(Send The Screenshot) : When 2 Minutes Is Up, Interrupt The Student by Saying Thank You', Then Proceed To Part 3

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IELTS Speaking test script Feedback

Welcome to the speaking section of the IELTS speaking exam. My name

is __________. and I'll be your examiner. The test is going to take about
11-14 minutes. There will be three parts. I will give you instructions for
each part. I'm going to record this for marking purposes, is that okay?
I'll be asking you few questions.
Can we start with your full name please? (student answers)
Where are you from?

Part 1: Interview and Introduction Grammar:

 Started nicely and confidently
-4-5 minutes
 more faster  much faster
So let's begin with part one.  Taipei have a lot of very delicate food.  Taipei has a
I'm going to ask you some general questions on a topic. Are you ready lot of very delicate food.
to begin?  It makes my feelings better.  It makes me feel
Let’s talk about ______________________. better.


 too many fillers like uh, uhm, ah.
 The test taker was stammering in the middle to the
last part of the first part.

 He wasn’t able to comprehend the question “When do
you get together with your family?”

Part 2: Individual Long Turn

That's the end of part 1. Now, we're going to start for part two. I'm Grammar: knowledges  He corrected himself by saying
going to give you a card with a specific topic and you will have one “knowledge, sorry”
minute to prepare your answer and you may take notes if you wish. I'll
tell you when your one minute preparation is up and then you can Pronunciation: da-di  That the
speak for 1-2 minutes.
Coherence/Fluency: fillers like uh, uhm, ah.
Here’s the card. (Send the screenshot) Your one minute begins now.

The speaker was a bit nervous.

Okay, so your one minute preparation is up. Your ninety seconds to
speak begins now. Still stammering but lesser.

Too much usage of the phrase “For the time being”

When 2 minutes is up, interrupt the student by saying ‘Thank you’ ,
then proceed to part 3.
Part 3 : Discussion

- 4-5minutes Grammar: criterias  criteria (uncountable) but is formally

considered plural (criterion is singular but it is not commonly
Now , let's have part 3. I'll be asking questions related to part 2. Are
you ready? Pronunciation: contraction: “that is not”  “that isn’t”
Coherence/Fluency: fillers, stutters a lot, a bit hesitant
Thank you. Others:
That’s the end of the speaking test.
The speaker said co-sex schools  the correct term is co-ed

Criteria Score, Explanation, Suggestions

Fluency and Coherence 5 – The taker was stammering a lot. He also used a lot of fillers and was some kind of hesitant.

Suggestion: He should gather his thoughts first and have a few seconds to think before answering. He
could also slowdown a bit, I think he tries to talk very fast which is another factor for his stammering.

Lexical Resource 6—He has a good range of vocabulary however, the repetition of the phrase “for the time being” was

Suggestion: Could use these phrases instead: for now, for the moment, for the present, in the interim, and
in/for the meantime

Grammatical Range & 6— Although he has some grammatical slips, they don’t really change the point/context of his answers.
Accuracy It’s also a good thing that he is somewhat aware of his mistakes and did his best to make corrections.

Suggestion: Being aware of the grammar is good but if you are too conscious, you might focus more on
correcting yourself than answering the question itself.

Pronunciation 7—He has a nice pronunciation. He could be understood throughout the test although the clarity is
reduced because of stammering or repetition of words.

Suggestion: Calm down and breathe deeply before answering.


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