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We Connect with People in Profound Ways

InteraXon is a research driven, experience-centric

technology company creating innovative “Brains-on”
solutions that unleash new experiential horizons of self
and collective discovery, play and mastery.
InteraXon is a technology company who
creates new experiences.

InteraXon is here to bring awareness and understanding of

the scale and scope of experiential possibilities within
thought-responsive technology, and the global impact it will
have as it becomes more market-ready.
We design and execute custom experiential marketing
installations for brands who are looking to discover and
occupy new spaces of thought and imagination within the
emerging Thought Controlled Computing (TCC) market.
Key Terms

TCC – Thought-Controlled Computing

EEG – Electroencephalography
BCI – Brain-Computer Interface
Alpha and Beta waves
TCC - How It Works


As the neurons in the brain fire, they generate magnetic

fields that can be easily read from the head using an
Electroencephalograph, or EEG.

The InteraXon system analyses these readings and

separates the waves by frequency into alpha, beta, gamma,
and theta waves, each of which is associated with a
particular conscious state.
TCC - How It Works


After analyzing and sorting the waves by type, our software

compares the amount of energy in each band and
generates a control signal that correlates to the strength of
a particular brain state.

Participants quickly learn to navigate through these states

using a variety of feedback mechanisms built into the
TCC - How It Works


These complicated technological underpinnings remain

invisible to the end user who comes to experience the syste
as an extension of his or her own body.

The interface can be mastered by participants in five minute

or less and is designed to provide clean, immediate feedbac
This allows users to concentrate solely on the output
necessary to achieve the desired results.
Control vs Response:
Two Interaction Paradigms

•  The ʻremote controlʼ brain

•  Responsive technology – technology which reacts to
the userʼs natural state
Potential: Creating Transformational
Customer Experiences

By illuminating and transforming previously “untapped”

realms of the human mind, TCC plays a key role in the
experiential evolution of human-machine interaction,
computation, and communication as a whole.

Enabling users to connect and engage with brands in

an intimate and internal manner, TCC changes the way
people see and experience themselves, optimistically
promoting ideas and images of self-discovery, actualization
and mastery.
Value: Insightful Metrics

Neurofeedback data collected during installations allow

for powerful analytics derived from not only time of
ʻimpressionʼ measured, but also the levels of focus and
relaxation during the experience as well.
CASE STUDY: Bright Ideas

Vancouver Winter Olympics
Client: Government of Ontario

3 Main Goals:
•  Showcase Ontario Innovation
•  Showcase Ontario Destinations
•  Instill pride in Ontarians and connect
them to the Olympics

•  Nationwide exposure (Niagara Falls, CN Tower,
Parliament Buildings, and Vancouver Olympics)
•  7,000 users in 17 days
•  Live online video stream with 

Facebook Live Stream Box integration
• Media Coverage:
- 156 sources overall
- Total countries: 18 

(Canada, Colombia, Netherlands, Sweden, Spain,Germany,France,
Japan,Denmark,China, Hungary, Poland,England,Turkey,Korea, United States, Russia

SCENARIO: Lifestyle Beverage
InteraXon + Vitamin Water
SCENARIO: Lifestyle Beverage
InteraXon + Vitamin Water

Experiential Marketing Focus:

Exploring Personal States

Primary Idea:
Colorful Minds
InteraXon offers functional drink and food companies a way
to interact with properties of their products that are usually
immeasurable or unattainable. These sorts of companies
seek new strategies and experiences to further highlight
the efficacy or general essence of their products.

Large-scale installation in a central public place (Dundas
Square Toronto,Times Square NYC, Shinjuku Station,

More Info:

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