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Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical

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Journal of Power and Energy

An optimum set of loss models for performance prediction of centrifugal compressors

H W Oh, E S Yoon and M K Chung
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part A: Journal of Power and Energy 1997 211: 331
DOI: 10.1243/0957650971537231

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An optimum set of loss models for performance

prediction of centrifugal compressors
H W Oh1, E S Yoon2 and M K Chung1
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Taejon, Korea
Department of Thermal and Fluid Systems, Korea Institute of Machinery and Materials, Taejon, Korea

Abstract: The present study has tested most of the loss models previously published in the open literature
and found an optimum set of empirical loss models for a reliable performance prediction of centrifugal com-
pressors. In order to improve the prediction of efficiency curves, this paper recommends a modified parasitic
loss model. The performance analyses by using various empirical loss models are also compared with those
by the two-zone modelling. Predicted performance curves by the proposed optimum set agree fairly well
with experimental data for a variety of centrifugal compressors. The prediction method developed through
this study can serve as a tool for preliminary design and assist the understanding of the operational charac-
teristics of general purpose centrifugal compressors.

Keywords: centrifugal compressors, mean streamline analysis, loss correlations, two-zone modelling, per-
formance prediction

NOTATION ␧ clearance
␧wake wake fraction of blade-to-blade space
b impeller width hs stage isentropic efficiency
b* ratio of vaneless diffuser inlet width to impeller n kinematic viscosity
exit width r fluid density
Cf skin friction coefficient
Cp specific heat at constant pressure
D diameter Subscripts
Df diffusion factor
Dhyd impeller average hydraulic diameter 0 total condition
Lb impeller flow length 1 impeller inlet
Lv impeller meridional length 2 impeller exit and vaneless diffuser inlet
ṁ mass flowrate 3 vaneless diffuser exit
P pressure act actual condition
PR stage total-to-total pressure ratio bld blade loading
r radius cl clearance
T temperature df disc friction
U tangential impeller speed Euler Euler
V absolute velocity h impeller inlet hub
W relative velocity inc incidence
Wui tangential component of impeller inlet relative int internal condition
velocity lk leakage
Z number of blades m root mean squared position
mix mixing
a absolute flow angle from meridional direction m1m meridional direction at impeller inlet
g specific heat ratio rc recirculation
Dh enthalpy change (J/kg) sf skin friction
t impeller inlet tip
The MS was received on 2 January 1997 and was accepted for publication
u tangential direction
on 16 April 1997. vld vaneless diffuser
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1 INTRODUCTION Table 1 Specifications of KIMM impeller*

Although the computational fluid dynamics procedures have Impeller Inlet tip diameter (mm) 95.3
Inlet hub diameter (mm) 45
progressed remarkably in the analysis of turbomachinery, Discharge diameter (mm) 207.4
reliable turbulence models for complex turbulent flows Discharge width (mm) 7.5
such as the passage flow between blades with high surface Number of blades 12
Length in axial direction (mm) 75
curvature under rotation are not yet available and practical Blade thickness (mm) 3
design and off-design performance analysis of centrifugal Blade angle at inlet tip (deg) 56.26
compressors still rely on the conventional empirical loss Blade angle at inlet hub (deg) 34.22
Blade angle at discharge (deg) 30
During the past several decades, the empirical loss correla- Vaneless diffuser Outlet diameter (mm) 370
Inlet and outlet width (mm) 8
tion method has been persistently developed, which is well
documented in standard textbooks such as those by Dixon *Design mass flowrate is 0.3 kg/s at 15 000 r/min
(1), Whitfield and Baines (2), Yahya (3) and Lakshminarayana
(4). Recent studies using the same method have been carried
out by Aungier (5), Thanapandi and Prasad (6), Takagi et al. pumps. Recently Aungier (5) presented a modular perfor-
(7) and Denton (8) among many others. Takagi et al. (7) mance prediction procedure which has been validated
formulated loss models for leakage flow and disc friction against about one hundred different stages with a wide range
based on their measurements of centrifugal pumps at three of flow coefficients and pressure ratios up to about 3.5. In
different specific speeds. Thanapandi and Prasad (6) sur- the first stage of the present study, all these prediction pro-
veyed a number of available loss correlations and found cedures based on the same numerical scheme have been
a satisfactory set of models for almost the full range of tested against well-documented Eckardt impellers and the
operating conditions of low specific speed submersible authors’ own experimental one (see Fig. 1 for meridional
cross-sections and Table 1 for detailed specifications of
the KIMM impeller). Unfortunately, however, the test
results revealed that their claims on the merits of their
procedures were not objectively proved.
The present study is aimed at finding an optimum set of
loss correlations among all available empirical models for
each respective loss mechanism. In order to carry out this
task, frequently quoted empirical loss models in the open lit-
erature were first collected and listed in Table 2. All of the
144 possible combinations from Table 2 for six internal loss
mechanisms were investigated for their prediction perfor-
mance of the total pressure ratios of the test impellers men-
tioned above. An optimum set of internal loss models was
then selected and used to find the best set of parasitic models

Table 2 List of internal loss models

Loss mechanism Loss model

Incidence loss Aungier (5)

Galvas (9)
Conrad et al. (10)
Blade loading loss Aungier (5)
Coppage et al. (11)
Skin friction loss Coppage et al. (11)
Jansen (12)
Clearance loss Aungier (5)
Jansen (12)
Krylov and Spunde (13)
Mixing loss Aungier (5)
Johnston and Dean (14)
Vaneless diffuser loss Coppage et al. (11)
Stanitz (15)
Fig. 1 Meridional cross-sections of four impellers
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Table 3 List of parasitic loss models Dh

¹ Dhint
PR ¼ þ1 ð1Þ
Cp T01
Loss mechanism Loss model

Disc friction loss Daily and Nece (16) where ∑ Dhint represents the summation of all internal losses
Recirculation loss Aungier (5) in the compressor.
Coppage et al. (11) The physical origins of various loss factors in turbo-
Jansen (12)
machines are not described in this paper; their specific effects
and contributions to the entropy increase in turbomachines
Leakage loss Aungier (5)
Takagi et al. (7)
are given in the literature (2, 8). The representative distri-
butions of specific loss mechanisms in turbomachines are
*Explained in Table 5. given in Thanapandi and Prasad (6).
In the present study, all possible 144 combinations from
Table 2 for six different internal loss mechanisms were
for disc friction loss, recirculation loss and leakage loss that tested. By comparing their prediction accuracies, three
leads to the most accurate efficiency prediction. Table 3. sets of the most desirable combinations were selected which
shows the list of parasitic loss models tested in the present are shown in Table 4. For clarity of presentation, only these
study. three sets are discussed with the test data. Experimental data
The predictions using the empirical loss models were also to be compared are three Eckardt impellers (18, 19) and the
compared with those obtained by the two-zone modelling KIMM impeller (see Table 1 for its specifications).
analysis. Figures 2 to 4 show comparisons of predictions and test
data for three Eckardt impellers O, A and B. The loss com-
bination set I-1 gives poor predictions compared to the other
2 SELECTION OF INTERNAL LOSS two sets, I-2 and I-3, but it moderately computes the perfor-
CORRELATIONS mance trends of Eckardt impeller B. Sets I-2 and I-3 are of
comparable combinations for Eckardt’s test data. Figure 2
Even if the flow between the impellers is assumed to be shows that set I-3 is the best combination. In Fig. 3, set
under ideal frictionless conditions, the relative eddies in I-2 is a better combination than set I-3 except for the
the impeller blade passage can make the impeller exit rela-
tive flow angle differ from the impeller exit blade angle. A
measure of deviation can be calculated using the concept
of a slip factor. There are a number of empirical formulae
that can be used to estimate the slip factor (1–4). How-
ever, based on the comparative study of Wiesner (17),
the present study adopted the slip factor formulation of
Wiesner (17), without any modification, to calculate the
tangential absolute velocity component at the impeller out-
let. The performance prediction of centrifugal compressors
is conducted by an iterative solution to converge on the
fluid density at the impeller exit. The impeller exit fluid
density obtained through the computation procedure with
the selected combination of loss models is compared to
the estimated fluid density. Once the iterative solution is
to be converged within a specified tolerance, the com-
pressor stage total-to-total pressure ratio can be calculated
as follows: Fig. 2 Total pressure ratio of Eckardt impeller O

Table 4 Three sets of internal loss correlations

Loss mechanism Set I-1 Set I-2 Set I-3

Incidence loss Aungier (5) Aungier (5) Conrad et al. (10)

Blade loading loss Coppage et al. (11) Aungier (5) Coppage et al. (11)
Skin friction loss Coppage et al. (11) Jansen (12) Jansen (12)
Clearance loss Krylov and Spunde (13) Aungier (5) Jansen (12)
Mixing loss Aungier (5) Aungier (5) Johnston and Dean (14)
Vaneless diffuser loss Coppage et al. (11) Stanitz (15) Stanitz (15)

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Fig. 3 Total pressure ratio of Eckardt impeller A Fig. 6 Comparison of recirculation loss models

high mass flow region at 16 000 r/min. On the other hand, set
I-2 yields the best result in the prediction of Eckardt impel-
ler B, as shown in Fig. 4.
A performance prediction of the KIMM impeller total
pressure ratio is given in Fig. 5. Set I-3 of loss combination
produces an excellent prediction as compared with the other
sets throughout the operating ranges. Consequently, this
study suggests set I-3 of loss combination as the best set
of internal loss models to predict the total pressure ratio of
centrifugal compressors.

Fig. 4 Total pressure ratio of Eckardt impeller B

Fig. 5 Total pressure ratio of KIMM impeller Fig. 7 Isentropic efficiency of Eckardt impeller O
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Table 5 Three sets of parasitic loss correlations

Loss mechanism Set E-1 Set E-2 Set E-3

Disc friction loss Daily and Nece (16) Daily and Nece (16) Daily and Nece (16)
[quoted by Japikse (20)]
Recirculation loss Coppage et al. (11) Aungier (5) Present*
Leakage loss Aungier (5) Aungier (5) Aungier (5)

*8 × 10¹5 sinhð3:5a32 ÞD2f U22

W 0:75DhEuler =U22
Df ¼ 1 ¹ 2 þ
W1t ðW1t =W2 Þ½ðZ=pÞð1 ¹ D1t =D2 Þ þ 2D1t =D2 ÿ

3 SELECTION OF PARASITIC LOSS Among eight possible combinations from Table 3, three
CORRELATIONS sets of the most desirable parasitic losses selected through
the present study are given in Table 5, which includes a
The compressor stage isentropic efficiency is computed by refined recirculation loss correlation proposed in this study.
the following equation: Because the recirculation loss dominates the disc friction
DhEuler ¹ Dhint
loss and the leakage loss under the entire operating condi-
tions, the predicted efficiency curves are strongly influenced
hs ¼ ð2Þ
Dhact by the recirculation loss model. Figure 6 compares the
recirculation loss models in terms of the percentage of input
where the denominator represents the actual input enthalpy power versus corrected mass flow. Jansen’s model (12) is a
change including the parasitic works. In addition to the modified form of Coppage et al.’s model (11). As can be
internal losses, the parasitic losses give rise to an increase seen from the efficiency predictions of centrifugal compres-
in impeller discharge stagnation enthalpy without any sors in Figs 7 to 9, both of these models underestimate the
corresponding increase in pressure (2). The parasitic losses recirculation loss in the low flow region. Aungier (5) intro-
are assumed to be made up of disc friction loss, recirculation duced the blade stall limit of Lieblein (21) into the recircu-
loss and leakage loss. lation loss model to improve the previous model at the low

Fig. 8 Isentropic efficiency of Eckardt impeller A Fig. 9 Isentropic efficiency of Eckardt impeller B
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Table 6 An optimum set of loss models for centrifugal compressors

Loss mechanism Loss model Reference

Incidence loss Dhinc ¼ finc Conrad et al. (10)
where finc ¼ 0:5–0:7

Blade loading loss Dhbld ¼ 0:05D2f U22 Coppage et al. (11)

Lb 2
Skin friction loss Dhsf ¼ 2Cf W Jansen (12)
V1t þ V2 þ W1t þ 2W1h þ 3W2
where W ¼

 4p  2
r1t 2
¹ r1h
Clearance loss Dhcl ¼ 0:6 Vu2 Vu2 Vmlm Jansen (12)
b2 b2 Z ðr2 ¹ r1t Þð1 þ r2 =r1 Þ


1 ¹ ␧wake ¹ b¬ 2 V22

Mixing loss Dhmix ¼ 2
Johnston and Dean (14)
1 þ tan a2 1 ¹ ␧wake 2
 ðg¹1Þ=g  ðg¹1Þ=g 
P3 P3
Vaneless diffuser loss Dhvld ¼ Cp T02 ¹ Stanitz (15)
P03 P02

rr22 U23
Disc friction loss Dhdf ¼ fdf Daily and Nece (16)
r1 þ r2

; Redf < 3 × 105
fdf ¼
: ; Redf ⭓ 3 × 105
U r
Redf ¼ 2 2

Recirculation loss Dhrc ¼ 8 × 10¹5 sinhð3:5a32 ÞD2f U22 Present (Table 5)

ṁcl Ucl U2
Leakage loss Dhlk ¼ Aungier (5)


Ucl ¼ 0:816 ð2DPcl =r2 Þ
8 9
ṁ r2 Vu2 ¹ ðr1 Vu1 Þm
DPcl ¼
r þ r2
r¼ 1
b þ b2
b¼ 1
ṁcl ¼ r2 Z␧Lv Ucl

flow region. However, Fig. 6 reveals that his model displays sent test calculations showed that the recirculation loss must
a physically unrealistic abrupt change at the stall point in the be in between those of Coppage et al. (11) and Aungier (5)
recirculation loss prediction. On the other hand, Japikse (20) in the low flow region. A new recirculation model is devel-
suggested an empirical recirculation loss correlation curve oped by adopting higher power to the flow angle contribu-
(‘bucket’ model) as a function of the non-dimensional tion. In order to connect the loss distributions smoothly
mass flowrate based on many experimental data deduced between low and high flow regions, a hyperbolic functional
from various impeller tests. Because, however, he did not form is employed in the present model (Table 5). For the
provide an empirical formula to represent the ‘bucket’ disc friction loss, Daily and Nece’s model (16) has been
curve, his model curve is excluded in the present test. most commonly quoted, which is also adopted in this paper.
Common to all these recirculation loss models is the fact There have been many empirical models for prediction
that they are expressed as a function of the diffusion ratio of the leakage flowrate. Typical ones are those listed in
(11) and the impeller exit flow angle. A number of the pre- Table 3. A difference between them is that the conven-
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tional model [e.g. that of Takagi et al. (7)] includes the of centrifugal compressors with acceptable accuracy. A new
geometric variables such as clearance gap and sealing con- model for the recirculation loss which is the most influential
figuration, whereas Aungier’s model (5) is nearly indepen- part of the parasitic works is introduced in this study to
dent of the sealing type. Again, all of eight possible improve the prediction of the stage isentropic efficiency.
combinations from Table 3 have been tested against the The empirical loss correlations suggested in this paper are
stage isentropic efficiency data of Eckardt impellers. specifically summarized in Table 6. As a reference, the pre-
Figures 7 to 9 show the three closest stage isentropic dictive capability of the mean streamline analysis procedure
efficiency predictions among them. These three sets are is compared with that of the two-zone modelling. It was
listed in Table 5 . The internal loss model set I-3 was found that although the two-zone modelling takes into
used in these computations. Figure 7 clearly shows that account the non-uniform flow field at the blade outlet,
set E-3 of the present parasitic loss models yields the best more refinement of the present two-zone modelling is neces-
agreement with experimental data. However, in Figs 8 sary in order to predict the compressor performance at the
and 9, prediction accuracies of all three sets are more or same level of accuracy as the mean streamline analysis pro-
less similar, but with set E-3 being a little better. From cedure. The predictive procedure presented herein can be
these comparisons, the model set E-3 is recommended as used as a conceptual design tool in the preliminary design
the best combination for predicting the parasitic losses. phase of centrifugal compressors.
Correspondingly, this paper suggests that set E-3 of the
new parasitic loss models be used to compute the actual REFERENCES
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