Write The Verbs in Brackets in The Correct Form

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Write the verbs in brackets in the correct form.

I will always remember my first camping experience. It happened a few years ago. I

(camp)__________ in Scotland with some friends. We put up our tent next to the river and then sat

outside for a while. At first, everything was fine, but after a while, lots of mosquitoes

(come)__________ out. We felt very stupid because we (not bring) __________ any mosquito

repellent so we had to go inside the tent to escape. A bit later in the evening, we decided to make

dinner on a small gas cooker. I (take) __________the powdered soup that my mum (advise)

__________ me to bring and I put it in a pan and then added some water. I heated it and when it

was ready, we (start) __________ eating. Suddenly we smelt something burning. I remembered I

had forgotten to switch off the gas. When we looked up, we noticed it (burn) __________ a hole in

the tent and all the mosquitoes (come) __________ in through it. We hid inside our sleeping bags

but we couldn’t breathe and finally we had to put our heads out. The mosquitoes started biting us

again. After a while we (fall) __________ asleep, but in the middle of the night we (wake)

__________ up by some shouts. When we looked outside we felt terrified. A bear had attacked the

owner of the camping site. At that moment we decided to pack up and leave that place right away.

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