Gutierrez Diego Project3 Transfer

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Project #3 – Transfer (Crosslinguistic Activity)

Diego A. Gutierrez
ID # 1068722
Maria-Cristina Cruz-Wiley, Ed. D.
University of St. Thomas

Project #3 – Transfer (Crosslinguistic Activity)

Grade Level: 3rd Grade

Subject: Science


3.5C Matter and energy. The student knows that matter has measurable physical properties and
those properties determine how matter is classified, changed, and used. The student is expected
to: predict, observe, and record changes in the state of matter caused by heating or cooling such
as ice becoming liquid water, condensation forming on the outside of a glass of ice water, or
liquid water being heated to the point of becoming water vapor; and



3.D speak using grade-level content area vocabulary in context to internalize new English words and
build academic language proficiency;

3.E share information in cooperative learning interactions;


4.A learn relationships between sounds and letters of the English language and decode (sound out)
words using a combination of skills such as recognizing sound-letter relationships and identifying
cognates, affixes, roots, and base words;

4.B recognize directionality of English reading such as left to right and top to bottom;

4.D use prereading supports such as graphic organizers, illustrations, and pretaught topic-related
vocabulary and other prereading activities to enhance comprehension of written text;

4.F use visual and contextual support and support from peers and teachers to read grade-appropriate
content area text, enhance and confirm understanding, and develop vocabulary, grasp of language
structures, and background knowledge needed to comprehend increasingly challenging language;

4.G demonstrate comprehension of increasingly complex English by participating in shared reading,

retelling or summarizing material, responding to questions, and taking notes commensurate with
content area and grade level needs;


5.B write using newly acquired basic vocabulary and content-based grade-level vocabulary;

5.G narrate, describe, and explain with increasing specificity and detail to fulfill content area writing
needs as more English is acquired.

Lesson Objective: The student will be able to identify how heat can cause changes to matter
(states of matter).

Language of Instruction: Spanish and English

Metalinguistic focus:

 Cognates


Teacher: Hoy vamos a aprender sobre los estados de la materia y como el calor afecta o cambia
los estados de la materia. Para comenzar vamos a crear una lista de palabras que ya sabemos
sobre los estados de materia.

 Teacher works with students to come up with a list of words related to the topic and
creates an anchor chart with the students. Possible words on the list may include; punto
de congelación, punto de fusión, punto de hervor, cambio de fase, condensación, liquido,
solido, gas.
 Once the Spanish vocabulary is created, the students will provide the teacher with the
English version of the words they know. The teacher will provide the English version of
the words the students do not know.
 Students will then read the Changing States of Matter passage in silence, writing down
notes on the sides of the story describing what they are reading and learning.

 As the students read the passage they also pay attention to vocabulary learned using
cognates. (Condensación/condensation, liquido/liquid, solido/solid).
 Students will then have a structured conversation with a partner about the following
o What are some examples to changes in state of matter that you have seen?

o ¿Cuáles son unos ejemplos de cambios del estado de la materia que tú has visto?
 Students will respond to their partner using the following sentence stem;
o Some examples of changes in state of matter that I have seen are _______.
o Unos de los ejemplos de cambio del estado de la materia que yo he visto son ___.

Summative Assessment:

 Students will write a short paragraph answering a question on topic using the ABC
o How can heat cause matter to change?
o Remember ABC
o A = Answer the question
o B = Back it up (with evidence from the text)
o C = Draw a conclusion or make a connection

o Adding or taking away heat can cause matter to change. Some of these changes
include _______________.


Beeman, K., & Urow, C. (2012). Teaching for biliteracy: Strengthening bridges between

languages. Philadelphia, PA: Caslon.

Escamilla, K., Hopewell, S., & Butvilofsky, S. (2013). Biliteracy from the start: Literacy

squared in action. Philadelphia, PA: Caslon Publishing.

Changing States of Matter. Passage retrieved from Pasadena ISD teacher resources created by

Science Content Specialist Denise Ridgeway.

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