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Practical Research 2
Second Quarter Exam
Name ____________________________________ Grade-Section _______________________ Score____/50

GENERAL INSTRUCTION. Read each item carefully and supply the necessary answers needed.
MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the letter of the correct and best answer then, write your answer on the
blank space provided before each item.
_____ 1. Analyze the following research titles and tell which one is considered an experimental kind of
A. Current Status of E-agriculture and Global Trends: A Survey Conducted in Trans-Nzoia Country,
B. Effects of mathematical word problem-solving instruction on middle school students with learning
C. Comparing longitudinal academic achievement of full-day and half-day kindergarten student
D. The Association Between Corporate Social Responsibility And Financial Performance
_____ 2. What kind of research design aims to infer the causes of a phenomenon which have already occurred?
A. Ex-post facto B. Correlational C. Descriptive D. Experimental
_____ 3. Which research design makes use of intact groups?
A. Quasi-experimental B. Experimental C. Descriptive D. Correlational
_____ 4. Read and analyze the following statements about the different research designs.
I. Variables are measured as they occur.
II. Used to establish cause-and –effect
III. Experimental manipulation is used.
IV. Used to determine the nature of the relationship between variables
Determine which of these describes a correlational research design.
A. I, II, III, IV B. I and IV C. II and IV D. II only
_____ 5. What is the number of participants suggested by heuristics if the research design is correlational?
A. 800 B. 30 or more C. 100 to 200 D. less than 30
_____ 6. A.S. Manago Elementary School has a total population of 800 pupils. Determine the sample size using
Slovin’s formula.
A. 250 B. 256 C. 267 D. 257
_____ 7. Which type of validity looks at whether the instrument adequately measures all the aspects of a
A. Construct Validity B. Content Validity C. Criterion Validity D. Equivalence
_____ 8. How many phases does the steps in data collection procedure are typically clustered?
A. 2 B. 3 C. 4 D. 5
_____ 9. Which research procedure involves the use of statistical test to address the research questions?
A. Data Collection B. Data Analysis C. Sampling D. Instrumentation
_____ 10. Which statistical tool is applicable to all types of data and to organize data using table or graphs?
A. Frequency count B. Percentage C. Mean D. Standard Deviation
_____ 11. Which technique for validating data make use of two or more sources and methods?
A. Validity B. Reliability C. Instrumentation D. Triangulation
_____ 12. Which of the following refers to the measurement device that researchers use like survey, test,
questionnaire, etc.?
A. Statistical Tools B. Sampling C. Instrument D. Validity
_____ 13. It refers to the overall strategy that a researcher uses to logically and coherently integrate the various
components of the study.
A. Validity B. Research Design C. Reliability D. Instrumentation
_____ 14. Mandy’s target population for her study are students from A. Milano National High School. There
are 20 sections in the school from Grades 7 to 10. Each section has 50 students. Her target sample is 700
students, so she randomly selected 14 sections and use all the students as participants in her study. What
sampling method is used in the situation above?
A. Systematic B. Cluster C. Stratified D. Simple
Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be given unto you.
~ Matthew 6: 33 ~ GOD BLESS YOU!!!
_____ 15. Which of the following describes stability or test-retest correlation as an attribute of reliability in
quantitative research?
A. Consistency of results using an instrument with repeated testing
B. Extent to which all the items on a scale measure one construct
C. Consistency among responses of multiple users of an instrument
D. None of the above
_____ 16. Which of the following is the first step in planning the data collection procedure?
A. Safeguarding the confidentiality of data
B. Pilot-test the instrument
C. Develop the data collection instrument
D. Select and screen the population
_____ 17. Statistical analysis is heavily focused in making the final report of a _______.
A. Qualitative research
B. Quantitative research
C. Ethnographic study
D. Phenomenological study
_____ 18. How is standard deviation being used?
A. To measure the spread or dispersion of the data
B. To measure the center of distribution
C. To measure the weight of each item with respect to the whole group
D. To organize data using tables or graphs
_____ 19. Why is it important to conduct a pilot-test of the research instrument?
A. To get initial result
B. To give instructions to the participants
C. To determine potential problems that may occur when they are administered
D. None of the above.
_____ 20. When the instrument is applied at two different points in time, the responses highly correlate with
one another. What criteria of good research instrument is evident?
A. Sampling B. Reliability C. Validity D. None of the above
_____ 21. Which process refers to the systematic selection of individuals, units or groups to be analyzed during
the conduct of the study?
A. Data Collection B. Data Analysis C. Sampling D. Instrumentation
_____ 22. Which kinds of random sampling does the fishbowl technique belong to?
A. Cluster B. Stratified C. Systematic D. Simple
_____ 23. What is the difference between sample and population?
A. Sample refers to the whole group.
B. Population refers to the selected participants from a large group.
C. Population refers to the whole group.
D. None of the above.
_____ 24. Determine which kind of research design is correctly paired with its data collection technique?
A. Ex post facto: Tests
B. Descriptive: Tests
C. Correlational: Questionnaire
D. Experimental: Questionnaire
_____ 25. In cluster sampling, the clusters are not created based on specific characteristics or traits. These
groups are then considered as ________________.
A. Homogeneous B. subgroups C. Heterogeneous D. Intervals
_____ 26. Which data gathering strategy often makes use of checklist and rating scales?
A. Interview B. Observation C. Questionnaire D. Experiments
_____ 27. Interviews are of two types, which of these does not follow a rigid form?
A. Open-ended B. In depth C. Structured D. Paper-pencil
_____ 28. Which of the following statements best describes observation as a data gathering strategy?
A. It often makes use of checklist and rating scales.
B. It can be used in any stage of the evaluation.
C. It gathers first hand data on programs, processes or behavior.
D. It allows the respondent to answer in any way.
Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be given unto you.
~ Matthew 6: 33 ~ GOD BLESS YOU!!!
_____ 29. How does interview as a data gathering strategy help in the data collection?
A. It gives first hand data to the researcher.
B. It can be conducted to a large number of people.
C. It will supplement the data gathered through questionnaires.
D. It determines the cause and effect relationship.
_____ 30. How did Calmorin and Calmorin (2007) defined data processing?
A. It deals with numerical data alone.
B. It means translating information into qualitative form.
C. It is a series of actions or steps performed on data.
D. It uses statistics.
_____ 31. Data analysis is the process of developing answers to questions. How are answers developed?
A. By examination of Data B. By interpretation of Data C. Both A and B D. None of the above

For questions 32 – 34, Refer to the given choices below.

A. Frequency Count B. Mean C. Percentage D. Standard deviation
_____ 32. It measures the spread of data.
_____ 33. It is more commonly known as “the average”.
_____ 34. It measures the weight of each item with respect to the whole group.
_____ 35. _______ is dealing with editing, coding, classifying, tabulating and presenting data.
A. Data Collection B. Data Analysis C. Data Processing D. None of the above
_____ 36. Which research procedure is defined as an adequate presentation of the “TRUE MEANING” of the
material presented?
A. Data Collection B. Data Analysis C. Data Processing D. Data Interpretation
_____ 37. What is the purpose of presenting data through diagrams and charts?
A. To summarize C. To classify
B. To get the attention of readers D. To verify
_____ 38. Why is it that results and discussions are considered the “meat” of the paper?
A. It provides and analyzes the findings.
B. It provides recommendations.
C. It summarizes the findings.
D. It provides the conclusions.
_____ 39. Why is that recommendations are important in the research paper?
A. It relates to the implications of the findings.
B. It considers stating how future studies can address the limitations.
C. Both A and B
D. None of the above
_____ 40. Read the following statements about proofreading. Determine which is considered FALSE.
A. You, as the researcher can do your own proofreading.
B. A writer with vast experience in editing would be better.
C. It allows you to see mistakes and not notice them.
D. All of the above

For number 41 – 50. Read the following statements. Write T – if the statement is True and F – if the
statement is False.
_____ 41. Formatting includes complete reference and proper citation.
_____ 42. Specific recommendations become more workable and practical.
_____ 43. Editing is the process of omitting and changing the data collected.
_____ 44. The summary is the condensed version of the results.
_____ 45. In the summary, you can introduce new data.
_____ 46. One short statement for your summary that responds to the research question is sufficient.
_____ 47. Recommendations must align with the purpose and scope of the study.
_____ 48. Concise and clear recommendation help readers to hardly recognize the impact.
_____ 49. Numerals and figures must be used in your conclusion.
_____ 50. Correlation in the responses of instrument applied at two different points in time relates to its

Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be given unto you.
~ Matthew 6: 33 ~ GOD BLESS YOU!!!

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