Identificar Tipo de Cromosomas Usando Un LR Parser

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Keywords Materials Methods Conclusion

LR Parser, chromosome, IIDG, 1. The application model which consists of the We use the following grammar to determine a The compiler application is not only limited to
Telocentric,Submedians. object description and a collection of type of chromosome either: the programming area or languages, but also in
= {a, b, c, d, e}
procedures to identify both the structure and different areas such as medicine.
Abstract behaviour of that object. N = {S, T , A, B, C , D, E} This poster will present a research that helps in
The design approach of the IIDG system (integrated inter- 2. A graphics package, e.g. OpenGL, GKS, to the genetic, identifying the type of
face for display generation)is based on the combination enable the processing of graphics primitives chromosomes present in a person. To be able to
of formal grammar to identify the user’s actions and the
such as points, lines, polygons and circles, identify diseases like the Dawn syndrome.
grammatical description of the objects in a single grammar
without context [4]. This grammar represents the input according to the user actions.
of an interface generator that produces IIDG using an LR
Future Proyects
These two software components might be con-
analysis method [1]. Because IIDG is naturally machine- • Build with a chromosome from a one-dimensional input.
nected together using an interactive display han- (a) (b)
dependent, the grammar describing user actions is chosen • program software that helps determine the existence of
Fig.1: Grammar and Test
to be compatible with a known hardware system. This dler . Such a handler acts as an interface between
genetic anomalies..
table is analyzed and its compatibility for implementation user actions and the graphics package on one
is indicated. Therefore, a detailed study of a particular side, and the application model on the other.
biomedical application is offered to mechanize the identi- Objectives
fication of submedian and telocentric chromosomes, an-
Important Result • Identify through a user-given input the type of
other use in the biomedical branch is the detection of chromosome whether sub-mediate or telocentric.
diseases such as down syndrome, which consists of the
• Use the LR method as a way to identify the type of
appearance of one more chromosome in a pair [3].
• It is a way to help in the genetic field of medicine.
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