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First Periodical Examination

S.Y. 2019- 2020

Direction: Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write the letter of your answer in your answer sheet.
1.The word processing task associated with changing the appearance of a document
a. editing b. writing c. formatting d. all of the above
2.Which of the following is word processor in MS Office?
a. Wordstar b. Wordpad c. Word d. WordPerfect
3. Which option in File Tab pull down menu is used to close a file in MS Word?
a. New b. Quit c. Close d. Exit
4. Which element of a Window is usually located at the left side of the title bar provides fast and easy access
to the basic file functions and categorized options?
a. Quick Access Toolbar b. Status Bar c. Tabs d. All of the above
5.What are the different ways of opening a Microsoft Word 2010 application?
a.from start button b.from desktop shortcut icon c. from the All Program list d. all of the choices
6. It includes tabs that reflect the various tasks you perform within each of the applications, and each tab
contains tool groups offering the tools you need as you work with the files you create.
a. Quick Access Toolbar b. Status Bar c. Tabs d. Ribbons
7. The Tab that takes you to Microsoft Office Backstage view, which gives you a central place to work with the files
you create in Office 2010 applications
a. Home Tab b. File Tab c. View Tab d. Page Layout Tab
8. One of the major improvements in Microsoft Office Office 2010, a kind of one-stop shop for all tasks related to
managing the files you create in Office 2010 applications.
a. Backstage view b. Review c. Normal View d. Print view
9. Appears by clicking the down-arrow displays in a group where you can select options you choices.
a. dialog box launcher b. Gallery c. Ribbons d. Tabs
10. It automatically wraps text from one line to the next each time the insertion point reaches the right margin
a. Text wrapping b. Word Wrap c. Symbols d. Wrapper
11. Cuts the selection to the clipboard a. b. c.

12. Copies the selection to the clipboard a. b. c.

13. Pastes the contents of the clipboard a. b. c.

14 Justifies text across the page a. b. c.

15. Aligns text to the center a. b. c.

16.Aligns text to the right a. b. c.

17. Aligns text to the left a. b. c.

18. Drop down list of fonts a. b. c.

19.Toggles italics on / off a. b. c.

20.How do you delete text?
a. highlight and hit delete b. Highlight and hit backspace c. just highlight and type delete d. both a & b
21. This function opens a dialog box which you can save an existing file either using same name or a different one.
a. Save b. save as c. file d. open
22 What will happen when the file is saved for the first time?
a. a copy is automatically printed b. It must be given a name to identify it
c. it does not need a name d. it only needs a name if it is not going to be printed

23. Pressing Enter key will let you..

a. create a new paragraph b. create a new document c. delete a paragraph d. insert an image
24Pressing the delete key will..
a. deletes characters from the right of the insertion point. c. deletes all characters
b. deletes characters from the left of the insertion point. d. create new word
25. Pressing the backspace key will..
a. deletes characters from the right of the insertion point. c. deletes all characters
b. deletes characters from the left of the insertion point. d. create new word
26. Clicking the Save button will..
a. overwrites a previously saved file. c. delete a newly save file
b. Save file with new filename d. open a previously save file
27. Clicking the Close button will
a. close the application b. close the window c. minimized the window d. maximized window
28. Highlighting text and formatting with superscript makes the text
a. underlined b. in exponential form c. bolder d. printed in color
29. Using Save as command will
a. opens a dialog box which you can save an existing file either using same name or a different one.
b. overwrites an existing file
c. move save file to other location
d. both a and c
30. Highlighting characters and pressing CTRL + B will
a. underline character b. make character in bold face c. Italized character d. none of these
31. Using the scroll bar will
a. moves pages up and down b. move character up and down c. move cursor up and down
32. Used to locate symbols, characters from other languages, arrows, and other characters.
a. Clip Art b. Picture c. SmartArt d. Symbol
33. It minimized and maximized the window.
a. Close b. resizing button c. icon d. task bar
34. IF you press and hold left mouse button and move the mouse on a selected character you perform
a. Highlighting b. selecting c. dragging d. moving
35. To change character size and typeface you use
a. view b. Tools c. format d. data
36. Highlighting text and clicking cut will move the selected text to the
a. next page b. clipboard c. recycle bin d.other document
37. Formatting text using text highlight color will
a. change the color of your font c. increases text size
b.make text looks like marked with highlighter pen d. aligns text to the center
Direction: Identify the parts of theMicrosoft Word Screen. Write the letter of youranswer in your answer

Prepared by:

Teacher III



School Principal IV

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