean image quality score of the e-learning/ repetition, a lower stress environment, and lower potential financial
simulation program was significantly lower than the other two. and manpower costs incurred when procuring real patients. Group
Researchers postulated that these findings indicate an online module size has varied among pilot studies; Ho et al.13 used groups of four
may be a viable option to teach POCUS if personnel resources are or five students, whereas Stokke et al.10 used one-on-one practice.
limited. No evidence was provided about an ideal group size, but it has
Millennial medical students have a strong propensity for the use of been generally assumed that hands-on sessions work best in smaller
Web- and social media–based curricula.26-28 Authors from The Ohio groups. Prospective studies may look to investigate how group size
State University supplemented an ultrasound curriculum with ‘‘push affects learning, as well as how many instructors per student are
technology,’’ whereby educational content was delivered to users’ required.
mobile devices through the use of Twitter and Facebook. This pilot Schools with integrated ultrasound curricula (including POCUS),
study demonstrated that these technologies may represent effective such as the University of South Carolina School of Medicine or the
teaching and engagement tools to deliver content in a novel way and Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, start implementing
in real time.26 Flipped classroom approaches to medical education hands-on ultrasound practice as early as the first year of medical
with POCUS have also been demonstrated, chiefly using Facebook school.14,15 The University of South Carolina School of Medicine
as a secure learning resource for groups of students to participate in delivers an intensive, integrated, 4-year ultrasound curriculum to its
learning activities following traditional educational methods.27 The in- medical students, while researchers at the Icahn School of Medicine
vestigators of a randomized trial incorporating this post hoc training at Mount Sinai incorporated an integrated POCUS program for just
demonstrated similar levels of knowledge retention after 6 weeks its first-year medical students. Similar to the University of South
compared with students without access, but they also found that stu- Carolina School of Medicine, ultrasound scanning sessions were coor-
dents appreciated this new teaching approach and were more satisfied dinated with gross anatomy modules and basic pathology assessment.
with their learning activities.27 Such Web-based activity could play a However, students were provided HHU devices (Vscan; GE
role in ongoing quality control and maintenance of knowledge. Healthcare, Little Chalfont, United Kingdom) immediately, rather
However, accurately documenting and reviewing the quality of the than starting with traditional ultrasound technology and eventually
myriad of Web- and social media–based tools for POCUS is a challenge moving to HHU devices in later years. Unlike Hoppman et al.,15
given the ever evolving nature of this format, which may or may not be Nelson et al.14 emphasized a curriculum directed toward the practical
peer reviewed for accuracy and appropriateness. During the writing of utility of handheld ultrasound in a diagnostic setting. In this respect,
this review, commonly used hashtags demarcating POCUS-related the ultrasound curriculum at the Icahn School of Medicine may repre-
tweets included #POCUS, #FOAMed (free open-access medical edu- sent a more feasible approach to POCUS curricular implementation,
cation), and #FOAMus (free open-access medical ultrasound). The rather than a 4-year broad ultrasound program.
Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography Johri et al 7
Volume - Number -

The ASE considers POCUS simulation platforms to be suitable ad- COMPETENCY EVALUATION
juncts to hands-on training but emphasizes that the majority of hands-
on training should be performed on live patients.2 With an increased POCUS and handheld ultrasound units are increasingly being used
interest in patient safety, a trainee’s access to hands-on practice may within primary medical education as both a teaching tool and a clin-
be limited. Simulation platforms therefore provide a suitable alterna- ical skill, in addition to clinical practice for diagnoses and management
tive that does not put a patient at the risk of a novice physician and al- of pathological states. The quality and performance of these imaging
lows the trainee to develop confidence in scanning before patient studies are highly operator dependent, and as a result, reliable and
interactions. There are several advantages of simulation technology. viable assessments of trainee competence are necessary to ensure
For example, a simulation-based POCUS curriculum also has the their safe use in clinical settings.29
advantage of facilitating a standardized student assessment. The International Federation for Emergency Medicine POCUS
Simulation technology has also been praised for its ability to display curricular guidelines outline three core competencies critical to the
a wide variety of pathologies. These tools can now provide a wide li- performance of POCUS: image acquisition, interpretation, and clin-
brary of pathologies that may be rare or difficult to find in real patients. ical integration of findings to direct patient care.30 When assessing im-
Although not yet a replacement for the challenge of generating images age acquisition, competency was in some cases assumed when a
on the diversity of real patient anatomy, simulators can provide early trainee had performed a specified number of practice examinations,
learners with a rudimentary image generation experience and serve as ranging from 25 to 300 depending on imaging study and organiza-
a starting point before real patient encounters. However, when ulti- tion.31,32 Further evidence demonstrates that true competency
mately comparing ultrasound simulation platforms with traditional, should be assessed by direct observation by an expert reviewer
supervised, hands-on practice on patients, there have been variable re- using examination-dependent checklists.33,34 Image interpretation
sults with respect to skill acquisition. A previous study demonstrated may be assigned a metric score to assess recognition in addition to
that hands-on simulator training alone provided only modest improve- a trainee assessment of image adequacy for diagnoses. Finally,
ment to scanning technique compared with instructor-led training.11 It simulation-based experiences may be used to assess the integration
was suggested that this observation was likely due to an experienced of these studies to direct patient care. These assessment methods
instructor being able to provide constructive feedback, whereas no are largely institution dependent and include traditional testing via
such feedback exists in a simulation platform. Therefore, it was pro- formal assessment (i.e., objective structured clinical examinations),
posed that a hybrid simulation/instructor-led training program has simulation models, videotape review, direct observation of skills,
the potential to provide the most benefit. overreading by experienced sonographers, monitoring of trainee er-
Augmented reality is a novel technology that makes use of a device ror rates using quality assurance processes, and reaching a predeter-
interface such as a smart phone or wearable technology to superim- mined number of scans.35,36
pose computer-generated virtual images over real-world objects as Current evidence shows the best outcomes in validity and reli-
seen by the user and is of emerging interest among medical ultra- ability with the incorporation of task-specific checklists and a global
sound educators for not only imaging acquisition but for simulating rating scale to assess good clinical practice.37,38 Todsen et al.29 demon-
various clinical scenarios. A study by Russell et al.19 evaluated the strated good reliability and validity with the Objective Structured
feasibility of a preliminary POCUS curriculum in which medical stu- Assessment of Ultrasound Skills (OSAUS), in which a generic scale
dents wore an integrated augmented reality device (Google Glass) for was implemented to score competence in POCUS. Operators were
real-time education by a remotely located instructor. After a brief scored on the following categories: applied knowledge of ultrasound
introduction to the HHU device, students were instructed to obtain equipment, image optimization, systematic examination, image inter-
a parasternal long-axis view to approximate ejection fraction. A group pretation, and documentation of the examination (scan). Physicians
instructed solely using Google Glass obtained adequate images of were recorded performing ultrasound examinations, and their tech-
quality similar to another group of students taught directly by a live nical performance and their ultrasound images were assessed using
instructor. An augmented reality–based curriculum represents an op- the OSAUS scale by two consultant radiologists subspecialized in ul-
tion for distance curricula for which expertise may not be local. Other trasound examinations. The authors report that OSAUS scores could
novel methods to enhance manual dexterity and image acquisition successfully discriminate among different levels of training and expe-
skills will continue to evolve rapidly: for example, a semiautomated rience and that higher scores additionally correlated well with
or even artificially intelligent program embedded in a handheld de- numbers of correct diagnoses.29
vice could precisely guide probe angles, correct image quality, and Acute care POCUS certification is currently in development for
provide a diagnosis at the point of care. ‘‘Gamification’’ is also being operators beyond medical school in both the United States and
explored as a way to stimulate accuracy of probe manipulation. Canada. In many jurisdictions, as an extension of the physical exam-
There are currently no rigorous studies demonstrating outcomes in ination analogous to use of a stethoscope, no specific certification is
medical student learning using these emerging techniques. required. In Canada, the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons
has recently formally recognized certification for advanced use of
Summary. The methodology for teaching POCUS to medical stu- POCUS as an area of focused added competence (J. Tam, AFC
dents is highly variable, with no standard techniques or curricula. Chair of Adult Echocardiography at the Royal College of Physicians
Tools include traditional lectures, hands-on imaging guided by ex- and Surgeons of Canada, personal communication). The require-
perts, and/or the use of simulation. The extent of disease interpreta- ments include competency-based postgraduate training as well as
tion is also variable, ranging from only assessment of normal to maintenance of competence. Similarly, the National Board of
integration within a clinical context. E-learning of POCUS includes Echocardiography is beginning to develop a critical care examination
traditional online modules, but this image-based topic particularly with use of POCUS as an area of competence. No such certification is
lends itself to social media networking educational tools used by a currently available at the medical school level. Although the ASE is
new generation of digitally savvy learners. currently developing curricular material targeted toward medical
8 Johri et al Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography
- 2018

students, there are no certification plans available. However, the rec- rates of concordance and discordance between POCUS and transtho-
ommendations and guidelines outlined for the accreditation of educa- racic echocardiographic studies.40-43 Descriptive analyses, using scale
tional programs in diagnostic medical sonography as defined by the anchors such as poor, fair, moderate, good, and excellent agreement,
Joint Review Committee on Education in Diagnostic Medical were found to describe the rates of concordance and discordance
Sonography could be adapted for a POCUS curriculum.39 between POCUS and gold-standard transthoracic echocardiographic
studies. A limited number of published studies detailing the rates of
Summary. There are no formal or national standardized concordance and discordance of POCUS studies compared with stan-
competency-based benchmarks for medical students, though some dard TTE were available, and these demonstrate good concor-
schools create and implement evaluation particular to their program dance.40-43 One study performed by Cullen et al.40 was able to
using an objective structured clinical examination or the OSAUS. identify the assessment of left ventricular function and presence or
Current certifications in POCUS are specialty specific at the postgrad- absence of regional wall motion abnormalities as one source of discor-
uate level. dance, with POCUS assessments overestimating the presence of
regional wall motion abnormalities. This study also found that with
the exception of discordance found at regional wall motion assess-
WHAT ARE THE LIMITATIONS FACED BY MEDICAL ment, the majority of discordance was attributed to POCUS studies
SCHOOLS FOR TEACHING POCUS? underestimating cardiac pathology rather than overestimating.40
One study reported difficulty in imaging right ventricular function
Technology Limitations
by POCUS compared with standard TTE, concluding, unsurprisingly
Currently, there are technical limitations with the use of POCUS if us- that TTE produces higher quality images than POCUS.41 These studies
ing a handheld device or smaller portable device compared with a taken together, generally suggest that POCUS and traditional TTE
‘‘full service’’ machine. The transducer is not yet the same on a have good, but not excellent, rates of concordance for the
portable unit as on the larger formalized ultrasound machines.3 assessment of cardiac structure and function.40-43 Further work
Complex image enhancement and artifact reduction capabilities documenting medical student proficiency is required.
have not yet been reproduced on the pocket machines, but vendors
continue to rapidly improve the technology. Current handheld de-
vices have significantly lower screen resolution and screen size, adding Personnel Resource Limitations
increased difficulty to use by the untrained operator. The abilities to A challenge to implementing a sustainable POCUS program in med-
zoom, alter the ultrasound beam focus, narrow the sector width, ical education can be the insufficient volume and availability of expert
adjust dynamic range, use harmonic imaging, optimize imaging faculty members. Those faculty with POCUS expertise may
studies for enhanced contrast, alter grayscale, or optimize transducer frequently be involved in POCUS education at the faculty develop-
frequency are currently lacking in the portable technology.2 As the ment and postgraduate level and may have limited availability to
handheld units demonstrate, there is a trade-off between size and accommodate the high volume of undergraduate learners. Cardiac
technology, with smaller devices containing fewer features than tradi- POCUS expertise can be found in numerous disciplines, and identi-
tional machines, though this will likely change with further miniatur- fying faculty champions from emergency medicine, anesthesiology,
ization of technology. These limitations make the identification of internal medicine, in addition to cardiology, can expand faculty re-
subtle findings inappropriate for POCUS use at the moment.2 Data sources. Engaging postgraduate residents from these disciplines to
have demonstrated that although POCUS has important limitations be POCUS teachers can expand the pool of instructors as well as
for the imaging of pericardial constriction, pulmonary hypertension, contribute to resident competencies as teacher and POCUS expert.
and diastolic dysfunction, operators and units were able to reliably Another solution is to consider nonphysician experts such as sonogra-
identify left ventricular enlargement, hypertrophy, systolic function, phers as instructors. However, rotation through a busy echocardiogra-
left atrial enlargement, right ventricular enlargement and systolic func- phy laboratory can place additional burden on professionals who do
tion, pericardial effusion, and inferior vena cava size.2 Other potential not have formal training as educators. Confusion with respect to the
limitations of POCUS include the use of these images to draw conclu- goals of training also occurs. Targeting more intensive training on a
sions and guide patient care without ongoing mechanisms of smaller group of medical student ‘‘super-users’’ or using upper-year
archiving, quality control, and skill evaluation. For example, off-axis students already trained has potential to create a pool of peer tutors
imaging and foreshortening of the imaging axis from the apical views who can also contribute to the implementation of a curriculum to a
may be interpreted incorrectly which may lead to inappropriate pa- large mass of students with few faculty members. It should be
tient care and management. A full discussion of these important lim- cautioned however that at least one published account of peer-to-
itations balanced against advantages of cardiac POCUS is beyond the peer teaching resulted in an increase in the false positive rate, when
scope of this review.2 tested at the postgraduate level.44

Diagnostic Limitations Legal, Ethical, Philosophical Considerations

An important limitation is the lack of published accounts regarding the The focus of this review was to assess the current state of cardiac
diagnostic accuracy of POCUS use by medical students. Also, we were POCUS teaching in medical schools, and many aspects, including
not able to incorporate work done by all schools using POCUS if there legal, financial, philosophical, and ethical uses of POCUS, are beyond
were no published accounts available. However, the general literature its scope. However, these are important considerations requiring
on the accuracy of POCUS use by operators other than medical stu- further inquiry. On one hand, the handheld POCUS device is heralded
dents can be briefly summarized. The published literature reports as the new stethoscope,45 and on the other, practical issues such as the
both generalized descriptive analyses and traditional statistical amount of training, guidelines for use, and storage and documentation
methods to demonstrate accuracy of POCUS examinations using recommendations, are not yet established. The current approach of
Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography Johri et al 9
Volume - Number -

Figure 1 A potential approach to integrating cardiac ultrasound teaching during medical school. In this potential approach, the intro-
duction of cardiac ultrasound could be modular to complement established training goals. If anatomy and physiology are taught early,
cardiac ultrasound may help in the spatial understanding of structure and basic cardiac function. Introduction to machine functioning
(‘‘knobology’’) can also begin at this stage. In the middle years of medical school, following introduction of the cardiovascular system,
or simultaneously, ultrasound images of basic disease types can be introduced. Image acquisition skills can begin with the goals of
recognizing basic pathology such as pericardial effusion, left ventricular dysfunction, aortic stenosis, and mitral regurgitation. For
senior-year medical students, cardiac ultrasound may help in learning auscultation skills and be taught as an adjunct to the cardiac
physical examination. Fluid status assessment (inferior vena cava) and basic lung views can be introduced. Understanding of how
cardiac POCUS can integrate within the care pathway and complement existing imaging technology could be studied. Advanced-
level imaging will be dictated by specialty needs, several of which have formal certification programs.
the ASE’s POCUS task force and the Canadian Society of Currently there are no published legal accounts related to pocket-
Echocardiography POCUS committee is to consider cardiac sized imaging device use by medical students. However, this impor-
POCUS use by medical students to be a tool to help teach anatomy, tant discussion needs to begin. As this is a review of current literature,
to enhance the cardiovascular physical examination, and to serve as we are not positioned to provide legal recommendations but suggest
an introductory skill that may complement existing care approaches further research into the use of POCUS considering the following as-
following further development of specialty-specific skills at the post- pects related to the legal issues: (1) What is the role of the operator to
graduate level. To this end both societies are working toward establish- explain to the patient, and other members of the care team, that the
ing tools for introducing medical students to cardiac POCUS through scan being obtained is for physical examination purposes or point of
the development of a curriculum. Given that medical students may care testing, as opposed to formal echocardiography? (2) How should
further differentiate into areas of specialization during residency pro- cardiac POCUS scans be documented, stored, archived, compared?
grams that require skills in only particular aspects of the cardiac ultra- (3) Are all cardiac POCUS scans part of the physical examination,
sound protocol, the final level of ultrasound training should be left to or are some considered diagnostic testing? How do we decide? (4)
those specialty programs (i.e., emergency, anesthesia, critical care, in- Should medical students be applying technology for the assessment
ternal medicine, and cardiology have different ultrasound certification of their patients or should this be considered a delegated act?
programs). Should this application be supervised (overreading) or unsupervised?
10 Johri et al Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography
- 2018

Figure 2 Examples of POCUS used as an educational tool during medical school. (A) Parasternal long-axis view of the heart and
corresponding pathologic specimen (B) to correlate anatomy with functional imaging. (C) Subcostal view of the heart showing a peri-
cardial effusion (PE) which can be introduced as part of a discussion of intracardiac pressures and hemodynamics (D). (E) Short-axis
view of the of heart demonstrating thickening due to infiltrative disease, in this case related to cardiac amyloid histology (F). (G) Simul-
taneous visualization of structures contributing to auscultatory findings may assist in understanding and auditory skill acquisition of
heart sounds (H). Panel (C) is reproduced from Cenkowski et al.20 with permission, panel (E) is reproduced from Wilkinson48 with
permission, panel (F) depicts intermediate magnification micrograph of senile cardiac amyloidosis and is reproduced here through
a CC BY-SA 3.0 Creative Commons license (Copyright 2011 Michael Bonert;
You are free to share and adapt this image as per the CC BY-SA 3.0
LV, Left ventricle; LVOT, left ventricular outflow tract; PEff, pericardial effusion; RA, right atrium; RV, right ventricle.
Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography Johri et al 11
Volume - Number -

Currently there is little published evidence dealing with the legal concepts in their own right and as learning tools. Current approaches
aspects of cardiac POCUS use. to the duration of undergraduate training, methodology of teaching,
and evaluation are highly variable. Common themes include the
Summary. Current limitations faced by medical schools for teach- use of POCUS as a tool to teach anatomy, to enhance the physical
ing cardiac POCUS include the limitations of the technology and examination, and as an introductory diagnostic skill in anticipation
the lack of knowledge related to its diagnostic accuracy in the hands of further subspecialty development.
of undergraduates. Other important limitations include personnel re- An ASE-designed medical school curriculum will consist of six on-
sources to teach skills and a lack of legal and philosophical discourse. line expanded modules based on this work which will appear under
the Education tab on the ASE website ( with a planned
CURRENT RECOMMENDATIONS launch date for the beta version of June 2018 (Johri, personal commu-
nication, 2018).
Currently there are no randomized trials demonstrating that teaching car-
diac POCUS at the medical student level is advantageous over teaching at
the postgraduate level. However, despite this lack of evidence, POCUS REFERENCES
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trainees.28,46,47 For example, when the vice deans of Canadian medical 4 Task Force 5: training in echocardiography. J Am Coll Cardiol 2015;65:
schools were polled, they overwhelmingly (77% of the 13 responding 1786-99.
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