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Name: Muhammad Waqar - Registration No:10928 - Subject: RM

Project Proposal Form


Research Title:
Employee dissatisfaction and employee turnover crises in the wood manufacturing industry in Karachi.

Wood manufacturing industry need to make sure the satisfaction of their employees. Organizations have a propensity
to be more useful when they satisfy their employees (Robbins & Judge, 2007). As per to Vroom (1964), job
satisfaction is a constructive direction an employee moves toward in his currently engaged working roles. There are
many studies have signaled that among the determinants of job satisfaction and organizational deeds (Cheng & Yang,
1977; Darwish, 2000; Euske & Jackson, 1980), broad management support (Burke, 2003; Burke & Greenglass, 2001)
is mentioned as a important foreteller. (Rude, 2004) asserted that organizational support is highly associated to
authoritative behavior, hence, defined support from a manager is a important aspect in labor turnover (Maslach et al.,
2001; Rude, 2004).
Tracey and Hinkin (2008) declared that employee turnover rates are inclined by employee dissatisfaction within the
job surroundings and decrease their involvement to the job (Lok & Crawford, 2004).

This paper will identify the factors affecting wood manufacturing industry labor satisfaction which may lead them to
turn over. First, it will explore the existing literature about job satisfaction and turnover intention. Second, a brief
rehearsal of the Mobley model (1977) applications studying the factors leading to turnover crises will specify. The
paper further will examine whether wood manufacturing industry in Karachi can apply Mobley model to reduce these
Statement of the Problem:

Wood manufacturing industry in Karachi is facing crisis regarding employee dissatisfaction and employee turnover.

Model/Framework to be used:

Salary or Employee
Work Stress Satisfaction

Factor Employee
Relationship between employee satisfaction and turnover crises Negative

Spring 2019 RMPage 1

Name: Muhammad Waqar - Registration No:10928 - Subject: RM

Variable to be Studied:
“OJ” : Organizational Justice
“WS” : Work Stress
“S” : Salary or Wages
“DF” : Demographic Factor
“JS” : Job Satisfaction
“ES” : Employee Satisfaction
“ER” : Employee Retention
“ET” : Employee Turnover
Proposed Research Hypothesis:

H1: There is a positive relationship between demographic factors and employee satisfaction.

H2: There is a positive relationship between salaries and employee satisfaction.

H3: There is a positive relationship between work stress and employee satisfaction.

H4: There is a positive relationship between job satisfaction and employee satisfaction.

H5: There is a positive relationship between organizational justice and employee satisfaction.

Sources of Information:

1. Angel, P., & Cannella, A. (2004). Executive Turnover Revisited From an Efficiency Wage Perspective. The
Journal of the Iberoamerican Academy of Management, 2(1), 7-23.

2. Banet, Plint, & Clifford. (2005). Reducing stress and avoiding burnout: A collection of activities for

3. Bigliardi, B., Petroni, A., & Dormio, A. (2005). Organizational socialization, career aspirations and turnover
intentions among design engineers. Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 26(6), 424-441.

4. Burke, R. (1988). Sources of managerial and professional stress in large organizations. Causes, Coping and
Consequences of Stress at Work, 77-114. Burke

5. Darwish, Y. (2000). Organizational commitment: a mediator of the relationships of leadership behavior with
job satisfaction and performance in a non-western country. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 15(1), 6-24.

6. Maslach, C., Schaufeli, W., & Leiter, M. (2001). Job burnout. Annual review of psychology, 52(1), 397-422.

7. Rude, W. (2004). The connection between servant leadership and job burnout, Servant Leadership Research
Roundtable. Trinity Western University, School of Leadership Studies.

8. Tracey, B., & Hinkin, T. (2008). Contextual factors and cost profiles associated with employee turnover.
Cornell Hospitality Quarterly, 49(1), 12-27.

9. Krausz, M. (2002). The many faces of voluntary employee turnover. Voluntary Employee Withdrawal And
Inattendance, 53-70.

Spring 2019 RMPage 2

Name: Muhammad Waqar - Registration No:10928 - Subject: RM

10. Vroom, V. (1964). Work and Motivation. New York: John Willey.

11. Mobley, W. H., Griffeth, R. W., Hand, H. H., & Meglino, B. M. (1979). Review and conceptual analysis of
the employee turnover process. Psychological Bulletin, 86(3), 493-522.

Sampling Technique & Procedure:

Sample Size:

Method of Data Collection & Procedure:

1. Questionnaires
2. Interviews

Instrument/s of Data Collection:

1. Questionnaires

Statistical Tests to be used:

t - Test

Possible Research Findings:

We are expecting that the research findings will suggest the wood industry manufacturer should recognize
that poor working conditions, low salaries, and injustice will lead an employee to turnover and change job.

List of References:
1. Angel, P., & Cannella, A. (2004). Executive Turnover Revisited From an Efficiency Wage Perspective. The
Journal of the Iberoamerican Academy of Management, 2(1), 7-23.

2. Banet, Plint, & Clifford. (2005). Reducing stress and avoiding burnout: A collection of activities for
Spring 2019 RMPage 3
Name: Muhammad Waqar - Registration No:10928 - Subject: RM

3. Beehr, T., Walsh, J., & Taber, T. (1976). Perceived situational moderators of the relationship between
subjective role ambiguity and role strain. Journal of Applied Psychology, 61(1), 35-40.

4. Bigliardi, B., Petroni, A., & Dormio, A. (2005). Organizational socialization, career aspirations and turnover
intentions among design engineers. Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 26(6), 424-441.

5. Bluedorn, A. (1979). Structure, environment, and satisfaction: toward a causal model of turnover from
military organizations. Journal of Military and Political Sociology, 7, 181-207.

6. Burke, R. (1988). Sources of managerial and professional stress in large organizations. Causes, Coping and
Consequences of Stress at Work, 77-114. Burke

7. Carrell, M., Kuzmits, F., & Elbert, N. (1992). Personal Human Resource Management (4th ed.). New York:
MacMillan Publishing Company

8. Cohen-Charash, Y., & Spector, P. (2001). The role of justice in organizations: A meta-analysis.
Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 86(2), 278-321.

9. Darwish, Y. (2000). Organizational commitment: a mediator of the relationships of leadership behavior with
job satisfaction and performance in a non-western country. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 15(1), 6-24.

10. Elangovan, A. (2001). Causal ordering of stress, satisfaction and commitment, and intention to quit: a
structural equations analysis. Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 22(4), 159-165.

11. Hemdi, M., & Mohd, A. (2007). Investigating the influence of organizational justice on hotel employees'
organizational citizenship behavior intentions and turnover intentions. Journal of Human Resources in
Hospitality & Tourism, 7(1), 1-23.

12. Mobley, W. (1982). Employee Turnover, Causes, Consequences, and Control. Addison-Wesley.

13. Mobley , W., Horner, S., & Hollingsworth, A. (1978). An evaluation of precursors of hospital employee
turnover. Journal of Applied Psychology, 63(4), 408-414.

14. Mobley, W. H., Griffeth, R. W., Hand, H. H., & Meglino, B. M. (1979). Review and conceptual analysis of
the employee turnover process. Psychological Bulletin, 86(3), 493-522.

15. Rude, W. (2004). The connection between servant leadership and job burnout, Servant Leadership Research
Roundtable. Trinity Western University, School of Leadership Studies.

16. Valentine, S. (2001). A path analysis of gender, race, and job complexity as determinants of intention to look
for work. Employee Relations, 23(2), 130-146.

17. Vroom, V. (1964). Work and Motivation. New York: John Willey.

18. Yellen, J. (1984). Efficiency wage models of unemployment. Information and Macroeconomics, 74(2), 200-
Spring 2019 RMPage 4
Name: Muhammad Waqar - Registration No:10928 - Subject: RM

Thesis Supervisor HOD

Spring 2019 RMPage 5

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