FY07-FY16 PHRH Foundation Income (Non-Tuition) by Which PHRH Subsidized The School of Public Health

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Program in Human Rights and Health (PHRH) Minnesota Medical Foundation (MMF) #9807 /

University Minnesota Foundation (UMF) Account #19807 Non-Tuition Revenue &

Disbursement Balances (FY06-FY17)

 The following provides detail accounting for PHRH generated revenue outside of tuition and
non-tution income disbursements against PHRH generated costs outside of disbursements from
tuition revenue. These constitute tuiton-independent contributions of PHRH to SPH.

 This independent stream of resources is not mentioned by the Dean in his justification for
closing the Program in Human Rights and Health.

 The $353,044 in non-tuition income and $345,854 in non-tuition disbursements against costs far
exceed the “about 190,000” so-called subsidy claimed as justification for closure. PHRH is net
positive in revenue generation in and for SPH by over $163,000 for FY07-FY16.

 In spreadsheet below Total Income (in blue) reflects the sum of Contributions (Cash and
Securities) + Pledge Payments + Transfers (from outside) + Investment Return.

 Not included in Total Income are New Pledges found in the screen shots of UMF #19804 – those
are to be paid in the future and appear under Pledge Payments in the screen shots.

(Referent: Vanessa Clark, University of Minnesota Foundation Director of Planning and Analysis,
612-625-2405, vclark@umn.edu)

(The FY11 positive ‘disbersement’ of $4500 was either a reversal of prior transfer or related to payment
of contract teaching of the Research Ethics modules/travel expenses for OT 7201 Scholarly Inquiry for
the Health Sciences for Occupational Therapy taught at the Rochester Campus. These I requested be
paid into our MMF account but did not show up on the Transfers line. The base contract was for $4136 +

Screen Shots of UMF 19804 (PHRH non-tuition account) balances

The following screen shots are of Program in Human Rights and Health University of Minnesota
Foundation account 19804.

These provide balances of Non-Tuiton Program revenue and disbursements against PHRH generated
costs and are the basis of the Spreadsheet above. Included are:

 PHRH balances at end of FY06 prior to the Program transferring from the Medical School to the
School of Public Health in FY07
 PHRH balances on date of PHRH transfer to SPH (9.11.06)
 PHRH balances End-of-Year status for each year FY07-FY16
 PHRH balances on 8.14.16 and 8.15.16 FY17 (1 day prior to and on declared Program closure
date of 8.15.16)
 PHRH balances through 8.22.16 indicating donor income designated for PHRH after closure date.
 June 30, 1995 balances – the earliest record in UMF online system for PHRH for record.

FY06 - June 30, 2006 – PHRH Balance $120,852.64 – Year Prior to moving from Med School to SPH
FY07 - September 11, 2006 - PHRH joins School of Public Health – PHRH brought $121,056 to SPH

FY07 - June 30, 2007 (EOY) - FY07 PHRH Foundation income $42,093
Total PHRH non-tuition $ into SPH for FY07: $162,652.88 (=$121,056.14 + $41,593.24 post 9/11/06)

Note: Disbursements of $92,758.13 covering PHRH costs

FY08 - June 30, 2008 (EOY) - FY08 PHRH Foundation income: $88,607

Note: Disbursements of $113,576.17 covering PHRH costs (including $6,831.40 to OB/GYN for balance
for Dolan Symposium costs)
FY09 – June 30, 2009 (EOY)– FY09 PHRH Foundation Income $76,540

Note: Disbursements of $100,346.20 covering PHRH costs

FY10 – June 30, 2010 (EOY) – FY10 PHRH Foundation Income $3686

Note disbursements of $24,000 covering PHRH costs

FY11 – June 30, 2011 (EOY) – FY11 PHRH Foundation Income $4440.80

Note disbursements of $4,500 to cover PHRH costs

(The FY11 positive ‘disbersement’ of $4500 was either a reversal of prior transfer or related to payment
of contract teaching of the Research Ethics modules/travel expenses for OT 7201 Scholarly Inquiry for
the Health Sciences for Occupational Therapy taught at the Rochester Campus. These I requested be
paid into our MMF account but did not show up on the Transfers line. The base contract was for $4136 +
FY12 – June 30, 2012 (EOY) – FY12 PHRH Foundation Income FY12 $3310.34

Note: Disbursements of $7,500 to cover PHRH costs

FY13 – June 30, 2013 (EOY) – FY13 PHRH Foundation Income $6155.24

Note: Disbursements of $0.00 to cover PHRH costs

FY14 – June 30, 2014 (EOY) – FY14 PHRH Foundation Income $4486

Note: Disbursements of $7,000 to cover PHRH costs

FY15 – June 30, 2015 (EOY) – FY15 PHRH Foundation Income $2023

Note: Disbursements of $474.00 to cover PHRH costs

FY16 – June 30, 2015 (EOY) – FY15 PHRH Foundation Income $1872

Note: Disbursements of $5,000 to cover PHRH costs

FY17 - August 14, 2016 (1 day before declared closure date) – FY 17 YTD Foundation Income $194.00

Note: Disbursements of $0.00 to cover PHRH costs

FY17 - Balance on declared closure date (August 15, 2016): $7219.11

FY17 – August 22, 2016 - Contributions continue to accrue to PHRH fund after declared closure date:

First record in current UMF system from June 30, 1995

Non-exhaustively, sources of Foundation revenue (reflected in above balances) benefitting SPH reflected
above include:

 Wessner Foundation grant (check #112327) $100,000 (10/5/05 dated, deposited 10/11/05)
prior to joining SPH on 9.11.06.
 Philosophy Department co-sponsorship (Dolan Symposium) $12,000 (10/2006)
 Charisma Foundation grant (check #3206) $25,000 (2/9/2007 deposited)
 Wessner Foundation matching grant (check #00178) $50,100.04 (7/27/2007 dated, 8/02/07
 Charisma Foundation grant (check #3372) $25,000 (10/16/2008 deposited)
 Wessner Foundation matching grant (check #00291) $50,000 (12/23/2008 dated, 1/3/09
deposited) This also matched over $23,000 in PHRH generated tuition revenue.
 MacLaurin Institute Research Grant $30,000 (6/01/2007 first installment $15K)
(Low birthweight & mortality by institutional profile study, Melissa Nelson RA, )
 MacLaurin Institute Course Dev Grant $15,000 (Summer 2008)
(Resulting course: PubH 6807/3807 Global Health, Relief, Development and Religious & Non-
Religious NGOs has generated $100Ks in tuition revenue)
 Shakopee Mdwakanton Souix Community $2,000 (2009-2010 part of $10,000 research grant
with Miguel Fiol, Neurology, on Epilepsy and Native Americans)
 Prog. Occupational Therapy contract $4,136 - 2011 Spring Semester, OT 7201 Scholarly
Inquiry in Health Sciences @ UMN Rochester (research ethics component)
 Individual donors, recurring gifts, etc.

Note finally: FY16 Tuition income was $165,305 not counting summer (which ultimately had 3 directed
studies students). Our usual allocation from FY16 for FY17 at .7 would have been: $115,714 (not
including summer). Our proposed budget for FY17 based on .67 covered all PHRH FY17 costs, zeroed a
FY16 negative carryover, and secured the Dean’s Office ca. $50K out of PHRH course revenue. Fall
course enrollments indicate likely even higher tuition revenues for FY17.
Final Notes:

 The letter from Dean Finnegan to Rep. Whelan, dated August 15, 2016, not written until the
closure date, states he is also writing for President Kaler.
 The MN House support letter from Rep. Whelan et al. addressed to PHRH Co-Chair Bryan Dowd,
includes a request for explanation from the Dean. This letter was delivered by hand to the
Dean’s Office on July 19, 2016 (along with 31 other letters of support) and emailed as .pdf in
follow up.
 In the interim from July 19, 2016 to closure date of August 15, 2016 the Dean refused to meet
with Program Co-Chairs despite repeated requests.
 The most important paragraphs from the Dean’s letter of August 15, 2016 to Rep. Whelan et al.
advances purely financial justification for closing the program (refuted above in the
spreadsheet): (my italics):

 The Dean clearly represents that funding outside of tuition to be negligible in considering the
balance. (Tuition income increased over time with 30% going to the Deans Office - but that is
also through our efforts.)
 The Dean makes no mention of non-tuition revenues, which make PHRH a net contributor to
 PHRH arrived in SPH with a Foundation balance of $121,056 on Sept. 11, 2006 in FY07.
 Re: "a small amount of philanthropic funding” turns out to be over $350,000 in PHRH
Foundation funds. Disbursements out of these non-tuition revenues were $345,856 against
PHRH-generated expenses – not at all mentioned by the Dean.
 $345,856 far exceeds the “subsidy” of $190,000 claimed and shows SPH (and specifically the
Dean’s Office) to have had a positive flow (given the Dean’s office retained each year 30% of all
PHRH generated tuition revenue).
 Total revenue - total costs (spreadsheet) indicates PHRH net revenue benefit to SPH to be ca.
$163,000 using the Dean’s own cost numbers, not ($190,000). Then the reason for eliminating
the Program cannot be due to a subsidy. All of this would have been clarified had the Dean met
with the Co-Chairs before the closure date.

 In the June 8, 2016 letter from the Dean notifying Program Director Kirk Allison of the program
closing (not copied to the co-chairs), the planned program closure language is different, namely
content oriented in a non-specified manner. No mention of a deficit or subsidy appears:

 Between the late January discussion with the Program Director and the June 8, 2016 letter
announcing the Program’s termination, PHRH Co-Chair Steve Calvin, MD, presented testimony
to the legislature concerning need for heightened oversight of University of Minnesota fetal
tissue research followed by a March meeting with President Kaler on the same during which the
Program in Human Rights and Health became a topic of conversation.
 The Dean’s justification to Rep. Whelan on August 15, 2016 to close the Program was purely
fiscal (and inaccurate given total PHRH fiscal contributions to SPH from Foundation and Tuition
combined revenue).

 In January 2016 the Dean did mention to the Program Director possibly moving PHRH to a
division in SPH (specifically Health Policy and Management). Co-Chair Bryan Dowd, who is in
HPM, indicated 'wait' as a new head of the Division of Health Policy and Management was
coming in for FY17. Dr. Dowd thought the new division head should be appraised and not arrive
to HPM in the middle of a program transfer into his Division. (Kirk Allison communicated that to
the Dean verbally.)

 What, then, explains the Dean’s inaccuracy in representation and refusal to meet before closing
the Program? What explains the discrepancy of content-reasons vs. fiscal reasons in the
Program closure letter and the letter to Representative Whelan? And why the ongoing refusal
to meet with the (now former) Program Co-Chairs?

Kirk Allison, PhD, MS

Program in Human Rights and Health Director 2006-2016

On 8/19/2016 1:37 PM, Abigail Whelan wrote:

Begin forwarded message:

From: "Dean John Finnegan" <sphdean@umn.edu>

Date: August 16, 2016 at 11:09:12 AM CDT
To: "Abigail Whelan" <Rep.Abigail.Whelan@house.mn>, "" <sphdean@umn.edu>
Cc: "Karen Hanson" <karhan@umn.edu>, "upres Office of the President" <upres@umn.edu>
Subject: Letter from the School of Public Health - Correction

Dear Representative Whelan:

My letter to you yesterday had an incomplete sentence and I am forwarding the corrected
version. The substance of the letter is not changed in any way.

My apologies for the inconvenience.


John Finnegan, Dean

John R. Finnegan Jr., PhD

Dean | School of Public Health | sph.umn.edu
Mayo Mail Code 197, 420 Delaware Street SE, Minneapolis, MN 55455
University of Minnesota | umn.edu
sphdean@umn.edu | 612-625-1179

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