Jennies Amber Beades

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Jennie was a little Scottish girl who lived among the Highlands. She lived in a
smile hut in the beautiful hills. Jeannie’s father kept sheep on the hill- sides and
jeannie and her mother spun and wove beautiful cloth on their looms.

One thing that Jeannie treasured was a necklace of amber beads. Her
grandmother had given the beads to Jennie on her twelfth birthday. The beads
had the rich colour of bright sunshine. When an amber bead was rubbed, it gave
off a fragrance and it could attract things like a manet.

Inside one of her beads was a delicate bit of ferny moss- in a globe of yellow
light- as if it were in the sunlight. In another was a tiny fly, his little wings out
spread and raised for flight. One bead held two pine needles lying across each
A bee was lodged in another bead which looked like frozen honey. Some beads
had golden beetles in them. The beads were all so beautiful that jeannie spent a
lot of time just admiring them.

Jeannie’s grandfather had got the beads from the wreck of a ship, Goshawk,
which had sunk in the sweaters near his highland home. He had gone looking
for what he could save from the wreck. There, among the slippery seaweeds, he
had accidentally stepped on this piece of amber. It was a clear, shining lump and
all the creatures had been embedded in it.

From this lumgp, Grandfather had carved out the beads himself and had given
them to his wife as a wedding gift. He had worked very carefully to save the
embedded insect or weed in each piece How his young wife had loved it! She
had worn it for manyyear and then had left it to her grand- daughter.

But what puzzled Jeannie was how the amber came to be on the seashore and
how the bees, the moss and the other creatures had got inside. So she looked it
up in a book.

She learnt that long before any humans appeared on earth, the Scottish
Highlands were covered with forests. There were oaks, poplars, beeches and
pines. Among them was one kind of pine- tall and stately- from which a shining
yellow gum flowed. This beautiful yellow gum was fragrant.

Thousands of little insects fluttered about it in the warm sunshine. They were
attracted by its pleasant smell- perhaps, too, by its taste. Once they alighted
upon it, the stuck fast and could not get away. The great yellow drops oozing out
surrounded and, at last, covered them entirely. Wind- blow bits of moss, leaves
acorns cones and little sticks too wrer soon stuck in the fast- flowing gum. As
time went by, the gum hardened more and more and became amber.

In those very old times, the land sometimes sank down into the sea, so deep that
the water covered the very mountain- tops.and then, aftewr several centuries, the
land was slowly lifted up again, the greats forests of the north of Scotland- the
oaks, the poplars, and the amber- pines- sank into the deep sea. There, lying at
the bodttom of the ocean, the wood and the gum hardened like stone. Only the
great stroms could disturb them as they lay half- buried in the sand.

It was one of those great storms that had brought the lump of amber closer to the
shore, where Jeannie’s grandfather found it, when he gave the necklace to his
wife, he did not know that he was giving her a little piece of nature and that his
grand- daughter would were it one day.

Question Answer.

1. What did Jeannie’s grandfather get from the wreck of the goshawk?
Ans- Jeannie’s grandfather got the shinging amber beads from the wreck of
2. How do we know that Jeannie’s grandmother love the gift?
Ans- Jennie’s grandmother loved the gift very much because she wore it for
many years and after that she left it for Jeannie.
3. Pick any two expressions used in the thind paragraph to discribe the
colour of amber. Write them in your notebooks
Ans- Two expressions for the colour of amber are- 1. globe of yellow light 2.
frozen honey
4. What are the two things that puzzled Jeannie about the amber?
Ans- Moss and Creatures were two things that puzzled Jeannie about amber.
5. What brought the lump of amber close to the shore?
Ans- A great storm had thrown up the amber from the depths of the sea and
brought it closer to the shore.
JaonaI ek CaoiT saI laD,kI qaI. jaao ek phaiD, ko
saamanao rhtI qaI. vaao ek maamauila sao Gar
maoM rhtI qaI jaao ek saundr sao ihla maoM rhtI qaI.
vaao AaOr ]sakI mmaima lauma ko ilae ek saundr
saa kpD,a banaatI qaI.

jaonaI ko baarvao janmaidna pr ]sakI dadI nao ]sao

Ambar ko maaotI sao banaa saMdr har idyaa ijasao
jaonaI nao saMBaalao kUr rKa qaa. jaonI ko dada jaI
kao vah maaotI Dbao jahaja ko kbaaD,o ihssaao sao
imalao qao.

JaonI ek baat sao proSaana qI ik yah Ambar ko

maaotI Aae kha^M sao AaOr ]namoM kuC jaIva AMdr
kOsao GusaoM gao. tBaI vah ek iktaba maoM ]sako
baaro maoM pZ,I.

vaao isaKI qaI kI bahut saala phlao QartI maoM kao[-

[nasaana Aayaa qaa Aaoksa paolars ibacasa AaOr
pa[na yao saba maoM sao jaao p[na qaa vaao
sabasao lambaa qaa. ]samao sao jaao camak rha qaa
]sa saundr sao yaolaI gaaoMd kao frogrnT baulaato

ek CaoTa saa ikDa, jaao zMDa maoM hjaar saala

saaoyaa huAa qaa. hmakao lagata hO kI vaao AcCa
saa KuSabau vaalao jagh maoM hao gaa.

bahut phlao laoMD maoM jaba bahut saara phaiD,

AaOr pqar huAa krta qaa.

ek idna bahut jaaor ka hvaa caalaa AaOr ]samaoM

sao lamp foka gayaa AaOr Aombar Saaor ko
saamanao Aa gayaa. jaha^M po ]sako dada jaI kao
imalaa qaa. jaba vaao Apnaa har ApnaI ibaiba kao
idAa ]sakao naihM maalauma qaa kI vaao ApnaI
baiD, baoiT kao doMgao ek idna

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