Newsletter 2 August 2019 PDF

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Advice. Ideas.


Anita’s Garden
Volume 2, Issue 2 2 August 2019

Useful Links Editorial

Welcome to the second issue of my I’d like to take on board feedback re-
Blog ceived from customers and improve on
newsletter Anita’s Garden for 2019.
the way things were done in 2017.
Newsletter back issues
In last week’s column, I mentioned
To begin, I have some exciting news. that prices will be higher than in 2017
Instagram As of last Friday, Anita’s Garden will to take into account inflation, as the
feature in the Websites and Blogs sec- cost of seed raising materials has in-
Twitter tion of the New Zealand Gardener’s creased since then. I also asked that
weekly e-zine Get Growing, which you please bring your own boxes and
Linkedin many of you will be familiar with. As recyclable bags when visiting the
Pinterest you will be aware, advertising can be nursery, as I am unable to provide box-
expensive, especially for a not-for- es for everyone and we are trying to
profit community-based enterprise move away from using plastic bags.
such as mine. Thank you to the lovely
Contact me team at Get Growing who have made I’d like to touch on two further matters
this possible. A big thank you also to this week, opening hours and pay-
 Feedback my friend Leah Bowsher, who togeth- ments. What will remain the same is
er with her husband Harry runs the that Anita’s Garden will not be a drop-
 Newsletter input in nursery. Visits are by prior ap-
Tauranga Bay Holiday Park, where
(tips, recipes, gar- pointment only. This is because I
our bach is located. Leah has kindly
den photos etc) manage everything —admin, market-
allowed me to place business cards
and brochures in the camp shop. ing, blogging, writing my newsletter,
 To be added to my
caring for our garden and my plant
mailing list
New readers nursery—by myself. I am simply una- ble to be on call during set opening
There have been many people who hours. I will also continue to close the
joined the newsletter mailing list in nursery one day a week so I can have a
the past week. Welcome to our group! day off. Spring is a very busy time for
For those of you who have stumbled gardeners but I need some time to re-
Inside this issue: upon the newsletter by chance and charge my batteries. In 2017, I took
enjoyed reading it, please email me at Tuesdays off and I will advise if this and put will continue to be the case this year in
“subscribe” in the subject field so you due course. Previously, Anita’s Gar-
P ot te r ing aro u nd 2
Anita’s Garden receive future issues direct to your den operated on a cash-only basis,
inbox. with the exception of mail orders,
Plant nursery where payment was made via bank
Top 5 gardening tasks 2 transfer. A number of customers in
for the week The plant nursery will re-open in the nursery requested that I provide
spring. I know that many of you will Eftpos facilities to facilitate payments.
be anxious to get your gardens under- I am looking into this and will see
Tips for growing fruit 2 way but I haven’t started propagating what I can do. In the meantime, if any
plants yet as it is still too cold. Unfor- of you can recommend the best mer-
tunately, there is nothing to be gained chant, I would be very grateful.
How to grow plants in 3
from starting this early and plants
will end up dying from cool tempera- Thank you for your continued support.
tures. In the meantime, I have been Anita Kundu
spending some time reflecting on how
I will run the plant nursery this year.
PAGE 2 A NI T A ’ S G A R D E N V O LU M E 2 , I S S U E 2

Pottering around Anita’s Garden: Orchard

Apple tree
Mark Christensen from the Herit-
Two years ago, someone gave me
age Food Crops Research Trust After a small harvest last year
some pineapple plants. Her father
kindly gave me a dwarf Monty’s because I pruned the tree in late
used to grow them as a hobby but
Surprise “Remarkable” tree summer, our Meyer Lemon tree
was giving away his collection be-
has produced the heaviest crop
Mandarins cause he was moving to a retire-
ever. We have been having an
ment village. I planted the four
abundance of large, juicy yellow
Our Flying Dragon dwarf manda- plants in separate pots. The big-
lemons like never before. This is
rin tree has been cropping heavily. gest one fruited in the first year,
no doubt due to the Kolush Manu-
producing a small fruit but two of
Banana tree ka and Seaweed
the plants died. The biggest one
Mulch I spread
Our Misi Luki tree has fruit on it! keep growing and eventually be-
around the tree,
came two plants, to my surprise. I
which Palmers
don’t really know a lot about grow-
kindly gave me
ing pineapples or the bromeliad
back in 2017. I
family, which they are a part of. It
highly recommend
made sense to divide the two
this product. It
plants, which I did with a wwoofer
currently retails at
who was staying with us recently.
Palmers Garden
I hope I did the right thing. The
Centres for
plants appear alive, a good sign.

Top 5 gardening tasks for the week

1. Plant deciduous fruit gust when they have fewer leaves now to secure rare
trees varieties, such as the
3. Spray roses and fruit dahlia Café au Lait,
Winter is the best time to plant trees with lime sulphur which was kindly
peaches, nectarines, pears and given to me by Bulbs
plums, when they are dormant Acting now will help prevent a
number of fungal diseases in sum- Direct last year.
2. Prune roses mer, including black spot and 5. Feed asparagus
brown rot.
It’s best to prune your roses in Nourish your asparagus crowns by
winter, while they’re dormant. In 4. Order dahlia and gladioli sprinkling a little bulb food over
Auckland, our roses are never com- the soil. By spring, you should be
pletely bare, but I do this in Au- Order new season summer bulbs
harvesting strong, healthy spears.

Tips for growing fruit trees

Whether you live on a farm, life-
on growing plants in pots)  Prune fruit trees in winter.
style block, urban section like ours Dwarf trees don’t need to be
 Give them full sun pruned
or even in an apartment with a
balcony, it’s possible to have fruit  Some require a pollinator  Spray fruit trees with Liq-
trees at home. Here are some tips
uid Copper (organic) in
to help you set up your own mini-  Feed trees every three to six
spring to prevent fungal
orchard. months. Use slow release
diseases such as brown rot.
fertiliser for potted plants
 Go for dwarf varieties that Better yet, start your spray-
and bagged granular ferti-
can easily be grown in con- ing regime in winter with
liser for trees planted in the
tainers (see page 3 for tips lime sulphur (see above).
V O LU M E 2 , I S S U E 2 A NI T A ’ S G A R D E N PAGE 3

How to grow plants in containers

These days, sections have become Herbs suitable for containers Tips
smaller, leaving us with less space
for a garden. Even if you are lucky  Parsley  Choose the right sized con-
enough to live on a decent sized tainer for your plant. Don’t
 Oregano put a small plant in a large
section, you don’t necessarily need
to dig up your lawn like us. It’s  Sage container, thinking that it
possible to grow most plants in will “grow into it”. It’s bet-
containers, including veggies, flow-  Rosemary ter to re-pot once the plant
ers, herbs and fruit trees. It’s also outgrows its container
a lot easier to care for them.  Coriander
 Make sure that your con-
What can be used as a contain-  Chives tainer has holes at the bot-
er? tom for drainage.
 Mint
 Plastic buckets  Use a quality potting mix,
 Catnip not garden soil. I use con-
 Plastic pots tainer mix for fruit trees as
 Catmint
it contains water storage
 Troughs crystals which help conserve
Flowers for hanging baskets
moisture in summer. For
 Terracotta pots
 Petunias veggies, it’s fine to use a
 Outdoor cups and saucers cheaper mixture as they’ll
 Pansies only be in the container for
 Wine barrels a season
 Polyanthus
 Hanging baskets  Don’t forget to water plants
 Begonias
well as temperatures in-
Veggies suitable for containers crease
 Marigolds
 Lettuce  You can
Fruit trees suita-
ble for containers add a wetting
 Carrots
“It’s possible to grow agent such as
 Radish  Dwarf apples most plants in Saturaid or water
containers, including storage crystals
 Tomatoes  Dwarf bana- veggies, flowers, herbs to potted plants
nas in summertime to
and fruit trees”
 Eggplants help retain mois-
 Figs
 Capsicum
 Dwarf stone fruit (peaches,
 Liquid feed plants weekly. I
 Chillies nectarines, apricots etc)
like using an organic sea-
 Cucumbers  Dwarf citrus (oranges, man- weed tonic such as Seasol
darins and lemons)
 Okra  Use a slow release fertiliser
 Pears (I recommend the to feed potted plants, not
Veggies that perform better in dwarf variety “Garden granular fertiliser which is
the ground Belle” from Waimea for plants in the ground

 Potatoes  Blueberries (stick to Rabbit-  Stake fruit trees grown in

eye varieties in warmer cli- containers as they may re-
 Kumara (sweet potato) quire some support
mates as they don’t require
 Zucchini a high number of chilling
 Keep on top of weeds. They
grow in containers too!
 Pumpkins
 Pineapples
 Pick fruit regularly as it
 Melons develops to encourage fur-
 Guavas
 Brassicas ther fruiting
 Rhubarb
 Beans

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