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1002. GaSI shows minimum value during Breeding season

1003. Main function of barbels in catfish For sea rching food (sensory)
1004. Longest gill rakers Gill rakers in first arch
1005. Smallest gill rakers Gill rakes on fifth arch
1006. Air bladder is present between Intestine & right lobe of liver
1007. Liver in fishes has 2 lobes
1008. Fry of major carp feed on Zooplankton
1009. Villi in alimentary canal of fry Simple & unbranched
1010. Villi in alimentary canal of adult Long, branched & complex
1011. Taste buds is absent in mucosa of Fry
1012. Teeth like gill rakers are present in Carnivorous predator fish
1013. Teeth are present in tongue also in Nolopterus chitala & N. rotopterus
1014. Main function of pharyngeal teeth in carni vorous fishes Regurgitation
1015. Teeth are completely absent from jaw Herbivorous
1016. Well develop pharyngeal teeth is present in Herbivorous
1017. Main function of pharyngeal teeth in herbivorous Crushing the prey
1018. Edentulous bucco-pharynx, present in Plankton feeder
1019. Primary function of gill raker in fish Protect gill filament
1020. Gill raker is long, hard & teeth like in Carnivorous fishes
1021. Gill raker is reduced to small protu branches in Trichierus
1022. There is no gill rakers in Muraenesok
1023. Broad-sieve like gill raker present in Herbivorous (Rohu, catla)
1024. Second function of gill raker is Filtering food and prevent escape
1025. Filtering efficiency of gill raker is lowest in Carnivorous fishes
1026. Oesophagus is short & narrow in Herbivorous & Omniuovaus
1027. Oesophagus is long & large & disintensible Carnivorous
1028. Stomach is thick & sac – like in Carnivorous
1029. Stomach is thick & zig-zag like in Hilsa ilisha, Mugil, Gadusia
Chapra (for trituration of food)
1030. Distinct muscularis mucosa is present in stomach of only Harpodon nehereus
1031. Special feture of cyprinids No true stomach
1032. Stomach is also absent in Holocephali & Dipnoi
1033. Intestine is short and straight Carnivorous
1034. Intestine is long and coiled in Herbivorous
1035. Intestinal caeca/pyloric caeca develop from Pylorus of anterior intestine
1036. Function of intestinal caeca is Accessory food reservior
1034. Intestinal caeca is absent in Stomach less fish
1035. Liver in fish is Bilobe
1036. 1 gm of carbohydrates gives 1.6 kcal of energy to fish
1037. Amount of energy available in 1gm of protein 3.0 Kcal
1038. Amount of energy available in 1gm of lipid 8 Kcal
1039. Richest source of energy Lipids
1040. Pepsin (proteolytic enzyme) is present in Gastric juice
1041. Pepsin (proteolytic enzyme0 is secreted by Granularcell of gastric gland
1042. Average pH of teleost stomach is 5.6
1043. Pepsin & Hcl is absent in Stomach less fishes
1044. pH of intestinal content is 6.12 – 7.2
1045. pH of bile juice is 5.5 – 6.8 (slightly acidic)
1046. Major sources of enzyme – Trypsin, lipase,
Maltose, Amylase is Heoatopancreas
1047. Concentration of carbohydrates is highest in Cyprinus (herbivorous)
1048. Concentration of carbohydrates is lowest in Gobio (Carnivorous)
1049. Circulatory system in fish is Closed system
1050. Volume of blood in fishes varies from 1.5 – 3% of body weight
1051. Erythrocytes size in fishes varies from 7 – 36 micron in dcameter
1052. Nos. of erythrocytes in fishes 20000 – 3000000 /m m3 of blood
1053. Sedentary fishes have smaller nos. of erythrocyte than Active fishes
1054. Nos. of white corpuscles varies from 20000 – 150000/mm3


1055. Monocytes produces Antibodies

1056. Thrombocytes helps in Blood clotting
1057. Seat for manufacture of monocyte, thrombocyte (in teleost fish) Spleen
& lymphocytes is
1058. In chondrichthyes, white blood cell are manufacture in Organ of leydig
1059. Respirotory pigment in fishes is Haemoglobin
1060. Fish which doesn’t have haemoglobin is Antartic ice fish
1061. Fish haemoglobin is two types Monomeric & Tetrameric
1062. Monomeric haemoglobin is found in Agnatha (Lamprey and hagfish)
1063. Monomeric haemoglobin is Single polypeptide molecule with
17000 dalton molecular weight
1064. Tetrameric haemoglobin is found in Most higher fishes
1065. Tetrameric haemoglobin is 4 amino acid chain with 65000
dalton molecular weight
1066. Fishes which have 4 kinds of haemoglobin Rainbow trout
1067. Fishes which have 3 kinds of haemoglobin Gold fish
1068. Complete cartilaginous gill ray present in Rita rita
1069. Main seat of gaseous exchange Secondary gill lamella
1070. Most common branch glands are Mucous gland & chloride cell
1071. Function of chloride cells Secrete acid & neutral glycoprotein
1072. More gill area, & large nos. of gill lamella/mm of gill filament Fast swimming fishes
1073. Gill area in air breathing fishes Half of area in fishes with aquatic
1073. Total gill area is directly proportional to Efficiency of gill sieve
1074.While filtering water, gills utilize 50 – 80% of oxygen in water
1075. Flow of blood & oxygen in fish gill Smaller than sedentary sp.
1076. Gill cavities of fast swimming fish Smaller than sedentary sp
1077. Tail is used as breathing organ Periopthalmus
1078. External gills is present in Polypterus larvae
1079. Additional respiratory organ (Accessory respiratory organ) is Chiloscylium indicum, C. griseum
found in (marine)
1080. Nos. of fishes having accessory respiratory organ >140
1081. Skin is used as respiratory organ in Anguilla anguilla
1082. Gill are reduce & gill lamellae are present only in second gill Cuchia cel (Amphipnous cuchia)
are of fish
1083. Air breathing fishes have Labyrinthine orogan ‘or’ rosette
1084. Intestinal respiration is found in Loaches (Migunus fossilis)
1085. Fishes which use air bladder as respiratory Polypterus, Amia, Lepidostens
Gymnarchus, Notopterus
1086. Swim bladder is absent/reduce in Clavius & Heteropneustes
1087. Chief function of accessory respiratory
Organ Absorption of oxygen
1088. A duct by which gas bladder opens to oesophagus Pneumatic duct
1089. Fishes where, desorbent & sersory part of bladder are Are called Euphysoclist
1090. Fishes where, desorbent & sensory part of bladder are Are called Paraphysoclist
1091. Most primitive gas bladder is found in Polypterus
1092. Oral shape gas bladder is found in Acipenser
1093. Unpaired gas balder is found in Lepidosteus
1094. Gas bladder is absent in Bottom living fishes
1095. Part of Gas bladder function as Eg. Flat fish
(i) auditory Anterior part
(ii) Wydrostatic Posterior part
1096. Gas bladder is connected with
1097. Sacculus of ear which connect air-bladder is also called as Weberian ossicle
1098. Weberian ossicle is first describe by Weber (1820)
1099. Volume of gas bladder in marine 5% of total volume


1100. Volume of gas bladder in Teleost 7 – 10% of total volume

1101. Bladder of fishes living is deep bottom is
Filled with Oxygen (75%)
1102. Main function of bladder Hydrostatic
1103. Function of Webrian ossicle (1) Pressure register
(2) Barometer
(3) Auditory
(4) Localization of sound
1104. PuFA which reduce cholesterol & coronary disease Eicospentanoic acid
1105. Range of salinity for aquaculture <0.5%
1106. Range of salinity for b/w aquaculture 0.5 – 30%
1107. Range of salinity for Mariculture 30 – 35%
1108. Range of salinity for Metahaline >35%
1109. Sps cultured mostly in pen are Chanos chanos, Lates calcarifer, Mugil
1110. Pole culture is mainly for Mussel
1111. Rack culture is mainly for Oyster
1112. Raff & rope is mainly for Mussel
1113. Salinity of super saline salt pan >200%
1114. Sps. Mainly culture in supersaline area Artemia salina (brine shrimp)
1115. Faster growing sps among IMC is Catla
1116. Maximum size of catla is 1m (45 kg)
1117. Tastiest sps among IMC is Rohu
1118. Maximum size of Rohu is 1 m.
1119. Maximum size of Mrigal is 0.9 m
1120. Silver carp fed on phytoplankton of size <0.025 mm
1121. Maximum size of silver carp 60 cm
1122. Artificial breeding of silver carp success in 1962
1123. Maximum size of Grass carp 1.5 m (30 kg)
1124. Common carp, silver carp, grass carp are
Collectively called as Sanitary fish
1125. Maximum size of Black rohu 1m
1126. Maximum size of cauvery carp ( L. fimbriatus) fringe 90 cm
lipped carp
1127. Cauvery carp is distributed mainly in South Indian river
1128. Pigmouth carp (L. kostius) gross mainly in S. Indian river (esp. cauvery)
1129. Max. size of pigmouth carp is 60 cm
1130. Max. size of Bata is 60 cm
1131. Bata is mainly grows in N. Indian river upto Godavari
1132. Max. size of white carp (cirrhinus cirrhosa) 45 cm
1133. Maximum size of sarana (Puntius sarana) 30 cm
1134. Sarana is mainly found in East Indian river
1135. Largest catfish is Wallago attu (2m – max.)
1136. Most imp function of kidney (1) Excretion of nitrogenous was to
(2) Maintaining salt & water balance (Homeostasis)
1137. Tubules of kidney is called Nephron
1138. Tubules of anterior region, which function in Pronephros
early life is called
1139. Tubules of posterior region, which function in Mosonephros
later life is called
1140. Trunk region of tubule Archinephros
1141. Archinephros opens in a Archinephros duct
1142. Posterior tubules behind pronephros Opisthonephros
1143. Types of kidney is given by Ogawa (1961)
1144. Different types of kidney
(a) 2 kidney completely fused Clupeidae
(b) Middle and posterior part is fused Plotosidae (Marine catfish)


(c) Only posterior part fused Most marine fishes

Belonidae, Scopelidae
Mugilldae Scombridae, Pleuronectidae, Carangidae
(d) Extreme posterior fused Syngnathidae (seahorse & pipe fish)
(e) Completely separated Lophiidae
1145. Kidney type in Salmon & Trout Completely fused
1146. Kidney type in cyprinids Middle & posterior part fuse
1147. Kidney type in Mystus, Aries, Dactylopterus Completely seprated
1148. Common urinogetal aperture Male
1159. Separate urinogenital aperture Female
1160. Less well developed glomeruli in kidney Marine fishes
1161. Glomerulus and Bowman’s capsule together Ultra filter (blood filter under high pressure)
acts as
1162. Principal organ for removal of NH3 & Urea Gill
1163. Urine flow is much greater in Teleost than marine
1164. Kidney is larger in relation to body weight Fresh water fish than Marine
1165. Amount of urine produce by f/w teleost 5-12% of body wt/day
1166. Kidney tubules are modified for water In marine fish
1167. Fishes which do not drink water Hag fish (cyclostomes)
1168. In hag fish, water required for urine formation Blood of host (Concentration of blood nearly same
is derived from as surrounding coates)
1169. Average urea content in blood of elasmobranch 1000 – 2000 mg %
1170. Average urea content in urine of 230 mg %
1171. Leptocephalus larvae of oil live in Sea (1 – 3yrs)
1172. A female mate with several males Polyandry
1173. A male mate with several female Polygamy
1174. 1 male mate with 1 female Monogamy
1175. Clasper present in male shark
1176. Additional clasper is present in male of Holocephali
1177. Distinct mark or scratch in female dorsal fin Chimaera
base its cause by claspers of male
1178. Among teleost, intermittent copulatory organ is Internal
present only is those species in which
fertilization is
Nest forming
1179. Darter, sunfish, cichlids Prepare nest & gaurd the eggs ?
1180. Salmon Female male burrow & covers egg by layer of grace
1181. Bowfin Prepare nest of crude circular type
1182. Mormyrids Floating nest of large size
1183. Fifteen spine stickle back Prepare nest from branch of sea weed
1184. Siamese fighter Form foamy nest
1185. Labyrinth From nest by blowing bubbles of air & mucus
1186. In cichlids Female carries eggs in oral cavity
1187. In Aries Male carries eggs & young ones in month
1188. In Kurtus indicus Egg are attached to hook of forehead & one bunch of
egg hang on either side of head
1189. Butter fish Rolls eggs into rounded belly
1190. Brood pouch is present in male of Hippocampus,Syngnathus
1191. Secondary sexual character in fishes are under Endocrine gland
control of
1192. Prolactin is secreated by Pituitary gland
1193. Stickiness of bubbles of Betta is increase by Prolactin
1194. Hormones that proliferate the epithlial lining Prolactin
of brood pouch of Hippocampus
1195. Breeding in teleost is Promiscuous mating system
1196. Promiscuous mating Each male mate with several female and each female


mate with several male i.e. no choice of mate

1197. Ictalurus nebulosus Male look after the brood
Female guard the territory
1198. Highest stage of evolution of parental care and By viviparous teleost
breeding system is shown
1199. Example of migrating fishes
Cold (Gadus morhua)
1200. Pacific salmon (Onchorynchus) ; Herrings
(Clupea hamengus)
1201.Tuna (Thunnus thynnus); Salmon (Salmo sp) : Eel (Anguilla sp)
1202. Plaice (Plenuronectes platessa); Hilsa (Hilsa ilisha)
1203. Threo – spined stickled back (Gesterosteus aculeatus); Lamprey (Petromyzon marinus)
1204. Alimentary migration is in search of food
1205. Gametic migration is for reproduction
1206. Climatic migration is to secure more suitable climate
1207. Osmoregulatory migration
1208. Anadromous from sea to f/w eg: Hilsa, salmon, lamprey,
1209. Catadromous f/w to sea water eg: eel
1210. Amphidromous migration for some other purpose rather
than breeding eg: Gobies
1211. Potamodromous migration restricted in fresh water itself
eg: carp & trout
1212. Oceanodromous migration confined in sea eg. Cod, herring,
1213. Vertical migration in Herrings is due to food source & minimized predator
1214. Distance covered by tunas (Blue fin tuna) during 10000 km
1215. Migration cycle started after spawning in Medtlerranean Tuna
sea is
1216. Migration cyle is completed before spawning in Cod
1217. Feeding and growing phase of eel Yellow eel
1218. Breeding phase of eel Silver eel
1219. Yellow eel are found in Salt water & f/w
1220. When they reached silver eel (i.e. ready for spawning) 8 – 10 yrs
Male are usually
1221. When they reached silver eel (i.e. ready for spawning) 10 – 18 yrs
female are usually
1222. Eel spawn at the depth of 400 – 500 m below surface where temp is
16 – 170C
1223. Eggs of eel float on water
1224. Egg of eel hatched at a depth of 50 m
1225. Larvae of eel are called Leptocephali or leptocephalus larvae
1226. Leptocephalus larvae possess Straight alimentary canal
unossified skeleton
Aglomerular kidney
1227. Leptocephalus larvae metamorphosized to elver or glass 2 yrs old
eel when they are
1228. Larvae of European eel takes 3 yrs to become elever
1229. Larvae of American eel takes 1 yrs to become elever
1230. American eel are derived from Southern Sargasso sea
1231. European eels are derived from Northern Sargasso sea
1232. Arranging of animal in direction is called Orientation
1233. Fish may recognize its home site by direct sensory Homing or piloting
stimulus vision or olfaction which is called
1234. Fish can used Sun for orientation
Moon, also magnetic & electric field
1235. Sense which play important role in locating home Olfactory sense


1236. Hormone that control osmo- and ion- regulation in fishes Prolactin (Most imp) secreted by pituitary
during migration & influence the survival of species Corpuscle of stannius
of f/w Thyroid, urohypophysis
1237. Neurosecretions stored in urophysis is called Urotensins
1238. Corpuscle of Stannius involves in Lowering of calcium level of fish
1239. Temp of deep sea is nearly stable between 4 – 80 C
1240. Pressure of atmosphere on the level of sea is 15 pound/ sq. inch of surface of body of
1241. Absence of air bladder is many deep sea fishes is related Energy cost of filling the bladder at greater
to depth
1242. Limiting factor in distribution of fishes at great depth Pressure
1243. Bathypelagic fishes are not usually found below 3000 m.
1244. Minimum oxygen level is found between 100 – 1000 m depth
1245. Oxygen level below 1000 m is 5–6m
1246. All the deep sea fishes are Carnivorous
1247. Dead animal do not decompose in deep sea because Absence of Bacteria & low temp.
1248. Most dominant fish in Mesopelagic region of sea Lantern & Stomatoid fish
1249. Angler fishes are so called because They poses fishing pole called illicum and
also artificial bait (esca)
1250. Luminescent barbells are present in Deep sea angler fishes
1251. Photophores are absent in Benthic fishes
1252. Deepest living fishes Abyssobrotula galathea (Blind fish)
Family : Ophididae
1253. Fish which have fin rays stubbed with luminescent Myctophium
1254. Shark (Squalidae ) has numerous tiny light organ in Skin
1255. Mirror carp was first introduced in Nigiris in 1939
1256. Indian Hill trout Bariluis
1257. Gambusia is also called as Top minnow
1258. It is transpalted to India in 1931 from Italy
1259. Oxygaster is commonly called as chilwa
1260. Puntius is popularly known as Carp minnow
1261. Aplocheilus is commonly called as Indian top minnow
1262. Colisa fasciata is valued of food fish in Bengal
1263. Trout were first successfully transplanted in Nilgiris in 1960
1264. Brown trout was introduced in Kashmir in 1901 by Maharaja
1265. Carassius carassius, Crucian carp or golden carp is a Central Europe
native of
1266. C. cirrhosa was introduced to Ooty Lake in Madras in 1874 from Central Europe
1267. Mirror carp is a native of Temperate region of Asia
1268. Mirror carp was introduced into Nilgiris in 1939 ceylon and stocked in
Ootacamund lake
1269. Tinca tinca was first introduced to 1270. Ootacamunal In 1874 from England
Lake of Madras
1271. Silver carp is a native of China
1272. Silver carp was brought from Japan in 1959 and introduced in Cuttack,
1273. Silver Carp is mainly cultured in combination with Catla catla
1274. Grass carp is known as White Amur in Russia
1275. Grass carp is introduced to CIFRI pond in 1959 from Hongkong
1276. Tilapia mossambica is a natural inhabitant of East coast of Africa
1277. Tilapia was brought in India by CIFRI, Mandapam in 1952 from Ban** &
by Fisheries Deptt. Madras from Ceylon.
1278. Tilapia breed throughout the year in 16 – 25 days interval
1279. Nest were prepared in Circular shape in sand by Male
1280. Egg of Tilapia hatch within 3 – 4 days in buccal cavity
1281. Size of Tilapia fry when they are liberated from mouth 8 mm


1282. Mortality of tilapia occurs when the temp is < 100C

1283. Tilapia is most suitable for culture in Sewage water
1284. Tilapia can be cultured suitably with Channa striatus
1285. Osphronemus gouramy was brought to Tamil for the first time in India from
Mauritus and Java in 1865
1286. Successful establishment of Gourami was in 1916
1287. For building nest Gourami usually takes 10 days
1288. Gourami does not survive in a temp of < 150C
1289. Artificial fertilization is of two types Dry and wet method
1290. Method which in always preferable Dry ( Milt remain fertile for longer period)
1291. Wet method is more suited to egg that are Sticky
1292. Techniques for induced breeding of common carps is Indonesia
highly develop in
1293. Bundh breeding is mainly for IMC
1294. Wet bundhs are also called Perennial bundh
1295. Dry bundhs are also called Seasonal bundh
1296. Shallow area of wet bundh where spawning takes place Moan
1297. Mrigial and Rohu start spawning in Morning
1298. Catla start spawining from Noon to evening
1299. Mrigal and Rohu mainly spawn in Shallow area
1300. Catla remain and spawn mainly in Deeper water
1301. Induced Breeding was first started by Brazilians (1932)
1302. First person who start Induced breeding in India Khan (1938)
1303. Khan successfully induced Mrigal using Mammalian pituitary
1304. Hiralal Chaudhuri succeeded in Inducing Esomas danricus in 1955 by using
pituitary gland of Catla
1305. First successful induced breeding of cat fish (i.e Singhi &Ramaswamy and Sundaranaj in 1956
Magur) was done by
1306. IMC was successfully breed by pituitary gland extract in 1956 by Chaudhuri & Alikuahi
1307. When pituitary gland is collected and preserved with 6 months
Acetone it retain its potency for
1308. But when it is preserved with alcohol, it retain its 2 – 5 yrs.
potency for
1309. Hormone used for ovulation and spawning HCG (Human chorionic gonadotropin)
1310. HCG acts like Luteinizing Hormone (LH)
1311. Hormone responsible for maturation of Gonad in fish LH
1312. Mixture of Fish & Mammalian pituitary extract in known Synahorin
1313. Maximum growth rate of young salmon is achieve at a 150C
1314. Condition factor is Ratio of length to weight of fish
1315. Formula for condition factor K=
1316. Condition factor is an indicator of HealthWofL(1000)
3fish population
1317. Hypophysectomy result in Cessation of growth
1318. Injection of mammalian grwoth hormone result in Increase in growth rate
1319. Thyroid hormone which increase grwoth Triodothyronine (T3)
1320. Improvement of food conversion efficeincy of common Injecting Androgen (Testosterone & 11 –
Carp can be brought by Ketotestosterone)
1321. The nos. of scales taken when determining age of fish 10 scales
1322. These scales used for age determination are called Key scale
1323. Length at which there is no further grwoth is called Length at infinity
1324. Fishing gear alongwith, vessal, auxilliary equipment & Fishing unit
man constitue
1325. Entire period between launching of fishing gear & Fishing cycle
launching it again after gap is


1326. Tradition craft in Tamil Catamaran (kattu –binding; maram-wood)

1327. Small boat in W. Bengal & Orissa Dinghis
1328. Fishing spear is also called Konch
1329. Large carp & catfish are caught by Wounding gear
1330. Derris roof powder contain EK-Katya
1331. Chemical or plant posion effect Central narrows system or peripheral N.S
1332. Simplest form of Line fishing Hand line
1333. Bait used in Line fishing for Wallago attu Cockroach
1334. Fish screen made of woven bamboo stick are also called Chachi
1335. Light used for catching f/w mullets Khoursla Jal
1336. Closed end of Triangular net which serve as reservior is Bhog
1337. Purse net is used for catching mainly Hilsa
1338. Purse net which can be set at any desired depth Shangla jal
1339. Peddu vala (Dragnet) is used in Telegu coast
1340. Ber jal (dragnet) is used in Orissa
1341. Periya valla (Dragnet) is used in Coromondel coast
1342. Kona jal (dragnet) used in Ganga is specially useful in Hilsa
1343. Dipnet (Fixed Bagnet) is used in Bombay coast
1344. Fixed Bag net used in Gujarat Ghalu jal
1345. Fixed Bagnet used in Kerela Oonnivala
1346. Fixed Bagnet used in W. Bengal Behundi Jal
1347. Rampani (Shore seine) is a net of Kanwar coast
1348. Strong & coarse net are prepared from Hemp fibre (Crotalarea juncia)
1349. Remi is obtain form and or called Chinese grass
1350. Manila fibre is obtaiend from Abaca
1351. Polyamide is populry called Nylon
1352. Polyester is popularly called Terylene, Decron
1353. Polyvinyl chloride is popularly called Plastic, Tetron
1354. Polyvinyl alcohol is popularly called Vinylon
1355. Polyacrylonitrite is popularly called Orlon, Darlon
1356. Trout deposit eggs in Crevices of stone & gravel
1357. Egg of Magur is Blue colour
1358. Eff of Singhi is Green colour
1359. Earthern vessel used for transporting fry & fingerling in Hundies
W. bengal are called
1360. All varieteis of predatory and loecd fishes are killed by 200 – 250 ppm
applying Mahua oil cake at
1361. Gonad of teleost is undifferentiated
1362. In prawn, Gonad inhibiting Hormone is produce by X- organ in eye stalk
1363. In prawn Gonad inhibiting Hormone inhibit Vitellogenesis
1364. Fecundity of M. rosenbergii 1-5 lakhs
Juvenile size for stocking 20 – 60 mm size (prawn)
1365. Brackish water in W. Bengal is called Bhasabadha or Bheries
1366. Japanese fish all over the world with giant vessel and High sea fishing
1367. Highest marine fish production in India is from Kerela
2nd Maharastra
1368. Generally pH of sea water is 7.5 – 8.4
1369. PH of sea water suitable for fish in India 8 – 8.3
1370. Surface temp of Arabian Sea ranges usually 23 – 290C
1371. Surface temp of Bay of Bengal ranges usually 27 – 290 C
1372. In India Organic production is high along Andaman & Lakhshadeep
1373. There types of muscle (i) Striated (Live shell meat & fish meat)
(ii) Smooth (Molluscs)
(iii) Hard (Intermediate)
1374. Fish muscle are (i) Ordinary (white meat)


(ii) Dark (Dark meat)

1375. Smallest unit of muscle Muscle fibre
1376. Muscle fibre are connected with each other and Endomysin
bound by connective tissue called
1377. Muscle fibre are connected with other and bound Myocomata
by connective tissue called endomysin and
covered by
1378. Muscle fibre dimension 50 – 60  (diameter); 5 – 6 mm (length)
1379. I-band is Light band (Isotropic under polarized light)
1380. I-band in muscle is divided by Z-band (Z-disc)
1381. A –band is Dark band Anistropic under polarized light
1382. A – band is divided by H – line (Hansen line)
1383. Line in the middle of H-line M-line
1384. Segment of fibril between two adjacent Z-band Sarcomere
1385. Morphological of myofibril Sarcomere
1386. Edible part of fish 45 – 50% of whole fish
1387. Quality of frozen fish is identified by Cell fragility method
1388. Actomyosin can be dissociated into Actin & ATpase or pyrophosphatase
myosin by
1389. Myosin can be purely isolated by Chromatography method
1390. ATpase activity is influence by Na+, Mg++
1391. Muscle contraction is regulated by Tropomyosin & Troponin
1392. Method for extracting tropomyosin Iso-electric point method (or) Ammonium sulphate
1393. Most heat soluble muscle protein Tropomyosin
1394. Rohu culture is dominant in Andra Pradesh
1395. Belly burst is common in Common carp
1396. Founder of Ichthyology Aristotle
1397. Most commonly used and latest classification of Berg (1940)
1398. Fishing Chinese is started in 1981
1399. Director of TASPARC DR. K. Johua
1400. F/W pearl culture is done in CIFA
1401. Marine pearl & sea cucumber is seeded in CMFRI
1402. Deputy director general of ICAR (Fishery) K. Gopakumar
1403. First attempt to study Indian fish fauna is by Russel (1765 – 1789)
1404. Potential of Indian EEZ 4.5 million tones
1405. Condition factor of fish K=
1406. Gonadosomatic Index (GSI)  100
Ganadal weight
 100
1407. GSI is used for study of Maturity & periodicity
Total weight for predicting breeding
1408. Shark & Guppies are mostly Ovoviparous
1409. Velliger larvae of oyster feed on Chaetoceros
1410. About 80% total Marine fish catch comes from West Coast
1411. Marine (Sea) water contribute 97% of total water
1412. F/W contribute 3% of total water
1413. Salinity of Bay of Bengal 30 – 34%
1414. pH of ocean water 7.5 – 8.3
1415. The fish fauna of British India was written by Francis Day
1416. EEZ act come in 1976
1417. Maritime zone of India act come in 1981
1418. First person who did main Fishery Survey Alcoet (1869)
1419. Two research bases of India in Antartica Gangetri & Yamunotri
1420. Brahma of Indian Fishery Frederick Nichelson (1998)
1421. Founding Father of Inland Fisheries Ceulion Henry
1422. First Fishery Director S.L. Hora


1423. Composite fish culture V.G. Jhingaran

1424. Female Thelycum of shrimp is present in Between 4th to 5th walking legs
1425. Oviduct of female shrimp is present At the base of 3rd walking legs
1426. Nauphlius larvae of shrimp has 3 pairs of appendages
1427. Protozoea is PL to PL3 (3- 4 days old)
1428. Mysis stage of shrimp M1 – M3 ( 3 – 4 days old)
1429. Area of Andaman 0.60 million km2
1430. Global Marine fishery growth rate 1.64% (FAO – 1998)
1431. First culture items of Sea weed Laminaria japonica
1432. Nos. of Indian f/w fishes 327
1433. Biodiversity hot spot Western Ghats
1434. Leading shrimp producer Thailand
1435. Sardine fishery comprises 1/3rd of Indian fishery
1436. Juvenile of Sardine is Zooplankton feeder
1437. Fecundity of sardine 38000 – 86000
1438. Pandi Outrigger boat
1439. Yendi Smaller shore since
1440. Egg of Mackerel is Pelagic
1441. New breed of Rohu Jayanthi was introduce in 1998 by CIFE
1442. Channey programme is for Sea ranching
1443. Indian National Fisheries Day/Fish Farmers Day 10th July
1444. Male breed in fishes Sea horse
1445. Director of CIFT Mr. Ravindrar
1446. Director of CIFNET C.P verghen
1447. Co-factor in hydroxyleton of protein & lysine Vit- C
1448. Collagen formation is mediated by Vit- C
1449. Tranched Sardine (Ambhygaster swim) is caught Gill act
1450. Aflatoxin produced by Aspergilus sp is Hepatotoxins
1451. Labeo calbasu is Bottom feeder
1452. Air – breathing fishes are also called Live fish
1453. Thai magur Clarius garipinus
1454. Cat fish which is having shark tooth African catfish
1455. Culture of African catfish is banned in India
1456. Longest fish among claridae family C. garipinus
1457. World Food Day 16th Oct.
1458. DHA, EPA & Linolenic acid are Wa Fatty Acid
1459. Arachidoniac acid WC Fatty Acid
1460. Deep sea lobster is Panulirus sewalli
1461. Nos. of pearl yielded by single oyster in its life 2–3
1462. CICFRI was set up in 1947 as research station
1463. CICFRI was affiliated as Institute in 1959
1464. Filling water bodies with smell sized fish is Runting
1465. Longivity of Sciaenids 7 – 8 yrs.
1466. Sciaenids fishery is highest in Gujarat
1467. Polynemids constitute Major fishery in West Coast
1468. Leading producer of polynemid Gujarat (59%)
1469. Net used for catching polynemid Dolnet & Waghra gal
1470. In India, Polynamid fishery is Minor fishery
1471. Most important than in Lakshadweep Skip hack Tuna
1472. Top producing/landing state in India (Tuna) Kerela (>80%)
1473. Highest Tuna catched species Euthynnus affinis
1474. Xiphius glandius (Sword fish) belongs to Xiphidae
1475. CIBA is established in 1987
1476. National Research Centre for cold water Fishery Uttar Pradesh (Nainital)
(NRCCWF) is in
1477. National Environmental Engineering Research Nagpur
Institute (NEERI) is in


1478. Leading state in carps seed riverine collection W. Bengal

1479. Major producing state of pomfret Gujarat & Maharastra
1480. Black pomfrets/Brown pomfret (Aplolectus nigir) Apolectidae
belongs to
1481. King fish belongs to Family Ranchicentridae
1482. Highest Catch of carangid fish is from T.N & Kerela
1483. Megalaspis cordyla is also called Torpedo travelly (or) False Mackerel
1484. Silver belly/pony fish belongs to Leiognathidae
1485. Catch of silver belly is high in East Coast (T.N, A.P. Kerela)
1486. Nos. of Ribbon fish species in India 4 species
1487. Indian halibut (Psettodes erumi) is Caught by ?
1488. Flat fish fishery is rich in West Cost (90%)
1489. Highest amount of cat fishes catches is in Kerela (31.8%)
1490. Gujarat Machwa boat
1491. Maharastra Padav boat
1492. Karnataka Outrigger ‘hodi’
1493. Kerela Odum
1494. Tamil Nadu Catamanran
1495. A.P. & Orissa Masula
1496. Leading producing state in Eel Maharastra & Gujarat
1497. Largest bacteria Thiomarganita nambiensis (Oxidise Sulphide)
1498. Present carp seed production 2000 crores
1499. Petasma of male prawn is derived from Endopodite
1500. Thelycum of female prawn is derived from Sternus
1501. Andaman & Nicobar coast line 1912 kms
1502. Andaman & Nicobar continental shelf 16000 sq. km
1503. Andaman & Nicobar EEZ 0.6 m km2 (30% of Indian EEZ)
1504. Galathia & kalpang river is in Andaman & Nicobar
1505. Deep sea carb Charybdis edwardselli
1506. Spineless cuttle fish Saptilla intermis
1507. Female reproductive gland of cuttle fish Nidamental gland (or) cuttle fish roe
1508. Nidamental gland of cuttle fish is exported to Europe
1509. Sea cucumber (Beech –de-mer) also called China
material medica” is exported mainly to
1510. Horse shoe crab (Trachypterus gigas) is Orissa Limulus Amoebcyte Lysate (LAL)
coast is used in
1511. Blood of Horse shoe crab is used as Medicine
1512. In food House shoe crab is used as Endotoxin taster
1513. All penaeid complete their life cycle in Sea & Estuary
1514. Exclusively marine prawn Parapaenopsis stylifera
1515. Female penaeids never carries Egg
1516. Eel grases Zostera
1517. Scylla serrata have 9 teeth on each side of carapace
1518. Characteristic of member of Crossostrea genus of Promyl chamber (Space beneath anterior region of
oyster shell)
1519. Cuttle fish is having Calcarious shell
1520. Squid is having Chitinous shell
1521. First powered offshore trawler of Bombay in India Premier
1522. River system Mullet Rhinomugil corsula
1523. Megalops cyprinoids is Tarpoon
1524. Leptocephalus larvae of eel is Pelagic
1525. Elver of eel is Demersal
1526. Kona jal is a net especially for Hilsa
1527. Spat fixed mat kept on the ground is Claires (e.e Oyster ground)
1528. Seed of oyster (Spat) is collected by Clutch or Scallop shell
1529. Nos. of World fishing areas 19 (Marine) & 7 (F/W)
1530. Inland fish catch is highest in Asia
1531. Inland fish catch is lowest in Australia


1532. Highest Inland fish producing country China

1533. Rank of India in Inland fish production 2 nd
1534. Kolleru lake is in Andra Pradesh
1535. Walular lake is in Kashmir
1536. Flat slow flowing river Coarse Potamon
1537. In Ganga among IMC, most abundant is Mrigal
1538. Local Migrants in Dam Masheer & IMC
1539. Resident fish of Dam Common carp
1540. Heaviest f/w fish Bagarius bagarius (120 kg)
1541. Most toxic chemical for fish Organochloride endosulphun
1542. Net for egg collection Scoop not (Gamcha)
1543. The only river of India where egg collection of Normada
Masheer is done
1544. Spawn collection net Shooting net
1545. Largest river of Orissa Mahandi
1546. Splake trout is a hybrid of Lake trout & Brook trout
1547. Area of Natural lake in India 0.72 million km2
1548. Classification of lake was given by Forell
(1) Polar lake - <40C
(2) Temperate lake – 40C
(3) Tropical lake - > 40C
1549. World Longest Dam Hirakud (4803 m)
1550. Soft water lake has pH – 4 to 6
1551. Medium hard lake has pH – 7.8
1552. Head water lake has pH – 8.3
1553. Damodar valley Reservior is in Bihar
1554. Minimum net size permitted in Indian reservoir 30 mm
1555. Biggest reservoir in Rajasthan Rana Pratap Resrvior in River chant
1556. World Most Productive environment Wetland (Bheels) of Assam (1,00,000 ha)
1557. Pangasius pangassius feed on Mollusca
1558. Primary productivity of Macrophytes is more than Bheels
phyto-plankton in
1559. Common type of estuary found in India Drowned River Valley
1560. Salinity 0.03 + 1.805  Cl (%)
1561. Most productive zone of Hooghly Matlah estuary – III Zone
1562. Fish disposal center in Mahandi is called Hats
1563. Dominated species in Mahandi Hilsa
1564. Dominated Species in Godavari estuary M. malcolmsonii
1565. Gulf of Cambay is in Narmada
1566. Entry area in chilka lake Mugger Mukch
1567. Non-net gear used in chilka Janos
1568. Padu system of fishing is practiced in Pulicat lake
1569. Fresh water dinoflagellates Penolorina volvox

1570. Major problem in backwater Salvinia

1571. First country to culture fish Egypt (25000 BC)
1572. Temporary hardness is caused by CaHCO3 & MgHCO3
1573. Permanent hardness is caused by Ca, MgCO3 & CaSO4
1574. Phosphorus level of productive water 0.2 ppm
1575. Most abundant ion in f/w Ca++ & Mg++
1576. Deposition of CaCO3 in f/w is referred is Marl
1577. Cladophora balls is made of CaCO3
1578. Essential mineral for chlorophyll bearing plants Mg
1579. Benthic organism which is having rooted Rhizobenthos
attachment to substrates
1580. Organism which attached to immersed substrate Hapto benthos
1581. Entomophagus (Feed in seed) Anabas testudineus
1582. Chile salt peter NaNO3 (has 16% Nitrogen)
1583. Guano is Liquid manure


1584. Disease caused by Poultry Manure Gill rot

1585. Wet bundh is used only in W. Bengal
1586. Dry bundh is used in W. Bengal & Madhya Pradesh
1587. First person with succeed in hypophysation in Houssay (1980)
Argentina is
1588. Trade name of HCG is Physex
1589. Egg of catla is Red yolk
1590. Egg of Rohu is Blue yolk
1591. Egg os Mrigal White yolk
1592. Egg of Magur & Singhi Greenish, oval & adhesive
1593. Channa & Koi have Floating egg
1594. Clupidae fishes have Segmented yolk sac
1595. Anabantidae fishes have Un segmented yolk sac
1596. Channidae fishes have Oblong yolk sac
1597. Tub hatchery is M.P
1598. Aquatic insect form <4% of total insect
1599. Water Stick insect is Ranatra
1600. Polyculture is started in China
1601. Leading fish consuming state W. Bengal
1602. Narcotozing agent MS222 Quinaldine
1603. Would most extensive cultured fish Cyprinus carpio
1604. Science dealing with Dung & filth Coprology
1605. Gill rot is caused by Branchiomyces (Fungi)
1606. Furanculsosis of salmon is caused by Aeromonas salmicida
1607. Black spot disease is caused by Diginetic Trematod
1608. Argulus is also called Carp lice
1609. Lernea is also called Anchorworm
1610. Gas bubble disease is due to Asphyxiation
1611. Production of FFDA 2000 kg/ha
1612. Among IMC which fish doesn’t accept artificial Catla
feed readily
1613. Fish feed should have 8 k. Cal/gm of protein
1614. Amount of fish catch from Arabian Sea 75% of fish catch of India
1615. Mechanised boat in Maximum in Moharastra
1616. Non-mechanised boat maximum in Tamil Nadu
1617. Tamil Nadu coast is also called Coromandel coast
1618. Highest producer of penaeid prawn Kerela
1619. Weight contributed by Air bladder in 1620. F/W 7% of body wt.
1621. Weight contributed by Air bladder in Marine fish 5% of body wt.
1622. Fish heart divided into 2 chamber by Pericardium
1623. Sinus venous receive Impure blood toward auricle
1624. Sub-order of shrimp Natantia
1625. Sub-order of crab/lobster Raptantia
1626. Arrow worms Cheatognaths eg: sagitta
1627. Auricularia is a larvae of Sea cucumber
1628. Planula is larvae of Coral
1629. Largest lake in the world Caspian Sea
1630. Marine fish oil have C18, C20, C22 acid
1631. F/W fishes oil have C16 & C18
1632. Amount of DHA in PUFA 70%
1633. Amount of EPA in OUFA 28%
1634. Artemia belongs to order Ariostraea
1635. Length of Artemia nauphluis 0.4 mm
1636. Unicellular algae Chlamydomonas
1637. Freeze drying is also called Lyophilisation
1638. Size of Adult artemia 1 – 2 cms
1639. Ctenophores (Pleurobranch) are Sea Goose berry
1640. Larvae of Barnacle Cypris larvae


1641. Cryptonisid larvae is a Isopod larvae

1642. Kakyptoris is a larvae of Euphausid
1643. Echinosperia is larvae of Cowrie shell
1644. Indian ocean water contribute 20% of world water
1645. Vit – D is maximum in Bony fish & Shark
1646. Parthenogenesis is found in Poecillia fermosa
1647. Diatom is identified by Joseph Hokker
1648. Plankton is studied and name it so by Victor Hansen
1649. Flow meter is developed by Harregs
1650. Vitamin needed by phytoplankton Vit – B12
1651. Zooplankton culture technique Plunger Jar & Funnbench flask
1652. Zooplankton culture in done by Allen & Nelson
1653. Biurette method of protein estimation is developed Bamst
1654. Growth rate of zooplankton measured by RNA study
1655. The word smog is coined by H.A. Voeux ?
1656. PH of Acid Rain < 5.6
1657. Larvae of Aurelia Planula
1658. Larvae of Bryozoan Cyphonautis
1659. Larvae of Star fish Bipplararia
1660. Word Ecology is coined by Reiter
1661. Word Ecosystem is coined by Tansley
1662. Hilsa feed on Hemidiscus sp.
1663. Non – living suspended organic matter is Tripton
1664. Average depth of ocean 3800 m
1665. Antarctica Expedition is started by James Ross
1666. Father of oceanography Edward Forbes
1667. Chromosome number of common carp 51 pairs
1668. World environment Day 5th June
1669. Chief of Indo-Norwegian Project Devdas Menon
1670. Freshwater Aquaculture Research & Training Bhubaneshwar
Centre is in
1671. Largest Market of ornamental fish USA
1672. Origin of Barb India
1673. Fish which is least sensitive to suspended solid Common carp
1674. Fish which is most sensitive to suspended solid Brown trout
1675. Increase urine production due to increase Diurasis
ammonia concentration is called
1676. Common & Best method for control of oil Mechanical method (by skimmer which have
pollution is polyurathin foam)
1677. Organophosphate is Neurotoxic
1678. Organophosphate does not deposit in Fatty tissue
1679. Organochloride affect Central nervous system
1680. Organochloride deposited in Adipose tissue
1681. Benthos are directly affected by Liver & kidney
1681. Concentration of metal in animal increase at Biomagnification
higher trophic level due to
1682. More toxic form of mercury Organic mercury
1683. Form of mercury that cannot penetrate blood Inorganic form
1684. Form of mercury that cause brain damage Vapour form
1685. Most dangerous mercury among organic form Alkyl mercury
1686. Organic mercury (1) Phenyl mercury [phenyl mercuric Acetate)
(2) Methoxy mercury [Methyl /Etty* / Mercuric
Acid (MEM) ]
(3) Alkyl mercury [Methyl/Mercuric Acetate
1687. Amount of Mercury in Marine fish body 0.01 – 0.08 ppm
1688. Amount of Mercury in F/W fish body 0.2 ppm


1689. Utilization of Sewage stated /a India from 1925 in W. Bengal

1690. Leptocepholus larvae is Stenohaline
1691. Young eel (elver) is Stenohaline
1692. Culture of eel is more prominent in Japan & Taiwan
1693. Eleven is caught by Dip net (or) plankton net
1694. Stocking density of elver 5000 elvers/meter3
1695. Dose of DOCA for induced breeding of cat fish 5 mg/100 gm wt of body
1696. Hydrophobic solute will concentrate on top of Foam fraction filter
fractionator in
1697. Activated carbon bed is used in Carbon filter
1698. 2 filter area in carbon filter Absorption area & exhaustion area
1699. Point where adsorption are begins to shrink Break point
1700. Zeolite is used in Ion exchange filter
1701. Zeolite is hydrated silicate of Al, Na, Ca or their combination
1702. In lon exchange filter only F/W is used
1703. Synthetic zeolite are crossed linked with Polystyrene
1704. Nuptial bed is develop in Male frog (during breeding season)
1705. Rana hexadactyla is Perennial breeder
1706. Pituitary gland of Frog lies on Floor of brain, posterior to optic chiasma
1707. Tissue which cover pituitary gland of frog Endolymphatic tissue
1708. Dose of raw cowdung in Frog culture 3000 kg/ha (3 instilment)
1709. Does if SSP in frog culture 250 kg/ha
1710. Does of lime in frog culture 100 kg/ha
1711. Most common disease in frog Red leg (Bacterial disease)
1712. Interval between two spawning 22 days (inTilapia)
1713. First lateral line in Tilapia extend from Posterior operculum to dorsal fin base
1714. Second lateral line in Tilapia extend Base of dorsal fin to caudal fin
1715. Hybrid of I. Nilotica & I. Mossambica i Fu-shou-ya (or) Blessed
1716. Commercial feed for converting all female to male Fish-SRE – 95
1717. Pen culture of Tilapia common in Philipines
1718. Supplementary feed is used commonly Semilntensive
1719. Complete feed is mainly used in Intensive culture
1720. Blood meal is rich in Leucine, Poor in Isoleucine
1721. Chemo-attractant Synthetic amino acid (Lysine & Methionine)
1722. Vitamin mixture is known as Vitamin Premise
1723. Dist formulation is done by Pearson hand square method
1724. Protein contents of energy rich source for diet < 20%
1725. Protein contents of protein rich source for diet >20%
1726. Another method of diet formulation Algebraic equation
1727. Major protein source of semi-purified & purified  95% protein is Casein & Gelatin
diet which contain
1728. Forage food (Barseem & Typha) are rich Carotenoid pigment
1729. Legume is rich in Lysine but poor methionine
1730. Legume example Iipil Ipil & Alfa alfa
1731. In India, full fat soybean is not given to fish due to High fat
1732. Pelagic Fisheries investigation project (PFIS) is 1971 in Cochin
established in
1733. Indo-Polish Indus tries fisheries survey (IPIFS) of 30-220 fathom
North West Coast of India did survey on the
depth of
1734. Thermocline in east coast is below 50 m.
1735. Most imp. organic in formation of ooze Diatom
1736. Metabolic activity of fish increase when there is 10%
10C increase in water temperature by
1737. Form of Nitrogen which has maximum Nitrate
concentration in sea
1738. NBFGR located in Allahabad (Initially), Lucknow (Present)


1739. Largest fish market in India Hawara (Howrah)

1740. Polar bear (Penguin) is Homeothermal animal
1741. Behundijal (Fixed or Stationary net) W. Bengal & Orissa
1742. Kala valai (Fixed or Stationary net) Tanjore
1743. Jadi Jal (Fixed or Stationary net) Gujarat & Kathiawar
1744. Viaga valai (Bag act) Andra Pradesh
1745. Thuri valai (Bag net) Madras
1746. Rampani (Biggest Shore seine) Konkon & Malabar
1747. Aliyavala(Shore seine) Andhra Pradesh
1748. Perch Trap (Bamboo) is used in Gulf of Mannar & Palk Bay
1749. Khal patta jal Sunderban
1750. Janos Chilka lake
1751. Thattu vala Kerela back water
1752. Shattu vala Upper reach of Estuary
1753. Drag net used in Chilka Bhetki jal, Patua jal, Mani jal
1754. Deep seine net used in sunderban Kochal jal
1755. Drift gill net used in Estuarine area of W.B Chhandi jal
1756. Chinese dip net is used in Back water of Travancore & cochin
1757. Net used for catching Mackerel & Sardine Purse Seine
1758. Tuticorin boat used as mother ship in known as Fishing Lugger
1759. Tuticorin boat (Fishing lugger) Cargo boat
1760. Dug-out-Canoe are mainly used in Kerela & Kanara
1761. For built up of boat, Hull is made of Teak
1762. Frame is made of Babul or Acacia ,Poon (most)
1763. Carp egg after fertilization are Non-adhesive, Demersal
1764. Orissa shrimp seed production supply And OSSPARC
Research Centre
1765. Saltiest Sea in the World Dead Sea
1766. Deepest Lake in the World Lake Baikal
1767. Continent where Equator, Tropic of Cancer, Africa
Tropic of Capricorn runs
1768. Largest river in the world Amazon
1769. River which has largest in the world Amazon
1770. Second largest Island in the World New Guinea
1771. Which largest island in the world New Guinea
1772. Which river crosses Equator -tropic Amazon
1773. Himalaya is in Nepal
1774. Which river have maximum water volume Amazon
1775. Longest canal in the world Beloye – More – Baltic
1776. Second highest mountain peak in the world God-win-Ausley
1777. Seychilles is in Indian Ocean
1778. New-moroe island is in Bay of Bengal
1779. Cuba is in Atlantic Ocean
1780. Street which connect Arabian Sea & Bay of Palk strait
1781. Largest river in the Asia Yangtze
1782. Indian climate in Tropical monsoon climate
1783. Indian Ocean current are called as Agithas
1784. Imaginary line on earth surface which closely International Date Line
follows the 1800 meridan is
1785. Border line between china & India Macmohan Line
1786. Great Barrier reef runs parallel to the Queens land coast
1787. F/W clam which produce pearl Hyriopsis cumingi
1788. First National Marine Park Gulf of Kutch (1980)
1789. Fly net is having 2 knots instead of 4 knots
1790. Shrimp fish belongs to family Centricidae
1791. Cold blooded animal are called Ectothermic
1792. Warm blooded animal are called Endothermic


1793. Lab-Lab name is given by Filipinos

1794. Cutaneous incubation Kurta gulliveri
1795. Mursupial pouch is developed in Male of Syrgnathidae
1796. Term protista is proposed by Haeckel
1797. Mussel fishery zone in India Kerela
1798. Larval development of M. rosenbergi takes 25 – 40 days
1799. Larval section Up to PL5
1800. Juvenile section PL5 to PL24
1801. Vembanad lake prawn Macrobrachium idea
1802. Semi-sphercal pearl is produce by Pinctada maxima

1803. The logical operators ‘AND-OR’ ‘NOT’ were George Boole

derived by
1804. In computer parlance ‘Bug’ denotes Error in programming hardware & of future
1805. COM stands for Computer output microform
1806. Opticl fibre is used in Telecommunication
1807. The following are useful imput devies Keyboards, RAM and CD – ROMs
1808. The full form of ERNET is Education and Research Network
1809. INIS is an example of Centralised input & distribution output
1810. Storage devices according to increasing Floppy disk, Magnetic tapes, Magnetic, CD-ROMs
1811. Software which is a typical examples of an DOS
operating system
1812. Votalite type of memories is RAM
1813. In computer terminology (refers to Programming language
1814. Integrated circuit were used in 3rd generation computers
1815. The device that enable computers to MODEM
communicate over telephone lines
1816. Micro computers are also known as Minicomputer
1817. UNISIST is a Programme
1818. Type of international networks accessible to on WAN
line vendor
1819. Device that concerts digital to an along and as MODEM
along to digital signal
1820. Beginner of INTERNET ARPANET
1821. Lionel robins Scarcity
1822. Adam Smith Wealth
1823. Ernst Eagel Family expenditure
1824. Alfred Marshal Diminishing Marginal Utility
1825. Paul A. Samuelson Growth
1826. Wave allowance is calculated by using the Ha = 0.014 (F) ½
1827. Normal freeboard of a periphery dike is 60 cm
1828. Top width of a dike mainly depends on Vernicular load on the dike
1829. Provision for settlement allowance in the Sinking
design of a dike is made against
1830. Side slope of an embankment mainly depends Type of soil
on the
1831. Top width of the dike in also known as Gut
1832. Earthwork required in composition of a dike is Packing co-efficient
1833. Main purpose of construction of berm is To prevent soil erosion of slope
1834. The amount of packing co-efficient is Highly organic soil
maximum for
1835. Year that was designated as the information 1982
technology year
1836. Communication technology is older than Computer technology
1837. Word computer has been derived from Latin word
1838. An ancient device for simple calculation Abacus (China)
1839. Computer was applied first in India 1937


1840. Agency used computer first in India ISI Calcutta

1841. Name of the first electronic computer ABC (J.V. Atensoft & C Berry)
1842. Rigormortis a condition where there is No growth and activity of bacteria
1843. Breakdown of Glycogen given Lactic acid
1844. Glycogen present in fish is <1%
1845. Gram + Ve & mesophylic belongs to Tropical, pathogenic causing
1846. Gram –Ve & pshychrophylic belongs to Temperate, spoilage causing
1847. Growth of bacterial & enzymatic activity in Phenol
smoking is prevented
1848. Food having high fat & sugar are not preferred Freeze drying
1849. At 200C freshly caught fish gill having 103 to 107/g
microbial load of
1850. Slime of the fish contain Mucoprotein, sugar, free amino acid
1851. Most presented group of microoroganism found Grame – ve
in gill, intestine
1852. At 200C freshly caught fish gut have microbial 103 to 109/g
load of
1853. At 200C freshly caught fish skin have microbial 102 to 105/g
load of
1854. Presence of CHO favours the growth of Mould & Yeast
1855. Moisture content at which yeast growth will <40%
1856. Optimum temperature for molds growth 25 to 300C
1857. Optimum pH for yeast 4 to 4.5
1858. The maximum activity of enzyme will take 370C
place at
1859. Thermal destruction of enzymes tables place at 800C
or above
1860. For every 100C rise in temperature doubles Enzyme activity
1861. Commercial chilled seawater developed by Traditional method
1862. Shelf life of freshwater is higher than Marine fish
1863. Thermal conducting of water 0.52 Kcal/m/hr 0C
1864. Thermal conducting of ice 2.07 Kcal/m/hr 0C
1865. Specific wt. of fatty fish is lower than Lean fish
1866. The first person to freeze the fish by using ice Wilham Cullen
& salt mixture
1867. Worlds first cold storage was started in Darling harbour (Australia, 1869) by Thomas Mort
1868. Father of Modern freezing technology Birds eye (dev. Plate freezer)
1869. First Indian to export frozen prawn to USA N. Kulkarani
1870. Container developed by CIFT for transportation ICAR box or Tea chest
of fish
1871. Air blast freezer is a modified from of Fluidized bed freezer
1872. As for quality concerned the best method of Vaccum thawing
thawing for fin & fishery product is
1873. The cheapest method of freezing is Airblast plate freezer
1874. Dehydration less is more in case of Airblast freezer (6 to 10%)
1875. International recommended cold storage of lean -18 to - 240C
& fatty first
1876. Widely used cold storage in developed Gridded cold storage
1877. Tasty agent present in prawn is Glycine ,Tauria
1878. Effects low pH in stored Tuna Honey combing
1879. Chemical used in combination to enhance the Synergist
1880. The use of ice or snow to pressure food was Europe
discovered in
1881. Freezer burn is due to Dehydrates & process
1882. Discolouration of stored fish result in Green colour


1883. Discolouration of stored Tuna & red meat Brown colour (met Mb formation)
1884. Discolouration of stored Oyster mussels, clams Black colour
1885. The most widely accepted classification of Berg
fishes is that of
1886. Approx. no. of living sp. of fish in India 1000
1887. Approx. no. of living sp. of fish in world 20000
1888. General basis of classification of fish is Evolutionary relationship
1889. Point of length form the anterior tip the greatest 36%
cross section is located in fish
1890. Bionomical nomenclature of Rainbow trout is Salmo gairdneri
1891. Fishes contributing the maximum India’s Sardine
marine fish landing
1892. Coast known for Bombay duck fishery Gujarat
1893. Coast where mackeral is most abundant Konkan
1894. State contributing the maximum India’s marine Kerela
fish landing
1895. Indian coast where skip jack is caught in Minicoy
considerable quality
1896. Major molluscs resource of South eastern coast Pearl oyster
of India
1897. Most abundant molluscs resource of kerela Villorita cyprinoides
back water
1898. The species that contributes maximum Kerela’s M. olobsonii
prawn production
1899. Comparing to carnivorous fish the gut of algal Longer
feeder will be
1900. Species having the finest gill rakers Planktivores
1901. Gastrosomatic index is related to Feeding condition
1902. Index of preponderance is used to determine Feeding habit
1903. Most fishes are typically heavier per unit length Weight of zona radiate
than immature ones due to
1904. Most important commercial fishing Trawling
1905. Gear used to capture moving fish shoal Purse sine
1906. Shooting net is used to capture Fish spawn
1907. Most commonly used gear in reservoir Gillnet
1908. Best suited fishing method for demersal species Seine netting
1909. Majority of non-mechanised boat Catamarans
1910. The minimum considered economic size of 5.5
fishing craft for an inboard engine is
1911. Quantity of ice required to bring down the 40%
temperature of from 30 to 00C is
1912. Moisture content in Indian fishes generally vary 70 and 80%
1913. Pathogenic organism that gets access into the Salmonella
fish during handling and processing is
1914. Fecal indicator organism E. coli
1915. Most commonly used method to determine fish Organoleptic test
1916. Freezer burn in caused by Dry ice
1917. Most widely method of freezing in fish Horizontal plate freezing
1918. Beheading prawn reduces the vol. by 40% (nearly)
1919. Canning process of prawn to destroy bacterial Retorting
1920. Post processes contamination caused by Can baga**?
1921. Flavor loss in iced fish is due to Leaching
1922. Temperature at biological zero 100C
1923. Each of a set of observations is multiplied by 4, 4
the S.D is multiplied by
1924. Sampling scheme in which the first unit is Systematic sampling


drawn random by and the rest in a pre

determined manner is
1925. The techniques of control chart was introduced WA Stewart
1926. Binomial distribution applies to Repeated two alternatives
1927. Water content of molluscan flesh is 81%
1928. Normal ratio of liner to while fish wt. is 4 to 9%
1929. Weight of shark liner is 10 to 25%
1930. Oil content of share liver is 60 to 75%
1931. Spoon fishing, is a method and for capture of Mahseers
1932. Waves in which energy is moving through or Capillary wave
across the surface of the material is
1933. Waves travelling round the material are Body waves
1934. Sum of two progressive wave of equal opposite Standing wave
1935. Wind generated waves is Swell
1936. Waves at the generating point are Trochbidal waves ?
1937. Important character of wave Stupness
1938. Wave length in between horizontal distance Crest or trough
1939. Most accepted wave theory Phillips Resonance & Mils shear
1940. Wave velocity is given by C=
1941. Deep waters, speed of wave is given by S = 1.25 L
1942. Speed of wave in shallow water S=
T gd
1943. Waves are mainly originated by Tides, densities, difference in pre pressure
1944. Waves which transmit energy along interface Orbital waves
between two fluid of deferent demising are
1945. Waves which transmit energy only through Transverse
solids ?
1946. Waves which transmit energy only through Longitudinal
matter are
1947. One high tide row low tide per day is Diurnal tide
1948. Tidal range of ocean average between 1 and 3
1949. Ebb is an Falling tide
1950. Flow/flood is an Rising tide
1951. Tides are waves that have a period of about – Strong tides
12 hours & 25 min
1952. Diurnal tide are mainly found in Gulf of Mexico
1953. Semidiurnal tide are mainly found in Atlantic coast
1954. Period of diurnal tides 24 hours & 50 min
1955. Period of both semi diurnal & mixed tide 12 hours & 25 min
1956. Rip ? Water flows seaward
1957. Langrangian floods used to measured ? Surface water current
1958. Eulary current water ? Deep water currents
1959. Ocean currents help to determined Climate of coastal region
1960. Difference between direction of wave & current 150 & 450
varies about
1961. Backbone of the ? Equatorial current
1962. Ocean circulation in part is due to change in Density & wind status
1963. Wave measured using Electronic pressure cursor
1964. World fish supply coming from upwelling are 50% (1% of total area)
1965. Gibralter strait Atlantic with Mediterranean see
1966. Warm fast moving surface Pacific current Kuroshi current
1967. With increase in depth flow of current Increase
1968. Deepest trench in Atlantic ocean Puertorico trench
1969. Pacific ocean is called as Ocean of trenches
1970. Archipelago refers to Chain of island
1971. Gulf stream current are 36.5 ppt
1972. The TS diagram is developed by RC Hiller
Taxonomy of Fishes


1973. The smallest fish of the word is Dwary pigmy goby of Phillipines (Mistichtyes) (15
1974. The another small fish is Etheostoma microperca
1975. The biggest fish in the world Rhinocodon typus (20 – 25 m)
1976. There are three types of Taxonomy  , ,-Taxonomy
1977. Sp. recognized, characterized and named  - Taxonomy
1978. Arrangement of sp into a natural  - Taxonomy
classification system
1979. Analysis by interspecific variation and  - Taxonomy
studies of evolution are made
1980. ICZN International commission of zoological Nomenclature
1981. Classification of fishes come in the year 1901 in UK
1982. A tool by which names are given to the Nomenclature
organisms is called
1983. The usage of two names for an organism Binomial nomenclature
1984. The father of taxonomy is Carrolus Linneus (1758)
1985. The different types of specimen Holotype, Syntype (cottype), Zeo type
1986. Neo type
1987. Refers to a single specimen designated by Holotype
the original author in the original
1988. One of the several specimen forming the Syn type
basis of the original description
1989. The type specimen selected subsequent to Zeotype
the original description from one of the
same types
1990. A specimen collected subsequent to the Neotype
original description when the type specimen
definitely known to have been destroyed
1991. The disadvantage of morphometric meas Some sex & age
urement and ratio is only for
1992. Any counts that can be made on fish is Meristic count
1993. It is the study of fish by description, Karyotypes
numbers and morphology of chromosomes
1994. A biochemical technique which is used to Electrophoresis
evaluated the protein pattern
1995. The study of behaviour of fish Ethology
1996. Two population breed under the same Gametic isolation
condition but fertilization will not take
1997. Two population breed at the same time in Ethological isolation
the same habitat during some season but
sexual pattern and breeding behaviour may
1998. Two population in the same habitat may Temporal isolation
breed in different times of a year
1999. Two population live in the same Habitat isolation
geographical areas but prefer different
2000. Two population are separated by a physical Geographical isolation
2001. Based on the position of mouth of fishes it Terminal, Upterminal (Superior), Subterminal
can be divided into (inferior, Protrusible
2002. The upper & lower jaw are equal Terminal
2003. The lower jaw longer than upper jaw Upterminal (Superior)
2004. The upper jaw longer than lower jaw Sub-terminal (inferior)
2005. Based on the origin/position of teeth it can Saw teeth, Mouth teeth, Pharyngeal teeth
be classified into
2006. Originated from jaw Sew teeth


2007. Originated from tongue Mouth teeth

2008. Originated form gills Pharyngeal teeth
2009. Based on the form the major kinds of teeth Cardiform ,Villiform , Molariform,Canines ,Incisor
2010. Numerous and short, pointed type teeth Cordiform (American catfish)
2011. Elongated, numerous & pointed teeth Filliform (Needle Fishes )
2012. Sub-conical elongated & dog tooth like Canines (Barracuda)
2013. These are sharply edges cutting teeth Incisors (Scabremas)
2014. Teeth are modified for crushing & grinding Molariform (skates)
2015. Based on the origin, Barbels are of four Maxillary, Mandibular, Nasal, Mental
2016. Originate from maxilla Maxillary barbels
2017. Originate from mandible Mandibular barbels
2018. Originate from nostrils Nasal barbels
2019. Originate above snout/head Mental barbels
2020. When the nostrils are one in number Monorhinous condition (Lamprey & Hag fish)
2021. When the nostrils are two in number Dirhinous (Tilapia)
2022. In elasmobranch nostrils are present in Ventral side
2023. Operculum is made up of a bone called Opercle
2024. The gill opening are just like holes present Hagfish
on the side of the body
2025. Sometimes the lower margin of the upper Branchiostegal rogs ?
gills is supported by thin elongated structure
2026. The eye lids are absent in Fishes
2027. Both the eyes are present on one side Flat fishes
2028. Eyes are present on the dorsal surface Skates & rays
2029. Majority of fishes have only Lateral line
2030. Flat fishes have 2 or 3 lateral line
2031. Pectoral fins, pelivic fins, finlets Parired fins
2032. Dorsal ,anal ,caudal ,adipose fin Unpaired fins
2033. Pectoral fins are supported by Pectoral girdle
2034. Pectoral girdle is attached to the Skull
2035. Pectoral fins are absent in Eels
2036. The lower part of pectoral fins are modified Polynemidae
into filaments
2037. Pectorals are broad & rounded Platycephalus indicus (Flathead)
2038. The upper part of the pectoral fin are Nemipteridae
modified into free filaments
2039. Pectoral fins are very large Flying fishes
2040. Pelvic fins are absent in some fishes Eels, cyclostomes, pomtrets
2041. In some fishes pelvic fins originated? Priacanthidae
2042. Pelvic fins are of three types Abdominal, Thoracic, Tubular fins
2043. Originate from abdomen Abdominal fins (carps & clupeids)
2044. Originate just below the pectoral fins Thoracic fins (Perch)
2045. Originate under the throat Tubular fins (Blennids)
2046. The no of dorsal fins varies from species to I dorsal (carps) ,II dorsal (perch) III dorsal (cods)
2047. Anal fin is absent in Skates & rays
2048. Only fish which is having two anal fins Cod
2049. Anal fin is joined with the caudal fin in Eels, ribbon fishes etc
2050. Anal fin is provided with spines 2 spines (Perch)
2 detacged spine (carangids) ?
3 sipnes (perchs)
4 spines (chaetodontidae)
2051. Based on the shapes caudal fins are Cresent (Tuna) Whip like (Skates & Rays) Trilobe
classified into Many types (Bombay duck)
Hemicercal (Sharks) Rounded (Channa)
Forked (Carps, Mackerel)


Luncate (Full beaks) Emerginate (Flatheads) Truncate

(Half beaks)
2052. Adipose fin is present only in Cat fishes
2053. Scales are absent in Cyclostomes & hogfish
2054. Placoid scales are present in Sharks
2055. Cycloid scales are present in Carps
2056. Ctenoid scales are present in Perchs
2057. Some of the Famous taxonomists are Gunther ,Francis day, Jordal ,Le-Berg
2058. The scale which gives the information on Geological time scale (GTS)
geological and biological history of the
2059. There are three different eras Cenozoic, Mesozoic ,Palaezoic

2060. Cenozic divided into two perlods Pecents (1000 – 2000 yrs)
Pleistoune (2 millionyrs)
2061. Mesozoic is also called as Era of Reptiles
2062. Mesozoic is divided into three periods Cretacesus (125 million yrs ago)
Juracic (180 million yrs ago)
Triasic (225 million yrs ago)
2063. Palaezoic is also called as Era of vertebrate
Permian (270 million yrs ago)
Carboniferous (350 million yrs ago)
Devonian ( 400 million yrs ago)
Silurian (440 million yrs ago)
Ordovician (500 million yrs ago)
Cambrian (600 million yrs ago)
2064. Most of the fishes which do not exist in the The age of fishes
period of Devonian and Silurian period is
called as
2065. All living fishes are mainly grouped into 2 Agnatha (Jaw less) & Gnathostomata (Jawed)
major categories
2066. Cephalospidomorphi (class) are commonly Cyclostomes
known as
2067. Petromyzontiformes commonly known Lamprey
2068. Ecological habitats of petromyzontidae Temperate water fishes (both marine & Fresh water)
2069. General characters of petromyzontidae Seven gill pouches
2070. Myxiniformes commonly known as Hagfish
2071. General characters of Myxinidae 1-14 gill pouches
2072. There are two classes of gnathostomate Chondrichthyes (Elasmobronch) ostcichthyes
(Bony/Teleast fish)

2073. General characters of chondrichthyes No caudal pit

2074. General characters of carcharinidae Caudal pit present
2075. General characters of sphyrnidae Pre-caudal pit present
2076. General characters of Rajiformes Eyes & spiracles present on the head
2077. Chondrichthyes have two sub-classes Elasmobranchii & Holocephali
2078. The main difference of Holocephali from Gill slits are four in number & no spiracles
elasmobranchii is
2079. Osteichthyes have three sub-classes Crossopterygii, Dipnoi & Actinoptorygii (lobefish)
(lungfish) (Rayed fish)
2080. The extinct fishes are Osteolepiformes
2081. Coelocanthiformes one commonly called as Living fossils
2082. Coelocanth was caught in the East coast of Chalumni
Africa in the river called
2083. General characters of coelocanthidae Caudal trilobe & cosmoid scales
2084. Dipnoi are also commonly called as Lungfishes
2085. General characters of Dipnoi (lungfishes) Swim bladder well developed for aerial respiration


function as lungs & lobate (raylessfin)

2086. Ceratodinide are commonly called as Australian lung fish
2087. General characters of ceratodinidae are They have paired lungs
2088. Lepidoserins are found in Africa & South America
2089. Lepidoserinidae are commonly called as South American lung fishes
2090. General characters of lepidoserinidae During breeding roles develop a feathery like structure
which act as reverse gill by discharging to the place
where the young ones grow & five pairs of gills
2091. General characters of lepidoseriniformes They have paired lungs
2092. Protopteridae are called as African lung fishes
2093. General characters of protopteridae Six pairs of gills & do not develop a feathery like
2094. The majority of the fishes belong to Actinopterigii (Rayed fish) sub-class
2095. General characters of Actinopterigii Skeleton is compared of true banes
2096. Polypteriformes are commonly called as Bichers or Reed fish
2097. General characters of polypteriformes Ganoid scales, 4 pairs of gills & Dorsal fins concists
of several finlets each finlet have one spine followed
by several soft rays
2098. Acipenseriformes have two family Acipenseridae (Sturgeon) & polydontidae (Paddle
2099. General characters of Acipenseridae Five rows of longitudinal series of bong scutes on the
2100. General characters of polydonfidae No bony scutes & shout paddle like
2101. Amiiformes are commonly known as Bow fin fishes
2102. Amiidae is found in North America
2103. General characters of Lepisosteidae (Gars) Jaws elongated with several rows of strong teeth
2104. Elopiformes have two family Elopidae (pounders/lady fish) & Megalopidae
2105. General characters of Elopidae Adipose tissue covers the eye and a single dorsal fin
present (Scale small)
2106. General characters of Megalopidae Adipose tissue covers the eye & the last dorsal ray
filamentous (Large Scales)
2107. General characters of clupeiformes (Sardine Lateral line generally absent, most of the fish have
like fish) belly scutes & pectoral situated below mid line of the
2108. Clupeiformes have five types of family Clupeidae, Dussumieridae, Dorosomidae, Engraulidae
& Chirocentridae
2109. General characters of clupeidae (Herring, Body with belly/abdominal scute & no lateral
sardine, Hilsa, shads)
2110. General characters of dussumieridae No belly scutes & no lateral line
(Rainbow Sardine)
2111. General characters of Dorosomidae A dark spot often present behind the gill opening
(Gizzard shad)
2112. General characters of Engraulidae (Rat Eyes are covered by transparent skin & body
failed Anchovies) translucent & white
2113. General characters of Chirocentridae (wolf Dorsal away from the mid point of the body
2114. General characters of Notopteridae order Abdomen with scutes only before pelvic & dorsal very
(Feather backs) short ( 8 – 10 days)
2115. General characters of Chanidae order No belly scutes, only one dorsal without spines &
Gonorynchiformes (Milk fish) large eye covered by adipose tissue
2116. General characters of Fins without spines & small adipose fin present
2117. General characters of Harpodontidae Body elongate, translucent (white), flaby & scales
(Bombay duck) absent
2118. General characters of Synodontidae (teeth Head lizard like & mouth large with numerous
unequal in size) unequal teeth
2119. The largest group of fishes among fresh Cypriniformes (carps)
water fishes is


2120. Greatest diversity of carps is found in South East Asia

2121. General characters of cypriniformes Cycloid scales present & weberian apparatus (Bone)
present connecting the inner car & air bladder
2122. Cypriniformes have three sub orders Characoidei, gymnotoidei & cyprinoidei
2123. General characters of cyprinidae Lips thin, tooth less, barbels may or may not present
(is present thin 1-2 pairs)
2124. The largest sub-family of f/w fish is Cyprinidei
2125. Siluriformes (cat fishes) is found both in Plotosiidae & Ariidae
Fresh & Marine water but most of the
catfishes are found in freshwater expect the
fishes which belong to family
2126. General characters of Siluriformes Pectorals & dorsal supported by single spine but no
pelvic spine, body naked but bony plates present
2127. General characters of Siluridae Two paired of barbels, Adipose fn present but dorsal
very short or even absent
2128. General characters of Clariidae (walking cat 4 pairs of barbels and gill filaments are modified into
fish) a branched tree (like structure called “Rosettes”
2129. General characters of Heteropneustidae 4 pairs of barbels & body elongate with comparessed
(Stinging cat fish) head
2130. General characters of Bagridae Nostrils wide apart & adipose present which is fairly
2131. General characters of Plotosidae (Eel tailed Body elongate & eel like, Ist dorsal with spine IInd
cat fish) dorsal long & continous with anal & caudal
2132. General characters of Pangasidae Two pairs of barbels & adipose fin well developed
with small base
2133. General characters of Anguilliformes (Eels) Body snake like, gill opening rusticated to small holes
& no pelvic fin, dorsal &anal continous with caudal
2134. General characters of Anguillidae (Fresh Minute scale present embedded within the skin &
water eels) pectoral present but no pelvic, lateral line distinct
2135. General characters of Muraenidae Pectoral & pelvic absent, No lateral pores & Dorsal
originate nearly above head
2136. General characters of Muraenosocidae (Pike Dorsal originate above gill opening & pectorals well
congers) developed
2137. Ophichthidae are known as Snake eels
2138. Moringuidae are known as Worm eels
2139. Mastaembaliformes are known as Spiny eels
2140. General characters of Mustasembalidae Eel like, operculum very thin snout pointed & few
fishes have black spot along base of dorsal
2141. General characters of Dorsal & anal in directed towards ray of body &
Atheriniformes/Beloniformes sometimes jaw elongated like a beak
2142. General charcters of Belonidae (needle fish Both upper and lower jaw extended into a beak like)
gar fishes fullbeaks)
2143. General characters of Hemiramphidae (half Lower jaw extended into a beak like & upper jaw
beaks) short
2144. General characters of Exocoetidae (Flying Pectorals very large which extends upto anal
2145. Scorpaeniformes are known as Flat heads
2146. General characters of platy Cephalidae (Flat Spines above head & Bony ridges a crass head &
head) Neck,ctenoid scales
2147. Ophiocepholiformes are known as Snake head or murrels
2148. General characters of Ophiocephalidae Looks like snake, head depressed with sheet like
scales & larger scales above head than the body
2149. The largest order in marine fishes is Perciformes
2150. General characters of perciformes Two dorsal (1st dorsal supported by spines no adipose
fin & ctenoid scales present
2151. One of the largest sub-order in the Percoidei
Perciformes is
2152. General characters of Centropomidae Pre opercle with serrated posterior barbell, body


Perch) oblong & Ist & IInd dorsal fin separated by a deep
2153. General characters of Seranidae (Groupers) Body oblong, Mouth protruded, dorsal continous,
caudal rounded & opercle with three spines
2154. General characters of Teraponidae 3-4 longitudinal stripes on the body
2155. General characters if Sillaginidae (whitings ?with sharp spine & lateral line slightly arched.
or sillagos)
2156. General characters of Carangidae jacks, Lateral line with scutes
2157. General characters of Leiognathidae (Pony Protracted mouth, silvery body colour & scales cannot
fishes) be easily seen
2158. General characters of Gerreidae (Silver Protracted mouth & scales can be easily seen
2159. General characters of Lutjanidae (Snappers) Mouth terminal & upper jaw protracted general
charcters of sciaenidae (croakers)
2160. General characters of Sciaenidae (croakers) Sensory pores can be easily seen & dorsal long with a
deep notch after the last spine
2161. General characters of Mullidae (Goat fish) 2 barbels on chin followed in median groove
2162. General characters of Drepanidae (Sickle Pectorals sickle like longer than head & body with 4
fish) vertical bars
2163. General characters of Scatophagidae (Scats) Numerous black spots on the upper portion of the
2164. General characters of Cichlidae (Cichlids) Lateral line interrupted
2165. General characters of Menidae (Moon fish) Mouth protrude upwards & 1st pelvic may elongate in
2166. General characters of Stromatidae Pectorals & dorsal falcate, pelvic absent
2167. General characters of Nemipteridae Caudal ray filamentous
(Perch/Thread fin bream)
2168. General characters of Priacanthidae (Bull Eyes very large & pelvic originate before pectoral fin
2169. General characters of Apolectidae (Black Caudal peduncle with scutes & black in colour
2170. General character of Trichiridae (Ribbon Body elongated & ribbon like, large mouth with
fish) strong canine teeth
2171. General characters of Lacteridae (False Pectoral dorsal, anal supported by three spines
2172. General characters of Polynemidae (Thread 1st pectoral normal, 2nd pectoral with 4 – 7
fin) filamentous ray
2173. General characters of Gobidae Pelvic fin united to form a feeble sucking disc
2174. General characters of Scombridae 5-6 finlets
2175. General characters of Scomberomoridae 7 – 10 finlets (seer fish)
2176. General characters of Anabantidae (Koi) Operculum serrated with 2 spine & 2 – 3 lateral line
2177. General characters of Belontidae Opercle not serrated & pelvic filamentous
2178. General characters of Osphronemidae Dorsal originate behind base of pectoral
2179. General characters of Mugilidae (mullets) 1st dorsal with 4 spines
2180. General characters of Sphyraenidae Inky blotch beneath lateral line
2181. General characters of Triaconthidae (Tripod 3 teeth united/fused together
2182. General characters of Tetraodontidae 4 teeth fused together
(Puffer fish)
2183. General characters of Psettodidae (Halibuts) Upper eye close to dorsal
2184. General characters of Bothidae (left eye Dorsal originate above head
2185. General characters of tongue fish 2-3 lateral line


2186. General characters of Soleidae (Soles) Eyes on right side


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