Power Flow Solution of Three-Phase Unbalanced

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Electric Power Components and Systems

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Power Flow Solution of Three-Phase Unbalanced

Radial Distribution Network


To cite this article: R. RANJAN , B. VENKATESH , A. CHATURVEDI & D. DAS (2004) Power
Flow Solution of Three-Phase Unbalanced Radial Distribution Network, Electric Power Components
and Systems, 32:4, 421-433, DOI: 10.1080/15325000490217452

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EMP 32(4) #9733

Electric Power Components and Systems, 32:421–433, 2004

Copyright c Taylor & Francis Inc.
ISSN: 1532-5008 print/1532-5016 online
DOI: 10.1080/15325000490217452

Power Flow Solution of Three-Phase Unbalanced

Radial Distribution Network

Faculty of Engineering & Technology
Multimedia University
Melaka, Malaysia

Department of Electrical Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology
Kharagpur, India

A simple algorithm is presented to solve three-phase unbalanced radial distribu-

tion network (RDN). It solves a simple algebraic recursive expression of voltage
magnitude, and all the data are stored in vector form. The algorithm uses ba-
sic principles of circuit theory and can be easily understood. Mutual coupling
between the phases has been included in the mathematical model. The proposed
algorithm has been tested with several distribution networks and the result of
an unbalanced RDS is presented in the article.

Keywords radial distribution networks, load flow, circuit model

The three phases, neutral and ground are referred to with the superscripts a, b, c,
n, and g, respectively.

i and j The subscripts i and j in the paper denotes the nodes of three-
phase system.
Viag = Via Voltage of phase a at node i with respect to ground.
Viab Voltage drop between two phases a and b at node i.
Vija Voltage drop between nodes i and j in phase a.
a n
Iij /Iij Current flowing through phase a/neutral between nodes i and j.
zeij Self-impedance between nodes i and j in phase a.

Manuscript received in final form on 5 February 2003.

Address correspondence to B. Venkatesh, Faculty of Engineering & Technology, Mul-
timedia University, Melaka, 75450, Malaysia. E-mail: b.venkatesh@mmu.edu.my

422 R. Ranjan et al.

ij Mutual impedance between phases a and b between nodes i
and j.
Pia , Qai , and Sia Real, reactive and complex power loads at phase a at ith bus.
Sij Complex power at phase (a, b, and c) between nodes i and j.
P Lphase
ij Real power loss in the line between node i and j in phase (a, b,
and c).
ij Reactive power loss in the line between node i and j in phase
(a, b, and c).
ij equals P Lphase
ij + jQLphase

Load flow is a very important tool for analysis of power systems and used in oper-
ational as well as planning stages. Certain applications, particularly in distribution
automation and optimization of power systems, require repeated load flow solutions.
In the past few years, the developments of automated distribution systems
solutions have increased considerably. With the development of microcomputer,
distribution-substation-owned computer programs have become a necessity. How-
ever, the choice of solution methods for the practical application is difficult. It
requires a careful analysis of comparative merits and demerits of those methods
available in respect of memory storage requirements, computation speed and con-
vergence criterion. Generally, radial distribution networks have high R/X ratio. Due
to this reason, the conventional Newton Raphson method and Fast De-coupled Load
Flow method fail to converge to a solution. Many other researchers [1–4] have sug-
gested modified versions of conventional load flow methods for radial distribution
networks with high R/X ratio.
Load flow solutions of balanced radial distribution networks have been reported
in the past; however, much work is not reported for solving unbalanced radial
distribution networks. In many cases, it is observed that the radial distribution
systems are unbalanced because of single-phase, two-phase and three-phase loads.
Thus, load flow solution for balanced radial distribution networks will not be
sufficient to solve the unbalanced case and, hence, special treatment is required
for solving such networks.
Basu and Goswami [5] have also proposed a method for solving unbalanced
radial distribution networks based on the Newton-Raphson method. Thukaram
et al. [6] and Miu et al. [7] have also proposed methods for solving three-phase radial
distribution networks. However, methods proposed by the researchers reviewed
above are very cumbersome and large computation time is required.
In this article, a simple algorithm is developed which is based on basic systems
analysis method and circuit theory. The purpose of this paper is to develop a new
computation model for radial distribution network, which requires lesser computer
memory and is computationally fast. The proposed method involves only recursive
algebraic equations to be solved to get the following information:
1. Status of the feeder line, and overloading of the conductor and feeder line
2. Whether the system can maintain adequate voltage level for the remote loads.
3. The line losses in each segment.
4. It can also suggest the necessity of re-routing or network reconfiguration for
the existing distribution network.
Solution of Unbalanced Radial Network 423

The algorithm has been developed considering that all loads draw constant
power. However, the algorithm can easily accommodate composite load modeling,
if the composition of load is known. The algorithm has good convergence property
for practical radial distribution networks.

Solution Methodology
For the analysis of power transmission line, two fundamental assumptions are made,
• Three-phase currents are balanced.
• Transposition of the conductors to achieve balanced line parameters.
However, distribution systems do not lend themselves to either of the two as-
sumptions. Because of the dominance of single-phase loads, the assumption of bal-
anced three-phase currents is not applicable. Distribution lines are seldom trans-
posed, nor can it be assumed that the conductor configuration is an equilateral
triangle. When these two assumptions are invalid, it is necessary to introduce a
more accurate method of calculating the line impedance.
In this work, Carson’s equations of a three-phase grounded four-wire system
are used [8]. Carson’s equations allow the computation of conductor self-impedance
and the mutual impedance between any number of conductors above ground.
A simple circuit model is shown in Figure 1 for a three-phase, four-wire grounded
star system. Line charging admittance is neglected at the distribution voltage
level. For this four-wire system, Carson’s equations lead to the development of
an impedance matrix of 4 × 4 dimension. This matrix is used to calculate conductor
voltage drop as shown below. Using Kirchhoff’s voltage law, one may write:
 ag   aa  a
Vi − Vjag zeij zeabij zeac
ij zean
ij Iij
 bg bg   zeba zebb zebc zebn   b 
 Vi − Vj   ij ij ij ij  Iij 
 cg  =  ca cn   c (1)
 V − V cg   zeij zecbij ze cc
ij ze ij  Iij 
i j
Ving − Vjng zena
ij zenb
ij zenc
ij zenn
In a grounded neutral system, the voltages at neutral and ground are the same,
thus one gets:
Ving − Vjng = 0. (2)

Figure 1. Three-phase four wire line model.

424 R. Ranjan et al.

By substituting equation (2) in (1)

 ag   a   aa  a
Vi − −Vjag Vij zij ab
zij ac
zij Iij
 bg bg   b   ba bb bc   b 
 Vi − Vj  = Vij  =  zij zij zij  Iij  (3)
Vicg − Vjcg Vijc ca
zij cb
zij cc
zij c

where the values of the impedance elements are computed using the following
expression based upon Carson’s equation.

zean na
ij ∗ zeij
zij = zeaa
ij − (4)

Other values of the impedance matrix in (3) may be similarly expressed. A

detailed derivation is given in the Appendix. Figure 2 represents the final model of
three-phase four-wire grounded star system as defined by equation (3).
The same methodology is used to model double and single-phase line sections.
For example, in the case of double-phase line involving phases a and c, equation (3)
may be written as
 ag   a   aa  a
Vi − Vjag Vij zij 0 zij ac
 0  =  0  =  0 0 0  0  (5)
Vicg − Vjcg Vijc ca
zij cc
0 zij c

Similarly in the case of single-phase line involving phase a only, equation (3) may
be written as
 ag   a   aa  a
Vi − Vjag Vij zij 0 0 Iij
 0  =  0  =  0 0 0  0  (6)
0 0 0 0 0 0

However in many cases, in a single-phase line, current returns through the neutral
conductor. A different procedure is followed when current returns through the
neutral conductor. Figure 3 shows a single-phase line consisting of phase a and
neutral. From Figure 3, the equation for voltage drop on phase a may be written
as below:

Vija = Vian − Vjan (7)

Figure 2. Three-phase three wire line model.

Solution of Unbalanced Radial Network 425

Figure 3. Single phase line section.

Further, the two voltages in (7) may be expressed as below:

Vian = Iij
∗ zeaa n an
ij  + Iij ∗ zeij  + Vj
an a
− Iij ∗ zean n nn
ij  − Iij ∗ zeij  (8)

Vian = Vjan = Iij

∗ zeaa n an a an n nn
ij  + Iij ∗ zeij  − Iij ∗ zeij  − Iij ∗ zeij  (9)

As all of the phase current returns in the neutral conductor:

a n
Iij = −Iij (10)

Substituting equation (8), (9) and (10) in equation (7) we arrive at the following

Vija = Vian − Vjan = Iij

∗ zeaa n an a an n nn
ij  + Iij ∗ zeij  − Iij ∗ zeij  + Iij ∗ zeij 
Vija = Iij ∗ zeaa a an a an a nn a a
ij  − Iij ∗ zeij  − Iij ∗ zeij  + Iij ∗ zeij  = Iij ∗ zϕij 

Therefore for phase a, one may write the equation as below:

 a  a  a
Vij zφij 0 0 Iij
 0 = 0 0 0  0  (12)
0 0 0 0 0

Similarly for phase b and c, one may write expressions as below:

    
0 0 0 0 0
Vijb  = 0 zφbij 0 Iij
0 0 0 0 0
    
0 0 0 0 0
 0  = 0 0 0  0  (14)
Vijc 0 0 zφcij c

In general the voltage equations for unbalanced radial distribution networks

may be written as below:
 a   a   aa ab ac
 a
Vi Vj zij zij zij Iij
 b   b   ba bb bc   b 
 Vi  =  Vj  +  zij zij zij  Iij  (15)
c c ca cb cc c
Vi Vj zij zij zij Iij

where i is the sending end node and j is the receiving end node with phases a,
b, and c considering the branch between the two nodes. Then, the voltages at the
426 R. Ranjan et al.

receiving end node j may be determined with the knowledge of the sending voltage
at node i by rewriting (15):
 a   a   aa ab ac
 a
Vj Vi zij zij zij Iij
 b   b   ba bb bc   b 
 Vj  =  Vi  −  zij zij zij  Iij  (16)
Vjc Vic ca
zij cb
zij cc
zij c

Load Model
All the loads are assumed to draw constant complex power (S = P + jQ). It is
further assumed that all three-phase loads are star connected and all double- and
single-phase loads are connected between line and neutral. The three-phase load
model is shown in Figure 4. In Figure 4 the three-phase load may not be balanced.
That is considering node i, Sia , Sib , and Sic can be of different values or even zeroes.
In fact, double-phase and single-phase loads are modeled by setting the values of
the complex power of the non-existing phases to zero.
A node in a radial system is connected to several other nodes. However, owing
to the structure, in a radial system, it is obvious that a node is connected to the
substation through only one line that feeds the node. All the other lines connecting
the node to other nodes draw power from the node. Figure 5 shows phase a of
a three-phase system where lines between nodes i and j feed the node j and all
the other lines connecting node j draw power from node j. Figure 5, following
equations (17)–(19) can be written ((Pija + jQaij ), (Pijb + jQbij ), and (Pijc + jQcij )
refer to the power at receiving end node j):
a a
P ij + jQ ij
Iij = (17)
Pijb + jQbij
Iij = (18)
Pijc + jQcij
Iij = (19)

The formulae for the exact computation of (Pija + jQaij ), (Pijb + jQbij ), and
(Pijc + jQcij ) is given in the Algorithm section of this article.

Derivation of Loss Formula for Unbalance Radial

Distribution Networks
Equations (17)–(19) provide a method to compute the currents through the three
phases of the branch between buses i and j.
Power fed into the phase a of line between bus i and j at bus i is Via ∗ (Iij
a ∗
a a ∗
Power fed into the phase a of line between bus i and j at bus j is Vj ∗ (Iji )
Therefore real and reactive power losses in the line between buses i and j may be
written as:
SLaij = P Laij + jQLaij = Via ∗ (Iij
a ∗
) − Vja ∗ (Iji
a ∗
) (20)
Solution of Unbalanced Radial Network 427

Figure 4. Load model.

Figure 5. Single phase line section with load connected at node j between to phase a
and neutral n.

Similarly real and reactive power losses for phase b and c can be written as:
SLbij = P Lbij + jQLbij = Vib ∗ (Iij
b ∗
) − Vjb ∗ (Iji
b ∗
) (21)
SLcij = P Lcij + jQLcij = Vic ∗ (Iij
c ∗
) − Vjc ∗ (Iji
c ∗
) (22)

The complete algorithm is presented in the flow chart given in Figure 6. In every
iteration, the following steps are followed. Each node j in the system is considered.
As explained in the Load Model section using Figure 5, only one line connecting
the node j to the substation feeds the node j. The total load supplied through
this line to node j is determined. This is explained using an example. Consider the
three-phase radial system shown in Figure 7. The total power supplied through the
phase a of the line between buses 03 and 18 at node 18 side is equal to the following:
a a a a a a
S0318 = [S18 + S19 + S20 + S21 + S22 ]
+ [SLa18 20 + SLa20 19 + SLa18 21 + SLa21 22 ]
428 R. Ranjan et al.

Figure 6. Flowchart.
Solution of Unbalanced Radial Network 429

Figure 7. A 25-node unblanced radial network. (a) Distance between buses are given in
feet; (b) the number below each line indicates the line type; (c) loads are either in 3-Φ or
1-Φ KVA; (d) power factor of the load is 0.80; (e) line codes 1 & 2 have phases (a, b, c, n);
(f) line codes 3, 4, 5 have phases (a, n) (b, n), (c, n); (g) line codes 6, 7, 8 have phases
(a, c, n), (a, b, n), (b, c, n).

where S18 denotes the load supplied at node number 18, and SLa18 20 denotes the
power loss in the line between nodes 18 and 20. Thus, in general, the receiving end
power at any phase, say phase a, of line between nodes i and j may be expressed
as below:
  

   
    Index of all lines

 k = index of a a 
Pij + jQij =  all nodes fed [Pk + jQk ] + connected between [P Lmn + jQLmn ]
a a  a a

 through the   nodes m and n 
   fed through the 
line between
line between
nodes l and j
nodes i and j

The losses in the above equation may be computed using (20)–(22).
430 R. Ranjan et al.

With the knowledge of powers flowing between nodes i and j from (24) at the
jth node, one may employ equations (17)–(19) to compute the currents flowing
between nodes i and j. Using equation (16), the algorithm computes the voltage
at receiving end node j for the line between nodes i and j. In this method, the
algorithm computes the voltages at all the nodes of the system starting from the
substation to all the nodes downstream. The algorithm stops if the changes in the
computed bus voltage magnitudes are the same in two successive iterations or if
To obtain better starting values in the very first iteration, equations (17)–(19)
are approximated as below:

Pij + jQaij ∗
Iij = (25)
b b
P ij + jQij
Iij = (26)

Pij + jQcij ∗
Iij = (27)

To test the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm, a 4.16 kV unbalanced radial
distribution network shown in Figure 7 is considered. The line data of the system
is given in Table 1. Power factor of load is considered as 0.8. It is assumed that the

Table 1
Line data

Self impedance Mutual impedance

Conductor per mile per mile
code (Ω) (Ω)

1 (3-Φ) zeaa = 0.36867 + j0.68522 zeab = 0.016979 + j0.15145

zebb = 0.37568 + j0.67146 zebc = 0.018826 + j0.20723
zecc = 0.37226 + j0.67817 zeca = 0.01545 + j0.10979
2 (3-Φ) zeaa = 0.97748 + j0.87166 zeab = 0.01674 + j0.16968
zebb = 0.98439 + j0.86543 zebc = 0.01856 + j0.22754
zecc = 0.98102 + j0.86477 zeca = 0.01523 + j0.12638
3 (1-Φ) zeaa = 1.9280 + j1.41939 —
4 (1-Φ) zebb = 1.9280 + j1.41939 —
5 (1-Φ) zecc = 1.9280 + j1.41939 —
6 (2-Φ) zeaa = 0.97748 + j1.87166 zeab = 0.01523 + j12638
zebb = 0.98102 + j0.86847
7 (2-Φ) zebb = 0.97748 + j1.87166 zebc = 0.01523 + j12638
zecc = 0.98102 + j0.86847
8 (2-Φ) zeaa = 0.97748 + j1.87166 zeca = 0.01523 + j12638
zecc = 0.98102 + j0.86847
Solution of Unbalanced Radial Network 431

Table 2
Results of the load flow studies

Node no. Va (p.u.) Vb (p.u.) Vc (p.u.)

1. 1.0 1.0 1.0

2. 0.986461 0.990152 0.988011
3. 0.984246 0.987878 0.985703
4. 0.982878 0.986542 0.984897
5. 0.981250 0.982353 0.984723
6. 0.976170 0.982084 0.980199
7. 0.967078 0.976994 0.973463
8. 0.975206 0.979674 0.980342
9. 0.965016 0.974879 0.976832
10. 0.962153 0.973032 0.997132
11. 0.960470 0.972530 —
12. 0.959247 — —
13. — 0.971723 —
14. 0.966317 0.972963 0.970670
15. 0.964228 0.970923 0.968783
16. 0.967078 0.976994 0.973463
17. — — 0.969458
18. 0.981761 0.982263 0.982959
19. — 0.978355 —
20. 0.980606 0.980761 0.983210
21. — — 0.978946
22. — — 0.976537
23. 0.980661 0.981320 0.984896
24. — 0.979545 0.984192
25. — 0.976331 —

transformer at the substation is balanced and line-charging admittance is neglected.

For the load flow, base voltage is chosen as 4.16 kV. The results are presented in
Table 2.
The total system losses were found to be the following in each phase of the
radial system:
• Phase A: 14.179 kW 17.91 kVAr
• Phase B: 8.872 kW 11.586 kVAr
• Phase C: 10.846 kW 14.286 kVAr

In this article, a simple and efficient computer algorithm has been presented to
solve unbalanced radial distribution networks. The proposed method has good con-
vergence property for any practical distribution networks with practical R/X ratio.
Computationally, this method is extremely efficient, as it solves simple algebraic re-
cursive equations for voltage phasors. Another advantage of the proposed method
432 R. Ranjan et al.

is all the data is stored in vector form, thus saving enormous amount of computer
memory. The method is successfully implemented on PIII based PC for several re-
alistic distribution networks. The proposed algorithm can be used effectively with
Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) and Distribution Automation
and Control (DAC) as the algorithm quickly gets the voltage solution and can be
used to suggest rerouting or network reconfiguration for efficient operation of the

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Appendix: Detailed Derivation of Impedance Matrix of

Equation (3)
Consider equation (A1) as below:
 
 aa  a
Viag − Vjag zeij zeab
ij zeac
ij zean
ij Iij
 bg bg   bn   b 
 Vi − Vj   zeba ij zebb
ij zebc
ij zeij  Iij 
 
 V cg − V cg  = 
 ca
zecb zecc zecn
 c  (A1)
 i j  zeij ij ij ij  Iij 
Ving − Vjng zena
ij zenb
ij zenc
ij zenn

The voltages at neutral and ground are the same in a grounded neutral system and
thus one gets:

Ving − Vjng = 0. (A2)

Solution of Unbalanced Radial Network 433

By substituting equation (A2) in (A1)

 ag   a   aa   a   an 
Vi − Vjag Vij zeij zeab
ij zeac
ij Iij zeij
 bg bg     bc   b   bn  n
 Vi − Vj  = Vijb  =  zeba
ij zebb
ij zeij  Iij  +  zeij  [Iij ] (A3)
Vicg − Vjcg Vijc zeca
ij zecb
ij zecc
Iij zecn

 a
na I b 
 ij 
zeij zenb
ij zenc
ij zenn
ij  c  = 0 (A4)
Iij 
 a
ij zenb
ij zenc
ij  b
inij = − Iij  (A5)
ij zenn
ij zenn
ij c

From equation (A3) and (A5)

 ag   a   aa  a
Vi − Vjag Vij zeij zeab ij zeac
ij Iij
 bg bg   b   ba bb bc   b 
 Vi − Vj  = Vij  =  zeij zeij zeij  Iij 
Vicg − Vjcg Vijc zeca
ij zecb
ij zecc
 an  (A6)
zeij   a 
 zebn  na nb nc
 ij   zeij zeij zeij  b 
−  cn   nn nn Iij 
 zeij  zeij zeij zenn
ij c
 ag   a   aa  a
Vi − Vjag Vij zij ab
zij ac
zij Iij
 bg bg   b   ba bb bc   b 
 Vi − Vj  = Vij  =  zij zij zij  Iij  (A7)
Vicg − Vjcg Vijc ca
zij cb
zij cc
zij c

where the values of the impedance elements in equation (A7) are

zean na
ij ∗ zeij
zij = zeaa
ij −

zebn nb
ij ∗ zeij
zij = zebb
ij −

zecn nc
ij ∗ zeij
zij = zecc
ij −

zij = zeab
ij ,
zij = zeac
ij ,
zij = zeba
ij ,
zij = zebc
ij ,
zij = zeca
ij ,
zij = zecb

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