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July 17, 2017

This day, was my first observation and my cooperating teacher

was Mr. Gabriel Antolin and the class that I was observing was Grade 10

our lady of Holy Rosary. When we entered the classroom the students

greeted us and they had first a prayer. Before they began their class I

noticed that the teacher had a 1/8 sheet of paper, after that the teacher

asked their students about the size of the paper, but nobody could guess,

after few minutes the teacher introduced their topic, he gave examples,

the students was interested the topic because it was very easy for them

and I like the teaching strategy of the teacher because the students could

easily understood the lesson and the class ended with a prayer.

July 17, 2017

The next section that I observed this time was Grade 10 our lady

of Light. The teacher asked a recapitulation then after that they

proceeded to their lesson same with the Holy Rosary, and I expected that

the same strategy. The teacher gave examples and explained it. And I

had observed that the students were very participative in the

discussions. The class ended with a prayer.

July 18, 2017

This day, the teacher continued discussing their lesson because

yesterday their discussions was not done because the time was short, and

of course the teacher gave examples and let their students answer the

examples. Some of them were interested and participative and the others

were not. And the teacher asked the students on how to relate this topic

on their real life- situation and the teacher gave an assignment that

would pass next meeting. And the class ended with a prayer.

July 18, 2017

This day, the teacher gave a short a quiz regarding their topic

yesterday, and after that, he let his students solve on the board and

explained it. While the students busy answering their quiz the teacher

reminded that this topic could be included in their examination this

coming Thursday. The students were very happy because according to

them this topic was very simple. The class ended with a prayer.

July 19, 2017

This time, I observed again in the class of Holy Rosary. The

teacher collected the assignment of their students and I noticed that

nobody got correct answers. The teacher wrote the problem on the board

and answer it. The students were pretending that they understood their

lesson. But the teacher found ways so that the students could

participated in the discussions. He gave another example and let his

students answer individually so that everyone had an oral participation

and the students had no choice because the teacher gave points. All of

them were raising their hands because of that agreement. This section,

only boys were very participative in the discussions. Unlike in the other

section in the Grade 10 Light, some of them were very participative.

Although this section was low in their performance in mathematics they

were not shy to share their ideas even if it was correct or wrong. And

the class ended with a prayer.

July 19, 2017

The class that I observed was Grade 10 Light. Every time I would

observe this class, I felt happy because the students were very

participative during the discussions, this time they had their quiz. While

the students busy answering, the teacher reminded that tomorrow he

would check the books. The teacher made a joke that whoever would pass

first their papers, he or she would given plus 5. And the class ended with

a prayer.
July 25, 2017

This morning, I observed at Holy Rosary. This time they had their

new lesson, but before the teacher introduced their lesson, he asked first

a recapitulation about their lesson last meeting. After that he began

their lesson, he gave examples and explained it. After that, the teacher

gave last example then the students would answer it. And I observed

some of the students were not interested maybe because they had no idea

about their lesson, that’s why every time I would observe this section I

felt bored, and after the discussions the teacher asked the students so

that all were had an oral participation. The teaching plan of the teacher

was effective because the students participated. And the class ended

with a prayer.

July 25, 2017

This time, I observed again in the class of Light. But before the

class started they had first their prayer. The time they also had their

new lesson same with the Holy Rosary. But before that, the teacher

conducted a recapitulation about their lesson last meeting. After few

minutes, he introduced their lesson and I had noticed that the students

know already this kind of lesson, and the teacher gave 5 examples and

after that the students were excited to have a quiz and I like this section
because the students were all participative and Sir Gabriel said, next

meeting they would have a quiz and the class ended with a prayer.

July 27, 2017

The class that I observed this morning was Holy Rosary. But

before the class started, they had first a prayer and after that they

continued discussing their lesson yesterday, and after the discussions,

series of quiz followed and the students were very silent during their

quiz. And before the class ended, the teacher gave an assignment that

would be passed next meeting.

July 27, 2017

This day, I observed at Light. Before the class began they had first

their prayer. This time they had their quiz. But before that, the teacher

asked the students what was their lesson last meeting. One students

recapitulated what they had done last meeting, after few minutes, they

started their quiz. The teacher wrote the problems on the board and

after that, the students started answering. They were so busy and

concentrating in answering, and the teacher kept on watching the

students when answering their papers. Then some of the students were

passing their papers before the bell ring. But the others were not finished
answering. Since they had no time, the teacher told them to pass or not

finished. The class ended with a prayer.

July 28, 2017

Today, I observed again in the class of Holy Rosary. The class

would not be started without a prayer, the teacher gave a new lesson

and before he introduced their lesson, he asked first a recapitulation.

After that he began their class, the teacher gave an activity, he grouped

the students into 4 groups the students were very enjoyable because all

of them participated but their activity was not done and it would be

continued next meeting.

July 28, 2017

This day, the class that I observed was light. The teacher gave an

activity same with the Holy Rosary, the students asked their teacher

what was the activity all about. Then the teacher explained it, and I had

noticed that the students were very excited to perform their activity.

Even though some of the students were very noisy, if the teacher would

ask them, they knew already the answer, the students were very

enjoyable to perform their activity, and then the activity ended with

knowledgeable learning process. The students’ performance in their

activity was good because they were cooperative and participate with

their group during the activity.

July 31, 2017

First, they had their prayer before the discussions began. The

teacher told the students to get their assignment for them to check. After

that, they reviewed their previous lesson because only few got the

correct answers.

The teacher gave another example, and after answering, the

teacher explained his answer. He gave last example, but this time he

called one student to answer and after few minutes, the student

explained their work to their classmates .Then series of quiz followed ,the

class ended with a prayer.

August 1, 2017

This morning, I observed again at Holy Rosary. The teacher

gave a new topic and before he explained their lesson, he let their

students guess or define what was the topic all about and student could

define it. Then they proceeded to their new lesson by giving example,

and after the teacher explained their lesson, he gave another quiz to test
their students if they understood in the discussions. Then the class ended

with a prayer.

August 1, 2017

After I observed in the Holy Rosary, the next section I was

observing was light. They continued discussing their lesson and the

teacher continued giving the example and I was impressed on the

behavior and attitudes of the students because they treated and

respected me as a teacher. If would compare this class to the other

section, they had a big difference because I had noticed they were only

few students who knew their lesson and participated during the

discussions, and the teaching plan of the teacher was effective because

during the discussions the attention of the students was there. The class

ended with a prayer.

August 2, 2017

Today, I’m done observing in the class of Holy Rosary. As we

entered the classroom, the students greeted us, and after that, the

teacher continued giving example about their lesson last meeting. But

before that, he conducted a recapitulation, then after that they began

their discussions and he wrote 3 examples and let their students answer.

After few minutes he gave an assignment and the class ended with a


This portfolio would not have been possible without the guidance

and the help of several individuals who in one way or another

contributed and extended their valuable assistance in the preparation

and completion of this portfolio.

First of all, to the Omnipotent Creator, the source of life that we

are able to experience the sweetness and bitterness of living making us

fully developed individuals. I give many thanks to some people who

helped and supported me during writing this compilation. And I want

to express my deepest thanks to my Parents, who supported me in

terms of financial problems because this portfolio would not have been

possible finished if without their support.

I also wish to express my sincere appreciation to Dr. Adronica

Ellima and Sir Gabriel Antolin, for the guidance and encouragement

throughout the course in preparing and conducting this portfolio, with

their beliefs that I could possibly finish, kept me going.


I would like to dedicate this compilation to my beloved parents.

My inspiration and strength to roughly sail the life experiences and

struggle, and without those caring supports it would not have been

possible. To the rest of my family, my brothers, and sisters and to our

Almighty God, who helped and guided upon making this compilation.

To my classmates, who helped and inspired me every day in going to

school. To my teacher who taught us a beautiful future. I proudly

dedicate this project to all of you…God bless us all.

Thank you so much.

Republic of the Philippines
St. Mary’s College of Labason Inc.
Imelda ,Labason, Zambanga Del Norte


Field Study 6
Integrated Teaching Strategies on Becoming a Teacher
At St. Mary’s College of Labason

Presented by:

Presented to:

1sT Semester
Republic of the Philippines
Commission on Higher Education
Region IX, Western Mindanao


To whom it may concern:

This is to certify that ADOLF CHIN M. SUMONDOD a

student of Saint Mary’s College of Labason, Zamboanga del Norte, has
undergone Field Study observation at St. Mary’s College of Labason
during the first semester S.Y. 2017-2018 under my supervision and


Cooperating Teacher
Republic of the Philippines
Commission on Higher Education
Region IX, Western Mindanao


This student portfolio has been prepared and submitted by

ADOLF CHIN M. SUMONDOD in partial fulfillment of the course

requirements in Field Study VI (Integrated Teaching Strategies On

Becoming a Teacher.)


FS Student


FS instructor

Lord thank you for the gift of teaching! Equip me to teach with
WISDOM and with TRUTH, and empower me to teach with VISION and
with LOVE. Cover each child, teacher, and school in our nation and
bless them abundantly. Let your light shine through all that I do so that
every child knows your unselfish grace. I pray for leadership, guidance,
and strength, as I help my students, explore, stretch, achieve and grow.


A good cook could

Cook as much cookies,

As a much cookies as a good who

Could cook cookies.

I wish to wish the wish you wish to wish,

But if you wish to wish the witch wishes,

I won’t wish the wish you wish to wish.

Give papa a cup of proper

Coffee in a copper coffee cup.

Picky people pick Peter pan peanut- butter,

Tis the peanut- butter picky people pick.

Luke luck likes lakes

Luke’s duck likes lakes.

Luke luck licks lakes,

Duck takes licks in lakes luke luck likes.

Luke luck takes licks in lakes duck likes.

One- one was a race horse

Two-two was one too.

One- one race.

Two-two won one too.

Pirate’s private property

On a lazy laser raiser lies a laser ray

During my observation at Saint Mary’s College of
Labason, (High School Department) under Sir Gabriel Antolin,
based on my observation from the teaching learning process, I
highly appreciated the teacher’s teaching and his motivation to
his students. The class started with a prayer. That was one of the
moral values that he always employed. His teaching strategies
and approaches appropriate for learners. He also adapts
disciplinary manners to implement classroom management. In
conducting a discussion, he was confident in delivering his
lesson and he was also confident in dealing with his students.

Through this kind of teacher, the students become equipped

and competent in learning. It helps the students to arouse their
interest and develop learning to become flexible in learning. The
students were very active during class activity, and they could
communicate with their classmates.

Other students were very busy making other things which

did not relate to the topic. Every class activity, they cooperate
and there was an competition between students-students. The
interaction of the students to the teacher was good because
every time there was an activity, they could perform it
immediately even they didn’t know or master the activity. He
was always ready on his lesson. The mastery of the subject
matter was there and he also mastered the use of teaching
strategies and method.

Sometimes his students felt bored because his motivation it

did not suit their interest. The classroom setting was effective for
learning process. The students were well attentive and the
teacher passionately discussed his lesson, and he could handle
the class with an integrative discussions. The teacher did not use
any standardized aid of material to assist his teaching, but the
students still vibrantly interfering their participation. It was
because the teacher was able to manage the class with the
consistent discipline that needed in the classroom instruction
and he also had humor in which the attention of the every
student was being captivated.

The strategies of the teacher being used was just calling

one by ones’ attention of the students and answer the interesting
questions. The students actively participated in solving the
problem on the board, because the teacher was giving direct
points to those who could answer the problem.
The teachers’ instruction of problem solving was align in
the k-12 curriculum and it was well planned. Students and
teacher were vibrantly commemorating about the instructional
problem that was being provided for them to get the summit of
learning in that particular lesson within one hour.

The students were well behave and attentive to the class

instruction, the teacher discussed the topic and he had a
modulated voice that could be heard in the four corners of the
classroom. The teachers’ teaching strategies was effective
because the students could easily understood in the discussions.

Furthermore, as my observation went through… when the

teacher gave his discussions it was very idealistic and engaging
to the sense of the students and could arouse their motives
insights and interest. The teaching plan of the teacher was suit
to the students learning because the students they could easily
understood on what the teacher discussed. They had
collaboration during class activity.

And the classroom management was also effective because

the attention of the learners during the discussions was there.
And I am impressed to the strategy of the teacher because he
could handle the class, and also to the students even though
some of them were hate mathematics but still they would listen
attentively and respect their teacher.

And I had noticed that, teacher Antolin was very serious

explaining the lesson and I like the teaching styles of the teacher
because being serious in the discussions was one of his
techniques to motivate and caught the attention of the students.
And I had noticed also to the students some of them was felt
bored during mathematics time, maybe they did not like
mathematics because more on solving numbers. The teacher
found ways to those students they did not interested in his
subject. The teacher gave them a chance to ask which part in
their discussions they did not understood, so that he could
explained it again. The teacher had an assessment tools that
could identify the strength and weaknesses of the learners.

The teacher prepared his design of instruction that suit to

their students and vividly discussed the topic and he gave their
best to motivate them. It was needed and important to be strict
in teaching so that the students would pay their attention in the
discussions. The lesson was well ventilated to the class that’s
why there’s an astounding of interest catered in the classroom
constituted by the students.

It was good to had extrinsic motivation in teaching because

today’s students attitude was hard to define that’s why the
teacher must use the best motivation so that the student would
astound their interest. In his teaching styles he able to identify
the characteristics of the learners. He instigates what’s the real
learning in the classroom.

The students that those low age can’t work independently

they need their classmates or teacher to assist them. I found out
that the learners had different characteristics.

As a teacher even the students were not participated in the

discussions we need to advise them and motivate until they
participated. In comparison in terms of learning behavior, there
was a big gap between the two learners. The other students work
with their own. He could manipulate himself / herself in doing
class work and home work. He could motivate himself / herself
in every learning activities.

While the other students would need to improve and

develop his or her knowledge acquisition. He or she needs more
attention and motivation to become equipped with others. There
was a good combination of learner’s characteristic and learning
activity because they could evaluate and measure easily the
performance of the learner’s during learning activity. The
students’ performance was good because the teacher caught
their level of understanding. Sometimes the students lose focus
their interest in mathematics subjects. The teaching design of the
teacher always ended with knowledgeable learning process.
That’s why the students always arouse their motive insights and

On my observation, I learned a lot of teaching strategies on

my cooperating teacher, when the content was higher than the
students level, the teacher must adapt whole group activities, so
that all students could participate and gain something from the
lesson. These students must be pulled out for small group
lessons based on needs. Always had something meaningful and
appropriately challenging prepared for students who finish
independent work early.

Through the field study I knew how difficult to be a teacher.

I need to be strong and to be open minded to everything that
would happen inside and outside the classroom. Creating and
designing one’s future was the hardest responsibility in all
profession for me. Through this responsibility as a field study
student I learned on how to manage the classroom and to
manage the behavior of the students and time management. I
learned also the character of being good listener and readiness
to accept every student in terms on their need.

I learned in my field study 6 (Integrated Strategies on

Becoming a Teacher) in order to be effective teacher, we must
be a subject matter expert. Being a subject matter expert was
more than just having a general knowledge of facts and
concepts. Being a subject matter expert includes knowledge
about organizing ideas, connections among ideas, ways of
thinking and arguing and pattern of change within a discipline,
beliefs about discipline, and the ability to carry ideas from one
discipline to another.

An effective teacher must engage in critical thinking,

which was the process of evaluating the accuracy and worth of
research and information and not only to analyze what he or she
reads as best teaching practices but also use critical thinking to
analyze what the students ‘reasoning and thought processes
might be. This may help to caught misconceptions and minimize
classroom frustration levels.

And I learned a lot about how to develop one’s self-efficacy

as a teacher. The teacher must engage about internal and
external reflection so that the students could engage also a self-
efficacy which means the students was capable of executing
certain behaviors or reaching certain goals.

And based on my observation, the teacher adapt different

teaching strategies in order the learning of the students was
effective and more efficient. And according to my cooperating
teacher Mr. Gabriel Antolin, in order the teaching strategy was
effective they need to involve acquiring knowledge to inform our
course design and classroom teaching. Help students explain
difficulties and guide instructional adaptations.

Effective teaching involves adopting appropriate teaching

roles to support our learning goals. Even though students were
ultimately responsible for their own learning, the roles we
assume as instructors were critical in guiding students’ thinking
and behavior. We could take on a variety of roles in teaching
like as commentator and moderator. These roles should be
chosen in service of the learning objectives and in support of the
instructional activities. And motivating students to be
enthusiastically receptive was one of the most important aspects
of mathematics instruction and critical aspect of any

Teacher Antolin would focus on attention on the less

interested students as well as the motivated ones. And he gave
some techniques- based on the intrinsic and extrinsic motivation
that could be use to motivate students performance in
mathematics and strategies for increasing students motivation in

First, call attention to avoid in students ‘knowledge which

means revealing to students a gap in their understanding
capitalizes on their desire to learn more. For instance, you may
present a few simple exercises involving familiar, followed by
exercises involving unfamiliar situations on the same topic. The
more dramatically you reveal the gap in understanding, the
more effective the motivation.
Second, show a sequential achievement, which means
closely related to the preceding technique was having students
appreciate a logical sequence of concept. This differs from the
previous method in that it depends on the students’ desire to
increase, not complete, their knowledge.

The teacher indicates the usefulness of a topic, introduce a

practical application of genuine interest to the class at the
beginning of a lesson. For example, in geometry, a students
could be asked to find the diameter of a plate where all the
information he or she has a section of the plate that smaller than

The applications chosen should be brief and uncomplicated

to motivate the lesson rather than detract from it. The teacher
use recreational mathematics, such as games, or puzzle. In
addition to being selected for their specific motivational gain,
and get students actively involved in justifying mathematics
curiosities, and I learned about one of the more effective
techniques for motivating students, asking them to justify one of
many pertinent mathematics curiosities, like the fact that when
the sum of the digits of a number was divisible by 9, the original
number was also divisible by 9. The students should be familiar
and comfortable with the mathematics curiosity before
challenging them to defend it.

Being a teacher is not an easy task, because teaching is a

complex multifaceted activity, often requiring us as instructors
to juggle multiple tasks and goals simultaneously and flexibly.
The following small but powerful set of principles can make
teaching both more effective and more efficient, by helping us
create the conditions that support students learning and
minimize the need for revising materials, content, and policies.

Teaching is one of the most fun and noble careers could

have. They have the power to influence and touch students’ lives
profoundly. Teaching is a journey, a journey of discovering new
things, strategies, plans, and most of all a journey of meeting
new people basically every day. (Maggie Inocencio Amor).

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