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A Semi-detailed Lesson Plan

In Mathematics 8

I. Objectives

By the end of the class, students will be able to…

a. Find pattern of special product of Polynomials;

b. Manifest understanding of Polynomials and its type;
c. Apply knowledge of special products in real life.

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Special Products

References: Learner’s Module page 8-17
Materials: Powerpoint presentation

III. Procedures

A. Preliminary Activities

1. Opening Prayer
2. Observance of cleanliness and orderliness of the room
3. Routines
a. Greetings / rules and discipline
b. Establish the day and date
c. Checking of attendance
d. Revealing of objectives
e. Warm-up song: Hello, How are you?

4. Review

Who can give me an example of a Polynomial?

Fist bump – Quite alright (Almost there!)
High Five – Correct! But I need more
Shake Hands – Very Good! You did it right

Vocabulary Key Concepts

Term – is a number, variable, or 9 , y , 4x
combination of both.
Expression – an expression consist of one 10x 3y+2 x-7y+5
or more terms
Polynomial – is an expression with many Xⁿ + 4X – 3y + 7
***Each term in a polynomial is separated
by a + (plus) or – (minus) sign.
Special Products – special forms of  Square of a Binomial
algebraic expressions whose products are  Square of a Trinomial
readily seen.  Sum and Difference of Two Terms
 Cube of a Binomial

Polynomial can be described by the number of terms

1. Monomial Mono + mial Ex:
(one) (term) 10x
2. Binomial Bi + nomial 3y + 2
(two) (terms)
3. Trinomial Tri + nomial X – 9y + 5
4. Polynomial More terms 13xⁿ + 7xⁿ + 3x - 5

5. Motivation

Look at the picture below and identify patterns on each picture.

Have you ever used patterns in simplifying mathematical expression?

Let us see how patterns are used to simplify mathematical expressions by doing the
activity below:

97 x 103

25 x 25

1. What do you notice about the given

2. Did you solve them easily? Did you
notice some patterns in solving their
3. What techniques did you use? What
difficulties did you encounter?

Let us solve:

1. 97 x 103 = (100-3) (100+3)

= 100ⁿ - 9
= 10,000 – 9
= 9, 991

2. 25 x 25 = (20+5) (20+5) FOIL – First (20 and 20)

= 20ⁿ + 2(20)5 + 5ⁿ - Outside (20 and 5)
= 400 + 200 + 25 - Inside (20 and 20)
= 625 - Last (5 and 5)

B. Lesson Proper
Today, we are going to learn about Special Products of Polynomials
1. Square of a Binomial [ SOAB ]
2. Square of a Trinomial [ SOAT ]
3. Sum and Difference of Two Terms [ SADOTT ]
4. Cube of a Binomial [ COAB ]

I. Square of a Binomial Pattern

The square of a binomial consists of:

a. The square of the first term;

b. Twice the product of the first and last term; and
c. The square of the last term.

Remember: The square of a binomial is called a perfect square trinomial.

Pattern 1 (a + b)ⁿ = aⁿ + 2ab + bⁿ Example:

( x + 5 )ⁿ = (x)ⁿ + 2(5)(x) + 5ⁿ
= xⁿ + 10X + 25

(3x + 4y)ⁿ = (3x)ⁿ + 12xy + 12xy + (4y)ⁿ

= 9xⁿ + 2(12xy) + 16yⁿ
= 9xⁿ + 24xy + 16yⁿ

Pattern 2 (a - b)ⁿ = aⁿ - 2ab + bⁿ Example:

( x – 4 )ⁿ = xⁿ - 2(4)(x) + 4ⁿ
= xⁿ - 8x + 16

II. Square of a Trinomial

The square of a trinomial consists of:

a. The sum of the squares of the first, second and last terms;
b. Twice the product of the first and the second terms;
c. Twice the product of the first and the last terms; and
d. Twice the product of the second and the last terms.

Pattern 1 (x + y + z)ⁿ = xⁿ + yⁿ + zⁿ + 2xy + 2yz + 2xz

Pattern 2 (m + n – d)ⁿ = mⁿ + nⁿ + dⁿ + 2mn – 2md -2nd
Pattern 3 (3d + 2e +f)ⁿ = 9dⁿ + 4cⁿ + fⁿ + 12de + 6df + 4ef

III. Sum and Difference of Two Terms Pattern

The Product of the sum and difference of two terms is the difference of
the squares of the terms. Notice that the product is always a binomial.

Pattern 1 Pattern 2

(x + y) (x - y) = xⁿ -yⁿ (a - b) (a + b) = aⁿ - bⁿ

Pattern 3 Pattern 4

(m + 3) (m - 3) = mⁿ - 9 ( w – 5) (w + 5) = wⁿ - 25

Pattern 5
(2x - 5)(2x + 5) = 4xⁿ - 25

IV. Cube of a Binomial Pattern

Pattern 1 a. Find the cube of each term to

get the first and the last terms
(x+y)3 (x)3 , (y)3

b. The second term is three times

the product of the square of
the first term and the second
term. 3(X)ⁿ(y)

c. The third term is three times

Hence, the product of the first term
and the square of the second
( x + y )3 = x3 + 3Xⁿy + 3xyⁿ + y3 term. 3(x)(y)ⁿ

a. Find the cube of each term to

Pattern 2 get the first and the last terms
(x)3, (-y)3
( x – y )3
b. The second term is three times
the product of the square of
the first term and the second
term 3(x)ⁿ(-y)
c. The third term is three times
(x – y)3 = x3 – 3xⁿy + 3xyⁿ - y3 the product of the first term
and the square of the second
term. 3(x)(-y)ⁿ

C. Activity

Activity 4: FOLD TO SQUARE

In this activity, you will model the square of a binomial through paper folding.

What pattern did it produce? This pattern will help you find the square of a binomial easily.

D. Generalization

1. Square of a Binomial (a + b)ⁿ = aⁿ + 2ab + bⁿ

(a - b)ⁿ = aⁿ - 2ab + bⁿ

2. Square of a Trinomial (x + y + z)ⁿ = xⁿ + yⁿ + zⁿ + 2xy + 2yz + 2xz

(m + n – d)ⁿ = mⁿ + nⁿ + dⁿ + 2mn – 2md -2nd
(3d + 2e +f)ⁿ = 9dⁿ + 4cⁿ + fⁿ + 12de + 6df + 4ef
3. Sum and Difference of Two Terms (x + y) (x - y) = xⁿ -yⁿ
(a - b) (a + b) = aⁿ - bⁿ
(m + 3) (m - 3) = mⁿ - 9
( w – 5) (w + 5) = wⁿ - 25
(2x - 5)(2x + 5) = 4xⁿ - 25

4. Cube of a Binomial ( x + y )3 = x3 + 3Xⁿy + 3xyⁿ + y3

(x – y)3 = x3 – 3xⁿy + 3xyⁿ - y3

E. Application

Video Presentation – Special Products

IV. Evaluation

Answer the following using the patterns

1. (2x + 3x)ⁿ
2. (x-4)ⁿ
3. (n-6)(n+6)

V. Assignment

Answer the following with your solution

1. (2x + y)3

2. (3x-6)(3x+6)

3. (r – t + n)

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