February 17-18: Love Christ. Love Others - Serve

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Website: cccctally.org

February 17-18
From the Minister


So this past month we’ve been talking about GRACE. On Sunday mornings, our messages
have been exploring this idea that GRACE is GREATER than… WHATEVER you want to put on the
other side of that equation. We’ve said that GRACE is GREATER than our past mistakes, GRACE
is GREATER than our sins, our shame, our guilt. We’ve said that GRACE is GREATER than our
hurts, and that no matter what we’ve had to endure, GRACE is only BIBLICAL GRACE when we are
willing to extend it just as much as we RECEIVE it. We’ve said that GRACE is GREATER than our
weaknesses, and we showed where the Apostle Paul pointed out that his weakness, his “thorn in
the flesh,” was actually something that God allowed so that in Paul’s weakness God’s strength
might shine all the more. And Paul concludes that he actually CELEBRATES his weaknesses, be-
cause when he is weak, then is he strong.

But it was important for Paul to point out that his WEAKNESS was focusing on the wrong thing.
Over and over Paul would refer to himself as a SERVANT. He tells us in his second letter to the
Corinthians that a servant is not known for his accomplishments. The only thing a servant needs to
be known for is his master. That’s why Paul wanted to be known for nothing more than what
brought attention to Christ, not himself.

I read a devotion by Rick Warren that spoke more to this idea of being a SERVANT. Here is
what Rick Warren said…
“If you want to serve people through ministry, you need to slow down and observe the
world. It helps you be sensitive to the needs of other people. If you wanted to take a
cross-country trip, you’d have several options. A plane would get you there fastest, but
you wouldn’t experience much of the country. You could take a train or even a car, and
each would give you opportunities to see even more. But if you really wanted to take in as
much as possible, you’d walk. That’s because the slower you go, the more you see. The
Bible says, ‘Look out for the good of others’ (1 Corinthians 10:24) Ask God to
give you spiritual radar for people around you who are hurting emotionally, spiritually, or
physically. Maybe you were born with his gift. You automatically sense when people
around you are in need. It’s not that you’re more spiritual than the rest of us. You’re just
wired that way. Unfortunately, that doesn’t describe all of us. Some of us have something
like spiritual ADD. It’s easy to get distracted. It’s easy to be task-focused. It’s easy to be
insensitive to what’s happening around us. But if you care, you’ll be aware. It’s not always
easy to see the needs of other people, especially when you’re too busy and have an over-
loaded schedule. But it’s an important part of serving others in need. God wants you to
help others. Ask him to show you where you’re focusing on the wrong things so you can
remove them from your to-do list.”

GRACE is GREATER than anything this world tries to put up against it. But it is near impossible to
see that if we aren’t interested in SERVING others.
See Ya’ Sunday
Allen G.


Pray for our Nation and Leaders, Pray for our Church and our leaders DAILY
Come join us on Thursday morning at 10AM for a time of prayer. You are encouraged to spend time in communication with God.
Feel free to use the Prayer room (165) at any time, individually or as a group to pray about whatever is on your heart.
Men’s Ministry
Ministry EVENTS

We hope that you will join us for Summer Ladies Night

Upcoming Events: Events. This is the perfect opportunity to invite your friends.
August 3 - Craft Day— At the church This month we will join the men for a Fish Fry at the church!

August 31 - 10AM Paint Class, Cost $10

If you are making crafts for the Craft Fair
please contact Dona Cormier
Call the office for more details 850-877-7315

Our annual retreat is coming up soon and you don’t want to

miss this event. Sign up now! Cost $135

Join us in Children’s Church for:

We are gearing up for the 2019

Annual Arts & Crafts Fair, so it’s
time to start crafting!
Sunday School 9:00-10:00 am
Break 10:00-10:30 am If you are making crafts for the
Fair please let Dona Cormier know
(games and snacks) what you are making.
Children’s Church 10:30-11:45 am
Next Craft Day is:
Every month the Children’s Ministry has a August 3rd at 9:30AM
new service project they are working on, at the church
see Becky Carter for more information

For more information: call 877-7315 or visit

Mon T ue Wed Thu Fri Sat
Return Service Requested
Happy Birthday: 1 2 3
10 - Randy Tatum 9:30-12 Craft
11 - Dona Cormier 10AM Prayer Circle 10:30AM Ladies
Bible Study Class
17 - Susan Critelli 12-4 Canasta Club
25 - Rylee Gonzalez
31 - Cindy Meeks
4 5 6 7 8 9 10
10AM Service at 10:30AM Ladies
6:00PM Fellowship
6 Fish Fry Meal & Devotion
Your Life Senior Bible Study
5PM Life Groups
6:30PM Ladies Bible Living
6:30 Board Meeting Study 12-4 Canasta Club

11 12 13 14 15 16 17
6:00PM 10AM Prayer Circle 10:30AM Ladies
10 CCF Fellowship Meal Bible Study
5PM Life Groups & Devotion 12-4 Canasta Club
6:30PM Ladies Bible

18 19 20 21 22 23 24
6:00PM Fellowship 10:30AM Ladies
Meal & Devotion 10AM Prayer Circle Bible Study Grape Harvest
5PM Life Groups 6:30PM Ladies Bible 12-4 Canasta Club Festival
7PM Railroad Club

25 26 27 28 29 30 31
6:00PM Fellowship 8 Men’s Breakfast 10:30AM Ladies
Meal & Devotion Bible Study 10AM Paint
5PM Life Groups 6:30PM Ladies Bible 10AM Prayer Circle
Study Class
12-4 Canasta Club


August 1 - 10AM Prayer Circle August 16 - 10AM Ladies Bible Study
12-4 Canasta Club August 18 - 5PM Life Groups
August 2 - 10:30 Ladies Bible Study August 20 - 7PM Railroad Club
August 3 - 9:30 Craft Class August 21 - 6PM Fellowship Meal & Devotion
August 4 - 5PM Life Groups 6:30PM Ladies Bible Study
August 5 - 6PM FISH FRY August 22 - 10AM Prayer Circle
August 6 - 6:30PM Board Meeting 12-4 Canasta Club
August 7- 6PM Fellowship Meal & Devotion August 23 - 10:30AM Ladies Bible Study
6:30PM Ladies Bible Study August 24 - Grape Harvest Festival
August 8 - 10AM Prayer Circle/service at Your Life August 25 - 5PM Life Groups
12-4 Canasta Club August 28 - 6PM Fellowship Meal & Devotion
August 9 - 10AM Ladies Bible Study 6:30PM Ladies Bible Study
August 11 - 5PM Life Groups August 29 - 10AM Prayer Circle
August 13 - 10AM CCF Meeting 12-4 Canasta Club
August 14 - 6PM Fellowship Meal & Devotion August 30 - 10:30AM Ladies Bible Study
6:30PM Ladies Bible Study August 31 - 10AM Paint Class
August 15 - 10AM Prayer Circle
12-4 Canasta Club

Food Pantry We have made Changes to Pantry

We have closed the physical Food Pantry and will only be giving out Food gift cards to those in need. If you know someone
in need please contact the office. You can make monetary donations to the pantry by designating ‘Pantry’ on your check and
placing it in the offering.
“Our purpose is to LOVE CHRIST, LOVE OTHERS and SERVE”
Allen Gonzalez Senior Minister
Bible Study 9:00 AM ATTENDANCE Average
Mike Seay Worship Director
Coffee Break 10:00 AM AM Worship 59
Trish Rice Administrative Assistant
Worship 10:30 AM
Sunday Evening Life Groups 5:00PM ELDERS: Don Meeks
GIVING Budget Need
General Giving $8,439 $16,487
Wednesday Night Meal 6:00PM DEACONS: Dona Cormier, Clayton Wilder, Missions $ 2,142 $3,069
Wednesday Bible Discussion Groups 6:30 PM Mike Hancock, Cindy Meeks, Doreen Branam,
Trish Rice

NEWSLETTER DEADLINE ~ The Deadline for SEPTEMBER 2019 Newsletter is August 26th

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