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Tugas Ini Disusun Untuk Memenuhi Salah Satu Tugas Pada Mata Bahasa Inggris

Oleh :

Arif Rahmahabimantara (P17212195001)

Ahdal Casanoval (P17212195005)
Mardani Banapon (P17212195019)
Asharini Dwi Juniarti (P17212195025)
Nancitya Astri Kurniasari (P17212195049)
Dwike Hertyana (P17212195060)




Mas Dani : korban
Rini : perawat igd
Dwike : saksi mata + narrator
Nancy : perawat ambulane
Mas Arif : keluarga
Mas Noval : relawan
Kasus : Closed fraktur femur

Scene 1 : On The road

Dani ride a motorcycle from the house to campus. In the middle, he avoid a orange cat
then he falls from his motorcycle and his leg hit the sidewalk. He feel pain and call for help.
Dani : “aaawwwww, help help…!!”
(Noval coming for help….)
Noval : “what happened sir? Are you okay…” noval said
Dani : “I can’t feel my leg. (crying) please help meee” dani said

“sister, can you help me to call the nearest hospital or 118?” noval said
“oh okay okay……” dwike said
“hello good morning. 118?”
“yes. Can I help you” nancy said
“oke. my name is dwike. I want to report an traffic accident at merbabu street. A man 22 y.o
Patient in good condition but he feel pain on his leg and he can’t move. He have wound in knee
and right arm.”
“oke sister. You are speaking with nancitya and I want go there for a minute.”
“oke thank you”

Scene 2 : ambulance – location

Nancy : “oke keep calm evebody”
“oke brother. I’m nancitya a nurse from Minion Hospital. I will try to help you.”
(scanning wound…) “can you tell me what do you feel now?”
Dani : “ my leg so sick and I wanna try to move my leg but I can’t
Nancy : keep calm sir
(nancy call noval to help her) may you to help me splint his thighs
Noval : yes
“After nancy and noval have been splinted mr dani thights, mr dani is taken to the hospital. MR.
Dani arrived at the hospital and Nancy reported the condition of Mr. Dani to Mrs. Rini”

Nancy : the patient experiences an accident on the road, the patient is named dani, the patient's
condition, the patient is aware, ariway: there is no additional breath, symmetrical chest
movement, there is a breath. breathing: respiration 22 x / minute, patient with oxygen
mask, circulation: no signs of bleeding, acral: warm, dry, red, capillary refill time <2
seconds, blood pressure 110/70 mmhg, pulse felt strong but weak 92x / minute,
disharged a 500 cc RL infusion . there is injury to the right thigh.
Rini : thank you I will handle it from here
“ Rini do a assessment to mMr. Dani”
Rini : may I know your complaint Mr. Dani
Dani : my leg so sick and I cant to move it.
Rini : excusme sir, may I know your name your birth, your addres, your religion, your job.
may you tell me you past health history
Dani : yes, my name is Mardani Banapon iam born in maluku the first of august, 1995, I
lived in maluku, my religion islam and iam a stundent in polkesma my past health
history is I have closed farktur in my arm.
Rini : when did it happen Mr. dani ?
Dani : maybe,when I am senior high school
Rini : excusme sir do you have alergy?
Dani : no, I don’t have.
Rini : ok sir I will prepare the room for waiting the schedule of operation.
Dani : ok nurse, be faster because my leg so sick
Rini : ok sir.
“ Mr dani’s father come to ask his son condition”
Arif : where is my son, where is my son ( he come and shouting)
Rini : calm down sir, this is hospital don’t be shout
Arif : I am sorry miss my apologies, do you know my son his name Mardani banapon, may I
meet him
Rini : your son is ok and I will drag you to meet your father
Arif : thank you nurse

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