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Government Exams Such As SSC CGL, MBA,
CAT, GATE, Railway, RBI, Insurance Exams,
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 Compilation of Synonyms Coming soon
 Compilation of Antonyms coming soon
 Compilation of Idiom and phrases coming soon
 Compilation Quantitative aptitude coming soon

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A Abattoir कसाईखाना Place Where Animals Are Slaughtered For The Market
Abbreviation सं क्षिप्त Shortening Something By Omitting Parts Of It
AAbdicate त्यागना To Give Up Throne Voluntarily
AAbdication त्याग Voluntary Giving Up Of Throne In Favour Of Someone
Abolish समाप्त करना Do Away With
AAborigines मु ल क्षनवासी The Original Inhabitants Of Country
AAbridged सं गृ हीत An Edition Book In Which It Has Been Condensed
AAbrogate अक्षिक्षनषे ध करना To Do Away With Rules
AAccelerate में ते जी लाने के Move Faster
AAccessible सु ल ि Which Can Be Approached
AAcclimatize जलवायु का अभ्यस्त To Accustom Oneself In New Climate
AAccomplice साथी Partner In Crime
AAccountable उत्तरदायी Responsible For One's Actions
AAcquaint पररक्षित Make Oneself Familiar With Person Or Thing
AAcquittal दोषमु क्षि The Act Of Freeing Person From Charge By Verdict
Actuary मुं शी Someone Versed In The Interpretation Of Numerical Data
AAdhesive गोंद Substance That Can Stick Or Cause Sticking
AAdolescence ककशोरावस्था The Period Between The Beginning Of Puberty And AAdulthood
AAdulteration क्षमलावट To Falsify Thing By Admixture Or Baser Ingredients
AAeronaut वायु - यान िलाने वाला Person Who Pilots Or Travels In Balloon Airship Or Other
AAeronautics एयरोनॉरटक्स Science Of Flight Of Aeroplanes
AAerophobia ऊं िाई का डर Fear Of Height
Aesthete सौन्दयय - सं वे दी Person Who Claims To Have Great Love For Understanding Of
What Is Beautiful In Nature , Art Etc
Agenda कायय सू िी List Of Headings Of The Business To Be Transacted At A Meeting
Agenda कायय सू िी List Of Headings Of The Business To Be Transacted At A Meeting
AAggravate छे ड़ ना To Increase The Gravity Of An Offence Or The Intensity
Of Disease
AAggressor आक्रामक Someone Who Attacks
AAgliophobia पीड़ा का डर Fear Of Pain
Agnostic अज्ञे य वाद का Person Who Claims The Existence Of God Is Unknowable
AAgoraphobia िीड़ से डर लगना Fear Of Open Spaces Or Crowd
Alien क्षवदे शी Belonging To Foreign Country
Alienate हटाना Arouse Hostility Or Indifference In
Alimony गु जारा ित्ता Allowance Paid To Wife On Legal Separation
Alimony क्षनवाय ह क्षनक्षध Allowance Paid To Wife On Legal Separation
Allegory रूपक Story In Which Ideas Are Symbolised As People
AAlliteration अनु प्रास Commencement Of Words With The Same Letter

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Almanac पं िां ग An Annual Calender With Positions Of Stars
Almanac पं िां ग An Annual Calender With Positions Of Stars
Altar वे दी Raised Place On Which Offering To God Are Made
Altruist परोपकार के क्षसद्धन्त का Person Who Loves Every Body
Altruist परोपकार का क्षसद्धां त One, Who Considers The Happiness And Well-Being Of Others
Amateur शौककया Man Who Does Thing For Pleasure And Not As Profession
Amateur शौक़ीन व्यक्षि Man Who Does Thing For Pleasure And Not As Profession
Amaxophobia वाहनों का डर Fear Of Riding Car
AAmbassador दू त One Who Represents State In Foreign Country
AAmbidexter धोखे बाज One, Who Can Use Either Hand With Ease
AAmbidextrous कपटी Of Person Who Can Use Both Hands Equally Well
AAmbidextrous कपटी One, Who Can Use Either Hand With Ease
AAmbiguity अस्पष्टता An Expression Or Statement That Has More Than One Meaning
AAmbivalent उियिावी Uncertain Or Unable To Decide About What Course To Follow
AAmbulance एम्बु लें स Van Which Is Used In Transporting Wounded Or Serious Patients
Amiable सौम्य One Who Is Likeable
Amnesia िू ल ने क़ी बीमारी Partial Or Total Loss Of Memory
Amnesty आम माफ़ी Warrant Granting Release From Punishment For An Offense
AAmphibian उियिर Animals Which Live Both On Land And Sea
AAmphibian उियिर Animals Which Live Both On Land And Sea
AAmputate अं ग -क्षवच्छे द करना To Cut Off Part Of Person's Body Which Is Infected
Anachronism कालभ्रम Person Or Thing Out Of Time And Out Of Date; Belonging To
Different Era Either Earlier Or Later
AAnarchist अराजकतावादी One, Who Is Out To Destroy All Governance, Law And Order
Anarchy अराजकता State Of Lawlessness And Disorder
AAnatomy एनाटॉमी Physical Structure
Androphobia पु रु षों का िय Fear Of Males
AAnglophile आं ग्लरागी One Who Is Fond Of English People And Their Customs
AAnniversary सालक्षगरह The Yearly Return Of Date
Annual वार्षय क Which Happens Once Year
Anodyne पीड़ा-नाशक Medicine Which Lessens Pain
Anomaly क्षवसं ग क्षत Deviation Or Departure From Common Rule Of Standard
AAnonymous गु म नाम Having No Known Name Or Identity Or Known Source
AAnorexia आहार Fear Of Getting Fat Makes Young Girl Stop Eating Resulting
Inharmful Effect
AAnswerable जवाबदे ह Capable Of Being Answered
AAntagonist प्रक्षतपिी Person Who Opposes Another
AAntedate समय से पू वय घरटत होना Be Earlier In Time; Go Back Further
AAnteroom गक्षलयारा Room Leading Into Large Room
AAnthology सं क लन Collection Of Poems

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Anthropologist मानवक्षवज्ञानी Student Of The Development Of The Mankind
Anthropology नृ क्षवज्ञान Science Of The Origins And Social Relationships Of Humans
Antidote मारक Remedy That Stops Or Controls The Effects Of Poison
AAntipathy घृ णा Strong Dislike Or Hostility
AAntiseptic सड़न रोकने वाली दबा Thoroughly Clean And Free Of Disease-Causing Organisms
AAntonym क्षवलोम Word That Expresses An Opposite Meaning
Apathy उदासीनता Lack Of Feeling
Aphasia बोली बं द होना Loss Of Speech
AAphrodisiac कामोद्दीपक That Which Causes Sexual Arousal
Apostate स्वधमय त्यागी One Who Deserts His Religion
Apostle प्रे ररत Pioneer Of Reform Movement
AAppreciate सराहना Be Fully Aware Of
AApprentice अपरें रटस Person Who Has Just Started Learning
AAquarium मछलीघर Place Where Fishes Are Kept
Aquatic जलीय Animals/Plants Ere Which Live In Water
AArbitrator पं ि Person, Appointed By Two Parties To Solve Dispute
AArchaeology पु रातत्व The Branch Of Anthropology That Studies Prehistoric People
Archaic प्रािीन Words Used In Ancient Time But No Longer In General Use Now
AArchitect वास्तु कार One Who Prepares Plans For Buildings
Archives अक्षिले खागार Place Where Government Or Public Records Are Kept
AAristocracy क्षशष्टजन Government By The Nobles
AArmistice यु द्ध क्षवराम The Cessation Of Warfare Before Treaty Is Signed
Arsenal शस्त्रागार Place For Ammunition And Weapons
Arsonist आगज़नी करने वाला One Who Is Guilty Of Firing Property
Ascetic तपस्वी One Who Is Not Interested In The Pleasures Of The World
AAssemblage जमावड़ा An Assembly Of Hearers
Aster एस्टर Star-Shaped Flower
AAstraphobia आकाशीय क्षबजली क़ी Fear Of Thunder And Lightening
कड़क से डर
AAstrologer ज्योक्षतषी Person Who Studies The Influence Of Heavenly Bodies On
Human Beings
AAstronomer खगोलक्षवद One Who Is Skilled In The Study Of Celestial Bodies
AAstronomer खगोलक्षवद Person, Who Studies Stars, Planets And Other Heavenly Bodies
Atheist नाक्षस्तक Person Who Does Not Believe In God
AAtychiphobia असफल होने का डर Fear Of Failure
Audible सु नाई दे ने योग्य Sound Which Can Be Heard
AAudience दशय क Number Of People Listening To Lecture
AAudiology ऑक्षडयोलॉजी The Study Of Hearing, Especially Hearing Defects And Their
Auditor आक्षडटर Qualified Accountant Who Inspects Accounting Records
Aurist कान का ड़ॉक्टर Specialist With Regard To Ear

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Autobiography आत्मकथा The Life History Of Person Written By Himself
AAutocracy एकतं त्र Government By One Person
AAutocrat अक्षनयक्षन्त्रत शासक Person Who Rules Without Consulting The Opinion Of Others
AAutograph हस्तािर Getting Signature Of Some Important Person In His Handwriting
AAutonomy स्वायत्तता Self-Rule
AAutophobia अके ले रह जाने का डर Fear Of Being Alone
Avarice लोि Reprehensible Acquisitiveness; Insatiable Desire For Wealth
AAvaricious लालिी Immoderately Desirous Of Acquiring Something
Aviary पिीशाल Place Where Birds Are Kept
Axiom स्वयं क्षसद्ध Statement Which Is Accepted As True Without Proof

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 Compilation of NCERT coming soon

 Compilation of Synonyms Coming soon

 Compilation of Antonyms coming soon
 Compilation of Idiom and phrases coming soon
 Compilation Quantitative aptitude coming soon

ABachelorhood अक्षववाक्षहत्ता State Of Being Unmarried

Ballad गाथा Story In Verse
Ballistics प्रािेक्षपक़ी Science Dealing With The Motion Of Projectile Like Rockets Bombs &
Bankrupt कदवाक्षलया One Who Can’t Pay The Debts
ABathophobia गहनतािीक्षत Fear Of Depths
Behead क्षसर काट लेना Cut The Head Of
Bellicose लड़ाकू Person Who Is Fond Of Fighting
Belligerent युद्धरत Person, Nation That Is Involved In War
Benevolent उदार Wishing Good Things For Another
Besiege मुहाक्षसरा करना To Surround With Armed Forces
Betrothed मंगत े र Engaged To Be Married

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Bibliophile पुस्तकों को प्यार करने Great Lover Of Books
Biennial क्षिवाक्षषक An Event Which Happens Once In Two Years
Bigamy क्षिक्षववाह का प्रथा The Practice Of Having Two Wives Or Husbands At Time
Bigot कट्टर व्यकक्रत One Who Intolerantly Devoted To Particular Creed
Bilingual क्षििाक्षषक Using Or Knowing Two Languages
Biography जीवनी Life Of Person Written By Someone Else
Biologist जीवक्षवज्ञानी One Who Studies The Science Of Animals And Plants
Biopsy बायोप्सी Examination Of Living Tissue
Biped दो पैरों का Animal Having Two Feet
Blasphemy ईश-ननंदा The Act Of Speaking Disrespectfully About Sacred Things
Bohemian बोहेक्षनया का An Unconventional Style Of Living
Bona Fide प्रामाक्षणक In Good Faith
Bookworm ककताबी क़ीड़ा One Who Devotes Full Time In Studying Course Books
Boor गंवार Clumsy Or Ill‐Bred Fellow
Botanist वनस्पक्षत-क्षवज्ञाक्षनक One Who Studies The Science Of Plants
Botany बॉटनी The Branch Of Biology That Studies Plants
Bouquet गुलदस्ता Collection Of Flowers
Bouquet पुष्प गुच्छ Collection Of Flowers
Bourgeois पूजं ीपक्षत Being Of The Property-Owning Class
Boutique बूरटक Small Shop That Sells Fashionable Clothes, Cosmetics Etc
Brewery शराब क़ी िठ्ठी Factory For Manufacturing Of Beers
Brigand बटमार Bandit Or Robber
Bullion बुक्षलयन Gold Or Silver Before Using For Manufacturing Ornaments
Bumpkin बेढंग आदमी One Who Comes From Village And Considered Stupid
Bungalow बंगला Small House With All Rooms On One Floor
Bunting गौरे या Collection Of Flags
ABureaucracy नौकरशाही Government By The Officials
Burglar सेंधमार One Who Breaks Into House To Commit Theft
Burrow क्षबल The Dwelling Place If An Animal Underground
Bursar खजानिी Person Who Holds Scholarship At University
Butcher कसाई One Who Kills Animals And Sells Their Flesh
Byre गोशाला Place Where Cows Are Sheltered
Cache कै श Place Where Treasurers ,Stores ,Ammunition Are Hidden
ACacographist अशुद्ध वतयनी Person, Who Is Bad In Spellings
ACacography खराब क्षलखावट Ugly, Illegible Handwriting
Cacophobia बदसूरती का डर Fear Of Ugliness
Caducity जरा जीणयता The Infirmity Of Old Age
ACalligraphist सुलख े ककों Person, Who Writes Beautiful Handwriting
ACalligraphist सुलख े कार Person, Who Writes Beautiful Handwriting

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ACalligraphy सुलख े Beautiful Handwriting
Callous कठोर Having Calluses
Cannibal नरििक One, Who Feeds On Human Flesh
Canophilist A Lover Of Dogs
Caracas कराकस The Dead Body Of Animal
ACardiologist हृदय रोग क्षवशेषज्ञ Person, Who Is Specialist In Heart Diseases
Caricature कारटू नवाला Picture Drawn To Make People Laugh
ACarnivorous मांसििी One, Who Lives On Flesh
ACartographer काटोग्रफर One, Who Draws Maps
ACartography नक्शानवीसी The Art Of Making Maps And Charts
Catalogue सूिी Complete List Of Things, Usually Arranged Systematically
Cavalry घुड़सवार सेना Soldiers, Who Fight On Horse Back
Cavalry घुड़सवार सेना Soldiers, Who Fight On Horse Back
Celibacy क्ांरापन Abstaining From Sexual Relations
Celibate अक्षववाक्षहत Abstaining From Sexual Intercourse
ACellophobia A Extreme Fear Of Beauty
Cemetery कक्षिस्तान Place For Burial Of Dead Bodies
ACentenarian सौ वषय का One Who Is More Than Hundred Years Old
Centenary शताब्दी The 100th Anniversary (Or The Celebration Of It)
Centripetal कें द्राक्षिगामी Anything Tending To Move Away From Centre
Century सदी One Hundred Years
Chaperon संरक्षिका Elderly Women In Charge Of Girl On Social Occasions
ACharacterise िररत्र क्षित्रण करना Be The Emodment Or Perfect Example Of
Charlatan मायावी Person Who Pretends To Have More Knowledge
Chasm खाई An Extremly Deep Crack Or Opening In The Ground
Chauffeur ड्राइवर One, Who Is Employed To Drive Motor Car
Chauvinist अंधराष्ट्रीवादी Person Who Is Blindly Devoted To An Idea
Chimerical असाध्य An Unreal And Visionary Ideal
Chip टु कड़ा Small Piece Of Wood
AChiromancy कै रोमंसी Palm-Reading
Chiropodist ककरोपक्षडस्ट Specialist Who Takes Care Of The Ailments Of The Feet
AChoreographer कोररयोग्राफर One, Who Teaches Dancing
Chronology कालक्रम Calendar Of Events In Order Of Occurrence
ACircumlocution कपटपूणय बातें Method Of Talking In Roundabout Way
AClaustrophobia क्लौस्रफोक्षबया Fear Of Doctors
Cloak Room लबादा कि Place For Luggage At Railway Station
Colleague सहयोगी An Associate That One Works With
Colleagues सहयोक्षगयों People Who Work Together
Compatriot स्वदेशवासी Belong To Same Country
Compere कमपेरे One Who Introduces Performing Artists On The Stage Program
Concert कॉन्सटय Performance Given By Number Of Musicians

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AConcubinage बेक्षववाक्षत साथ रहना Live In Relationship Man And Woman Living Without Being Married
ACondominium सक्षम्मक्षलत Country Ruled By Two Country
AConfectioner हलवाई One Who Sells Sweets And Pastries
Congenital जन्मजात Present At Birth But Not Necessarily Hereditary
ACongregation मण्डली An Assembly Of Worshippers
AConnoisseur क्षवशेषज्ञ Critical Judge Of Any Art And Craft
AConsanguinity रिसंबध ं Relationship By Blood Or Birth
AConscription िरती Compulsory Enlistment For Military Service
AConstellation नित्र Number Of Stars Grounded Together
Contagious संक्रामक Disease Which Spreads By Contact
AContemporaries समकालीन Belonging To Or Living At The Same Time
AConvalescence आरोग्यलाि Gradual Recovery From Illness
AConvalescent अच्छा हो जानेवाला One, Who Is Recovering Health
Cortege जूलस ु Funeral Procession Comprising Number Of Mourners
Cosmology िह्ांड क्षवज्ञान Metaphysical Study Of The Origin And Nature Of The Universe
ACosmopolitan कॉस्मोपॉक्षलटन Person Who Regards Whole World As His Country
ACosmopolite Citizen Of The World
Couplet दोहा Stanza Having Two Lines In Verse
Creche क्रेि Nursery Where Children Are Cared For While Their Parents Are At
Credulous क्षवश्रंिी Showing Lack Of Judgment Or Experience
Crusade धमययद्ध ु Religious War
ACryptography कक्रप्टोग्राफ़ी Study Of Secret Writing And Coded Words
ACrystallography स्फरटक रूप-क्षवधा Science Of Crystallization
Cuckold व्यक्षििारी Man Whose Wife Is Unfaithful To Him
Curable इलाज Which Can Be Cured
Curator क्यूरेटर Person Incharge Of Museum
Curator क्यूरेटर Person Incharge Of Museum
Cyclone िक्रवात Low Area Storm With High Winds Rotating About Centre Of Low
Atmospheric Pressure
Cynic ननंदक One, Who Sneers At The Aims And Beliefs Of His Fellow Men
Cynosure ऋि Centre Of Attraction
Cytology कोक्षशका क्षवज्ञान Study Of Cell

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Dandy बां का One Who Pays Too Much Attention To His Cloths And
Dead Letter मृ त पत्र An Unclaimed Letter
Deaf बहरा One Who Cannot Hear

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Debar प्रवे श न होने दे ना Prevent Person From Admission Or Right
Debonair ख़ु श क्षमज़ाज Suave (Polished And Light Heart Person)
Decade दशक Period Of Ten Years
Decanter कं टर An Original Glass Bottle For Holding Wine Or Other
Alcoholic Drinks
Declamation शब्दपां क्षडत्य Act Or Art Of Rhetorical Exercise
Delegate प्रक्षतक्षनक्षध Person Appointed Or Elected To Represent Others
Demagogue दु जय नों का ने ता Political Leader Who Tries To Stir Up People
Democracy जनतं त्र The Orientation Of Those Who Favor Government By The
Demography जनसां क्षययक़ी Science Of Vital And Social Statistics
ADemonstration प्रदशय न Show Of Force To Intimidate
Den मां द The Home Of Large Fierce Wild Animal
Deponent सािी Person Who Gives Written Testimony For Use In Court
Depreciate पछताना Lose In Value
ADermatologist त्विा क्षवशे ष ज्ञ Doctor Who Treats Skin Diseases
Dermatology त्विा क्षवज्ञान Study Of Skin
Desecrate अपक्षवत्र करना To Derive Thing Of Its Holy Character
Desert रे क्षगस्तान Where Neither Water Nor Vegetation Is Found
Detective जासू सी One Whose Business Is To Find Out Criminals
Deteriorate क्षबगड़ना Become Worse Or Disintegrate
Dichotomy क्षवरोधािास State Of Being Split Into Two Parts
Dictator तानाशाह One Who Gives Orders In Manner That Permits No Refusal
Dictatorship अक्षधनायकत्व Government Carried On By An Absolute Ruler
Dictionary शब्दकोश Book Dealing With Words In Alphabetical Order
Dieting परहे ज़ Small Allowance Of Food To Become Slim
Digestible सु पाच्य That Which Can Be Digested
Dilettante अनु रागी Dabbler In The Arts
Dipsomania मद्यासक्षि Morbid Compulsion Of Drink
Dipsophobia प्यास से डर Fear Of Thirst
Dirge मरक्षसया Song Sung At Burial
Disciple क्षशष्य One Who Works In Return For Being Taught The Trade
Divisible िाज्य That Which Can Be Divided
Domicile अक्षधवास Person Living Permanently In Certain Place
Dormitory छात्रावास The Sleeping Rooms With Several Beds Especially In College
Or Institution
Dormitory छात्रावास The Sleeping Rooms With Several Beds Especially In College
Or Institution
Dotage मक्षतिीणता Old Age When Man Behave Like Fool
Dower दहे ज The House Of An Arab

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Draw खींिना Game In Which Neither Party Wins
Drawn अक्षनणीत Game That Results Neither In Victory Nor In Defeat
Drawn नं गी Game That Results Neither In Victory Nor In Defeat
Drawn/ Tie अक्षनणीत/ टाई Game Or Batter In Which Neither Party Wins
Dray छकड़ा Squirrel’s Home
Dromomania उन्माद यात्रा के Mania For Travel
Drought सू खा Continuous Dry Weather And Lack Of Rain And Water
Drover िौपायों को One Who Deals In Cattle
बे ि ने वाला
Dumb गूंगा One Who Cannot Speak
Dunce कुं द Person Who Is Slow In Learning
Eccentric क्षवलिण Not Conforming To Ordinary Rules Of Behaviour
AEcclesiologist क्षगरजा-क्षनमाय ण - One Who Studies The Science Relating To The Church
Ecology पररक्षस्थक्षतक़ी The Environment As It Relates To Living Organisms
Edible खाद्य Fit To Be Eaten
Edible खाद्य Fit To Be Eaten
Effeminate स्रै ण Person Who Is Womanish
Effeminate स्रै ण Person Who Is Womanish
Efficacious प्रिावोत्पादक Sure To Produce Desired Results
Egoist अहं वादी Man Who Thinks Only For Himself
Egotism अहं कार Practice Of Talking Too Much About Oneself
Egotism अहं कार Practice Of Talking Too Much About Oneself
Elegy शोकगीत Poem Of Lamentation
Elegy शोकगीत Poem Of Lamentation
Eligible योग्य Qualified For Or Allowed Or Worthy Of Being Chosen
Elocution वाक्षग्मता The Art Of Effective Speaking
Elucidate स्पष्ट करना Make Clear And Comprehensible
AEmbezzlement ग़बन The Fraudulent Appropriation Of Funds Or Property
Emigrant प्रवासी Person Who Leaves His Own Country And Goes To Live In
Emigrant प्रवासी Person Who Leaves His Own Country And Goes To Live In
Empathy सहानु िू क्षत Identification With Another Person's Feelings
Emphasize ज़ोर दे ना To Stress, Single Out As Important
Employer क्षनयोिा One Who Employs
AEncyclopaedia मकदूक्षनयाई Book That Contains Information On Various Subjects
AEncyclopaedia मकदूक्षनयाई Book That Contains Information On Various Subjects
Endemic स्थाक्षनक Disease Prevailing In Locality

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Entomologist क़ीटक्षवज्ञानशास्री One Who Studies Insects
Entomology क़ीटक्षवज्ञान The Scientific Study Of Insects
Ephemeral अल्पकाक्षलक Lasting One Day
Ephemeral अल्पकाक्षलक Lasting One Day
Epic महाकाव्य Long Narrative Poem
Epicure रक्षसया One, Who Is Devoted To The Pleasure Of Eating And
Epicure रक्षसया One, Who Is Devoted To The Pleasure Of Eating And
Epicurean एक्षपकु रे One Whose Attitude Is To Eat, Drink And Merry
Epidemic महामारी Widespread Outbreak Of An Infectious Disease
Epidermis एक्षपडर्मय स Outer Layer Of Skin
Epistle पत्र Verse Letter
Epitaph समाक्षध-ले ख Words Which Are Inscribed On The Grave Or The Tomb In
The Memory Of The Buried
Epitaph समाक्षध-ले ख Words Which Are Inscribed On The Grave Or The Tomb In
The Memory Of The Buried
Equanimity समिाव Calmness Under Trying Circumstances
Equestrian घु ड़ सवार Person Who Rides On Horse-Back
Equilateral समिु ज Having Equal Sides
Equilibrist नट Tightrope Walker
Equilibrium सं तु ल न State Of Perfect Balance
Equinox क्षवषु व Time When Night And Day Are Of Equal Length
Eradicate उन्मू ल न Destroy Completely, As If Down To The Roots
Ergophobia काम के डर Fear Of Work
Essential आवश्यक Thing Without Which We Cannot Do
Eternal सनातन Having No Beginning Or End To Its Existence
Ethnologist मानवजाक्षत क्षवज्ञानी One Who Studies The Science Of The Variatees Of Human
Ethnology मानवजाक्षत क्षवज्ञानी Branch Of Anthropology Dealing With Divisions Of
Etiquette क्षशष्टािार Rules Governing Socially Acceptable Behavior
Etymologist शब्द-व्यु प क्षत्तशास्री One Who Studies The Science And Origin Of Words
Etymology शब्द-साधन Science Relating To The Formation And Development Of
Eulogy स्तवन Formal Expression Of Praise For Someone Who Has Died
Euthanasia इच्छामृ त्यु Thing That Bring Gentle And Painless Death From Incurable
Evolution क्षवकास Gradual Upholding Or Development
Examinee परीिाथी One Who Is Taking Examination
Examiner परीिक One Who Examine The Copies Of Examinees

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Exile क्षनवाय स न Made To Be Absent For Long Time From One's Own
Exonerate हक बहाल करना Pronounce Not Guilty Of Criminal Charges
Expiate क्षनवृ त्त To Atone One’s Sins
Extempore अनिं क्षतत With Little Or No Preparation Or Forethought
Extradite अपराधी दे ना To Send Back The Criminal To The Country
Extrovert बक्षहमुय खी One Who Turns One's Thoughts Outwards
Fable कक्षल्पत कहानी An Animal Story With Moral
Facsimile प्रक्षतकृ क्षत An Exact Copy Of Handwriting, Printing Etc
Facsimile प्रक्षतकृ क्षत An Exact Copy Of Handwriting, Printing Etc
AFacsimile/Xerox प्रक्षतकृ क्षत An Exact Copy Of Handwriting ,Printing
Fanatic हठधमी Person Motivated By Irrational Enthusiasm
Fanatic Or Bigot कट्टरपं थी या Bigot One, Who Is Filled With Excessive And Mistaken Enthusiasm
In Religious Matters
Fanatic Or Bigot कट्टरपं थी या क्षबगोट One, Who Is Filled With Excessive And Mistaken Enthusiasm
In Religious Matters
Farrier नालबन्द One Who Shoes Horses
Fastidious दु राराध्य One, Who Is Very Selective In One's Taste

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Fatal घातक Causing Death

Fatalist िाग्यवादी One, Who Believes In Fate
Fauna पशु व गय The Animals Of Certain Region
Felicitated को सम्माक्षनत ककया Congrulations Some One In Formal Manner
Feminist नारीवादी One, Who Works For The Welfare Of The Women
Fidelity सत्य के प्रक्षत क्षनष्ठा Faithfulness
Filicide अपने बे टी या बे टे का Murder Of One’s Children
Flock झु ण्ड Number Of Sheeps
Flora फ्लोरा The Plants Of Particular Region

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Florist फू लवाला One, Who Deals-In Flowers
Foregone पहले से Well In The Past; Former
Forgery जालसाजी Falsification Of Documents Etc
Fossils जीवाश्म Remains Of Prehistoric Animal Or Plant Preserved
By Being Buried In Earth
Foster Child धाय पाक्षलत सं तान Child Brought By Persons, Who Are Not His Parents
Fragile नाज़़ु क Easily Broken
Franchise मताक्षधकार Constitutional Right To Cast Vote
Fratricide भ्रातृ घातक Murder Of Brother
Fugitive िगोड़ा One, Who Runs Away From Justice Or The Law
Furrow कुं ड The Line Which Plough Cuts In The Ground
Galaxy आकाशगं गा Irregular Luminous Band Of Stars
AGamophobia शादी से डर Fear Of Marriage
Garage गे राज Shed For Motor Car
Gazette राज-पत्र Government Publication Relating To Order,
Notification Etc
Genealogy वं शावली Study Of Ancestry
Genetics जे ने रटक्स Science Of Heredity
Genocide नरसं हार Murder Of Race
Genophobia क्षवदे शी लोगों को न Fear Of Sex
पसन्द करना
Geologist िू क्षवज्ञानी One Who Studies The Earth
Geology िू क्षवज्ञान The Study Of Rocks And Soils
Geraphobia वृ ध्दावस्था से Fear Of Old Age
डर लगना
Geriatrics जराक्षिककत्सा Specialty Dealing With The Medical Problems Of
The Elderly
Germicide अं कु र-नाशक दवा An Agent (As Heat Or Radiation Or Chemical)
That Destroys Microorganisms That Might Carry
AGerontocracy वयोवृ द्ध लोगों का राज्य Government By Old Man
या सरकार
AGerontology जरा क्षवज्ञान Science Of The Social And Economic Problems Of
The Aged
Glacier क्षहमनद Mass Of Ice Moving Very Slowly Down
Mountain Valley
Glair क़ीिड़ White Liquid Material In An Egg
Glossary शब्दकोष List Of Explantation
Glutton खाऊ Person Who Is Devoted To Eating And Drinking To
Grammar व्याकरण Art And Science Dealing With Language

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Granary धान्यागार Place For Grains
Granary धान्यागार Place For Grains
AGraphologist हस्तले ख का क्षवज्ञान One Who Analyzes Hand-Writing
Graphology हस्तले ख का अध्ययन Analysis Of Handwriting
Gratis क्षन: शु ल्क Costing Nothing
Grave गं िीर The Place In The Ground Where Dead Person Is
Greenroom हरा कि Make-Up Room Behind Stage
Gregarious झु ण्ड में रहने वाला Animals Which Live In Flocks
AGregarious/Sociable यू थ िारी / क्षमलनसार Animals Which Live In Flock , Used For
Human Beings Also
Gullible िोला Naive And Easily Deceived Or Tricked
Gust झोंका Sudden Rush Of Wind
AGynaecologist स्त्री रोग क्षवशे ष ज्ञ The Specialist Who Treats The Female Reproductive
And Sexual Organs
Gynophobia मक्षहलाओं से डर Fear Of Women
Gyroscope जाइरोस्कोप An Instrument For Recodings The Revolutions Of The
Habitat वास The Normal Abode Of Any Animal Or Plant
Halcyon धीर Calm And Peaceful
AHallucination माया Person Without Objective Reality
Hangar हैं ग र Place For Housing Aeroplanes
Hangar क्षवमान घर Place For Housing Aeroplanes
Hansom इक्का Two Wheeled Cab For Two To Ride Indie With Driver
Mounted Up Behind
Harangue िाषण Loud Talk Or Speech
Harlot वे श्या Women Of Lax Moral
Hearse रथी Vehicle Which Is Used To Carry Dead Body
Hedonist सु ख वादी One, Who Believes That Pleasure Is The Chief Good
Heinous जघन्य Wicked To High Degree
Herbarium सू खी वनस्पक्षतयों का Place For The Collection Of Dried Plants
सं ग्राह
AHerbivorous तृ ण ििी One, Who Lives On Herbs
Heresy क्षवधमय Belief Or Opinion Contrary To What Is Generally
Heretic क्षवधमी One, Who Acts Against Religion
AHermaphrodite क्षिनलं ग Creature Havingh Both Male And Female Organs
AHeterogeneous क्षवजातीय Things Of Different Nature
Highbrow घमं डी Person Claiming To Be Superior In Culture And
Intellect To Others

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Hijacker लु टे रा One Who Robs Smuggler Of His Smuggled Goods
After The Border Has Been Crossed
Hippy क्षहप्पी Person Who Is Against The Ordinary Society Esp
Histology प्रोटोकॉल Study Of Tissue
Hive मधु मु खी का छत्ता Place For Bees
Homicide मानव हत्या Murder Of Man
AHomogeneous सजातीय Thing Of Same Nature
Honeymoon सु हाग रात The First Night Of Newly Married Couple
Honorary माननीय Holding Office Without Any Remuneration
Horizon क्षिक्षतज Line At Which The Earth And The Sky Seem To Meet
AHorticulture बागवानी The Art Of Cultivating And Managing Gardens
Hospitable मे ह माननवाज़ Fond Of Entertaining Guests
Hostility शत्रु ता State Of Deep-Seated Ill-Will
Howdah A Seat On Elephant’s Back
AHumanitarian मानवीय Marked By Devotion To Popular Welfare
Hung क्षत्रशं कु Assembly Or Parliament In Which No Party Has Got
Clear Majority
Hutch हि Box Or Cage For Keeping Rabbits
Hydra हीड्रा Serpent With Many Heads
AHydrophobia जलां त क Fear Of Travel
Hymn स्तोत्र Religious Song
Hypocrite पाखं डी One Who Pretends To Be What He Is Not
Hypothesis पररकल्पना Tentative Assumption, Made To Drive Logical
Iconoclast मू र्तय िं ज क Person Who Attacks Popular Belief Or Established
AIdiosyncrasy लत An Odd, Typical Or Eccentric Trait
Idolatry मू र्तय पू जा The Worship Of Idols Or Images That Are Not God
Idyll सु ख द जीवन Short Descriptive Poem Or Picturesque Scene Or
Ignorant अनजान Person Having No Knowledge Of Any Happening
Illegal अवै ध Prohibited By Law Or By Official Or Accepted Rules
Illegible अस्पष्ट Incapable Of Being Read
Illegible अस्पष्ट Incapable Of Being Read
Imitable अनु ग मनीय Which Can Be Imitated
Immaculate शु द्ध Person Who Is Pure And Clean
Immigrant आप्रवासी Person Who Comes To One Country From Another In
Order To Settle There
Immigrant आप्रवासी Person Who Comes To One Country From Another In
Order To Settle There
Immovable अिल Which Cannot Be Moved, Fixed

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Immune इम्यू न Free From Infection
AImpenetrable अिे द्य Incapable Of Being Penetrated
AImperceptible अगोिर Impossible Or Difficult To Sense
Impervious प्रबल Not Admitting Of Passage Or Capable Of Being
Imposter ढोंगी Person Pretending To Be Somebody He Is Not
AImpracticable अव्यवहाररक Incapable Of Being Practised
AImpracticable असं ि व Incapable Of Being Practised
Improbable असं ि व Having Chance Of Occurring Too Low To Inspire
Inaccessible दुगय म That Cannot Be Easily Approached
Inaccessible दुगय म That Cannot Be Easily Approached
AInadmissible अस्वीकायय Incapable Of Being Admitted Or Allowed
Inalienable अक्षवच्छे द्य Something That Cannot Be Taken Away
Inanimate अिे त न Not Endowed With Life
Inaudible अश्राव्य Sound That Cannot Be Heard
Inaudible अश्राव्य Sound That Cannot Be Heard
Incendiary आग लगाने वाला Person Who Maliciously Destroys By Fire
Incognito गु प्त Travelling Under Another Name Than One's Own

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AIncombustible क्षजसे आग न लग सके Incapable Of Being Burnt

Incomprehensible समझ से बाहर Difficult To Understand
AIncongruous बे मे ल Out Of Place
AIncorrigibility असं शोधनीय State Of Being Beyond Reform Or Correction
Incorrigible असं शोधनीय Incapable Of Being Corrected
Incredible अतु ल्य Beyond Belief Or Understanding
Incurable लाइलाज Incapable Of Being Remedied
AIndefatigable अथक One, Who Does Not Tire Easily

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Indefensible असमथय नीय Not Able To Be Protected Against Attack
Indelible अक्षमट That Cannot Be Erased
AIndescribable अवणय नीय Defying Expression
AIndestructible अिय Incapable Of Being Destroyed
Indivisible अिाज्यता Incapable Of Being Divided
Indoor इं डोर Something Carried On Within Door Or Under Cover
Inedible अखाद्य Not Suitable To Be Eaten
Ineligible अनु क्षित Not Being Able To Be Elected Or Selected Under
The Rules
Inevitable अपररहायय Incapable Of Being Avoided
Inexcusable अिम्य Incapable Of Being Justified
Inexorable क्षनष्ठु र One Who Is Unrelenting And Cannot Be Moved
By Entreaties
Inexplicable अकथनीय Incapable Of Being Explained Or Accounted For
Infallible अिू क One, Who Is Free From All Mistakes And Failures
Infanticide भ्रू ण हत्या Murder Of An Infant
Infantry पै द ल से ना Soldiers, Who Fight On Foot
Infection सं क्र मण Disease Spread By Contact
Infidelity बे व फाई Faithlessness
Infinite अनं त Not Limited By Person Or Number
Infirmary दुबय ल ता Home Or Room Used For Ill Or Injured People
AInflammable ज्वलनशील Liable To Catch Fire Easily
Inimitable अनोखी Matchless
Inn इन Place Which Provides Both Board And Lodging
Insecticide क़ीटनाशक That Which Kill Insects
Insoluble अघु ल नशील Incapable Of Being Dissolved
कदवाक्षलया Person Who Is Unable To Pay His Debts
Insomnia अक्षनद्रा Inability To Fall Asleep
Insomniac इन्सोक्षियाक One Who Cannot Fall Asleep
Insular िीपीय Interested Mainly In Small Group Country Etc
Intercede रिा करना To Mediate Between Two Parties In Dispute
Interpolate बै ठाना Inserting New Matter In Book
AInterregnum दो राजाए के िीतर Period Of Interval Between Two Reigns
समय Or Governments
AInterregnum दो सरकारों के िीतर Period Of Interval Between Two Reigns
समय Or Governments
Intervene हस्तिे प करना Anything Pushed Inside Veins
Intestate क्षबना वसीयतनामा मारा Having Made No Legally Valid Will Before Death
हुआ Or Not Disposed Of By Legal Will

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AIntrospection आत्मक्षनरीिण Contemplation Of Your Own Thoughts And
Desires And Conduct
Introvert अं त मुय खी One Who Turns One's Thoughts Inwards
Invigilator क्षनरीिक One, Who Supervises In The Examination Hall
Invincible अजे य One, Too Strong To Be Overcome
Inviolate अित Something That Can Not Be Harmed
Invisible अदृश्य Impossible Or Nearly Impossible To See
AIrreconcilable कट्टर क्षवरोधी Incapable Of Being Reconciled
AIrrecoverable अप्रक्षतलभ्य Incapable Of Recovered, Regained
Irrelevant असं ग त Having No Bearing On Or Connection With The
Subject At Issue
Irreparable अपू र णीय Incapable Of Being Repaired
Irritable क्षिड़क्षिड़ा Easily Annoyed
Isocracy सिी के िारा सरकार Government By All
Itinerant िलने वाला One, Who Journeys From Place To Place
Itinerary यात्रा कायय क्र म Plan For Or Route To Be Followed On Journy
Jail जे ल Place Where Prisoners Are Kept
Jargon शब्दजाल Language Difficult To Understand
Jaunt मनोरं ज न क़ी यात्रा Short Journy For Pleasure
Jockey जॉक़ी Professional Rider In Horse Races
Junta जू न्टा Group Of People Who Band Together For
Some Secret Purpose Especially For Political Intrigue
Jurisdiction अक्षधकार िे त्र The Territory Within Which Power Can Be Exercised
AJurisprudence धमय शास्र Science Of Law
Juvenile ककशोर Anything Which Relates To Young And Youth
AKaleidoscope बहुरूपदशय क Swiftly Changing Scene Or Pattern
Kangaroo कं गे रू An Animal Of Australia With Great Leaping Power
AKatsaridaphobia क्षतलिट्टे से डर Fear Of Cockroaches
Kennel कु त्ता-घर Place For Dogs
Kidnap अपहरण करना Take Away To An Undisclosed Location Against
Their Will And Usually In Order To Extract Ransom
AKindergarten बाल क्षवहार School For Small Children
AKleptomania क्ले प टोमानीया An Abnormal Desire To Steal
Knell समाक्षधवाली झं कार Funeral Bell
Lalophobia गक्षत का डर Fear Of Speed
Lampoon क्षनन्दाले ख Written Attack Using Humour To Provoke Contempt
Legal कानू नी Established By Or Founded Upon Law Or
Official Rules
Legitimate वै ध Responsible According To Law
ALexicographer कोशकार One, Who Compiles Dictionary

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Libel पररवाद False Written Statement To Damage Person’s Repute
ALibertine/Lecher अनै क्षतक / क्षज़नाकारPerson Who Leads An Immoral Life
Licentious बे ल गाम Man Of Lax Moral
Linguist िाषाक्षवद One, Who Is Skilled In Foreign Languages
Lithotomy क्षलफोटोमी Cutting For Stone In The Bladder
Locust रटड्डी Kind Of Winged Insect Migrating In Swarms And
Consuming Vegetation
Logic तकय The Science Of Reasoning
Loquacious बातू नी One, Who Talks Continuously
Lullaby लोरी Pleasant Song Used For Causing Children To Sleep
Lunar िां द्र Eclipse Of Moon
Lunatic Asylum पागलखाना Home For Lunatics
Magnate थै लीशाह An Important Or Influential Person
Magnum Opus प्रक्षसद्ध रिना Great Artistic Work
Maiden प्रथम An Unmarried Girl (Especially Virgin)
Maiden Speech प्रथम िाषण The First Speech Delivered By Person
Malaise अस्वस्थता Vague Feeling Of General Physical Discomfort
Malcontent बाग़ी Person Who Is Always Dissatisfied
Malevolent द्रोही Wishing Harm
Malingerer अपवादक One Who Pretends Illness To Escape Duty
Mammals स्तनधारी Animals Which Give Milk
Mannequin पु त ला Full Size Model Of Complete Of Partial
Human Figure
Manuscript हस्तक्षलक्षप Paper Written By Hand
Martyr शहीद One, Who Dies For Noble Cause
Masochism स्वपीड़ासक्षि The Tendency To Derive Sexual Gratification From
One’s Own Pain Or Humiliation
AMaterialistic िौक्षतकवादी One For Whom Money Is The Most Important Thing
Matin मतीन Morning Prayer
Matinee तीसरे पहर के नाटक का Cinema Show Which Is Held In The Afternoon
Matins बां ध ना Morning Prayer In The Church Regularly
Matricide मातृ ह त्या Murder Of Mother
Matrimony क्षववाह State Of Being Married
Maxim कहावत An Establish Principle
Meadow मै दानी Low Level Tract Of Uncultivated Grassland
Medieval मध्यकालीन Relating To Or Belonging To The Middle Ages
Meditation ध्यान Continuous And Profound Contemplation On Spiritual
AMegalomania बड़ाई का खब्त Mania Of Being Important

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Melodrama नाटक An Extravagant Comedy In Which Action Is More
Salient Than Characterization
Memoir इक्षतहास Personal Reminiscences In Narrative From
Menagerie जं ग ली पशु ओं का नपं ज ड़ों Place For Wild Animals And Birds
में सं ग्र ह
Mercenary ककराये का Working Only For The Sake Of Money
Meticulous सू क्ष्म One Who Is Very Careful And Particular
Milliner मे मों क़ी टोपी बनाने Person Who Makes And Sells Ladies Hats, Etc
Mint टकसाल Place Where Coins Are Made
Mint पु दीना Place Where Coins Are Made
Minx ढीठ लड़क़ी Impudent Girl
AMisanthrope मनु ष्यद्रोही One Who Hates Mankind
AMisanthropist मानविेषी Hater Of Mankind
Miser कं जू स One Who Spends Very Little
Misogamist क्षववाह से घृ णा करने One, Who Hates Marriage
Misogynist स्री जाक्षत से िे ष करने One Who Hates Women
Missionary प्रिारक Person, Who Is Sent To Propagate Religion
Missionary क्षमशनरी Person, Who Is Sent To Propagate Religion
Monarchy साम्राज्य Autocracy Governed By Ruler Who Usually Inherits
Monastery मठ Building In Which Monks Live
Monocracy एक व्यक्षि स शाक्षसत Rule By One Person
Monogamy एक ही बार क्षववाह करने The Practice Of Marrying One At Time
क़ी प्रथा
AMonomaniac एकोंमादी Person Obsessed With One Idea Or Subject
Monopoly एकाक्षधकार Exclusive Possession Of The Trade In Some Commodity
Monotheist एके श्वरवादी Person Who Believes In One Faith Is Called
AMonumental स्मरणाथय Of Outstanding Significance
Morgue मग़रूरता Place, Where Dead Bodies Are Kept For Identification
Morgue मु दाय घर Place, Where Dead Bodies Are Kept For Identification
Mortal नाशवान Subject To Death
Mortuary शवगृ ह Place, Where Dead Bodies Are Kept For Post Mortem
Mortuary शवगृ ह Place, Where Dead Bodies Are Kept For Post Mortem
Muse सरस्वती Goddess Of Learning And Arts
Mutiny गदर Open Rebellion Of Soldiers And Sailors Against Lawful

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Myth क्षमथक Traditional Story Related To Deities
Namesake हमनाम Person Having Same Name As Another
Narcotic मादक Medicine For Producing Sleep
Native जन्म का One Whose Parents Are Domiciled
Naughty शरारती Badly Behaved Child
Neologism क्षनओलक्षगज़्म New Word Coined By An Author
Neology क्षनओलजी Using Of New Words
Neophyte नवछात्रा Any New Participant In Some Activity
Niche आला Hollow Space In Wall For A
Nocturnal रात का Active At Night
Nostalgia क्षवषाद Strong Desire To Return Home, Home Sickness
Notary नोटरी Person Publically Authorized To Draw Up Or Attest
Contracts Etc
Notoriety बदनामी Ill-Fame
Notorious कु ययात Known Widely And Usually Unfavorably
Novice नौक्षसक्षखए Someone New To Field Or Activity
Novice Or Tyro नौक्षसक्षखया या नौक्षसक्षखए One, New To Anything, Inexperienced
Novice Or Tyro नौक्षसक्षखए One, New To Anything, Inexperienced
ANumismatics न्यू क्षमज़मारटक्स The Study Of Coins
ANumismatics मु द्राशास्त्र The Study Of Coins
Nutritive पु क्षष्टकर Article Of Food Rich In Nutrition
Oar डां ड़ Long Pole Used For Rowing Boat
Oasis शािल Fertile Spot In Desert
Obesity मोटापा Having Lot Of Fat In One's Body
Obituary मृ त्यु ले ख An Account In The Newspaper Of The Funeral Of The
One Deceased
Obituary शोक सन्दे श An Account In The Newspaper Of The Funeral Of The
One Deceased
Obliterate काटना Destroy Without Any Trace
Obsolete अप्रिक्षलत No Longer In Use
AObstetrician दाई Physician Who Delivers Babies
AOceanography औशे य नोग्रफ़ी Study Of Ocean
AOctogenarian अस्सी साल का बु ढा Person Who Is Of An Age From 80 To 90
Octopus ऑक्टोपस Eight-Armed Sea-Creature
Oculist ने त्र -क्षवशे ष ज्ञ One Who Cure Eye Disease
Odontology ओडोंटलजी Study Of Teeth
Odyssey ओक्षडसी Long Wandering Journey
Oligarchy कु लीनतं त्र Political System Governed By Few People
Omnipotent सवय श क्षिमान One, Who Is All Powerful
AOmnipresent सवय - िू त One, Who Is Present Everywhere

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AOmniscience सवय - ज्ञानी Infinite Knowledge
Omniscient सवय ज्ञ One, Who Knows Everything
Omnivorous सवय - ििक One, Who Eats Everything
Opaque अपारदशी That Which Cannot Be Seen Through
Opaque अपारदाशय क That Which Cannot Be Seen Through
AOphthalmologist ने त्र रोग क्षवशे ष ज्ञ One Who Treats Diseases Of The Eye
AOphthalmology ने त्र क्षवज्ञान Study Of Eye
Optic ऑक्षप्टक Science Of Sight And Light
Optician प्रकाशक्षवज्ञानशास्री One Who Tests Eyesight And Sells Spectacles
Optics प्रकाक्षशक़ी Study Of Light
Optimist आशावादी Person Who Looks At The Brighter Side Of Things
Orator विा One Who Makes An Eloquent Public Speech
Orchard बाग Field Or Part Of Garden Where Fruit Trees Grow
Ordination समन्वय The Ceremony At Which Man Becomes Priest
Ordnance तोपखाने का Factory Where Military Materials Are Produced
Oriental ओररएं ट ल Person Of Asian, Especially East Asian, Descent
Ornithology पिीक्षवज्ञान The Branch Of Zoology That Studies Birds
Orphan अनाथ One, Who Has Lost Parents
Orphanage अनाथालय Home For Orphans
AOrthodontist ओथडोरटस Specialist Who Straightens Teeth
AOrthography इमला Study Of Correct Spelling Of Words
Orthopedics अक्षस्थयों Medical Specialty Dealing With Bones And Joints
Ostler साईस One, Who Looks After Horses At An Inn
Ostracize समाज से बाहर To Expel From Society
Ostrich शु तु र मु गय Large Bird Reputed To Bury Its Head In Sand When
Oubliette उक्षब्लयट Dungeon Entered By Trapdoor
Outcast क्षनवाय क्षसत Cast Out As Useless

Revision Break: Revise all OWS up to this point. This revision break is of 3 days.
 Compilation of NCERT coming soon

 Compilation of Synonyms Coming soon

 Compilation of Antonyms coming soon
 Compilation of Idiom and phrases coming soon
 Compilation Quantitative aptitude coming soon

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Pacifist शां क्षतवादी One Who Believes In Total Abolition Of War
APaediatrician बाल रोग क्षवशे ष ज्ञ Person, Who Is Specialist In Child Diseases
Pagan बु त परस्त Person Who Does Not Believe In Any
APalatable स्वाकदष्ट Food Which Agrees With One’s Taste
APaleography प्रािीन क्षशलाले खों का The Study Of Ancient Writing
APaleontology जीवाश्म क्षवज्ञान Study Of Fossils
Panacea रामबाण Remedy For All Diseases
APanegyric स्तु क्षतपाठ Speech Or Writing Praising Person Or Thing
APantomime मू काक्षिनय Dumb Show
AParamour प्रे क्षमका Lover Specially One Who Unlawfully Takes The
Position Of Wife Or Husband
Parasite परजीवी One Who Lives On Others
Parasol छत्र Lady’s Umbrella Is
Parody हास्यानु कृ क्षत Funny Imitation Of Poem
Parole पै रोल Pledge Given By Prisoner For Temporary Release, Not
To Escape
AParricide दे श -द्रोही Murder Of One’s Parents
Patent पे टें ट Sole Right To Make And Sell Some Invention
APathologist क्षिककत्सक One Who Examines Tissues Under Microscope To
Diagnose Disease
APathology पै थोलॉजी Study Of Disease
APatricide क्षपता का वध Murder Of Father
APatrimony क्षवरासत Property Inherited From Forefathers
Patriot दे श -िि One Who Loves Own Country
Pauper कं गाल Person Who Is Very Poor
APedagogy क्षशिणशास्र Principles Of Teaching
Pedant रूकढवादी One, Who Makes Vain Display Of His Knowledge
Pedant पां क्षडत्यदं िी One, Who Makes Vain Display Of His Knowledge
APedantic पं क्षडताऊ Style In Which Writer Makes Display Of His
APedestrian पै द ल यात्री One, Who Goes On Foot
APediatrician बच्चों का क्षिककत्सक The Specialist Who Treats Childhood Illnesses
Peel छाल To Remove The Skin Of Potato Or And Orange
Peer सहकमी Equal In Rank
Pen ले ख नी Small Enclosure For Cattle ,Sheep ,Polutry Etc
APeninsula प्रायिीप Land So Surrounded By Water As To E Almost And
Pension पें श न Payment Made In Consideration Of Past Service

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APeriodontist पररदं त शोथ Specialist Who Treats Diseases Of The Gum
APersonify आदशय रू प ग्रहण करना Be The Embodiment Or Perfect Example
APessimist क्षनराशावादी Person Who Looks At The Darker Side Of Things
APhilander भ्रष्टािार करना One Who Engages In Extramarital Sex
APhilanderer पु च्छलगा One, Who Amuses Himself By Love Making
APhilanthropist परोपकारी Lover Of Mankind
APhilanthropist लोकोपकारक One Who Is Interested In Charitable Works
APhilatelist डाक के रटकट का सं ग्र हक One, Who Collects Stamps
APhilately रटकट इकट्ठा करने का Study Of Stamp Collection
APhilistine अक्षशक्षित One Who Does Not Care For Art And Literature
APhilogynist क्षस्रयों का प्रे मी Lover Of Womankind
APhilogynist क्षस्रयों का प्रे मी /नारीवादी One Who Works For The Welfare Of The Women
APhilology िाषाशास्त्र The Study Of Languages
Phobia िय Fear Of Writing Graph
APhonetics, फोने रटक्स, ध्वक्षनक़ी Study Of Sound
APhrenology मक्षस्तष्क-क्षवज्ञान The Science Of Judging Of Person’s Character
Capabilities Etc
APhysiognomy मु ख का आकृ क्षत The Study Of Human Face
APhysiology कफक्षजयोलॉजी The Science Dealing With The Functioning Of
Pilferer िोर Thief Who Steals Without Using Violence
Pilgrim यात्री One Who Journeys To Holy Place
Pioneer अगु आ One Who Does Something First
APlagiarism साक्षहत्यक डाकाज़नी Literary Theft Or Passing Off An Author's Original
Work As One's Own
APlagiarism साक्षहक्षत्यक िोरी Literary Theft Or Passing Off An Author's Original
Work As One's Own
APlagiarist साक्षहक्षत्यक िोर Someone Who Uses Another Person's Words Or Ideas
As If They Were His Own
APlatitude साधारण बात Ordinary Remarks Often Repeated
APlatypus एक प्रकार का बत्तक- Egg-Laying Mammal
सदृ श नाक से पशु
APlebiscite जनमत-सं ग्र ह Decision Made By Votes Of All Qualified Citizens
APlenipotentiary साक्षधकार Person With Full Discretionary Power To Act On
Behalf Of Country
APleonasm शब्द-बाहुल्य Use Of More Words Than Are Needed To Express The
APlutocracy धक्षनक तन्त्र Government By The Rich
Podium मं ि Stand For Speaker

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APolyandry एक से अक्षधक जीक्षवत The Practice Of Marrying More Than One Husband At
पक्षत रखने क़ी बात या Time
APolyandry बहुपक्षतत्व The Practice Of Marrying More Than One Husband At
APolygamy बहुक्षववाह The Practice Of Marrying More Than One Wife At
Polyglot बहुिाषी One, Who Speaks Many Languages
Polygon बहुिु ज Figure With Many Angles Or Sides
Port बं द रगाह Place Where Ships Seek Shelter
APortable पोटे ब ल That Can Be Carried Easily
APortable सं व हन That Can Be Carried Easily
Posse मे ला Number Of Policemen Called To Quell Riot
Post Mortem मरने के बाद An Examination Of Dead Body
APosthumous मरणोत्तर Child Born After The Death Of His Father Or The
Book Published After The Death Of The Writer
APosthumus पोस्थु म स Book Published After The Death Of Its Author
Post-Mortem शव परीिा An Examination Of Dead Body
APostscript उपसं हार Note Appended To Letter After The Signature
APostulate मां ग ना Something Which Can Be Taken For Granted
Potable पीने योग्य Fit To Drink
Pot‐Boiler पॉट-बॉयलर Book Or Picture Produced Merely To Bring In Money
APragmatist दं िी Person Concerned With Practical Results And Values
APredator दररं दा Any Animal That Lives By Preying On Other Animals
APrejudice पिपात To Form An Opinion Against Anybody Baselessly
Promise वादा Explicit Understanding To Do Something
AProscription बक्षहष्कार Prohibition Against Something Injurious
AProsecute पर मु क दमा िलाने Take Legal Action Against Somebody
AProstitute पतु ररया Woman Who Offers The Use Of Her Body For Sexual
Intercourse To Any One Who Will Pay For This
AProvender िारा Food For Farm Animals
APsephologist िु नाव क्षवश्ले ष क One Who Studies The Pattern Of Voting In Elections
APseudonym उपनाम An Imaginary Name Assumed By An Author For
APsychiatrist मनोक्षिककत्सक One Who Treats Mental And Emotional Disturbances
APsychologist मनोक्षवज्ञानी One Who Studies The Science Of Mind
APsychopath, मनोरोगी, Sociopath Antisocial Person Who May Commit Criminal Acts
APugnacity कलह क़ी इच्छा Inclined To Fight Or Be Aggressive
Purist शु द्ध तावादी One Who Is Particular About The Purity Of One's

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Quack नीमहक़ीम One Who Pretends Skill In Medicine And Surgery
AQuadruped िौपाया Animal Having Four Foot
AQuarantine सं ग रोध करना An Act Of Separation From Other Persons To Avoid
AQuarantine अस्पताल का अलग कमरा An Act Of Separation From Other Persons To Avoid
AQuatrain रुबाई Stanza Of Four Lines
AQuestionnaire प्रश्नावली Formulated Series Of Questions
Quill मोड़ना Feather Used As Pen
Quorum कोरम Fixed Number Of Person That Must Be Present To
Make Proceedings Valid
Rabble िीड़ People In Rowdy Science
ARadiation क्षवककरण Emission Of Light Or Heat From Central Point
Raffle /Draw क्ऱीड़ा / ड्रा Lottery In Which An Article Is Assigned By Lot To One
Of Those Buying Tickets
Rape बलात्कार To Use Woman By Force
Rebel क्षवद्रोही One Who Takes Up Arms Against Government
Recluse वै रागी Person Who Lives Alone And Avoid Others
Red-Tapism लालफ़ीताशाही Too Much Official Formalities
Regalia इनाम Dress With Medals, Ribbons Worn At Official
ARegicide राज-हत्या Murder Of King Or Queen
ARejuvenate कफर से यु वा करना Give Back To The Users Their Youthful Vigor And
ARenegade पाखण्डी One Who Forsakes Religion
ARepartee हाक्षजर जवाबी Witty , Clever Retort
ARepentance पछतावा Light Sailing Boat Built Especially For Racing Yacht
Atonement For One’s Sins
ARepublic गणतं त्र State In Which Supreme Power Is Held By The People
And Their Elected Representatives, And Which Has An
Elected Or Nominated President Rather Than Monarch
AResplendent दे दीप्यमान Shining , Brilliant And Magnificent
ARetaliate प्रक्षतकार करना Give Tit For Tat
Reticent अल्पिाषी Person Who Is Reserved In Talks
ARetrospective पू वय प्र िावी Which Takes Effect From Some Earlier Date
ARevolution क्रां क्षत Radical Change Or Political Upheaval
ARhetoric वक्रपटु ता The Art Of Elegant Speech Or Writing
Robot रोबोट An Intelligent And Obedient Machine Like Man
Rosary माला String Of Beads Used For Counting Prayers
ASacrilege अपक्षवत्रीकरण Violating Or Profaning Religious Things/Places
ASamaritan सामरी One Who Helps Others Good

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ASanatorium आरोग्यआश्रम Place For The Sick To Recover Health
ASanctuary मं कदर Place Of Refuge Recognized As Secure
Scaffold पाड़ Platform For Hanging Criminals
Sceptic सं दे ह वादी One Who Is Given To Questioning The Truth Of Facts
And The Soundness Of Inferences
Scholar छात्र Someone Who Knows Lot About The Subject
Scribble घसीटना Write Hurriedly Or Carelessly In Regard To Hand
ASculptor सं ग तराश One, Who Cuts In Stones
Secular धमय क्षनरपे ि Which Does Not Favour Anyone Religion
ASeismograph िू कं प-सू ि क यं त्र An Instrument For Measuring Movements Of The
ASerenade प्रे मी का सन्ध्या का गीत Music Played Or Sung At Night Below Person’s
ASericulture रे श म उत्पादन Breeding Of Silkworm For Silk Production
Sheath म्यान Case In Which The Sword Is Kept
Sheath / Scabbard म्यान / म्यान Case In Which The Blade Of Sword Is Kept Sheath
AShredding कतरन Cutting All The Waste Paper Into Pieces
Shrew ककय शा Woman With Peevish Nature
Shuttle शटल Go Back And Forth
Siesta गरम दे शों में दोपहर क़ी Sleep Enjoyed In The Afternoon
अल्प क्षनद्रा
ASilhouette क्षसल्ूट Portrait Of Person With Only The Outline Of The
ASimultaneous समकाक्षलक Happening At The Same Time
ASinecure ऐसा पद क्षजस में वे त न Job With High Salary But Little Responsibility
क्षमले परन्तु कु छ काम न
करना पड़े
ASinecure दाक्षयत्वहीन पद Job With High Salary But Little Responsibility
ASmuggler तस्कर Someone Who Imports Or Exports Without Paying
Snob मोिी का नौकर One Who Despises Persons Of Lower Social Position
ASociologist समाजशास्त्री One Who Studies Social Conditions
Sojourn डे रा डालना Short Stay At Place
Solar सौर Eclipse Of Sun
ASoliloquy स्वगत िाषण Speaking Himself When Alone
Solo एकल Piece Of Music By One Person
ASomnambulism नींद में िलना Sleepwalking
ASomnambulist नींद में िलने वाला Person, Who Walks In Sleep
ASoporific ऊं घता हुआ Causing Or Tending To Cause Sleep
ASororicide िक्षगनी हत्या Murder Of Sister

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Sot, Toper क्षपयक्कड़, शराबी One, Who Is Habitual Drunkard
Sot, Toper शराबी One, Who Is Habitual Drunkard
ASouvenir यादगार Thing Kept As Reminder Of Person, Place Or Event
ASouvenir यादगार Thing Kept As Reminder Of Person, Place Or Event
ASpectrum स्पे क्रम Image Formed By Rays Of Light
ASpendthrift, उड़ाऊ, खिीला Person Who Spends His Money Recklessly
Spinster कातने वाली Lady Who Remains Unmarried
ASpokesman प्रविा One Who Speaks On Behalf Of Others
Stable क्षस्थर Place For Horses
Stable क्षस्थर Place For Horses
ASterilize बााँ झ बनाना To Make Free From Living Germs Or Bacteria
AStevedore जहाज़ पर का माल One Who Loads And Unloads Ships
उतारने - िढाने वाला
Stickler हामी Person Who Insists On Something
Stigma कलं क Mark Of Shame
Stoic उदासीन Person, Who Is Indifferent To Pleasure And Pain And
Has Control Over His Passions
Stoic उदासीन Person, Who Is Indifferent To Pleasure And Pain And
Has Control Over His Passions
AStoicism वै राग्य Indifference To Pleasure Or Pain
Strut अकड़ Walk In Vain, Self‐Important Way
Stupor व्यामोह Heavy Unnatural Slumber
Sty शू क रशाला Place Where Pigs Are Kept
ASubterranean िू क्षमगत Submarines Operate Below The Surface Of The Seas
Suicide आत्महत्या Murder Of Oneself
Suicide आत्महत्या Murder Of Oneself
ASurrogate सरोगे ट Substitute
Swan Song हं स गीत The Last Work (Literary) Of Writer
Swan Song हं स गीत The Last Work (Literary) Of Writer
Swarm झुं ड Large Group Of Insects Moving In Mass
ASwashbuckler गलाकाटू Boastful Fellow
Swat शक्षिशाली प्रहार To Slap With Flat Object
ASynchronous एक समय का Occurring At The Same Time Or Rate
Synod पादररयों क़ी सिा Council Of Clergymen
ASynonyms समानाथी Words Which Have The Same Meaning
Tannery िमड़े का कारखाना Place Where Lather Is Tanned
ATaxidermy िमय पू णय करना The Art Of Preserving Skin
ATeetotaller मद्यत्यागी One Who Does Not Take Alcoholic Drinks
ATeetotaller जो नशे में हो One, Who Does Not Take Any Intoxicating Drink

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ATelepathy टे क्षलपाथी Power Of Reading Thoughts Of Others
ATelescope दू र बीन An Instrument Of Seeing Distant Objects
Telltale गप्पी One Who Enjoy Talking About Others Private Affairs
ATermagant लड़ाका Noisy Quarrelsome Women, Shrew
ATerminus अं क्षतम स्टे श न Station At The End Of Route
Theist आक्षस्तक One Who Believes In The Existence Of God Or Gods
ATheocracy थे अ क्रसी Government By Religious Principles
ATheocracy समाक्षध Government By Religious Principles
AThermometer थमाय मीटर An Instrument For Measuring Temperature
Tie टाई Fasten Or Secure With Rope, String, Or Cord
Timid डरपोक One Who Always Runs Away From Danger
ATitillation गु द गु दाना Pleasurable Stimulation
Titular नाममात्र का Existing Only In Name
Tome मु झ से Dull, Heavy Book
AToper/Sot शराबी / सोत One Who Is Habitual Drunken
Tragedy त्रासदी Writing Which End In Death Or Sorrow
ATranslucent पारिासी Allowing Light To Pass Through Diffusely
ATransmigration स्थानां त रगमन The Doctrine That Human Souls Pass From One Body
To Another At The Time Of Death
ATransparency रां स पे रें सी Drawing On Transparent Paper
ATransparent पारदशय क That Which Can Be Seen Through
ATriennial त्रै वार्षय क An Event Which Happens Once In Three Years
Trilogy त्रयी Group Of Three Novels
Tripod क्षतपाई Having Three Legs
Truant अनु प क्षस्थत रहने Person/Student Who Absents Himself From Class Or
Duty Without Permission
Trust िरोसा Confidence Reposed In Person By Making Them
Nominal Owner
Twins जु ड़ वां Two Children Born Together
ATypography टाइपोग्राफ़ी Science Of Printing
AUbiquitous दे श व्यापी Found Or Present Everywhere
AUnanimous सवय स म्मत All Of One Mind
AUnavoidable अक्षनवायय Incapable Of Being Avoided
AUnilateral एकतरफा Decision Taken By One's Side Only
AUniversal यू क्षनवसय ल Belonging To All Parts Of The World
Up-To-Date आधु क्षनक Having Information Till Today
Urology उरोलोक्षज The Study Of Mountains
Usurer सू द खोर One Who Lends Money At Higher Rate Of Interest
Usurper हड़पने वाला Person Who Seize Something Without The Right To Do

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Utopia आदशय लोक An Imaginary Perfect Social And Political System
AUxoricide पत्नी हत्या Murder Of Wife
AUxorious जोरू का गु लाम One Extremely Fond Of One's Wife
AVacillation िं ि लता Change One’s Mind Two Quickly
AVagabond आवारा Person Who Lives Wandering Life
AValedictory क्षवदा का Farewell Speech
AValetudinarian वहमी Weak Or Sickly Person Especially One Morbidly
Concerned With His Or Her Health
Vandal बबय र Someone Who Willfully Destroys Or Defaces Property
AVegetarian शाकाहारी Someone Who Eats No Meat Or Fish
Venial अमर Fault That May Be Forgiven
Venison क्षहरन का मां स The Meat Of Deer
AVerbatim प्रक्षतशब्द Repetition Of Word By Word, Word For Word
Verbose वािाल Style Full Of Words
AVersatile बहुमु खी Interested In And Clever At Many Different Things
AVersatile बहुमु खी Interested In And Clever At Many Different Things
AVertebrate हड्डीवाला Animals Having Spinal Column
Vesper सं ध्या का तारा Evening Prayer In Church
Veteran वयोवृ द्ध One, Who Has Long Experience Of Any Occupation
Veteran वयोवृ द्ध One, Who Has Long Experience Of Any Occupation
AVignette शब्दक्षित्र Short Literary Description Marked By Delicacy
AVindictive प्रक्षतशोधी One Who Is Determined To Exact Full Vegeance For
Wrong Done To Him
Virgin अछू ता Woman Who Has No Sexual Experience
Virgin कु मारी Woman Who Has No Sexual Experience
AVirtuoso कलाप्रवीण व्यक्षि One Who Is Brilliant Performer On Stage (Specially
AVolunteer स्वयं से व क One, Who Offers One's Services
AVoracious पे टू One Who Is Very Eager For Knowledge And Reads Lot
Voyage जलयात्रा Long Journy Especially By Sea
AWardrobe कपड़े Place For Clothes
AWardrobe अलमारी Place For Clothes
AWeather-Cock मौसम मु गाय Cock-Shaped Indicator On The Building Top To Show
The Direction Of Air
Whip कोड़ा Person Sharing Responsibility For Political Party’s
Discipline And Tactics
Widow क्षवधवा Woman Whose Husband Has Died
AWidower क्षवधु र Man Whose Wife Has Died
AWireless Or वायरले स या रे क्षडयो Method Of Sending Messages Without The Help Of
Radio Wires
Zodiac राक्षश िक्र Belt Of The Heavenly Bodies Divided Into Equal Signs

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Zoo क्षिक्षड़याघर Place Where Birds And Animals Are Kept
AZoologist जीव क्षवज्ञानी One Who Studies The Science Of History Of Animals Of
Mountains Till It Melts After Passing The Snow Line
Zoology जं तु शास्र The Branch Of Biology That Studies Animals

Revision Break: Revise all OWS up to this point. This revision break is of 4 days.

Revision exercise based on these one word substitution will be uploaded on our page.
 Compilation of NCERT coming soon

 Compilation of Synonyms Coming soon

 Compilation of Antonyms coming soon
 Compilation of Idiom and phrases coming soon
 Compilation Quantitative aptitude coming soon

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official DDA ASO Page

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