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THEME:“Kumain ng Wasto at maging aktibo…Push Natin To”

NUTRI-JINGLE All barangays July 24, 2019 1st- 3,000 1. This contest is open to Grades 3 to Grade 6 students, with a maximum of 10
Grade 3 to Grade 6 2nd- 2,500 participants per group. All barangays must be well represented.
students with maximum of 3rd- 2,000 2. The content of the jingle must showcase the theme:”KUMAIN NG WASTO AT
10 participants 6 Consolations- MAGING AKTIBO…PUSH NATIN TO”.
1,000 3. Lyrics should not contain vulgar or rude words. Violation of this guideline will
result to disqualification.
4. A jingle entry may be tuned in a popular or new song genre, or a fusion thereof, in
any form or structure or original.
5. Lyrics for the jingle must be original.
6. The duration of each entry should not exceed 5 minutes. Lyrics may be in Ilokano,
Tagalog or Taglish.
7. A copy of the lyrics of the jingle should be submitted prior to the day of the
contest for verification and reproduction (for judges).
8. The jingle will be judged according to the following criteria: LYRICS (30%),
ORIGINALITY (30%), EXECUTION (precision and discipline)(30%), COSTUME (10%).
9. Jingle which attained the highest percentage rating will be proclaimed winners.
There shall be one 1st Place, one 2nd Place, one 3rd Place and 6 consolation prizes.
10. The top 3 winners of the nutri-jingle will present their piece during the
culminating activity.
POSTER MAKING All barangay Nutrition July 24, 2019 1st- 2,000 1.The contest must be participated by all barangays of the municipality.
Council members at least 3 2nd- 1,500 2.One team per barangay, each team must be composed of not more than 3
participants 3rd- 1,000 members, of any age of the Barangay Nutrition Council.
6 Consolations- 3.The poster must illustrate, interpret and emphasize the theme: “KUMAIN NG
4.The posters will be judged according to the following criteria: CREATIVITY AND
5.Poster which attained the highest percentage rating will be proclaimed winners.
There shall be one 1st Place, one 2nd Place, one 3rd Place and 6 consolation prizes.
6.Materials to be used for the contest should be provided by the participants except
for one (1) white cartolina which will be provided by the office. Use of pain is
LITTLE MR. and All barangays 5-6 years old July 24, 2019 1st- 1,200 1.The contest must be participated by all barangays of the municipality.
MS. NUTRITION (1 boy and 1 girl) 2nd- 1,000 2.The contest will be judged accordingly:
3rd- 800 Talent: 30%
6 Consolations- Intelligence: 30%
500 Confidence: 20%
Poise and Posture: 20%
3.The participants with the highest percentage rating will be proclaimed winners.
There shall be one 1st Place, one 2nd Place, one 3rd Place and 6 consolation prizes.

COOKFEST All barangays-mothers July 26, 2019 1st- 4,000 1.The contest must be participated by all barangays of the municipality. Each team
(saluyot, rabong 2 maximum of 5 participants 2nd- 3,000 must be composed of 5 participants.
dishes) 3rd- 2,000 2. The main ingredients for the cooking contest dishes are Nalta Jute (Saluyot) and
6 Consolations- Bamboo Shoot (Rabong). The participants should prepare two (2) main
1,000 courses/dishes out of the two ingredients. Participants are encouraged to strategize
based on the required main ingredient and come up with a unique, delicious and
healthy dish.
3. Each team will be given one and a half hour to prepare and cook the desired
courses/dishes. Rabong may be cleaned in the barangay but the chopping will be
done during the contest.
4. The participants must provide a Title Card which contains the title and the brief
description of each of the dishes on display. The title card, written in English, must
be placed on a white paper.
5. The title cards must already be placed on the display area of the participant’s
dishes prior to the start of the competition.
6. All competitors are requested to wear proper cooking attire like hairnet, gloves,
apron and etc.
7. Before the competition starts, each working area will be checked by the
committee to ensure that no outside items (e.g. food and beverage) are bought in.
8. The preparation, cooking to garnishing must be entirely made and crafted on the
spot. A team who brings in any cooked item will be automatically disqualified.
9. Each team should have two plates for each dish. One for display and for tasting.
Participants must also provide disposable teaspoon/fork for each judge.
10. The dishes will be judged according to the following criteria: TASTE (45%)-
Utilization of Saluyot and Rabong dishes emphasizing Philippine taste, VISUAL
APPEAL (30%)-Contrast of plating and design, ORIGINALITY and CREATIVITY of the
Recipe (15%)-Recipes are not copied from magazines, cook books, or other contests,
OVERALL PRESENTATION (10%)-Main course shall complement the flavors, taste and
style of each other.
11. The participants shall bring their own cooking utensils, pots and pans except for
1 stove.
12. Dishes which attained the highest percentage rating will be proclaimed winners.
There shall be one 1st Place, one 2nd Place, one 3rd Place and 6 consolation prizes.

NUTRI-QUIZ All Barangay Nutrition July 26, 2019 1st Place- 1,000 1. The Nutri-quiz must be participated by all Barangay Nutrition Scholars. All
Scholars of each barangay barangays of the municipality must be represented.
2. The participants with the highest percentage rating will be proclaimed winner.

ZUMBABIDA Grades 7 to 12 high school July 26, 2019 1st- 3,500 1.The contest is open to all Grade 7 to Grade 12 students with 10 - 15 partcipants
students with 2nd- 3,000 per grade.
10 – 15 participants per 3rd- 2,500 2. There shall only be 1 song to be used by all participants.
grade 3 Consolations- 2.The Zumba Presentation will be judged accordingly to the following criteria:
3. The Zumba Presentation with the highest percentage rating will be proclaimed
winners. There shall be one 1st Place, one 2nd Place, one 3rd Place and 3 consolation
4. The winner will present during the culminating activity.

NUTRI-BOOTH All barangays with 2 July 31, 2019 1st- 4,000 1.The contest must be participated by all barangays of the municipality.
participants each 2nd- 3,000 2.The contest will be judged according to the following criteria: Captures the theme,
3rd- 2,000 embodies the concept of nutrition (30%),Variety and freshness of display (30%),
6 Consolations- Overall neatness and presentation (20%), Use of props and uniqueness/style of
1,000 display (10%).
3. Selling is not allowed prior to judging of booths.
4. No reservation of products/goods before judging.
3.The booths attaining the highest percentage rating will be proclaimed winners.
There shall be one 1st Place, one 2nd Place, one 3rd Place and 6 consolation prizes.
4.Materials to be used for this contest should be shouldered by the participants. Use
of paint is prohibited.
WELL BABY All barangays with 1 July 31, 2019 1st- 3,000 1.The contest must be participated by all barangays of the municipality.
CONTEST participant who is 6 month 2nd- 2,500 2.Participants who are 6 months old must have completed dose of 3 opv, 3 pcv, 3
old up to less than 1 year 3rd- 2,000 penta and 1 IPV
old 6 Consolations- 3.Participants who are 9 months old must have 3 doses of opv, pcv, penta, 1 dose of
1,000 IPV and 1 dose of MMR
4.Participants who are 1 year old must be fully immunized.
5.Participants must bring their immunization booklet for reference and verification.
6.Particpants must be healthy. Not overweight/obese, not stunted/wasted.
WALK FOR A All barangays must be July 31, 2019 1. All barangays must be represented.
CAUSE represented. 2. The Walk for a Cause will be done during the first hour of the culminating activity
on July 31, 2019 at 5:00AM.
3. The route will be from Dalawa Bridge to Municipal Gymnasium.
4. A registration fee of P50.00 pesos will be collected prior to the activity.

Hon. Velmor P. SUmabat Hon. Mar Ruel P. Sumabat Annabelle M. Lorenzana Rolando Cabradilla Reuben A. Umalia
Municipal Mayor Municipal Vice Mayor Municipal Agriculturist MLGOO Public Health Nurse/ MNAO Designee

Gertie Tibaldo Teresita B. Bandiola Hon. ROdelio P. Sumabat Christina Monderin Hon. Efren G. Colyong
MNAO- Alternate Municipal Budget Officer SBM, Chair, Com.,on Health, Women, Municipal Treasurer Liga Federated
Family & Senior Citizens

Danilo B. Lorenzana Dr. Katrina R. Asuncion Madona Oliver Jennifer T. Pilayan Melanie Balalong
MPDO Municipal Health Officer DOH Representation Daycare Worker Fed President Pantawid Focal Point Person

Rodel Tabao Loreto M. Arzabal Thelma Palma Rowena Alsong Ann Marie B. Austin
OIC- DSWD Office Principal Batbato Officer -in –charge- Amilongan & Apang Principal – Anaao & Apaya Principal ACS, Kiat & Aguiwas

Gloria Binay- an Annie Liccud Romeo Venancio Elena Licuasen Luisa Eleng
Principal – Dalawa, Palisipas, Guilong Officer- in – charge – Daddaay Principal- ANHS BNS Federated President BHW Federated President

Lovely Arzabal
SK Federated President

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