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Auto-biography of a coin

I am a coin. I am the most sought after thing in the world. All the people rich or poor
want to earn me. I am the symbol of prosperity and wealth.

    I was built in metals like iron, bronze, silver, etc. even 5 centuries before the Christian
Era. I was so precious at that time.  One piece could buy one house or a piece of land.

   There are pictures of animals, kings, famous personalities, crowns, queens and
national symbols printed on me on one side, in the center. Around that, the name of the
country and the year are printed. On the other side, the face value of mine is printed in big
letters. Some of the ancient coins were printed in square or rectangular shape too.

   Bigger my value is, the bigger my size is. Obviously thicker and heavier I am too.
Usually, the actual value of the metal in me is the same as the value printed on the coin.
 When I am a rare coin or if I am printed on a special occasion, I become a coin collector's
precious item. When I am very ancient, I am treated specially and am kept in museums for
visitors to see and enjoy.

   I was aboriginal in ancient Greece, India, and China in BCE. Later I was made in
various sizes, shapes, and colours by many countries from 6th century AD onwards. Before
the awakening of paper currency, I was the only way to negotiate for any business.

    "The whole world is my slave" and "the world revolves around me"

   During the 19th and 20th centuries, I was printed with many values like 1 cent or 1
paisa.  Then I was also printed in the parts of the currency like 1 rupee, 2 rupees, 5 rupees,
10 rupees. Above this value usually, there are only currency notes, as I become too heavy.
 However, due to changes in the economy, rise in prices, inflation, the lower valued coins have
long since stopped in circulation.

   Children like me a lot. The sound that I make when I fall on some metal or ground is
so immeasurable like a piece of music, right? It is one of the sweetest notes that you hear. I
am sure you asked me when you were very young.

    Often people keep me in their pockets or their purses. For telephoning from a public
phone, I am required. For purchasing a bar of chocolate, or cold drink you need me, as
inserting me into the vending machine gets you those instantly.  People are often enthusiastic
about their weight. So the weighing machines show their weight only after I am sent into the

    I am ageless. I live in eternally. Unless I am melted, I live happily. Sometimes there is

dirt accumulated on me. If you clean me well, I shine bright and uncontaminated.

    As the saying goes, "I am the God and friend of yours."  Take care of me well. I will
take care of you well. Love me and I love you. I request you do not steal me or cheat someone
to earn me. Earn me with your effort. I am your prize catch. I will protect you in times of
need. I promise.


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