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August 1, 2019 | Weekly Vol. 2 | No.

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People First
Immigration NZ
to axe senior jobs, create new ones
Immigration New Zealand says a shake-up of senior management aims to forge with this Voucher
on all dental
new relations with businesses and focus on fraud and worker exploitation. treatments

Choose the
company that
puts People First But the industry watchdog says there is change
fatigue after a series of policy upheavals and a
The new structure follows hot on the heels of that
restructure - which left businesses, visitors and
• Full Property Management restructure. students waiting months for visas.

50% Discount on Letting fees
3 Months no Management fees
Twenty-two senior 'Risk and fraud in the system'
• Tenant selection service management roles are being Immigration New Zealand head Greg Patchell
• Help with building axed and 40 more will be said the visa service was now being stabilised and
investment portfolio created at a cost of at least waiting times were reducing.
For more information contact $4.5 million a year. The wider organisation had not changed for almost
Kris or Peter on 0800 99 88 66 or Association for Migration and Investment chair a decade, he said.
June Ranson said a new focus on communicating
"It's important now to reflect the current operating
with sector bodies was welcome, but problems
environment which is different from nine years ago,
were not going to be fixed overnight.
with very low levels of unemployment across the
"Immigration recognise that they cannot go country, lots of demand and as we've seen over the
forward in isolation," she said. last few years in particular, quite a bit of risk and
"They do need to have input from the practitioners, fraud in the system as well.
and that is commendable. "So making sure that we balance both the need for
"That is a very good move forward but it really is employers to get people in as fast as they can - we
putting all of that into practice." know we have to do better there by the way - and
However there was less faith in that secondly, the risk in the market."
implementation now, she said, given costly The new management jobs were in addition to an
mistakes in the last restructure which saw global extra 120 staff being recruited in visa services, he
offices closed without enough staff to take over said.
processing visa applications. But frontline workers were hard to find as INZ
Terms and conditions apply*
People First Real Estate Ltd Licensed REAA 2008
(Continue on pg. 5)

2 I August 1, 2019

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India's tiger population

jumps up to 3,000: Census towards protecting the and India will have cleaner rivers. India
tiger. Results of the just will have better train connectivity and
declared tiger census also greater tree coverage".
would make every Indian "India will build more homes for our
happy. Nine long years citizens and at the same time create
ago, it was decided quality habitats for animals. India will
in St. Petersburg that have a vibrant marine economy and
target of doubling tiger healthier marine ecology. This balance
population will be 2022. is what will contribute to a strong and
We completed this target inclusive India", PM Modi added.
4 years early. Today we
Further detailing the increase in the
can proudly say that India,
country's green cover, he said, "In 2014,
with about 3000 tigers, is
India had 692 Protected Areas which have
one of the world's biggest
now increased to 860 in 2019. Similarly,
and safest tiger habitats,"
community reserves have also increased
Modi said at the occasion.
from 43 in 2014 to over 100 now".
Outlining the necessity of
On a lighter note, PM Modi also invoked
striking a healthy balance
the reference of two popular Bollywood
between development
movies to back his point of conserving the
and environment, he
big cats.
said, "In our policies,
"I would like to tell the people associated
in our economics, we
with this field that the story which started
have to change the
India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi termed India as one the world's biggest with 'Ek Tha Tiger' and has reached to
conversation about
on Monday released the All India Tiger and safest tiger habitats. 'Tiger Zinda Hai' should not stop here.
conservation. India will prosper
Estimation report 2018 on International The only tiger being alive won't help.
The tiger population in the country in economically and environmentally. The
Tiger Day and stressed upon the need We have to intensify the steps related to
the year 2018 was recorded as 2,967, speed and dedication with which various
of striking a healthy balance between tiger conservation and the speed of such
according to the report. stakeholders worked to achieve this is
development and environment. He also initiatives must be intensified", he said.
remarkable. India will build more roads
"Today, we reaffirm our commitment

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4 I August 1, 2019 COMMUNITY

Alex Miller shares his story

after high-speed crash
• Vritti Parasher
From there he split his spine into two and
broke his ribs, his lungs collapsed, and
he was flow up to the Auckland hospital.
He does not remember clearly what was
happening during the accident, the day
he was returning from Horowhenua along
with his younger brother.
After numerous surgeries and four months
in Christchurch's Burwood Spinal Unit,
Alex Miller has realised there are things
that he can never do like walk, run or jump
but that doesn’t stop the brave heart from
making a list that he has to do!
He has managed to make a list where his work, counselling for travel youth and
new routine has focus and an aim to uplift patients in hospitals who feel like they
oneself from situations that put your life ae at the worst stage in their lives, the
upside down. Miller wants to help other same position that he was in a while
people who are in the situations where ago.
they feel like they cannot reach out and
It would be wise for everyone to
environmentally they put themselves
take lessons from others mistake,
in. He feels you need that support and a
Alex is out there trying to tell
Alex, who hails from Wellington has had nudge, and it is not that you can never
everyone that high speed driving
a life changing experience after a high- reach out, you can reach out anytime. And
has consequence which are hard
speed crash which has injured his body that you don’t need a traumatic event to
to think in normal circumstances.
parts to an extent where he cannot walk. change your entire mindset on how life is.
He says, “You are in control of
The accident took place on 24th of March,
This 20-year-old is accepting things and your own decisions” be safe on the
the car ended sliding out and rolling down
wants to do social work, mental health roads.
a few times before hitting into a barrier.

Join the refillution at Auckland Council Libraries and Pools

and Leisure Centres
Refill your reusable drink bottle with tap water for free
Auckland Council is proud to join the by 2040. By joining forces with 14,000 tonnes of PET plastic were
‘refillution’ with selected libraries and all RefillNZ, we are letting our communities know used to produce drinks containers
pools and leisure centres registering as official they can confidently carry their in New Zealand last year.
‘RefillNZ Stations’ – places where people are own water bottle and choose tap water. Why Not only does bottled water cost
welcome to stop in and refill their reusable not make carrying a reusable bottle more than regular tap water, it also
water bottles for free, no questions asked. the new normal,” Sood says. has
to hand wash it in warm, rather
The joint venture between Council, Wai For a full list of participating outlets, including associated costs to the environment.
Auckland, and RefillNZ aims to promote than hot, water. Avoid washing plastic items at
Auckland Council Libraries and It takes three to five times more water to
tap water as the first, easy, healthy, and high temperatures in an automatic
Pools and Leisure Centres, click here. manufacture a plastic water bottle than
environmentally-responsible choice for people. dishwasher as it is detrimental to human
Save money and the environment is contained in the water bottle itself., Because
Not-for-profit organisation, RefillNZ, is a grass health and should be avoided.
While the convenience of being able to grab a plastic is a petroleum-based
roots movement to prevent plastic pollution Investing in a good quality reusable water
drink bottle on the run may be product, it depletes a non-renewable resource.
by making it easier to refill your reusable water bottle, glass or stainless steel, will
seen as priceless, the cost on the environment Added to this, there is the cost of
bottle on the go. save you money in the long term. Once you
is significant. Plastic bottles now transporting the water from the source, to the
“Tap water is a winner on every front,” says have it, be sure to keep It in your
make up one-third of all plastic pollution in the bottling facility, to the shop, to your
Kim Taunga, Head of Community Libraries – bag for those moments you need a drink on
sea and are one of the biggest home.
South & East. “It’s readily available, good for the run.
us, cost-effective, and cuts back on single-use contributors to environmental damage According to Live Lightly, if you take your
Plastic Free July
plastic water bottles.” globally. reusable drink bottle instead of buying
Auckland Council has been taking part in
Auckland Council’s Parul Sood, Programme Each Kiwi uses on average 168 plastic bottles a disposable one when you are out and about,
Plastic Free July – a worldwide
Director – Waste Solutions, says supporting each year and only a third of those that simple action could save 3kg
challenge encouraging people to take small,
RefillNZ will benefit all Aucklanders and bottles are recycled. That means around 526 of CO2 per year.
daily actions to create long-lasting
support council’s waste minimisation efforts. million bottles are thrown away Alternatives to Plastic Bottles
habits to minimise single-use plastic and
“It’s a positive environmental choice. We have yearly, adding to plastic pollution on our Choosing a reusable drink bottle – glass or
improve recycling practices.
been encouraging Aucklanders to support beaches and in our waterways. stainless steel are the safest and
For more details and tips on how to eliminate
Plastic Free July and find ways to reduce or Most bottled water and soft drinks are sold in most earth-friendly options, but plastic
plastic from your life, visit
eliminate single-use plastic PET (polyethylene terephthalate) reusable water bottles are more or check out the Plastic
from our lives. It’s about taking steps that will plastic bottles. According to the Packaging sustainable than buying and throwing out new
Free July Aotearoa Facebook
make a big difference in reducing Forum, the industry group responsible bottles each day.
rubbish and help us reach zero waste to landfill for packaging recycling programmes, nearly If using a plastic reusable bottle, it is important COMMUNITY August 1, 2019 I 5

Warning about a
(Continue from pg. 1)

Immigration New Zealand to

axe senior jobs, create new ones
new convincing
e-mail scam
was recruiting in the same tight labour Immigration advisers said there were
market other employers were facing. other changes transpiring behind
The changes could help businesses the scenes, with new interpretations
and immigrants in industries such as of legislation under pressure from
horticulture, retail and hospitality, he government to bring down immigration
Inland Revenue is warning customers if you hover over those links, you’ll see added. numbers.
to be on guard against a new and Inland Revenue is not the destination. "We hope to be far more effective in terms "They're trying to bring in other changes,
convincing e-mail scam that surfaced of communicating the opportunities for which are not necessarily public
“In this particular scam, there is also no
over the weekend. those sectors, and also their obligations," knowledge, which once again can slow
personalised greeting and what’s listed
he said. down the process of acceptance of
The e-mail offers tax refunds and Inland as a person’s IRD number is a wrong
applications, and processing," Ms Ranson
revenue spokesperson Sharon Thompson number. "So the thinking is to actually put
says it appears to be a very wide spread the capability in place, for example,
“Importantly, this scam also includes "So what I'm saying is that some of the
scam. a new information and education
a dollar amount for the bogus refund. things that are going on are not really
capability, which will be designed to
“We’ve received more than 900 reports Inland Revenue does not include dollar efficiencies at all. And it's appeasing what
assist employers and migrants to really
over the weekend. It looks like the real amounts in refund e-mails. the government is trying to achieve."
navigate the system."
thing but has some tell-tale mistakes that
Inland Revenue is in the process of Immigration also knew it had to do better Immigrants found the changes
people can use to tell it’s a scam,” Sharon
having this taken down but the sites at forecasting visa volumes, he said. bewildering, staff turnover was high and
Thompson says.
can jump back up again and we would former immigration staff reported the
A $54m Budget injection for immigration
“Embedded links can look quite appreciate customers forward the scam need for a culture change, she added.
will also fund prevention work on mass
convincing at first glance as “” e-mail to when they The new structure will come into force at
arrivals by boat.
can be included within the address. But receive it. the end of September. - RNZ

Bhartiya Samaj organises workshop on how to lead Life to the fullest

(hereafter referred as “GOPIO NZ”) socially active and feeling connected achieved by Bhartiya Samaj Charitable
on 27 July 2019, at Mt Roskill War to the near and dear ones. Also, the Trust in their efforts to socially engage
Memorial Hall. The event witnessed recipe to a healthy aging is to find joy the community. A special thanks to
the participation of around 200 senior and happiness in the activities you GOPIO NZ for facilitating this workshop
members. enjoy which may change over time. This and sharing their valuable time and
The workshop was presented by a inspiring workshop not only enlightened efforts in upliftment of their zeal is truly
renowned psychologist Dr. Prakash the souls but also motivated the seniors commendable. We would earnestly like to
Grover aimed to educate the seniors on to live positively and cherish each and thank the media partners Apna TV and
how best senior citizens can enjoy life every moment. The Indian News for the event coverage.
“How to Lead Life to the fullest “-
and lead it with happiness. A very strong The grand finale of the event was a lavish Also, a big thanks to our volunteers
A highly motivational workshop was
emphasis was laid on the importance spread of sumptuous lunch served by and beloved members, without whose
organized by Bhartiya Samaj Charitable
of having positive thinking, learning to Bhartiya Samaj to everyone present there. dedication and efforts this event could
Trust in collaboration with Global
adapt to change, staying physically and The event was yet another milestone not have been such a success.
Organization of People of Indian Origin
6 I August 1, 2019 FOOD

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Pepperoni Cheesy Garlic Pizza
Garlic Knots Traditional Malted Vanilla Thickshake
Mozzarella Sticks Choco Lava Cake HEALTH August 1, 2019 I 7

Avocados can
suppress hunger
without adding calories
Suffering from obesity? It's time to add regular daily diet.
avocado to your daily diet. Meals that
"For years, fats have been targeted as
include fresh avocado as a substitute for
the main cause of obesity, and now
refined carbohydrates can significantly
carbohydrates have come under scrutiny
suppress hunger and increase meal
for their role in appetite regulation
satisfaction in overweight and obese
and weight control," said Britt Burton-
adults, a recent study suggests.
Freeman, lead researcher of the study.
The findings suggest that simple dietary
"There is no 'one size fits all' solution
changes can have an important impact on
when it comes to optimal meal
managing hunger and aiding metabolic
composition for managing appetite.
However, understanding the
As part of the study published in relationship between food chemistry
the Journal of Nutrients, the team of and its physiological effects in different
researchers assessed the underlying populations can reveal opportunities for
physiological effects of including whole addressing appetite control and reducing
and half fresh Hass avocados on hunger, rates of obesity, putting us a step closer to
fullness, and how satisfied subjects felt personalized dietary recommendations,"
over a six-hour period. Burton-Freeman added.
Researchers evaluated these effects in The research found that meals including
31 overweight and obese adults in a avocado not only resulted in a significant
randomized three-arm crossover clinical reduction in hunger and an increase in
trial. These dietary changes were also how satisfied participants felt, but also
shown to limit insulin and blood glucose found that an intestinal hormone called
excursions, further reducing the risk PYY was an important messenger of the
of diabetes and cardiovascular disease physiological response.
by adding healthy fats and fibers into a


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8 I August 1, 2019 INDIA

RBI Money Museum Parliament passes Bill

promotes people's knowledge criminalising instant
of banking system
a computer model
depicting how money
gets transferred to the
Triple Talaq
account digitally.
Money Museum is
divided into three
sections, the first
section depicts the
evolution of the
barrier system and
the use of grains as
currency in medieval
ages. In continuity, the
museum shows the
evolution of money in
The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) Money modern times.
Museum at Council House Street in Its printing and bond making machines
Central Kolkata, which opened earlier this catch the attention of visitors. The bond
year, has been drawing a lot of attention machine is said to be the only machine
for its unique initiative. The museum which was used to print bonds for
has been built with an aim to improve different states.
people's knowledge of the banking system
The museum is built to make people
with the help of interactive displays.
aware of the various aspects of banking
Inaugurated on March 11, 2019, the and the history of RBI, said a senior RBI
Museum remains open from 10 am to 5 official.
pm for visitors.
Interestingly, the museum has everything
The main attention of the museum is The Central government on Tuesday also defeated either by voting or by a
to entertain children. There is an
a huge tree made using defunct coins scored a major victory in the Rajya voice vote.
interactive games centre for kids with an
and demonetised notes attached with Sabha on the back of cracks in the
aim to promote financial literacy. The Muslim Women (Protection
opposition when the House passed
of Rights on Marriage), Bill, 2019
the Triple Talaq Bill after rejecting
criminalises instant triple talaq
the opposition's demand to refer the
BJP gears up for J-K Assembly Bill to the Select Committee and to
remove the criminality clause which
among Muslims and attracts a jail
term of three years for the husband.

polls, wants elections to be held soon provides for jailing the husband
for three years for pronouncing
Soon after Rajya Sabha Chairman
M Venkaiah Naidu was to take up
triple talaq to his wife. The Bill was the Bill for its passage, Leader of
group in Jammu and Kashmir at the party Opposition Ghulam Nabi Azad said
passed with 99 members in its favour
headquarters here on Tuesday. the entire opposition was for the
while 84 members voted against it
Speaking about the current security situation in the final division. In the division empowerment of women but as
in Jammu and Kashmir, he said that extra on referring the Bill to the Select far as the Bill was concerned, the
forces have been deployed in the state to Committee, the government got 100 opposition parties wanted some
counter terror attacks. votes while 84 voted against. modification.
The BJP leader targeted Opposition leaders for After his remarks, the voting took
The BJP led NDA government, which
questioning security deployment in the state place and the Bill was declared
does not have a majority in the
and said: "Those including NCP and PDP have passed by the Chairman.
Upper House, still managed to have
been defeated in the state and their properties
smooth sailing for the contentious Earlier, replying to over four-hour-
have been seized. They would surely target
bill because parties like AIADMK, long debate, Law Minister Ravi
the Centre. There was a requirement to deploy
After attending a meeting under the
which has 11 members and JDU, Shankar Prasad said that the House
heavy security in the state as per the inputs
chairmanship of party's national working
with six, walked out after recording did not need the mandate of the
received from the sources."
president JP Nadda, Jammu and Kashmir BJP
their opposition to the Bill. The BJD Supreme Court to pass a law.
Earlier this month, Jammu and Kashmir supported the Bill.
president Ravinder Raina on Tuesday said the Asserting that the Bill was for gender
Pradesh Congress Committee (JKPCC) chief
party wants Vidhan Sabha elections in the At least five members of the Congress, justice, dignity and equality, he said
Ghulam Ahmed Mir, along with other state
state to be held soon and workers have been some from Trinamool Congress, SP, that the offence has been made
leaders, had met Rahul Gandhi at his residence
asked to gear up for the same. BSP and others belonging to parties compoundable and bailable in the
in the national capital and discussed the
"In the meeting, political situation, party's like BSP, YSRCP, and TRS reportedly Bill.
upcoming Assembly elections.
membership drive, security-related issues, abstained from voting. NCP's Sharad
The delegation discussed the current scenario
Pawar and Praful Patel and Jharna Prasad said that among the cases
ongoing Amarnath Yatra, development
and reasons behind the Congress' defeat in
Das Baidya of CPI(M) were also related to Triple Talaq which have
works in Jammu and Kashmir, Vidhan Sabha
the state, Mir had told reporters. The leaders
absent. come to light after the Supreme
elections in the state were discussed. We want
also asked Gandhi to make "necessary changes Court's judgment, 75 per cent of
elections to be held soon," Raina told media The Bill has already been passed by
desired by him without any hesitation". the victims is from poor families.
reporters here. the Lok Sabha. With the approval of
On July 4, the Election Commission had Participating in the debate,
He said the party discussed strategy for the the Rajya Sabha, the Bill is all set to Opposition parties stressed that the
announced that the election schedule for the
polls, election campaigning and ways to become an Act after the Presidential Bill needs to be referred to a Select
conduct of Assembly polls in the state will be
strengthen booth level preparedness. node. The amendments moved by Committee for further scrutiny.
announced after the conclusion of Amarnath
The meeting was held with the BJP's core several opposition members were
Yatra. FIJI August 1, 2019 I 9

Flash flood Fiji's Mata set to hit

forecasting for Fiji world hip hop stage
Fiji's weather service says it hopes do flash flood forecasting or guidance for
a new flood warning system will be tributaries and for catchments along the
implemented in time to save lives during different parts of Fiji."
the next cyclone season. Misaeli Funaki said new predictive
The director of Fiji's Met Service says the graphics will be available up to 24 hours
World Meteorological Organisation and ahead of actual floods so the disaster
America's Hydrological Research Centre agency and others can warn people to
have helped to bring the system to Fiji. avoid danger earlier.
Misaeli Funaki said the system enables In April this year, seven people died
the service to forecast where floods will within a week in Fiji as the result of flash
occur. flooding during intense rain.
"It's a totally advanced version of what The Pacific cyclone season runs from
was there. It allows us to do forecasting the beginning of November to the end of
for Fiji. But not only that it is more the April. -RNZ
resolution is greater. So that we can even
Fiji's Mata dance group will carry the "The experience in New Zealand was
Pacific's hopes when they head to the amazing. And to come back with the title
World Hip Hop Championships in the and to qualify for the world champs. I
United States this week. have been telling the dancers you have
The Fijians qualified for the event for the to get ready for the most intense week of
first time after taking out the Pacific title your life.
at the International hiphop competition "This is our one shot and some of us have
held in Auckland in April. only dreamed of this our entire lives. This
Director Tevita Tobeyaweni says her is one chance we get to prove ourselves. "
20-member group will compete against Fiji Mata dance group director Tevita
80 other crews from around the world in Tobeyaweni said they scooped the Mega
Arizona. Crew and Varsity titles at the Auckland
He said their dance styles consist of what event.
hip-hop means to young Fijians, but they Papua New Guinea took out the Adult
also want to stay true to their culture. title in Auckland. -RNZ

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10 I August 1, 2019

Editorial Preschool teachers

ask children less and
Government starts simple question: Study
on a winning note
Narendra Modi led NDA government opposition parties criticised the amendment
secured big wins last week in Parliament and later staged walkout at voting time.
by successfully pushing contentious triple These new changes will give government
talaq bill through both Lok Sabha & Rajya powers to decide salary and service terms
Sabha and got RTI bill all the way through of the statutory body head and its members.
Rajya Sabha, despite strong criticism from Opposition blamed government that the new
opposition parties combined. The Muslim amendment will dilute the RTI bill, to which
Women( Protection of Rights on Marriage) Personnel & Training Minister Jitendra Singh
Bill, which criminalises instant divorce by strongly rejected saying that it’s the otherwise
Muslim men and seeks jail term if found guilty and this amendment will institutionalise Chief
was the first legislation tabled by Narendra Information Commission and strengthen the
Modi government in the first session since it provision.
took the oath of office for a second term in While leader of opposition in Rajya Sabha
May this year. taunted the government of showing muscle
As expected, all major opposition parties like power of absolute majority, government was
Congress, TMC, JDU and DMK opposed the very quick to respond saying that they are
bill, vehemently demanding to send it to a only following the precedence and procedures
parliamentary committee for scrutiny. laid by the past governments. In midst of
The bill got cleared by a division of 302 the walkout some likeminded members from
in favour to 78 against, amid walkout by parties like TRS, BJD and YSR Congress didn’t
opposition parties like Congress, JDU and join the walkout and voted in favour of NDA
TMC during the voting. People like Asaduddin on the motion. The Bill eventually passed by a Questions asked by preschool teacher "why" questions like "What did he do?"
Owaisi argued that when Supreme Court has voice vote in absence of opposition walkout. plays a significant role in how much and "Why do you say 'friends'?"
already banned the instant triple talaq so The RTI Act which was passed by the children learn. But a new study found that
This also included what the researchers
what is the need of bringing a new legislation Parliament in year 2005 and became effective they asked a few yet too simple questions.
called "how-procedural" questions, like
for the same. If men are longed in jail how from October same year, sets out a regime that Only 24 per cent of what teachers said
"How did they become friends again?"
will they pay the maintenance and it will end allows citizens of the country to secure access outside of reading the text were questions,
"When the teachers asked these more
up destroying the institution of marriage. to information under the control of public the results found. And the kids answered
sophisticated how-procedural questions,
Government clarified to that saying that’s authorities in order to promote transparency those questions correctly 85 per cent of
the children would give more elaborate
why this bill is being introduced to work as and accountability in all public authority’s the time.
and complex answers. Those are the kind
a deterrent so the cruel practice of instant working. This Act was allowed a five-year term "When kids get 85 per cent of the of questions we need more of," Justice
talaq is abolished. When people have this fear or until age of 65, whichever is earlier. The questions right that means the said.
of being sent to jail for their action, the law amendment proposes that the appointment questions the teacher is asking are
will play as a deterrent for them and hence will be for such term as may be prescribed by Asking these more sophisticated and
too easy. We don't want to ask all the
it will save the women, children and families the central government. Another amendment difficult questions means that children are
difficult questions. But we should be
from being ruined. So, the motive of this new is made about the remunerations of Chief more likely to give wrong or inappropriate
coaxing children along cognitively and
proposed legislation is to safeguard women, Information Commissioner and Information answers, she said. But that's okay.
linguistically by occasionally offering
children, families the community as whole and Commissioner which was at par with their challenging questions," said Laura Justice, "There should be teachable moments
not to destroy them. counterparts in Election Commission, co-author of the study. where teachers can help their students
The treasury argued that this bill is in line with now government wants the discretion of learn something new. You have a
government’s motto of Sabka Saath, Sabka salaries with it Critics of this amendment While this study was done with teachers,
conversation that is conceptually
Vikas and Sabka Vishwas, so the intention say this is an attempt to dilute the Act as the same lessons apply to parents.
challenging for the child because that is
behind the bill is the prevention from then the Commission will work at behest of Previous research suggested that most
going to push their development forward,"
triple talaq instead of looking for solutions the government and may have wide range parents don't ask any questions at all
Justice said. Some experts recommend
after the talaq happens. This bill, if passed ramifications in future. when they're reading with their children,
that 60 to 70 per cent of shared reading
through Rajya Sabha, where government is End of the day, Democracy has become a according to the study published in the
conversations should be easy, but 30 to
still struggling with numbers, will not only number game irrespective which party is in Journal of Early Childhood Research
40 per cent should challenge children to
empower Muslim women but also help making power and some time decisions are made Quarterly. Participants in the study were
learn new concepts. The fact that 85 per
stronger families. because a party was in position to do so 96 prekindergarten and kindergarten
cent of children's responses in this study
Other big win for the government came weather or not people may like it. History is a teachers at schools. The teachers were
were correct suggested that they are
from Rajya Sabha where ruling party is still witness to that. videotaped in one class while reading the
not being challenged enough. Storytime
in minority. Here in Rajya Sabha also all 25-page book Kingdom of Friends to their
- Yugal Parashar should include lots of questions, including
students. The book is about two friends
ones that allow children to stretch their
Publisher - Roshan Nauhria (The Indian News NZ Limited) who argue at playtime but learn how to
language and thinking abilities.
Editor - Yugal Parashar, - DDI: 09 218 5709 resolve their problems.
For example, when parents or teachers
Marketing & PR - Erum Ali, - DDI: 09 218 5709 Researchers transcribed all talk during
are reading a new book, they could ask
Communications Specialist - Vritti Parasher, the reading session, including both
the child "How do you think this book will
Printer - Horton Media, Auckland teachers and children. The researchers
Registered Office - 258 Balmoral Road, Sandringham, Auckland 1025, New Zealand recorded 5,207 questions asked by
teachers and 3,469 child responses. About "You can see how a question like that is
Phone: +64 9 846 8080
52 per cent of the questions asked by going to evoke a complex response. With | | @indiannews_nz some practice and reflection, we can
teachers were yes-no type questions, such
**Views expressed in this publication are not that of the publisher and the publisher is not responsible as "Does he look happy?" As expected, change how we talk with children during
for any claims made by the advertisers appearing in this publication. The views expressed in the articles most of them resulted in one-word shared reading and help them develop
are solely of the authors and do not represent the views of the Indian news team. answers from children. The other 48 per stronger language and reading skills,"
Copyright 2018. The Indian News NZ Limited. All rights reserved. cent of questions included "what" and Justice said. August 1, 2019 I 11


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14 I August 1, 2019 REAL-ESTATE BUSINESS August 1, 2019 I 15

Indo-Pacific Dialogue: Beyond

need for innovation more outward looking than ever before. KEA, British New Zealand Business
and adaptation in They seek newer and more extensive Association, New Zealand Sri Lanka
bilateral relations, markets, better technologies, a more Business Council, FOMA.
staging a wide variety global talent pool, and opportunities Here are the details of the event:
of dynamic discussions and partners that will enable them to
Date: Thursday 15 August 2019
and symposia, from continue to achieve high rates of growth.”
Venue: The Trusts Arena, 65-67 Central
unmissable VIP Mr Gupta says that events like Indo-
Park Drive, Henderson, Auckland
keynote addresses to Pacific Dialogue: Beyond 2020 are
On 15 August New Zealand India invaluable informal Time: 8.30am to 5pm (Indo-Pacific
essential for building relationships and
Trade Alliance (NZITA) is hosting New networking opportunities. Dialogue); 6.30pm to 9.30pm (NZ-INDIA
gaining a foothold in the Indian market.
Zealand’s most significant India-New Awards)
NZITA chairman Giri Gupta says the “You can’t just turn up and expect to
Zealand geo-politics and geo-economics event should appeal to any organisation start doing business in India. Like
event since the recent Indian elections. wanting to understand and connect most markets, but more so in India, More information can be found on the
Indo-Pacific Dialogue: Beyond 2020 into the increasingly significant Indian businesses need to take time to know and dialogue website
will showcase NZ as a sector specific market. “The potential opportunities in understand the market and gain trust of About NZITA:
investment & business destination. India are huge. India’s economic growth local partners and consumers.”
New Zealand India Trade Alliance
Key thought-leaders and industry has been booming. It’s currently the The event concludes with celebrating the (NZITA) is an invitation-only
professionals from India and New world’s sixth largest economy, and Prime First ever NZ-India Awards™ celebrating organisation working with stakeholders
Zealand, will highlight opportunities for Minister Modi has expressed a hope that NZ to establish, build and promote trade,
trade growth the Indo-Pacific region. it will be within the top three in the next
Exporters to India. investment, sporting and cultural links
Indian businesses will be attending 15 years.
The event is being supported by New between New Zealand and India. NZITA
looking to form partnerships with NZ “It’s a growing market of 1.3 billion has administrative centres in the Indian
Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs, New
businesses. Flagship sectors that NZ is people, and has an expanding middle cities of Mumbai, New Delhi, Ahmedabad
Zealand Trade and Enterprise, Asia New
great in like Fintech, Biotech, Agritech class with a rising demand for quality and Auckland in New Zealand. For more
Zealand Foundation, Zespri. Industry
and Robotics will be discussed and how goods and services that New Zealand can information, please visit
Partners are also throwing their support
NZ and India can partner in these sectors. offer.
behind this important dialogue and For any further questions, please call
The Dialogue will address the growing “Indian and New Zealand companies are include FICCI, EMA Norther, NZ Tech, Michael Henstock, on 027 2242074

Falling House Prices Have Continued Benefits

for First Time Buyers and Investors
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mortgage repayments. The Home Loan’s Residential Investment Yield
Affordability Report estimates that the Indicator, the combined effects of falling
average first home buyers in Auckland house prices and rising rents are driving
would likely be paying $643.85 a week in up rental returns in Auckland – reassuring
mortgage payments on a lower quartile- investors of the continued reliability of
priced home in the region for June. Last residential property.
year, that figure would have been $683.15.
The latest figures for the six months to the
Annual income has also been on the rise end of June show a particularly strong trend
which has perfectly matched with the in Auckland, where rental yields were up in
timing of these other two factors, reducing seven of the 10 suburbs tracked. This was
the percentage of income that’s dedicated mainly driven by increases in median rent of
to mortgage repayments, making the entry between $10 and $20 a week, a slight boost
Home Loan Affordability report have improving housing affordability in the
in the property market a realistic possibility. for landlords in the past six months.
revealed that the slight decline in house Auckland region for first time buyers.
prices in the Auckland region are having Many will be keeping an eye on the market It will be interesting to see in the coming
Over the past three months house prices
positive effects for first time buyers who in the coming weeks as we approach months whether higher rentals yield in
have slowly retreated across the region, the
are looking to enter the market for the first warmer weather to see if first time buyers Auckland will be enough to make investors
Real Estate Institute of New Zealand’s lower
time, and investors who are looking for are on the rise in the coming months. make a comeback to the property market
quartile selling price in Auckland has been
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16 I August 1, 2019 POLITICAL NEWS

National’s Cancer
Plan will put an end to Should
the postcode lottery recreational
• Mr. Kanwaljit S Bakshi The National Cancer Agency will make sure marijuana be
National List MP based in Manukau East
and is New Zealand Parliament’s first
Indian Sikh Member
that happens.
The current Government claims that its legalised?
investment in health this year is the biggest

At our National Party conference in

ever. Yet we have the biggest DHB deficits Tuesday 13 August, 3pm
Christchurch last weekend, our Leader Simon
on record. There are fewer elective surgeries Fickling Centre,
Bridges outlined National’s plan for cancer
happening under this Government. And 38,000
576 Mt Albert Rd,
more people aren’t seeing their GP because of
care. Cancer is the biggest cause of death in
the costs.
Three Kings
New Zealand. It doesn’t discriminate and most
New Zealanders will have a story of loved ones Despite claiming to be a caring and For further information phone 09 620-6707 or
compassionate Government, it only put an email
and friends who has been affected by cancer.
extra 1 per cent into PHARMAC for life-saving
That’s why we have announced a policy which Hosted by Dr Parmjeet
drugs. That doesn’t even cover inflation. The Parmar, National List MP
would invest an extra $200 million over four
previous National Government boosted annual Based In Mt Roskill and
years for PHARMAC to fund cancer drugs. Hon Paula Bennett,
investment in PHARMAC by $220m over
We will ensure those drugs go to those who MP for Upper Harbour
nine years. That meant around 820,000 New and Opposition
need them. Spokesperson for
Zealanders benefited from extra investment in
We have also committed to introducing a Drug Reform.
new PHARMAC funded medicines.
National Cancer Agency to deliver better
The Government is putting 75 times more
diagnoses, better access and better treatment
money into Shane Jones’ political slush fund
for cancer sufferers across New Zealand.
to help NZ First get re-elected than it has into
New Zealanders shouldn’t have to pack up PHARMAC.
their lives and go to other countries for cancer
As MPs, we hear endless, personal and heart- Funded by the Parliamentary
treatment. New Zealanders shouldn’t have Service.Authorised by Parmjeet
breaking stories about our constituents. Tracey
to mortgage their houses, set up a Givealittle Parmar MP, Parliament Buildings,
Elliott and her husband Troy are in the process Wellington.
page or take out massive loans to be able to
of selling their house because they’re spending
afford medicines which are funded in other
$9000 every three weeks on life-extending
drugs. The drugs that they’re selling their
The agency will be involved in prevention, family home to fund are fully funded in the UK
screening and treatment. New Zealand is a
Advertise with us
and Australia.
world leader in research and innovation, so
It’s not right that Kiwis are heading to

and get more

the centre will also facilitate research so that
Australia or Malaysia for treatment, or that
in the future we can prevent cancer and treat it
they’re relying on selling their homes or

more effectively.
Givealittle pages.
It will ensure that no matter where you live in
The Government is spending billions of dollars
New Zealand you will get the same standard of
on fees-free tertiary education, on working
care. Too often people in regional New Zealand
are disadvantaged because they don’t have
groups and on a slush fund for NZ First, it
doesn’t have its priorities right.
Call today:
access to the same services as those in our
National’s Cancer Fund is a priority for us
Erum 022 023 7586
biggest cities.
It means everyone will have the same ability to
because it’s the right thing to do. It will help Yugal 021 058 4439
thousands of Kiwis. And our commitment to a
get treatment. It means diagnoses can be made
National Cancer Agency will ensure that your
earlier. We believe that medical experts and
address won’t affect your prognosis. We should
clinical professionals should be making the
have a health system that is fair for everyone,
decisions, not Wellington-based bureaucrats.
regardless of your postcode.


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Boris Johnson moves into President Kovind arrives

10 Downing Street with girlfriend
unmarried partner of Johnson might
in Gambia
not move with him in 10 Downing Street
after she was seen moving furniture into
a house in southeast London with her
Johnson and his partner have not
been seen publicly together since they
were recorded by a neighbour in the
Camberwell area of London having a late-
night brawl just before the elections.
After the row, newspapers printed an
apparently old photograph of the couple
that seemed to have been released by
Johnson's campaign team as part of its
Public Relations strategy.
British Prime Minister Boris Johnson on
Monday moved into 10 Downing Street Johnson's divorce from his second wife,
with his girlfriend Carrie Symonds, Marina Wheeler, with whom he has four President Ram Nath Kovind on Tuesday In Benin, Kovind offered concessional
putting an end to speculation whether children, is yet to be finalised. The pair arrived in Banjul and was received by his financial assistance of USD 100 million
she would join him at his new residence. announced their split after 25 years of Gambian counterpart Adama Barrow. to Benin with an aim to help the West
marriage last September, shortly after African country meet its Sustainable
The new British Prime Minister and his Upon his arrival, Kovind inspected the
which his relationship with Symonds was Development Goals.
partner occupied the large flat above 11 Guard of Honour.
Downing Street, which is occupied by "President Kovind arrives in Banjul, The two sides signed four agreements
Chancellor of the Exchequer, Sajid Javid, After reports that Johnson had asked and Memoranda of Understanding
The Gambia. The President was warmly
despite having a bigger family with four for new furniture to be bought, his (MoU).
received by Gambian President Adama
young children, The Irish Times reported. spokeswoman said, "There will not be
Barrow. This is the first-ever state visit to The four documents include a Cultural
any additional cost to the taxpayer of her
Johnson's deputy spokeswoman was The Gambia by an Indian President," read Exchange Programme between India
[Symonds] living there."
quoted as saying earlier that the couple a tweet on the President of India's official and Benin for the years 2019-2023. It also
would be moving in officially today Johnson comfortably won the account. includes an agreement on the mutual
(Monday/local time), with Symonds Conservative Party leadership election exemption from visa requirement for
Kovind arrived in Banjul after completing
taking up residence there with him. last week and was appointed Prime holders of diplomatic, official/service
the first leg of his visit to Benin.
Minister last Wednesday. passports.
There had been speculations that the

500 Sikh pilgrims reach Pak for 45 Hong Kong protestors

Guru Nanak Dev's 550th charged with rioting
birthday celebration Taking a tougher stance aimed at
restoring order in Hong Kong, as many as
during which police filed multiple rounds
of tear gas to push back the protestors
every year under the framework 45 of the 49 demonstrators detained by who were trying to reach the liaison
of Pakistan-India Protocol on the police during the recent protests have office. In response, the protestors had
Visits to Religious Shrines of been charged with rioting, assaulting attacked police officers at the scene
1974," said the High Commission police officer and possession of offensive with lethal weapons such as bricks and
in a statement. weapons. sharpened iron rods.
"Government of Pakistan Police have stressed that an investigation Hong Kong has seen eight consecutive
also believes in the policy of is underway and did not rule out the weeks of anti-government protests
promoting visits to religious possibility of further arrests, reported that began against a now-suspended
shrines and people-to-people Xinhua News Agency. extradition bill, that have since
contacts between Pakistan and Hundreds of pro-democracy protestors broadened to include calls for democracy
India," added the statement. had gathered near the Chinese and police accountability.
On July 14, India and Pakistan government's liaison office on Sunday The said extradition bill was proposed
had held the second round of to protest against the alleged police on April 3 and its opposers argue that
A special 'jatha' of around 500 Sikh bilateral talks to narrow down brutality during a previous protest. its controversial amendments will leave
pilgrims reached here on Tuesday to take their differences on the corridor for travel Violent clashes had ensued between anyone on Hong Kong soil vulnerable to
part in the celebrations of 550th birth of Sikh pilgrims from Dera Baba Nanak the authorities and the demonstrators, being grabbed by the Chinese authorities
anniversary of Guru Nanak Dev at his Sahib in Punjab to Gurdwara Darbar for political reasons or
birthplace on August 1. Sahib Kartarpur in Pakistan. inadvertent business
The group was led by the president Both sides said that they had agreed to
Multiple protests sometimes
of Shiromani Gurdwara Parbandhak a majority of modalities for the smooth
violent continue to
Committee (SGPC) Gobind Singh passage of the pilgrims.
take place in the semi-
Longowal, and president of the Delhi Once opened, the three-km corridor
autonomous state despite
Gurdwara Management Committee will allow Sikh pilgrims direct access to
the city's pro-Beijing
(DGMC) Manjinder Singh Sirsa. the historic Gurdwara Darbar Sahib in
leader Carrie Lam publicly
The Pakistan High Commission in New Kartarpur, where Guru Nanak Dev passed
apologising for proposing the
Delhi issued visas to these pilgrims. away in 1539.
controversial legislation and
"These visas have been granted over and The route is expected to be completed by announcing later that the bill
above the issuance of thousands of visas September-end. was "dead".
18 I August 1, 2019 EVENT

Shanti Nivas

in style EVENT August 1, 2019 I 19

As a part of the 25 th year Anniversary celebrations of Shanti Nivas,

over 300 senior members were present at Mt Albert War Memorial
on Wednesday July 24. A special exhibition capturing the 25 years
journey of Shanti Nivas was displayed through a photowall at the
Nilima Venkat, stressed on the need that communities need to
recognise the contributions and achievements of this age-group as
much as care for them.
Mr Bhav Dhillon was invited to give away mementoes to all the
volunteers who have relentlessly served the seniors. He pointed out
that to be able to volunteer one’s time and service is a greater and a
far more rewarding journey. It may only be the prerogative of a lucky
few as everyone is not destined to earn this happiness. Mr Roshan
Nauhria and Mr Kanwaljit Bakshi were among the esteemed guests
One of the members attending, commented:
“It’s just good to be together, do something positive like the dancing,
and have a chit-chat. I’ve been quite isolated since my husband
passed away, but the Shanti Nivas (meaning Home of Peace) group
has been great. Being at home alone can drive you bonkers.”
This was followed by a popular workshop group for dance from
Chinmaya Mission, who lead the audience to shake a leg that soon
turned into a rigorous open dance session by the seniors. There was
cake cutting, a heart-warming prelude and dance performance by the
staff volunteers and loads of entertainment including raffles draws
and prizes; dinner and lots of opportunities to chat and mingle! A
special thanks to Art of living group for the volunteer service offered
for the evening.
20 I August 1, 2019 ENTERTAINMENT

Armie Hammer’s Wondering about Arjun

Kapoor's new tattoo?
wife defends him! Here's what it means!
Following the backlash, the mother kids, many others criticised the actor for
of two insisted that their son only had sharing it.
his father’s toes in his mouth for a few “TOTALLY NOT FUNNY … inappropriate,”
seconds. wrote one, while another added, “So
Armie Hammer’s wife, Elizabeth gross. Why post it and let it go on for 7
Chambers minutes!!”
Armie Hammer’s wife, Elizabeth Following the backlash, the mother
Chambers Hammer set the record of two insisted that their son only had
straight following backlash over a video his father’s toes in his mouth for a few
which her husband shared online, in seconds.
which their two-and-a-half-year-old son “It wasn’t seven minutes… more like
Ford Douglas Armand was seen briefly five seconds,” she wrote, explaining that
sucking on the actor’s toes. Ford’s behaviour was a family joke. She
“This happened for a solid 7 minutes,” did however admit that “sharing the
the actor wrote alongside the clip that video on Instagram was def not the best
has since been deleted, adding the joking move on A’s part.”
hash tag “foot fetish on fleek.” On a final note, Chambers Hammer
People reports that the video set off a big added, “Our children’s safety and well-
stir online, and while some social media being is always our first priority.”
users brushed it off as just kids being

Bollywood's handsome hunk, Arjun with 'Ishaqzaade' in 2012 impressed

Kapoor just got inked for the second time everyone with flamboyant looks and six-
and its reason is straight out of his heart. pack abs. But the actor did not have such
The actor, who got 'Per Ardua Ad Astra' chiseled physique always. Before entering
written on his arms, explained in a video B-town he struggled with obesity and
he shared on social media that it is a later lost humongous weight under the
Latin saying that means 'From adversity guidance of Salman Khan, as per the
to the stars.' media reports.
Briefing about the reason of getting Fans seem to be loving his new mark, as
his new tattoo, Arjun said, "The one wrote, "Awsome just loved it" whereas
reason I wanted to get this tattoo as it another fan commented, "Super sir. Love
means, from adversity to the stars. It's it."
primarily because I believe the greatest Meanwhile, the actor who was last seen
achievements come out of being pushed in 'India's Most Wanted' will feature next
against the wall, and that's when you rise in 'Panipat,' based on the Third Battle
to the occasion." of Panipat fought between the Maratha
He wanted to get his second tattoo for a Empire led by Sadashiv Rao Bhau and the
very long time. But after a lot of thinking, invading forces of Ahmad Shah Abdali,
he finally got this done as "it had to mean the King of Afghanistan.
something very special" to him. The Ashutosh Gowariker directorial also
The 'Gunday' actor who made his debut stars Kriti Sanon and Sanjay Dutt. It is
slated to release on December 6, 2019.

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Emma Stone wants

'Zombieland' film made every Abhishek
10 years, reveals director
'Zombieland: Double Tap', the sequel to
2009 comedy 'Zombieland' is just a few
as good if not better than the original".
The director added, "And that ultimately
months away from release and if actor all comes down to the script. So, we
Emma Stone had her way, the film will were all demanding and discerning to
be made every ten years, revealed its make sure the story was one that was

director. worth getting the gang back together.
"Emma thought it would be fun if we did Sometimes it does take time to get that
one of these every ten years. Knowing right."
that Woody's just the healthiest guy there

Expressing his bliss on reuniting with his
is, he's going to outlive all of us, and so team, Fleischer added, "I can't imagine a
we can just keep doing them every ten better way to look forward to my future
years, 'til the end of time'," Entertainment than knowing that every ten years I get
Weekly quoted Ruben Fleischer, the film's
director as saying.
The sequel to the 2009 film sees the cast
to hang out with those guys and make a
movie with them again."
Along with Stone Jesse Eisenberg, Woody
'good luck
reuniting after ten years and explaining Harrelson, Abigail Breslin are also
what took it so long for the team to come returning to reprise their roles.
back. Fleischer who directed the first film
'Zombieland: Double Tap' is slated for a
too, said: "I think we all wanted to stretch
release on October 18 this year.
our legs a little bit and try different
things." B-town diva Aishwarya Rai Bachchan has Bachchan's Pink Panthers team.
posted a picture after a long time and
He continued, "I think we were all The super cute picture made Abhishek
shows just how much daughter Aaradhya
excited to do other stuff. But, the other drop a lovely comment 'good luck
Bachchan resembles her.
thing is, we just couldn't figure out the charms'.
right story to tell. It took a minute to Aishwarya posted an adorable picture
Abhishek was last seen in 'Manmarziyaan'
get a story that we all felt was worthy, with Aaradhya sitting on her lap. The
along with Taapsee Pannu and Vicky
to come back to Zombieland for." mother-daughter duo can be seen
Kaushal. Meanwhile, Aishwarya was
He added that the first part was so donning a pink jersey and giving identical
last seen in 'Fanney Khan' alongside Anil
good that they held themselves to expressions as they root for Abhishek
Kapoor and Rajkummar Rao.
create a sequel that it would be "at least

Farhan Akhtar, who is busy prepping for

his upcoming film 'Toofan', took some Farhan Meghan Markle's half-
time off his hectic schedule to spend
brother urges Queen to
some quality time with his lady love
Shibani Dandekar.
resolve their family feud
Farhan, who stays quite active on Duchess of Sussex, Meghan Markle's "My father doesn't know this Meghan
Instagram, just shared another post on half-brother, Thomas Markle Jr. urged the anymore. This is a different Meghan
the photo-sharing application, which is Queen to resolve their family feud. than we all grew up with. It's very, very
a reminder of why we just can't seem to Us Weekly quoted Markle Jr. as saying in strange," he added.

get enough of his and Shibani's social a recent interview given to Sunday Mirror Markle's father, who hasn't seen the
media PDA! where he said that "the queen should step young royal, Archie feels "devastated",
in and tell Meghan to make amends with according to a source.
The 'Bhaag Milkha Bhaag' actor shared her father and family." He ended asking the duchess to let
an exotic picture with Shibani. In the
picture, the couple can be seen chilling
in the pool.
are living The Markle family feud has for long been
in headlines and the duchess herself
hasn't spoken to her father, Thomas
them be part of her and baby Archie's
life. "Most of all I hope you can call your
father and let him be at least a part of

their best
Markle since her wedding in May 2018. yours and Archie's life. You owe him that."
Shibani looks absolutely stunning in a Her father was unable to attend
red bikini, while Farhan shows off his fit the royal wedding due to a heart
body in a pair of shorts. Their suntan is attack he suffered in the wake
proof that they have been having a lot of
fun on the beach on their holiday.
lives! of a paparazzi photo scandal he
was involved in.
"Now you're a mother, I hope
Going by Farhan's caption, the picture you're grown up and mature
seems to be taken in Ko Samui, Thailand. enough to figure out the family
is very important," Markle Jr.
The 'Rock On!' actor captioned the post: said in the interview.
"At, by and on your side." He added the "They should force her into this,
hashtags #poolheads, #kosamui# and or it's just going to continue
FarOutdoors to his post. to cause problems in her life,"
Markle's half-brother added.
Farhan was earlier married to Adhuna Talking about Meghan and her
Bhabani, with whom he has two changed lifestyle, her brother
daughters - Shakya and Akira. said that he didn't "know this
22 I August 1, 2019 SPORTS

Caribbean bound WTC is great for

Men in Blue Test cricket, says
Steve Waugh
After a disappointing semi-final loss at their term ends. The team has already
the recently concluded Cricket World advertised and will be looking to make
Cup, the Indian team gets back on the appointments by the middle of August
Cricket circuit with a tour to the West for these key positions. Shastri has been
Indies, beginning on the 3rd of August. with the team since 2014, barring a year August 1 as Australia and England will
The tour comprising 3 T-20’s and a similar in 2016, when Anil Kumble became head face each other in the Ashes. WTC will
number of One Day Internationals coach. His big achievement has been comprise of the top nine Test teams
(ODI’s) and 2 Test matches is their first India winning their maiden test series in the world (Australia, Bangladesh,
to the nation of the two time World Cup in Australia last year. Although under England, India, New Zealand, Pakistan,
winners since 2016. The Test component his coaching regime, India has played South Africa, Sri Lanka, and the West
of the tour will also be the first games the past two World Cups, being knocked Indies).
the nations play as a part of the new Test out in the semi-finals of both. Big names In the championship, a total of 71 Test
championships, which will run over a like former Australian all-rounder Tom matches will be played across 27 series
two-year cycle. Moody, former Kiwi coach Mike Hesson over two years. The top two teams will
and South African Jonty Rhodes are then contest in the ICC World Test
There was talk of India having split
reportedly interested in joining India’s Championship final in June 2021 in the
captaincy in different formats of the
coaching set up. It will be an interesting UK.
game, after their failure to win a third
hiring process.
World Cup in England. Putting all Points will be up for grabs during
speculations to rest, Virat Kohli was West Indies, once the best team in each match and each team will play
named the captain for the entire tour. Cricket, has been on a decline since the three home and three away series.
India’s Achilles heal for the past few 90’s. Cricket no longer is the favourite Each series will count for 120 points,
Former Australian skipper Steve Waugh
years in limited overs Cricket has been game of the nation, with American sports distributed over the number of matches
has lent his support towards the World
their middle order. Since 2017, India like Basketball dominating the airwaves in a series.
Test Championship (WTC), saying the
has tried 14 different batsmen in the and capturing the imagination of the
tournament will be great for Test match For example, a two-match series will
middle order which is more than any youth. The Cricket Board and the players
cricket. mean 60 points for each Test while a
other team apart from Sri Lanka and have also been at logger heads for a long
"I think it's great for Test match cricket. three-match series will give 40 points
West Indies. To overcome this weakness time. Things through seem to be getting
I played for 18 years and many people to each Test match. A tie will be 50
that cost them the World Cup, and better, and the West Indies did put a
said we were the number one Test side percent of the points available, whereas
with an eye on the future they have decent performance (albeit in patches) at
in the world, but I think unless you a draw will be a 3:1 points ratio.
chosen Mumbai’s Shreyas Iyer and the recently concluded World Cup. More
Karnataka’s Manish Pandey for this tour. importantly many of their first-choice hold up a trophy or you can get to that The matches will be played in the same
Both have played for India before, and players have been selected for India’s final game then you're not really sure," format as bilateral series but with
showed glimpses of their talent on the tour. quoted Waugh as saying. the added context of a competition
international stage. Delhi’s fast bowler Waugh said that a cricketer can truly and one champion team. The number
India won the Test Series 2-0 and ODI’s
Navdeep Saini also gets a look in. 23 year judge his abilities in the longest format of matches in each series can vary
3-1 on their last tour to the Caribbean.
old Saini, a discovery of former India of cricket. Waugh added that WTC will between a minimum of two matches, to
They will be looking to replicate that
player –Gautam Gambhir, is highly talked be a great parameter to judge the team's a maximum of five matches.
success across all formants on this
about in the playing circles. With Jasprit success.
tour. Will the West Indies under their The first cycle of the WTC consists of
Bumrah being rested for the tour, it gives The apex cricketing body, International only five-day matches and will include
respected Captain Jason Holder be able
Saini a good opportunity to stake claim Cricket Council (ICC) on Monday had day-night matches. Only matches
to stop them? Month of August holds
for a long run with the team. officially launched the inaugural WTC. identified as part of the WTC will count
these answers – alongside some hopefully
This tour is also the last for Coach Ravi exciting Cricket. The championship will begin from towards the championship
Shastri and his support staff, before
- Apurv Shukla

Hasan Ali says families yet to decide

on his marriage with Indian girl
Pakistan pacer Hasan Ali has said Member of Pakistan's squad in the
that his wedding with Indian girl recent World Cup, Hasan's 'nikah'
Shamia Arzoo is not confirmed as ceremony will be held at a Dubai
their families are yet to decide on it. hotel and the 'rukhsati' will take
place in 2020, the News International
"Just wanna clarify my wedding
is not confirmed yet, our families
have yet to meet and decide Hasan will become the fourth
upon it. will make a public Pakistani cricketer to marry an Indian
announcement very soon in sha allah. girl after former cricketers Shoaib
#gettingreadyforfamilymeetup," Ali Malik, Zaheer Abbas, and Mohsin
tweeted on Tuesday. Khan.
Ali's tweet came after reports of Shoaib married Indian tennis star
him marrying Arzoo on August 20 Sania Mirza in 2010. The couple was
surfaced. blessed with a baby boy Izhaan Mirza
Malik in October last year.

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