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Heat Enduring Cement Glass Mortar


Non-recyclable waste glass constitutes a problem for solid waste disposal in many
countries around the world. Traditionally, most non-recyclable broken glass is coming
from the bottling industry. If the large amount of waste materials generated were used
instead of natural materials in the construction industry there would be three benefits:
conserving natural resources, disposing of waste materials and freeing up valuable land
for other uses. Glass is a common product that can be found in different forms: bottles,
jars, windows and windshields, bulbs, cathode ray tubes, etc. These products have a
limited lifetime and must be used in order to avoid environmental problems related to
their stockpiling or land filling. The current practice is still to landfill most of the non-
recyclable glass. Since the glass is not biodegradable, landfills do not provide an
environment-friendly solution. On the other hand, in many parts around the world, the
pozzolanic materials begin to be not enough to supply all the demands of the
construction industry. Nowadays, the civil construction industries search the alternatives
for satisfying the increasing needs for the cement and concrete production.
Nowadays, the use of advanced composite material (ACM) like carbon fiber-
epoxy resin system to retrofit or strengthen structural elements is a common practice in
many countries. The application of ACM is expected to grow more with the reduction in
its cost. However, its resistance to fire and elevated temperature is questionable, because
of the known low melting point of the employed resins. Hence providing an external fire
barrier is an essential requirement for adequate performance. Plastering with heat
enduring mortar could provide an efficient protection to ACM and to other applications
as well.
Saad (2002) conducted an investigation to explore the protection efficiency of
different coating systems applied over reinforced concrete slabs strengthened by
externally bonded ACM strips and heated with temperature up to 570°C. High
performance cements mortar (HPM), glass-cement mortar, gypsum mortar, and glass
fiber reinforced HPM were employed for this purpose. Test results revealed that glass-
cement mortar is superior to other coating systems regarding heat protection,
The finely ground glass was reported to have a dual effect on the generated
mortar. Firstly, due to its pozzolanic nature, it combines with some of the calcium
hydroxide liberated during cement hydration to form the cementitious product
"calciumsilicate-hydrate", which lead to strength enhancement. Secondly, improving the
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Heat Enduring Cement Glass Mortar

resistance to elevated temperature due to the formation of wollastonite mineral (Ca Si

03) with robust crystalline structure embedded in the glass matrix offered by glass
softening criteria under high thermal loads.
The present report represents an attempt to utilize ground waste glass (GWG)
and ground granulated blast furnace slag (GGS) to enhance the heat endurance
properties of plastering mortar. The two pozzolanic materials were employed either
individually or combined as a partial replacement of the mixtures sand. The prepared
mortar specimens were thermally loaded with temperatures up to 800°C. Promising
results are obtained which may be attributed to the pozzolanic nature and the superior
thermal stability of the employed GWG and GGS.


1. Aggregate

In this two type of sand is used (1) Standard sand - Standard sand conforming from IS 650:1991
used for control mortar block.(2) Natural Sand - Fine aggregate resulting from the natural
disintegration of rock and which has been deposited by streams or glacial agencies. The
Wainganga sand was used as natural river sand.

Water used for making masonry mortars shall be clean and free from injurious quantities of
deleterious materials. Potable water is considered satisfactory for use in masonry mortar. For
further requirements regarding limits of deleterious materials permitted reference may be made
to IS 456-1978.

Ordinary Portland cement 53 grade (ultratech cement) complying with IS 269, 1976 was used.
The cement was kept in an airtight container and stored in the humidity controlled room to
prevent cement from being exposed to moisture. The grade 53 is known for its rich quality and is
highly durable. Hence it is used for constructing bigger structures like building foundations,
bridges, tall buildings, and structures designed to withstand heavy pressure. With a good
distribution network this cement is available most abundantly in Gujarat. The chemical and
physical properties of this material were shown in Table 2.1.

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Heat Enduring Cement Glass Mortar

Table 1: Properties of cement

Sr. Chemical Ingredients Range Common
No. % Proportion
1 Lime 60-70 63
2 Silica 17-25 22
3 Alumina 3-8 6
4 Iron Oxide 0.5-6 3
5 Magnesium Oxide 0.4-4 2.5
6 Sulphur Trioxide 1-3 1.75
7 Alkalies such as soda 0.2-1 0.25
& potash
8 Loss on ignition 1-2 1.5

4.Waste glass

Fig.:1 Coloured fine glass aggregate Fig.:2 white fine glass aggregate

The broken windows glass is used as waste which is supplied from windows glass market.
The Fine Glass Aggregates and Coarse Glass aggregates are produced by using pulverizer and
separated by sieving in two different particle sizes as follows:
Fine glass aggregate of size: - 600μm – 1.18mm

Coarse glass aggregate of size: - 1.18mm – 4.75mm

In this study two different colour waste glasses are used in two different sizes as follows:
1. White fine glass aggregate (WFG): - 600μm – 1.18mm

2. Colour fine glass aggregate (CFG): - 600μm – 1.18mm

3. White coarse glass aggregate (WFG): - 1.18mm – 4.75mm

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Heat Enduring Cement Glass Mortar

4. Colour coarse glass aggregate (CFG): - 1.18mm – 4.75mm Waste Glass in mortar
product offer several advantages:
1. It is one of the most durable materials known because it has basically zero water

2. The excellent hardness of glass may give the mortar improved abrasion resistance that
can be reached only with few natural stone aggregates.

3. Glass aggregates may enhance the flow properties of fresh mortar so that very high
strengths can be obtained even without the use of admixture (plasticisers,
superplasticisers etc.).

4. The aesthetic potential of colour-sorted, post-consumer glass has barely been explored at
all and offers numerous novel applications for architectural purposes.


• Higher compressive strength.

It has higher compressive strength compared to ordinary mortar.At 7 days age

,their strength is upto 9% higher at 60% aggregate replacement ratio.The
strength at 90 days age is upto 30% higher at all aggregate replacement ratios.
• It acts as a heat barrier.

They can resist high temperature. They act as a heat barrier at elevated
• Alkali-Silica reaction

Alkali –Silica reaction is commonly known as “concrete cancer”. ASR can

cause serious cracking in concrete, resulting in critical structural problems that
can even force the demolition of a particular structure.The alkali-silica reaction
is reduced in cement-glass mortar due to high pozzolanic activity of glasses
added to the mortar.
• Pozzolanic activity

Due to higher pozzolanic activity of the glasses ,the durability of mortar is


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• Placeability: Heat enduring cement glass mortar can be transported and placed


1. Heat enduring cement glass mortar is more durable .
2. The compressive strength is higher than ordinary mortar. .Higher compressive
strength is obtained by mixing mortars with waste glass by emittting either sand or
3. It has great potential for the utilization of waste glass as a partial replacement for
expensive materials such as silica fume, fly ash and cement.So it is more economical.
4. Its does not fail at high temperatures.
5. Its shows good resistance to the penetration of rainwater.

It has various applications in many civil engineering works.Some of the applications are
the discussed below.
• Method of forming pavers containing waste glass particles

A method for forming pavers includes mixing cement, water and sand to form a
cement composition, and mixing waste glass particles with the cement composition to
form a cement-glass particle composition. Thereafter the cement glass particle
composition is poured into a mould and the composition is allowed to harden to form a
molded cement glass particle block. Next the cement glass particle block is removed
from the mould and sliced by cutting the cement glass particle block into a series of
sections or component parts where each section or component part forms a paver.
Thereafter at least one surface of the paver is ground to form a smooth surface that
exposes the waste glass particles.

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Fig.: 3 Making concrete with glass

• Recycled glass as counter-tops

Mixed with a resin base, concrete, or cement, recycled glass countertops

come in a variety of colors, are durable and non-toxic. They are available in
amazingly beautiful colors, textures and designs and can also be stained to
coordinate with the desired kitchen design. The glass used in these countertops is
diverted from being sent to landfills. Glass is one of the most sanitary materials, and
can be easily wiped clean with all-purpose cleaner or soapy water. However, these
counter tops can be pricey ranging from Rs.2500 to Rs.4500 per sq. ft.

Fig.:4 Recycled blue glass Produces beautiful countertops

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Heat Enduring Cement Glass Mortar

• Transparent cement-glass block:

Glass fibers can be added to the mix, for fortification and translucency. That’s
just one of the innovations in the cement-mortar marriage. Another one is Ductal
concrete, designed to be 6 to 8 times more resistant to abrasion, pollution and scratching
than its conventional form.

Fig.:5 Transparent cement-glass block

• Utility construction: Varying levels of glass mixed with mortar is proposed for
general applications such as underground facilities and trenches.
• Architectural applications including glass bricks and paving blocks.

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Fig.:6 Architectural benefits of using glass-cement mortar


• Saving on landfill cost for recovered glasses in mortar:

Usual practice of land filling of waste glasses can be eliminated. This enhances
cost and time.
• Saving on freight cost :

The cost of transportation of glasses is less compared to that of sand. Therefore

the entire cost is reduced.
• Environmental benefits of replacing natural aggregate resources with recycled
material :
It avoids the hazardous effect of glass on environment and also reduces use of
natural resources which can be saved for the future.
• Benefits to recyclers in rural communities:

Provides scope for establishment of secondary markets which indeed creates job
for grinding and other industries.

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Heat Enduring Cement Glass Mortar


The case study is based on the investigations of H.E.I_Din H. Seleeem, A.A.F. Shaheen
and I.M.Metwally( Heat Enduring Cement-Glass Mortar; 20 August 2008)..
The aim of this study was to evaluate the “recyclability” of domestic ground waste
glass, as a replacement for aggregates in mortar and concrete.The results obtained is
satisfactory.The cement glass mortar has higher compressive strength compared to
ordinary mortar.The behavior of the mortar specimens under different thermal loads or
heat exposure temperatures is investigated.


7.1.1. Materials
All mixtures were prepared employing natural siliceous sand has a fineness
modulus of 2.6, and an ordinary Portland cement (CEM I: 42.5 N) , complying with the
Egyptian Standard specifications (ES 1109.2002), and (ES 4756-1. 2006) respectively.
The waste glass is obtained from fluorescent lamps industry. It was finely
ground to a powder form with grain size ranging from 200 micron m to 75 micron m.
The granulated blast furnace slag was delivered from steel factory in the form of water
quenched fine grains. The slag was then finely ground in a laboratory ball mill, the
fraction passing 100micron m sieve is used through this work. Table 6.1. shows the
chemical composition of the employed mineral admixtures.

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Heat Enduring Cement Glass Mortar

Table :2 Chemical composition of the employed cement and mineral admixtures

Oxide Fluorescent Blast furnace Cement(%)

glass(%) slag(%)
SiO2 74 23.47 20.95
Al2O3 2.3 9.05 5.18
Fe2O3 0.1 3.82 3.57
CaO 6.2 52.79 62.4
MgO 3.11 5.39 1.14
Na2O 12.82 0.52 0.65
SO3 0.01 1.78 1.92
L.O.I 1.03 1.41 2.57

It is worth to mention that using the GWG in a powder form is an efficient way
to overcome the vulnerability of alkali-silica reaction since glass is not stable in the
alkaline media offered by the hydrated cement. With increasing the fineness of GWG,
its efficiency would be improved due to increasing its pozzolanic activity. This would
also help to refine the pore structure at elevated temperatures, as the remaining part after
the pozzolanic reaction would go soft and act as a binder for the dehydrated cement
paste constituents.

7.1.2.Features of Mixes

The adopted design of the mortar mixtures is based on the following considerations:

• All the mixtures are normally designed and no attempt was made to produce
high strength mortar. The reason is to produce a moderate void ratio which
facilitates the escape of built up pore pressure during exposure to elevated
• The cement content was kept constant in all mixtures, and the ground glass
and/or the ground slag were employed as a partial replacement of sand. In this
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way a satisfactory level of strength would be acquired. Also the richness of the
mortar mixture would facilitate plastering, which is the proposed method of
applying the external heat barrier.
• The choice of ground glass was based on its contribution to heat endurance of
the cementicious mixtures. The ground slag selection was based on the expected
stability at elevated temperatures, and to utilize its pozzolanic nature for pore
refinement and strength enhancement.
Table:3 Experimental plan-Mixes proportions and types of mineral admixtures and
replacement ratio

Mix Proportions of mortar mixtures Replacement of sand, %

Cement Sand Water GWG GGS
Mc 1 2.75 .485 - -
M1 1 2.75 .485 20 -
M2 1 2.75 .485 40 -
M3 1 2.75 .485 60 -
M4 1 2.75 .485 80 -
M5 1 2.75 .485 100 -
M6 1 2.75 .485 - 20
M7 1 2.75 .485 20 20
M8 1 2.75 .485 40 20
M9 1 2.75 .485 60 20
M10 1 2.75 .485 80 20

Proportions of all mixtures are outlined in Table 6.2. The proportions of all the
mixtures are identical; the water - cement ratio and the sand - cement ratio were
maintained constant at 0.485 and 2.75, respectively. The GWG was employed as a
replacement of sand by five ratios: 20%, 40%, 60%, 80%, and 100%. The GGS was
used as a replacement of 20% of the sand weight in one mix. Ternary blends of cement,
GGS, and GWG were also investigated. The slag (GGS) and the glass (GWG) were
used as a sand replacement, the first one at a constant ratio of 20%, while the second one
with four ratios of 20%, 40%, 60%, and 80%.

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In this work, it was tried to produce cement mortar mixture with sufficient ability to
withstand elevated temperature (heat enduring). These mixtures can be beneficially
utilized in protecting ACM as mentioned before. For this purpose, the following tests
were conducted:
• Compressive strength at three different ages; namely 7, 28, 90 days. The
compressive strength at each age is the average of testing three companion
cubes with 50mm side length.
• The retained strength after elevated temperature exposure. This test is the prime
test in this investigation. It measures the strength retrogression normally
associated with thermal loads, or in other words the retained strength that are
hoped to be large enough to appreciate the investigated mortar mixtures.

The testing procedure sequenced as follows:

For each of the mortar mixture outlined in Table 4.2., six sets of three cubes
with 50mm side length were cast. The molds were covered with a plastic sheet and
left in the lab environment for 24hours. The cubes were then removed from the
molds and stored in water until testing. Three sets were dedicated for compressive
evaluation at ages of 7, 28, 90 days. The other three sets to evaluate the retained
strength after exposure to elevated temperatures. Three temperatures were adopted,
namely 2000C, 6000C, and 8000C. After water curing for 28 days, the specimens
were prepared by drying them in oven at 1000C. The specimens were then exposed
to the elevated temperatures with 1000C interval. After 3 hours of exposure to the
elevated temperature, the electrical furnace was turned off and specimens were
allowed to cool down for about 2 hours at the furnace environment. The specimens
were then brought out of the furnace and left in the lab environment to cool down.
The specimens were then tested in compression and their results were compared
with the corresponding strengths after 28 days of water curing.
• Mineralogical study:

The X-ray Diffraction Technique (XRD) is adopted to identify the different

cementitious phases formed after curing for 28 days, i.e. before exposure to

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elevated temperature, due to introducing the mineral admixtures as a partial or full

replacement of the mix sand. Also, the changes in the cementitious phases after
exposure to 8000C temperature (chemical transformations) are thoroughly
investigated. The control mixture and three other ones, namely M3, M5, and M9
were selected for testing. After performing the compressive strength test, the
crushed mortar cubes of each of the selected mixes were finely ground and
thoroughly mixed. Then a representative sample corresponding to the selected
mixtures was taken and ground to a very fine powder that passes (75micron m)
sieve and was tested immediately after that.


7.4.1 Compressive Strength
Here, the effect of replacing the sand with the mineral admixtures GWG, and
GGS having different pozzolanic activities is investigated for different replacement
ratios. Figures 6.3, 6.4, and 6.5 show respectively the 7 day, 28 day, and 90 day
compressive strength for the control mixture and the first group of mixtures
incorporating GWG and the second group with both GWG and GGS, from which
the following observations are drawn:
• The GGS has a relatively higher pozzolanic activity than the GWG at least at
early ages, as could be realized from comparing the strengths of the
corresponding mixtures of the two groups.
• The compressive strengths of the mixtures containing GWG show a limited
enhancement in strength at 7 days age. Their strengths were up to 9% higher
than that of the control mixture at 60% replacement ratio, beyond which their
strengths suffered reduction. At 28 days age, their strengths followed more or
less the same trend as at 7 days, but at 90 days age the enhancements in strength
were recognized at all replacement ratios with a maximum increase of 33% over
the control mixture strength.

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Fig.:7(a) 7-day compressive strength of the investigated mortar mixtures

• The mixtures containing GGS in addition to the GWG showed an increase in

their compressive strength over that of the control mixture till replacement ratios
of 60%, 80%, and 100% at 7 days, 28 days, and 90 days age. The maximum
recorded increases were 18%, 35%, and 40% at these testing ages corresponding
to the mixture M6 with 20% GGS. The other replacement ratios, i.e. with 20%
GGS and different ratios of GWG exhibited satisfactory strength enhancement
although less than the mixture M6.

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Fig.: 7.4(b)28-day compressive strength of investigated mortar mixtures

Fig .:7(c) 90-day compressive strength of investigated mortar mixtures

It may be concluded that whenever the compressive strength is a concern, the

GWG owing to its pozzolanic nature can be favorably employed as a replacement of
sand either partially or fully, thus justifying the desired strength enhancement and at the
same time recycling the waste glass which is an environmental issue. The fineness of the
ground glass apparently is an important parameter influencing the pozzolanic activity or
the rate of strength gain. Further enhancement of the mixture could be achieved by
adding another type of pozzolana like GGS as could be seen from test results.

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7.4.2 Retained Compressive Strength after Thermal Loading

The behaviour of the mortar specimens under different thermal loads or heat exposure
temperatures is investigated; the results are presented in Figures 6.6, 6.7, and 6.8 for
temperatures of 2000C, 6000C, and 8000C respectively. The test results are presented in
two different forms in each of these figures; either as the retained compressive strength
values after heat exposure, or the ratio of these strengths to the 28 day ones (before heat
Figure 6.6 shows that heating to 2000C causes an increase in compressive
strength values of all mixtures including the control one over the corresponding 28 day
strengths. That is partly attributed to the evaporation of free water which leads to
friction increase between failure planes, or possibly this level of heat catalyze hydration
of the non-reacted cementitious products. Anyhow, the ratio of strength increase is more
pronounced for the waste glass (WG) group of mixtures although the strength values of
the other group of mixtures incorporating 20% slag is still the highest. It was noted for
the mixture M6 containing 20% slag without WG that, although its 28day strength (45.7
N/mm2) is the highest, the recorded strength after heating to 2000C is marginally
increased to 47.7 N/mm2.
Heating the mortar specimens to higher temperatures is normally associated with
multiple chemical and physical transformations which would affect the stability of the
internal structure and consequently the strength. The most recognized causes of these
transformations include; dehydration (decomposition) of the cementitious compounds,
different expansion values of the constituents (thermal mismatch), and internal pore
pressure. The last effect is thought to be alleviated through this investigation due to
adopting a relatively high water/cement ratio which would generate more connected
pores. This remark is confirmed by the test results as no spalling or disintegration was
noticed in any of the tested samples upon heating. Therefore, the observed variations in
the mortar mixtures compressive strength are attributed to the other two causes of

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Figure.: 8(a) Retained strength after 2000C heat exposure

At 600oC, the possible chemical transformations include; decomposition of the

cementing compound CSH with its different phases, dehydration of calcium-hydroxide
(CH) into free lime, alpha-beta quartz transformation. These changes would affect the
volume occupied by these cementitious products and when combined with the weakened
cohesion between the mixture constituents due to the different expansions experienced
by each of them that might develop micro-cracks or hairs inside the mortar mass and
consequently degradation of the compressive strength would result.
Figure 6.7 shows that the retained strength of the control mixture is drastically reduced
to 47.6% of the 28 day compressive strength after heating to 6000C. On the other hand,
the mixtures containing WG were able to retain a considerable part of their strengths
ranged from 65% to 79%. Moreover, the retained strengths are in direct proportion to
the WG content. Adding 20% slag in beside the WG, the second group of mixtures,
efficiently enhanced the retained strength values till 80% total replacement ratio. The
retained strengths ranged from 62% to 95%. Apparently the molten glass is efficient in
healing the heat-developed micro-cracks and flows. Also, the GWG is able via its
pozzolanic nature to combine with some of the free CH to form the cementing
compound CSH, and thus reducing the amount of CH as a main source of instability
upon heating. The pozzolanic activity which reduces the CH partly explains the superior

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resistance of the mixtures incorporating ground slag to degradation at elevated


Figure.:8(b) Retained strength after 6000C heat exposure

Fig.:8(c) Retained strength after 8000C heat exposure

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Further heating the mortar specimens to 8000C would result in a more chemical and
physical transformations; for instance, decomposition of different forms of calcium
carbonate, re-crystallization of new compounds, and also more relative expansions
between the mortar constituents. The impact of these transformations on the mixtures
compressive strength is shown in Figure 6.8, As shown in the figure, different levels of
retained strength are generated. The control mixture retained about 20% of its 28 day
strength, while that of the WG group of mixtures ranged from 21% to 45%, and that of
the second group of mixtures containing slag ranged from 26% to 60%.
These results show that it is possible to increase the retained strength more than
twice of that of the control mixture by merely replacing the mixture sand with waste
glass. Further enhancement is achieved when 20% ground slag is introduced within the
mixture constituents, as the retained strength is about 3 times that of the control mixture.
The interpretation mentioned before about the role of WG and slag in alleviating the
strength retrogression upon heating are valid here. Also, the new formed re-
crystallization products, particularly the mineral compound Wollastonite [Ca Si O3
(beta-)] share in preventing a catastrophic drop in strength.

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The aim of this study was to evaluate the “recyclability” of domestic ground waste
glass, as a cement replacement for mortar and concrete. The production of a plastering
cement mortar that is able to withstand elevated temperature while maintaining an
accepted level of strength is a concern, especially when used as a heat barrier to ACM.
Proceeding to this target was done through replacing the mortar mixtures sand with
GWG in one group of mixtures. In the second group, replacement has been done by
20% GS and GWG. Test results reveal that:
• By replacing the mixing sand with GWG, the retained strengths at temperatures
of 2000C, 6000C, and 8000C were respectively up to 132%, 79%, and 45% of the
28 day compressive strength of the control mixture.
• The mixtures containing 20% GS in addition to GWG were superior to the
corresponding mixtures containing only GWG in all aspects. Their compressive
strengths at all ages were the highest as well as their retained compressive
strengths after heating. The recorded values of retained strength were up to
134%, 95%, and 60% of the 28day strength at 2000C, 6000C, and 8000C,
• Also the results present in this report show that there is a great potential for the
utilization of waste glass in mortar and concrete as a partial replacement for
expensive materials such as silica fume, fly ash and cement.

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1. Mrs.Bhandari P.S,Mrs.Dhale S.A,Mr.Ghutke V.sMrs.Patham V.G “Influence of fine glass
aggregate on cement motar “ International journal of Engineering and computer science,
2. Nurhayat Degirmenci, Arin Yilmaz & Ozge Andic Cakir“Utilization of waste glass as sand
replacement in cement motar “Indian journal of Engineering & Materials Science,
3. Bhandarip.s,Tajine K.M “Use of waste glass in cement mortar”International Journal of Civil
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