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Hart Lenard Y.


1. A marble with a mass of 75 grams is dropped into the starting tube (A) of a Rube Goldberg
machine. It then falls on the top of a curved ramp (B) which leads to a lever at the bottom (C).

Neglecting air resistance and friction, find:

a. The velocity of the marble as it falls from point A to point B.

b. The velocity of the marble as it hits the lever.

Potential energies (datum line passing through point C)
Vg, A = mgyA
= (0.075 kg)(9.81 m/s2)(0.9 m)
Vg, A = 0.662 J *
Vg, B = mgyA
= (0.075 kg)(9.81 m/s2)(0.65 m)
Vg, B = 0.478 J *
Vg, C = mgyC; yC = 0 m
Vg, C = 0 J *
Kinetic energies:
TA = ½ mvA2; vA = 0 m/s
TA = 0 J *
TB = ½ mvB2
TB = ½(0.075 kg)vB2
TB = 0.0375vB2 *
TC = ½ mvC2
TC = ½(0.075 kg)vC2
TC = 0.0375vC2 *

a.) Conservation of energy (point A to point B):

TA + VA = TB + VB
0 + 0.662 J = 0.0375vB2 + 0.478 J
vB2 = 368/75 m2/s2
vB = 2.22 m/s Ans.

b.) Conservation of energy (point A to point C):

TA + VA = TC + VC
0 + 0.662 J = 0.0375vC2 + 0
VC2 = 1324/75 m2/s2
vC = 4.20 m/s Ans.
2. Suppose that the lever from the previous problem releases a 250-gram block connected to an
elongated spring as shown. The block moves upwards as the spring returns to equilibrium. The
spring’s unstretched length is 5 cm and its constant is 500 N/m. Find the velocity of the block
as it hits the lever. Neglect frictional effects between the block and the walls of the tube.

Spring elongation:
xA = 40 cm – 5 cm
xA = 35 cm = 0.35 m *
xB = 10 cm – 5 cm
xB = 5 cm = 0.05 m *
Spring potential energies:
Ve,A = ½ kxA2
= ½ (500 N/m)(0.35 m)
Ve,A = 30.625 N *
Ve,B = ½ kxB2
= ½ (500 N/m)(0.05 m)
Ve,B = 0.625 N *
Gravitational potential energies (datum line passing through point A)
Vg,A = mgyA; yA = 0
Vg,A = 0
Vg,B = mgyB
= (0.25 kg)(9.81 m/s2)(0.3 m)
Vg,B = 0.73575 N *
Kinetic energies:
TA = ½ mvA2; vA = 0
TA = 0
TB = ½ mvB2
= ½ (0.25 kg)vB2
TB = 0.125vB2 *
Conservation of energy:
TA + VA = TB + VB
0 + 30.625 + 0 = 0.125vB2 + 0.625 + 0.73575
vB2 = 234.114
vB = 15.3 m/s Ans.
3. A model water turbine receives water at a rate of 2x10-4 m3/s. Its discharge section has an area
of 100 mm2. The turbine discharge is situated 50 cm above the water surface. Find:

a. The horizontal distance traveled by the discharged water before hitting the water surface.
b. The velocity of the discharged water as it hits the water surface
Neglect air resistance.
Hint: Fluid flow rate for incompressible fluids is given as:
Q = Av
Where Q – fluid flow rate
A – cross-sectional area
v – velocity of fluid flow
Neglect air resistance.

Solving for fluid velocity:
Q = Av
2x10-4 m3/s = 100 mm2(1 m/1000 mm)2 (v)
v = 2 m/s = v0x *
a.) Solving for time:
y – y0 = v0yt – ½ gt2
-0.5 m = - ½ (9.81 m/s2)(t2)
t = 0.319 s *
Solving for horizontal distance:
x = v0xt
= (2 m/s)(0.319 s)
x = 0.638 m Ans.

b.) Solving for y-component of final velocity:

vy2 – v0y2 = -2g(y – y0); v0y = 0
vy2 = -2(9.81 m/s2)(-0.5 m)
vy2 = 9.81 m2/s2
vy = 3.132 m/s *

vf = √ vx2 + vy2

= √ (2)2 + (3.132)2

vf = 3.716 m/s *
θ = arctan(vy/vx)
= arctan(3.716/2)
θ = 57.44o *

∴ vf = 3.716 m/s , 57.44o (4th quadrant) Ans.

4. Suppose that the flow rate of the water from the previous problem is increased to 5x10-4 m3/s.
Find the percent change of the horizontal distance traveled by the discharged water before
hitting the water surface.

Solving for fluid velocity:
Q = Av
5x10-4 m3/s = 100 mm2 (1 m/1000 mm2)v
v = v0x = 5 m/s *
Solving for time:
y – y0 = v0yt – ½ gt2
-0.5 m = - ½ (9.81 m/s2)(t2)
t = 0.319 s *
Solving for horizontal distance x1:
x1 = v0xt
= (5 m/s)(0.319 s)
x1 = 1.595 m
Solving for percent change:
% change = [(x1 – x) / x] · 100
= [(1.595 m – 0.638 m) / 0.638 m] · 100
% change = 150 % Ans.

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