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General Instructions:

1. Time duration for the written test is Two Hours.

2. Please write your Name and Roll Number on the answer sheet.
3. Please do not write or mark anything on the question paper.
4. Please return the question paper without fail.
5. No negative marks.

Section A

1. Solar radiation is to sunburn as ____?

a Pollution is to acid rain

b Opera singer is to obesity

c Electricity is to light bulb

d Dictionary is to definition

d George Washington is to Founding Father

e Filet mignon is to cattle

2. Though some scholars regard Napoleon as a gifted _________, most view his career as
one ruled by __________.

a) Scientist … failure
b) General … expertise
c) Commander … megalomania
d) Tactician … exactness
e) Athlete … disappointment

3. What is the largest amount of money you can have in coins and still not be able to give
change for a dollar?
(Possible coins include only 1 cent, 5 cent, 10 cent, 25 cent, and 50 cent. One dollar is
equal to 100 cents)

a. 74 cents
b. 99 cents
c. $1.01
d. $1.09
e. $1.19
f. $1.69

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4. If the minute hand had just passed the hour hand how long would it take until the next
time this happens?

a. 59 minutes, 59 seconds
b. 1 hour
c. 1hour, 1 second
d. 1 hour, 1 minute, 12 seconds
e. 1 hour, 5 minutes, 27 seconds
f. None of the above

5. Which of the following proverbs is closest in meaning to the saying, "Birds of a feather,
flock together" ?

a) "One swallow doesn't make a summer."

b) "A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush."
c) "A man is known by the company he keeps."
d) "Fine feathers make fine birds."
e) "Don't judge a book by its cover."

6. If you count from 1 to 100, how many 7's will you pass on the way?

a) 10 b) 11 c) 19 d) 20 e) 21

7. Two men, starting at the same point, walk in opposite directions for 4 meters, turn left
and walk another 3 meters. What is the distance between them?

a) 2 meters b) 6 meters c) 10 meters d) 12.5 meters e) 14 meters

8. Which of the designs best completes the following sequence?

a B c d

9. Which of the figures below the line of drawings best completes the series?

a b C d

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10. Look at the drawing. The numbers alongside each column and row are the total of the
values of the symbols within each column and row. What should replace the question

a) 23
b) 25
c) 28
d) 30
e) 32

DIRECTIONS for questions 11 to 13: Each question below contains five or six statements.
Choose the set of three statements where the third statement can be logically concluded
from the preceding two.

11. A. Some men are idiots. B. All idiots are women.

C. Some men are women. D. All men are idiots.
E. All men are women.

a) BEA b) EDC c) DBE d) DCB

12. A. All blue candles are bright. B. All bright are light
C. All blue candles are light D. Some candles are light
E. Some bright are light

a) DBC b) EBA c) ACB d) ACE

13. A. All Times are tabloids B. Mid-days are dailies

C. Times are dailies D. Mid-days are tabloids
E. Some tabloids are dailies

a) BAD b) CEA c) CAE d) BED

DIRECTIONS for questions 14 and 15

A man, a woman and a child named, Wasim, Desai and Shah, not necessarily in the given order,
set out to three different destinations. Their place of departure and destination are Baroda,
Baluchistan, Chennai, Hyderabad, Lucknow and Nainital, listed here alphabetically.

I. Desai arrived in Hyderabad on the same day the woman left Lucknow.
II. The child passed the person going Baroda.
III. Wasim departed from Chennai and did not go to Baluchistan, although one of the
others did.

14. Who is Wasim?

a. Man b. Woman c. Child d. Can not be determined
15. Where is the Child heading?
a. Baluchistan b. Baroda c. Nainital d. Hyderabad
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16. F.B.I. agent Scully is investigating the murder of a prominent Senator who was shot dead
outside his residence. Mike, Jake, Ethan and Hunt are the four prime suspects. Further
investigation revealed the following:-

- One of the four men hated fun and always carried a knife instead of a gun
- Hunt is a distant relative of the Senator’s assassin. Hunt and the knife carrier are
- Ethan and the knife carrier had great confidence in Jake’s driving ability and insisted
against the killer’s mild objection that he devote himself exclusively to driving their
gang’s gateway car.
- Recently Jake and the killer robbed a bank together.

Who are the killer and the knife carrier?

a. Hunt, Mike b. Mike, Ethan c. Hunt, Hunt d. Ethan, Mike

DIRECTIONS for questions 17 and 18: Answer the questions independent of each other.

17. Suppose you are trying to predict the three winners of the Miss Globe beauty contest you
know that global business climate has placed the following conditions on the organizers.
If the winner is Asian, the first runner up must be African.
If the winner is European, the first runner up must be Asian.
If the second runner up is Australian, the winner must be Asian.
If the first runner up is Asian, the second runner up must be Australian.
You are watching the contest on television and the second runner up is Australian.
What is your prediction for the first runner up?

a. African b. Asian c. European d. Cannot be determined

18. A person running through the ages keeps everybody bewildered about his age. He
explains his age to his friend who is celebrating his birthday, “I am older than you by a
day and next year I will grow older by 3 years on the date that was yesterday’s, than I
was day before yesterday”. What is his date of birth?

a. 30 December b. 1 January c. 31 December d. 29 December

DIRECTIONS for question 19 and 20: Answer the questions independent of each other.

19. There are three persons A, B and C and each of them is either a truth-teller or a liar. A
truth-teller always speaks the truth and liar lies every time. Two statements are made by
one of the three:
I. All of us are liars
II. Exactly one of us is a truth teller
Out of A, B and C, how many are liars?
a. 0 b. 1 c. 2 d. None of these

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20. A tutor has made a time table for Hari to help his studies. He has five subjects to study-
English, Mathematics, Science, History and Geography. A certain set of rules are to be
followed by Hari. If he studies History in a week he will also study Geography in that
week. If he studies Science in a week, he will not study it in the next week. In any
week, he will study no more than one of the subjects that he had studied in the previous
week. If Hari studies Science, History and Geography in the first week, then which of
the following subjects should he study in the third week?

a. Science, History, Geography b. English, History, Geography

c. Maths, English, Science d. English, Maths, Geography

21. Which set of pipes can carry the most water?


Diameter = 10 cm Diameter = 5 cm for each pipe Diameter = 2.5cm for each pipe

a.I b.II c.III

22. Which of the figures below the line of drawings best completes the series?

a) b) c) d)

23. A piece of work can be completed by 10 British and 6 Indians in 18 days. The British
work 9 hours and the Indians 7.5 hrs a day and 3 Indians do as much work in an hour as 2
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British. Find how many days the work would take, if 10 British and 9 Indian were

a. 24 days b. 12 days c. 16 days d. 10 days

24. Let T0 (T Zero) be the time between 12:00 and 1:00, when the hour hand and the minute
hand of a clock are 180 degrees apart, T1 when they are 180 degrees apart between 1:00
and 2:00 and so on. What is T7 – T1 (T7 minus T1)?

a. 5 : 26 : 55 b. 5 : 27 : 16 c. 5 : 27 : 31 d. 5 : 27 : 00

25. An area is paved with square tiles of a certain size and the number of such tiles required
is 600. If the tiles had been 1 cm smaller each way, 864 tiles would be needed. What is
the size of the larger tiles?

a. 8 b. 6 c. 5 d. 4

26. On a street corner, there are 2 flashing lights, a red one and a green one. The red one
5 times per minutes and the green one flashes 4 times per minute. If the lights start off
flashing at the same time, how many times do they flash together in a day?

a. 1260 b. 1350 c. 1440 d. 1530

DIRECTIONS for questions 27 and 28: Refer to the data below and answer the questions
that follow.

Four friends – A, B, C and D – are going out this evening. They have a strange dress code. If A
wears a saree, B wears jeans. If B wears blue, C wears red. If C wears a skirt, D wears a salwar

A and B do not wear blue at the same time. A and C do not wear a saree at the same time. B and
D both wear a yellow frock or neither does.

27. If A wears a blue saree, does this mean B wears:

a. blue jeans b. black jeans c. green skirt d. (b) or (c)

28. If C is in a black skirt, which of the following is true?

a. D wears a blue salwar kurta b. B wears a blue frock
c. B does not wear a yellow frock d. (a) and (b)

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29. In a family gathering, there are three married couples, one father with two daughters, two
fathers with one son each, two mothers with one daughter each, two mothers with one
son each, two half-sisters and two cousins.

What is the minimum number of people at this gathering?

a. 9 b. 10 c. 12 d. 15

30. If it had not been insulated coat, the mountaineer would have died. It would have been
best if she had worn two coats.

Which of the following arguments is most like the argument above?

a. The snow in the mountains exaggerates the look of isolation – more snow would have
made it look bleak.
b. The race was won by a very small margin – if the winner had tried harder, he would
have broken the record.
c. Cameras everywhere have a single viewpoint – an extra one would be useful.
d. The gift cheered the children up – another would have doubled their joy.

31. “We need to give children the time to stand back and reflect because it is during periods
of reflection that we actually do our best thinking,” said Audrey Curtis, a specialist in
early childhood education. “You will never develop your thinking and your ideas if you
are always being channeled into doing something that is organized for you”

Which of the following exhibits a line of reasoning that is most similar to the one

a. Plants should not be pruned regularly as it stunts their growth

b. A train that only moves forward needs to be able to move backward so that its
usefulness is increased.
c. Animals who are brought up in the zoo will lose their ability to survive in a forest as
they are too protected.
d. People who have fears or phobias should be encouraged to test themselves as a genuine
experience could diminish their fears.

Directions for questions 32 to 34: There are four rows of sentences divided into three parts.
Mark the option where the third part can be deduced from the first two parts.

32. A. Some Vases are Good artifacts. No Statuettes are Good artifacts. No vases are
B. All Artifacts are Vases. All Artifacts are Statuettes. Some Vases are Statuettes.
C. Some Trumps are cards. All Cards are White. No Trumps are White.
D. Some Shoes are Trumps. No Trumps are White. Some Shoes are not White.

a. A and B b. B and C c. C and D d. B and D

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33. A. Cones are Circles. Some Circles are Squares. Some Squares are Cones.
B. All Cones are Squares. Some Cones are Round. Some Squares are Round.
C. No Troops are Stops. All Stops are Quarters. No Troops are Quarters.
D. Some Cones are Quarters. Not all Quarters are Circles. Not all Cones are Circles.

a. A only b. B only c. C only d. D only

34. A. No Deer are Fish. Some Deer are not Pigs. Some Fish are not Pigs.
B. All Fish are Pigs. All Pigs are Deer. All Pigs are Fish.
C. Some Cubs are New. All New are Gaudy. Some Cubs are Gaudy.
D. No Tricks are Large. All Bills are Tricks. No Bills are Large.

a. A and C b. B and C c. C and D d. A and D

35. Average of the first three innings of a batsman is 84. If runs of the fourth innings are
added to the total of the first three, the new average becomes 80. In the fifth innings, he
scores 3 runs more than in the fourth innings so that the average of last 4 innings now
becomes 79. Determine his score in the first innings.

a. 75 b. 76 c. 77 d. None of these

36. A creeper plant is climbing up and around a cylindrical tree trunk in a helical manner.
The tree trunk has a height of 54- inches and a circumference of 48 inches. If the creeper
covers a vertical distance of 90 inches in one complete twist around the tree trunk, then
what is the total length of the creeper?

a. 729 b. 612 c. 526 d. 428

37. B had twice the money A had. But after A received Rs.42 from B, B had 1/4th as much as
A. How much did A start with?

a. Rs.60 b. Rs.30 c. Rs.45 d. Rs.50

38. A cow goes to the same field each day at 6 a.m., eats the same fraction of the available
grass, fertilizes the field and goes back home at noon. The grass grows only from noon
to 6am the next day. There is three times as much grass at 6am each day as there was at
noon the previous day. What fraction of the grass must the cow eat to avoid both
starvation and over production.

a. ¾ b. ¼ c. 1/3 d. None of these

39. It was vacation time, and so I decided to visit my cousin’s home. In the mornings, we
both would go for a jog. The evenings were spent on the tennis court. Tiring as these
activities were, we could manage only one per day i.e., either we went for a jog or played
tennis. There were days when we felt lazy and stayed home all day long. Now, there
were 16 mornings when we did nothing, 16 evenings when we stayed at home, and a total
of 18 days when we jogged or played tennis. For how many days did I stay at my
cousin’s place?

a. 32 b. 34 c. 25 d. 18
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40. A Club collected exactly $599 from its members. If each member contributed at least
$12, what is the greatest number of members the club could have?

a. 43 b. 44 c. 49 d. 50 e. 51

41. If the length and width of a rectangular garden plot were each increased by 20 percent,
what would be the percent increase in the area of the plot?

a. 20% b. 24% c. 36% d. 40% e. 44%

42. When 10 is divided by the positive integer n, the remainder is n - 4. Which of the
following could be the value of n?

a. 3 b. 4 c. 7 d. 8 e. 12

43. If x and y are prime numbers, which of the following CANNOT be the sum of x and y?

a. 5 b. 9 c. 13 d. 16 e. 23

44. If Hack had twice the amount of money that he has, he would have exactly the
amount necessary to buy 3 hamburgers at $0.96 apiece and 2 milk shakes at $1.28
apiece. How much money does Jack have?

a. $1.60 b. $2.24 c. $2.72 d. $3.36 e. $5.44

45. Price of a certain television set is discounted by 10 percent, and the reduced price
is then discounted by 10 percent. This series of successive discounts is equivalent
to a single discount of

a. 20% b. 19% c. 18% d. 11% e. 10%

46. Today Rose is twice as old as Sam and Sam is 3 years younger than Tina. If
Rose, Sam and Tina are all alive 4 years from today, which of the following must
be true on that day?
a. Rose is twice as old as Sam.
b. Sam is 3 years younger than Tina.
c. Rose is older than Tina.

a. I only b. II only c. III only d. I and II e. II and III

DIRECTIONS for questions 47 to 49: Each question is followed by two statements, I and II
Mark [a], if the question can be answered by using both the statements together.
Mark [b], if the question can be answered by using only one of the two statements.
Mark [c], if the question cannot be answered
Mark [d], if the question can be answered by using either of the statements alone.

47. Is the average of four different integers greater than the second smallest number?
I. The difference between the largest and the second largest is less than the
difference between the second largest and the second smallest.
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II. The difference between the largest and the second largest is greater than
the difference between the second smallest and the smallest.

48. How many stamps are affixed on the envelope?

I. The total value of the stamp/s is/are Rs.2.90
II. Only stamps of Re.1, Rs.0.25 and Rs.0.20 are used such that the total
number of stamps used is the least.

49. Which of the diagonals of cyclic quadrangle ABCD is the largest?

I. A> C
II. AD > AB + BC
Section B

50. Jack and Jill were racing, but it was no contest. Jack beat Jill by 10 yards on a 100-yard
course. Jill suggested that for the second race, Jack should start 10 yards behind the start-
ing line-she figured that would give her a fair chance, since he had won by 10 yards. Who
won, and by how much?

51. Two trains, each two miles long, enter two one mile long tunnels that are two miles apart
from one another on the same track. The trains enter the tunnels at exactly the same time.
The first train is going 5 miles/hour, and the second train is going 10 miles/hour. What is
the sum of the lengths of the two trains that will protrude from the tunnels at the exact
moment that they collide, assuming that neither train changes its speed prior to collision?

52. An explorer undertakes to cross a desert with the help of porters. The length of the trail
corresponds to 6 days walk. But the explorer, like each porter, can carry only 4 days food.
How many porters does the explorer need? In fact, can he cross at all?

53. Allie takes fruit, cake, and cookies for her picnic. She has three boxes for them. One is
labeled FRUIT. One is labeled COOKIES. One is labeled CAKE. But she knows her
Mom likes to fool her and has put every single thing in the wrong box. The only other
thing she knows for sure is that the fruit is not in the CAKE box.
Where is the cake?

54. If the black dot moves counterclockwise one corner per move, and the white dot moves
counterclockwise three corners per move, how many moves will it take for them to
occupy the same corner

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55. What value should be placed at Z to balance the scale?

56. There are two glasses, one containing a liter of milk, the other a liter of water. Take one
tablespoon of milk and mix it with the water. Now take one tablespoon of the water/milk
mixture and mix it with the pure milk to obtain a milk/water mixture. Is there more water
in the milk/water mixture or more milk in the water/milk mixture?

57. "How old are your daughters?" Fred asked a friend one day.
"The product of their ages is 36," replied his friend.
"You are not giving me enough information," protested Fred.
"The sum of their ages is the age of your oldest son."
"I still need more information."
"All right, then. I can tell you that the oldest daughter, who is at least a year older than
the other two, is a very fine pianist."
"Ah! Now I know how old your daughters are."
What are the ages of Fred's friend's daughters?

58. You have a ten centimeter by ten centimeter square with a flap on the top edge.
Unfolding this flap reveals a second flap, and unfolding this second flap reveals a third,
as shown. If there are an infinite number of these flaps, what is the area of the entire
figure (in square centimeters) when they are all unfolded?

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59. What two two-digit numbers are each equal to their right-most digit squared?

60. There are three bags on the table - in each of them, there are two marbles of the same size
and weight. The marbles are blue and white. In the first bag, there are two blue marbles, in the
second bag, there are two white marbles and in the third one, there is one blue and one white
marble. The legends on the bags are: white and white, blue and blue, white and blue. None of the
legends is identical with the bag's contents. Without looking, you can reach only into one bag
and draw out only one marble. According to the colour of the drawn marble, determine what
marbles occur in individual bags.

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