Narrative Portfolio Contents

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Republic of the Philippines

City of Olongapo
College of Education, Arts and Sciences
Tapinac Oval Sports Complex, Donor St. East Tapinac Olongapo City


I. Description of the Cooperating School
A. History of the Cooperating School
B. School’s Vision, Mission and Goal Statement
C. Plant and Facilities
D. School Rules and Regulations
E. Organizational Chart
F. Roster of School Officials anf Faculty
G. Diagram of school Plant
H. Class Organizations/Officers

II. Narrative Summary

A. Observation Phase
Activity 1: Knowing Myself and My Philosophy
Activity 2-A: Teacher’s Craftsmanship
Activity 2-B: Teacher’s personality
Activity 3-A: Student’s Personality
Activity 3-B: Student’s Socio-Economic Profile
Activity 4-A: Classroom Management
Activity 4-B: Seat Plan
Activity 5-A: Lesson Planning
Activity 6: Art of Questioning
Activity 7: Instructional Materials
Activity 8: Assignments
Activity 9: Testing and Grading
Activity 10: Co-Curricular and Extra Curricular

B. Participation and Teaching Phase

1. Working with the Students
2. Working with the Cooperating Teacher
3. Working with the Department Head
4. Working with the Principal
Republic of the Philippines
City of Olongapo
College of Education, Arts and Sciences
Tapinac Oval Sports Complex, Donor St. East Tapinac Olongapo City

C. Transition, Observation and Reflection Phase

1. Compilation of Weekly Journal
2. Sample Lesson Plan
3. Evaluation Forms
D. Compilation of Forms
1. Form 1
2. Form 2
3. Form 48
4. Form 137-A
5. Form 138

E. Appendices
1. Resume
2. Miscellaneous Experiences
Republic of the Philippines
City of Olongapo
College of Education, Arts and Sciences
Tapinac Oval Sports Complex, Donor St. East Tapinac Olongapo City

II. Narrative Summary

A. Observation Phase

Activity 1: Knowing Myself and My Philosophy in Teaching

What is my philosophy in teaching? Why do I want to be a teacher? A good teacher

neither. I guess it is because I didn’t choose to be in this profession instead the job

chooses me to be a part of this institution. My perspective on teaching is having an

eagerness to teach them not only what they have to learn that are written on the books

and not only just read and write but also what they have to be experience in life to be a

productive citizen. Education is very important education helps student to become a good

individuals. Education motivates, empower and prepare students for their future.

My personal philosophical view of education is by giving your heart and having a passion

on it. You have to give your heart or love in teaching because when you give your heart

you also touch one’s heart of every child. Passion it is important because if you have the

passion on teaching you won’t feel the weary of teaching. Noam Chomsky said that

“Education is really aimed at helping students get to the point where they can learn on

their own.” As Chomsky said we helps student to achieve what they want in life by their

own, we only help them, guide them and teach them the importance of education to every

individual, but it was up to them if they will give importance or not. We can’t compulsive

student to learn if she/he doesn’t want to. I hope to learn more and enhance my

knowledge through research, seminars and field experiences so I can be a fruitful teacher.
Republic of the Philippines
City of Olongapo
College of Education, Arts and Sciences
Tapinac Oval Sports Complex, Donor St. East Tapinac Olongapo City

Activity 2-A: Teacher’s Craftsmanship

Every teacher has their own style of teaching Ma’am Villamento was one of the teachers

that teaches learners to learn every time they go to school. She didn’t let her students to

go home without a single thing. She uses her own knowledge to be orient oneself of her


It says that it is important to relate your lesson in real life situation. She always does it

realating the lesson in real life situation. I was amazed because she knew about personal

things in her student, its family, friend’s likes and dislikes. Some of the teachers that I

know are no longer using traditional materials or instructional materials but when I’m

still a observer before of Ma’am Villamento some of her lessons she uses instructional

material to emphasize the topic or the lesson.

The most important thing that I’m impressed with her was she knew how to deal with her

students. Sometimes they was just talking and telling some stories inside the classroom.

She let her students to tell what’s there problem or what’s bothering them. She helps

everyone to be a good student and a good individual.

Activity 2-B: Teacher’s Personality

At first I thought that my cooperating teacher was inclement but that fade away when we

first talked it was just she was pregnant that time that I thought she was inclement. There

is a lots of work that time that’s why she’s a little bit stress that you can see it on her face
Republic of the Philippines
City of Olongapo
College of Education, Arts and Sciences
Tapinac Oval Sports Complex, Donor St. East Tapinac Olongapo City

that was the time that I thought she was inclement that was when I am only a observer.

There are times that she got angry to her students because of being disrespected of her

students but after tomorrow she talked to the students and asked them why she got angry

and the students answer because of their noisiness. She do that because she want to

inform her students that the way they acted are not right..

Every time that the topic for the day has ended she gives an activity to her students cause

she wants that before leaving the classroom the students has learn something from her.

Ma’am Villamento is a good teacher with a good heart because she keeps on reminding

me that always consider the works of the students.

She was a good teacher and a good mother with a beautiful heart.

Activity 3-A: Student’s Personality

When the time of observing them I kept on my mind that this students, I will handle it

soon so I must be ready. Even though I expect that it will be hard from me to teach

immediately because I just got bare 1 week ago. Students had a different characteristics,

different likes and different attitudes. Some of them are shy but most of them are very

active especially in talking, there was a student that keeps on talking and talking, there

was a student that you can’t hear her/his voice except in attendance and recitations. Don’t

forget that we have different types of learners. It may have a slow learner and a fast
Republic of the Philippines
City of Olongapo
College of Education, Arts and Sciences
Tapinac Oval Sports Complex, Donor St. East Tapinac Olongapo City

learner’s. In slow learners we need to have extra focus so they can pace to the fast


There is a student’s that dislikes there teacher, and some of the student’s think that they

are smarter than their teacher. Some of the industrious students are the one that are inline

of honor students. They are enthusiastic about their grades. They also raise their hands

every time I asked question, they always assure that they have assignments, activity and


Even though some of them are lazy, I don’t have to give up on them because I am there to

help them and guide them to their dreams I must not let anyone to stay on their habit of

being lazy. I also think that I am not just a teacher I am also their friend and second


Activity 3-B Student’s Socio-Economic Profile

Most of them are living with their parents and few of them are living with their relatives.

They are financially supported by their parents. In terms of traveling to school some of

them sometimes go to school by walking and sometimes by using transportation. Few of

them uses only transportation because they live far in the school.

Activity 4-A Classroom Management

Ma’am Villamento always enter the class with a good classroom management she always

greet her students and students also greet her. Before the class starts she asked students to
Republic of the Philippines
City of Olongapo
College of Education, Arts and Sciences
Tapinac Oval Sports Complex, Donor St. East Tapinac Olongapo City

pray first and tell them to clean the room before the class start and before they leave it

after the class. I was happy to know that prayer was still inserted in the classroom

management because some of the teachers doesn’t include prayers in classroom


So I always practice my students that before the class start it is important that the

classroom is always clean. Because if the classroom is clean all students are comportable

with their surroundings.

Activity 4-B Seat Plan

The seats are arranged according to what their adviser arranged them, but I asked my

cooperating teacher if can I change the seats of the student and she say yes. So I arranged

the seat of my students by boy, girl and boy girl. I personal put them one by one on their

designated seats.

Activity 5-A Lesson Planning

She does her lesson plan the day before the deadline because they submitted the lesson

plan every monday for the whole week. She always prepared her lesson plan at home and

finished it before the deadline comes. It is important that the lesson plans are well

prepared because it was the guide of every teacher’s in teaching.

Republic of the Philippines
City of Olongapo
College of Education, Arts and Sciences
Tapinac Oval Sports Complex, Donor St. East Tapinac Olongapo City

Activity 6: Art of Questioning

Every time that teachers teaches there students, asking questions are very important

because every questions are the basis of the teacher if the students are listening and

understood the lesson.

Ma’am Villamento asked her students so that she’ll know if the students can answer the

question if the question was high level question sometimes he’ll rephrase the question

with another question until the students gets the answer. She always kept that her students

was really understood the lesson that’s, why she throws different kind of questions.

Activity 7: Instructional Materials

Videos, Music, Visual Aids including picture all of that are instructional materials, that

helps both the teacher and the students to teach and understood the lesson.

Ma’am Villamento sometimes uses visual aids (manila paper/cartolina) and most of the

time she uses television so that the student don’t just visualize the lesson but also

watched the main topic of their lesson so they will understand what’s going on.

Activity 8: Assignments

Ma\am Villamento always give an assignments to her students and that assignment will

be put on the journal of the students, where on she will be checking this journal one by

one. That journal was a proof that they have an assignments and that they write down the
Republic of the Philippines
City of Olongapo
College of Education, Arts and Sciences
Tapinac Oval Sports Complex, Donor St. East Tapinac Olongapo City

things that Ma’am Villamento asked them to write. The assignments that she was giving

to her students are all about the next topic after the day that they have a lesson. It’s serve

as a review for them to the topic that they going to tackle.

Activity 9: Testing and Grading

My cooperating teacher uses performances based every time the topic or the lesson has

been done tackled, sometimes she group the students and assign something that they

going to present about the lesson that has been done. She prepares some criteria in giving

scores to every performance. She has a consideration in giving points to her students,

because she knows that her students give an effort in every performance. Sometimes after

the lesson she gives a long quiz to test if the students really understood what she has


Activity 10: Co-Curricular and Extra Curricular

As I said I while ago my cooperating teacher is very considerate because even thou that

some of the students are not inside the classroom because of some activities outside the

school she still teaches the students that attend her class. And she still give some points to

those students that are in the activities outside the school because she knows that those

students are competing for their school. When there is an activity for Filipino in their

department she engages her students to compete there in she will give some students that

will join the activity.

Republic of the Philippines
City of Olongapo
College of Education, Arts and Sciences
Tapinac Oval Sports Complex, Donor St. East Tapinac Olongapo City

B. Participation and Teaching Phase

1. Working with the Students

Actually I am very excited and a bit nervous to teach because I am handling two

different grades with a different lesson. Grade 9 and 10, at first I don’t know what will be

I do if the students don’t listen to me or to what I am teaching. But that didn’t happened

because I was shocked a bit shocked because the students are so quiet; they are quiet

because they are afraid to me, because of my serious face and the way I talked and

because they are afraid to me only few of them are raising hands when I’m asking a

question. But most of them answered my question when I call their names. Some of them

are cooperative and some of them are not. There are times that one of my students posted

my picture on my day on facebook with a quote “Ma’am bakit ang sungit mo po” but my

face there was blurred. Some of them whispering that I am rugged so maybe Ma’am

Villamento notices, it that’s why she told me to smile sometimes. I laugh at my mind

when she said that because I know why she asked me to smile sometimes. But I just did

the same way in 2 weeks. I always enter in the classroom with a serious face for 2 weeks.

After that I enter on class with a smile and I make jokes with the students some of them

are shock and some of them chat me on the facebook telling me that they thought I was

rugged and telling me that my strategy was good in calling names or students unexpected

for recitation. They got shocked when I call their names because sometimes they didn’t

expect that I will call them. One of the sections that I was handling doesn’t like me so

much it was because they are afraid to me and because I always gave them lots of
Republic of the Philippines
City of Olongapo
College of Education, Arts and Sciences
Tapinac Oval Sports Complex, Donor St. East Tapinac Olongapo City

assignments. I m giving them lots of assignments, because it was my cooperating teacher

suggestion and I also gave them because of their laziness and the assignments that I’ve

been given to them serves as their recitation. That’s why almost all of them are force to

do their assignments because I call their names one by one. But in the end the section that

doesn’t like me at first they are the one that had been closed to me.

All in all I enjoy working with them I enjoy teaching them and I enjoy helping and

guiding them about their own personal hail. I miss talking and making jokes with them

also laugh with nonsense things with them.

2. Working with the Cooperating Teacher

I really like my cooperating teacher even thou at first I am worried because I am her

first student teacher but because where helping each other I don’t feel too much pressure

especially when I first teach the students that she was handling. When our break we keep

on talking about the students, how they participate and how they are inside the classroom.

We also talk about being a mother and I was so happy that were both enjoying the stage

of being a mother cause when our break time we are talking about our baby and we are

happy that our babies our keep on growing. Ma’am Villamento is a very kind person and

a good teacher also a loving mother. She cheers me up when my final demo has come and

to see her full support she even took a rebond kidding aside.
Republic of the Philippines
City of Olongapo
College of Education, Arts and Sciences
Tapinac Oval Sports Complex, Donor St. East Tapinac Olongapo City

3. Working with the Department Head

It was not new to me at KNHS because it was my third time to be there. That’s why I

already knew the department head of Filipino. She is approachable and always smiling

every time I greet her that’s why I didn’t I didn’t felt nervous every time she’s walking

on outside the classroom when I am teaching. I’m also glad because she observed me

before my final demo because she wants to see and hear me teaching inside the class.

Also she wants to give me some of advice for my final demo

4. Working with the Principal

I am glad that I have been in the school that has a principal that very accommodating

and a down to earth person. In the first place that I enter at Kalalake National High

School I thought that the principal was just a part of school staff because I saw him

cleaning the hallway watering the plants. So that I was shocked when I am finding the

principal and one of the teacher said that the principal was on the hall way and she/he

describe the principal. At first I am thinking about if he was it the teacher that was talking

about, so I decided that I will be back on the afternoon to see the principal. And when I

got back on the afternoon I ask one of the student that I so if he was the principal and she

said yes. There it goes I was shocked that he was the principal because he’s clothes are

just normal unlike to the other principal that always wear a barong. As I was saying she

was accommodating and a kind person he also smiles every time I encountered and greet

him on the hallway. He also good luck us student teacher in our pathways he even offered
Republic of the Philippines
City of Olongapo
College of Education, Arts and Sciences
Tapinac Oval Sports Complex, Donor St. East Tapinac Olongapo City

us that we can apply in their school if we are already a license teacher he will help us and

that’s great.

5. Transition, Observation and Reflection Phase

1. Compilation of Weekly Journal

Week 1

First week of back in the track of the students but most of them it feels that it was

still vacation because some of them are still absent. Most of the sections that I am

handling only few of the students are present.

Because they are not yet done with the lesson for the 3rd grading they just

continue to tackled the topics that are left cause the following days are the periodical

exam of the students.

Week 2

This week was another week for the students and also for me. This week they just

watched a movie related to their last topic for the 3rd grading movie trailer. While they

are watching I am explaining what happening on the movie because it was in Indian

language and it doesn’t have a subtitle. And the past days they have a reflection on what

they have watched.

Republic of the Philippines
City of Olongapo
College of Education, Arts and Sciences
Tapinac Oval Sports Complex, Donor St. East Tapinac Olongapo City


3rd week this is the week where in I one the one who will handle the students of

Ma’am Villamento and this is the week where I formally introduce myself to the

students. I also introduce to them what were the lessons that were going to finish until the

4th periodical comes. The first lesson that we tackle was all about Dr. Jose Rizal. I gave

them an activity so that I will catch their attention.

I tackle the life of Rizal, his parents, siblings. As I say before I start the formal

lesson I gave them first an activity so the class would be so lively. As we expected in

every class, few of the students are not listening so ill call their attention for them to

know that they have to listen.

Week 4

I started tackled the literary compositions of Rizal the Noli Me Tangere and El

Filibusterismo the masterpiece of Dr. Rizal. Because I am handling a different grades

grade 9 and 10 with different section you will see the difference between the sections of

same grade that I have.

The topics for this week are well done.

Republic of the Philippines
City of Olongapo
College of Education, Arts and Sciences
Tapinac Oval Sports Complex, Donor St. East Tapinac Olongapo City

Week 5

We tackled the characters in Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo. We

identified the characters one by one so we recognize each of them. Because all of the

characters will be discuss in every chapters.

There has a student’s that willing to learn and there is also a student’s that you

need to give more patience. The students are enjoying the identifying characters because

of the pictures.

Week 6

We continued tackled every chapter of Noli Me Tangere sometimes we are tackling 3-5

chapter because we can’t finish the 64 chapters if we tackle it 1 by 1. In El Filibusterismo it is

okay to tackle it 1 by 1because it was only 39 chapters. It was a little bit hard to the students to

understand the two masterpiece of Rizal but I do all that I can to make it for them to


Week 7

I gave every student a 1 chapter that they are going to report so that they will

understand and they can read it already to their home.

Every day there is a reporter that is assigned to report the chapter that i have been give

to them. They are going to explain the characters, contents and the thought in every chapter.
Republic of the Philippines
City of Olongapo
College of Education, Arts and Sciences
Tapinac Oval Sports Complex, Donor St. East Tapinac Olongapo City

Week 8

We still tackled every chapter and its every chapter I gave an activity. Some of the

students can do every activity that I gave and few of them are lazy, that’s why when the time of

going to pass the activity they are catching up. So they will not practice that laziness I’d be so

strict on the time and the day of passing the activity, I always remind them that I will not accept

late passers.


Still that is the situation we still continued tackling the chapter of to composition of Rizal. Few

chapters are left were already done.

At the same time I am also preparing for our final demo where in I am very nervous and stress

because I don’t know what I will do first because I have so many problems that come along.

Even though I still make sure that it can’t affect my teaching.

Week 10

At last the final demo comes and it already end I can breathe properly now, because finally we

are done. The pressures are gone now. When the next day comes we continued the chapters

that are left. I also remind their every day about the project that I asked them to do. I asked

them to do their own comics in Noli Me Tangere for grade 9 and El Filibusterismo for grade 10.
Republic of the Philippines
City of Olongapo
College of Education, Arts and Sciences
Tapinac Oval Sports Complex, Donor St. East Tapinac Olongapo City

Week 11

This weeks are the weeks where in the master piece of rizal are going to end. Only few days left

the lesson for the 4th grading are finally done. This week also the time where in as it is I am with

my students I will miss them even though most of them are naughty.

In these days or week the students are passing there projects.

Week 12

Before the day of the exam I gave my students a preliminary examination as a review for the

incoming examination, and when the examination comes I stayed in the faculty because my

cooperating teacher doesn’t have a advisory class that’s why I only wait the test paper of my

students so I can check it already. March 20 the last day of examination the last day of passing

there projects.

Week 13
Republic of the Philippines
City of Olongapo
College of Education, Arts and Sciences
Tapinac Oval Sports Complex, Donor St. East Tapinac Olongapo City

This is the time where we called the end. Where in it was the end of talking with them making

some nonsense jokes and watching them do some silly things.

The teachers our busy because they are doing and finishing the grades of the students they are

also doing the forms of their students.

Most of them are catching up about the grades of their students because few of their students

have a problem about their grades.

I have experience doing their grades and I can say that it was very exhausted.

Week 14

Last week of being there at the School of Kalalake National High School it was also the time

where in the students will moving up to their another year level. It was also the time where in

we have a goodbye celebration for the school it was could “Exit Program”. We said goodbye to

the faculty teachers and to our principal and heads especially to our cooperating teachers.

There’s a bit crying scene but as every people says it is not the end it was the another beginning

of another chapter of our lives.

Plant and Facilities

Republic of the Philippines
City of Olongapo
College of Education, Arts and Sciences
Tapinac Oval Sports Complex, Donor St. East Tapinac Olongapo City

Republic of the Philippines
City of Olongapo
College of Education, Arts and Sciences
Tapinac Oval Sports Complex, Donor St. East Tapinac Olongapo City


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