APDL Commands

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/AAA or *BBB or CCC ==> Commands

/COM, ... ==> Comments come after this

! ==> Also used for commenting
/INPUT, FILE, EXT ==> Input file - If the file comes with extension the EXT
will be empty
K,NUM,A,B,C,D ==> Creates a point (keypoint) - If a value is 0, it
can be empty
L,NUM1,NUM2 ==> Creates a line
*SET, NAME, VALUE ==> Name = VALUE(or a function)
*STATUS,PAR,A,B,... ==> Lists the parameters mentioned based on PAR
(All/BLANK or _PRM or PRM_)
*AFUN ==> Turns units of angle from radians to degrees
PARSAV,LAB,FNAME,EXT ==> Saves paramters in a file based on LAB
(SCALAR(default) or ALL)
PARRES,LAB,FNAME,EXT ==> Reads or adds to the paramters in a file based on
LAB (NEW(default) or CHANGE)
%NAME% ==> Means the value stored in the name should be
rplaced by the NAME
ET,NUM,E_TYPE,KOP1,KOP2,... ==> Defines the elements type
MPDATA,VAR,NUM,,VALUE ==> Defines the material properties (EX(Elasticity)
or PRXY(Poisson))
F,LAB,DIR,VALUE,... ==> Defines forces based on LAB in DIR direction
/EOF ==> Stops the run at that point
:AAAAAAAA ==> Means that AAAAAAAA is a label
==> Gets a data and puts in PARNAME

/PREP7 ==> A module that the Item Command Objects are

executed in.

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