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● The internship is for ​6 months. ​Any City head or City coordinator who wants to extend
his/her tenure may request to do so after the completion of these 6 months.
● The stipend will be given to those ​City Heads who complete their tenure and do most
of their tasks.
● Every City Head has to be present at all the events conducted by them and their team.
Prior reason must be given for their absence.
● The City Heads ​cannot ask for cash funding for their events on behalf of IRSC.
Funding needs to be central, i.e, should be done for IRSC as an organisation.
● You will not use name of IRSC for any personal event.​ Separate permission letter
from IRSC will be issued to you for every event.
● All reimbursements needs to be ​pre-approved​ before making those expenditure.
● Also reimbursement for events/travel/communication ​should not cross ​₹5000​ for entire
duration and expense should be pre approved. However it may be increased for
conducting extra events for IRSC with prior notice.
● You will not use name of Ministry for any collaboration except wherever specified.
● Indian Road Safety Campaign, Solve is purely a non-profit organisation and doesn’t
support any profit related work.​ You will not use name of IRSC for any profit
● A Certificate will be provided only if at least 80% of the tasks mentioned are
completed within the specified fortnight.
● No compensation or reimbursement would be provided to any volunteer or team member.
● Every member will have to make an ​email id ​for official purposes.
● The City Heads will ​conduct interviews and recruit their own city coordinators. ​We
will provide contacts for those who cannot recruit City Heads from their nearby locations.
● The City Heads must conduct a mandatory meeting every month with their City
Coordinators to discuss their tasks. This can be done over skype but the minutes of the
meetings must be sent on the update thread.
● After the completion of every 15 days, the City heads and the coordinators have to
provide us with the report of the work done on their update thread.
● The city head/coordinators who leave before their tenure is complete will not receive any
deliverables and their internship will be terminated.
● Any City head/ Coordinator who will not report for a continuous time span of 15-30 days
without any prior informing will have their internship terminated.

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