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Not Reported in N.E.2d, 2005 WL 4694579 (Ill.App. 1 Dist.)

(Cite as: 2005 WL 4694579 (Ill.App. 1 Dist.))

Vaginal penetration never occurred; the parties

Only the Westlaw citation is currently available. engaged only in acts of oral sex. Defendant told
plaintiff she did not want to have sexual inter-
Appellate Court of Illinois, course due to her menses. On or around February
First District, Third Division. 19, 1999, and March 19, 1999, defendant
Richard PHILLIPS, M.D., Plaintiff-Appellant, “intentionally engaged in oral sex with [plaintiff]
v. so that she could harvest [his] semen and artifi-
Sharon IRONS, M.D., Defendant-Appellee. cially inseminate herself,” and “did artificially in-
seminate herself.”
No. 1-03-2992.
Feb. 22, 2005. Plaintiff's complaint alleged further that in
May of 1999, defendant confessed to plaintiff that
Appeal from the Circuit Court of Cook County.
she still was married to her former husband, Dr.
No. 01 L 14237, Honorable Kathy M. Flanagan,
Adebowale Adeleye. She told plaintiff she
Judge Presiding.
planned to get a divorce, and showed him a
ORDER “Petition for Dissolution of Marriage,” which was
*1 Plaintiff, Richard Phillips, appeals from filed on May 20, 1999. In the petition, defendant
the circuit court's dismissal of his complaint filed swore she was not pregnant. The parties' relation-
against defendant, Sharon Irons, in response to a ship terminated in May of 1999, upon plaintiff
parentage action brought previously by defendant learning defendant was not divorced.
against plaintiff. On appeal, plaintiff contends the
On November 21, 2000, defendant filed a
court erred in dismissing his claims pursuant to
“Petition to Establish Paternity and Other Relief”
section 2-615 of the Illinois Code of Civil Pro-
against plaintiff, claiming she and plaintiff had a
cedure. 735 ILCS 5/2-615 (2004).
sexual relationship eight to ten months before the
On May 23, 2003, plaintiff filed a three- birth of defendant's daughter, Serena, on Decem-
count third amended complaint against defendant, ber 1, 1999. DNA tests have confirmed plaintiff
seeking damages for (1) intentional infliction of is Serena's biological father. Plaintiff's com-
emotional distress (IIED) (count I), (2) fraudulent plaint asserted he had no knowledge of defend-
misrepresentation (count II), and (3) conversion ant's pregnancy nor the birth of the child until re-
(count III). Plaintiff's complaint provides the fol- ceiving defendant's petition to establish paternity.
lowing allegations. He and defendant began dat- He also claimed defendant continued to live with
ing in January of 1999, prior to which time de- Adeleye during her pregnancy, after which de-
fendant informed plaintiff that she was divorced, fendant led Adeleye and the public to believe Ser-
her prior marriage having occurred one year earli- ena is Adeleye's daughter, as evinced by Ade-
er, and it was a “terrible mistake.” In a short peri- leye's name on Serena's birth certificate. Plaintiff
od of time, plaintiff and defendant became en- contends Serena still does not know he is her bio-
gaged to be married. During their relationship, logical father.
the parties discussed the possibility of having
FN1. At the time this case was before the
children only after they married. Plaintiff in-
circuit court, and as of the filing of
formed defendant he did not wish to have chil-
plaintiff's original brief, plaintiff's pa-
dren prior to marriage, and intended to use a con-
ternity had not been established. Al-
dom if and when they engaged in sexual inter-
though the parties agree that plaintiff is
course. Defendant understood and agreed. During
Serena's biological father, no documenta-
the entire course of their relationship, the parties
tion is provided in the record on appeal.
engaged in intimate sexual acts three times, with
two of those times occurring on the same date. *2 Following the filing of plaintiff's initial

© 2015 Thomson Reuters. No Claim to Orig. US Gov. Works.

Not Reported in N.E.2d, 2005 WL 4694579 (Ill.App. 1 Dist.)
(Cite as: 2005 WL 4694579 (Ill.App. 1 Dist.))

complaint, defendant successfully moved to dis- paternity suit, defendant informed the circuit
miss under section 2-615. Plaintiff ultimately court she “began to suspect that [she] was preg-
filed a third amended complaint, which was dis- nant during the week of April 5, 1999.”
missed with prejudice, the circuit court finding
each count “continues to lack sufficient facts” ne- FN2. Although the legal issues involved
cessary to state a cause of action. Plaintiff timely are dissimilar from those presented in the
appeals. case sub judice, there are at least two
cases dealing with self-insemination. In
The question presented by a section 2-615 Jhordan C. v. Mary K., 179 Cal.App.3d
motion to dismiss is whether sufficient facts have 386 (Cal.Ct.App.1986), an unmarried
been pled in the complaint which, if proved, woman artificially inseminated herself at
would entitle plaintiff to relief. RBC Mortgage home with the semen of a known donor
Co. v. National Union Fire Insurance Co., 349 and gave birth to a child she intended to
Ill.App.3d 706, 711, 812 N.E.2d 728 (2004). All raise jointly with a close woman friend.
well-pleaded facts in the complaint and all reas- The donor filed an action to establish pa-
onable inferences drawn therefrom are taken as ternity and visitation rights. With regard
true, and are construed in the light most favorable to the mother's ability to inseminate her-
to plaintiff. Feltmeier v. Feltmeier, 207 Ill.2d self, the Court of Appeal of California
263, 267, 798 N.E.2d 795 (2003) (Feltmeier ). A stated “[i]t is true that nothing inherent
complaint is susceptible to dismissal under sec- in artificial insemination requires the in-
tion 2-615 only when it clearly appears that no set volvement of a physician. Artificial in-
of facts could be proved under the pleadings that semination is, as demonstrated here, a
would entitle plaintiff to relief, and where the cir- simple procedure easily performed by a
cuit court can determine the relative rights of the woman in her own home.” Jhordan C.,
parties solely from the pleadings. RBC, 349 179 Cal.App.3d at 393-94.
Ill.App.3d at 711. To state a cause of action ad-
equately, the claim must be sufficient both legally In State v. Frisard, 694 So.2d 1032
and factually, setting forth a legally recognized (La.Ct.App.1997), the child's mother
claim as its basis, as well as pleading facts which filed a paternity suit against the father,
are cognizable legally. RBC, 349 Ill.App.3d at who denied having sexual intercourse
711. A complaint dismissed under section 2-615 with the mother, to whom he was not
requires the reviewing court to apply a de novo married. He alleged she, a nursing as-
standard of review. Vitro v. Mihelcic, 209 Ill.2d sistant, performed oral sex on him in a
76, 81, 806 N.E.2d 632 (2004). hospital, made him wear a condom,
and used his sperm to inseminate her-
I self in a nearby bathroom with a “red
Plaintiff argues the circuit court erred in dis- looking bulb with a glass tube.” Fris-
missing count I of his complaint for intentional ard, 694 So.2d at 1035. In addition to
infliction of emotional distress. He claims de- DNA results and plaintiff's affidavit, in
fendant's conduct was “extreme and outrageous,” which she stated she had sexual inter-
when she lied about being unable to engage in in- course with defendant and did not have
tercourse or to conceive due to her menses and intercourse with any other man 30
agreed to prevent conception of children prior to days before or after the date of concep-
marriage, but then intentionally engaged in oral tion, the Court of Appeal of Louisiana
sex so she could harvest his semen to artificially explained that defendant's “testimony
inseminate herself. Plaintiff asserts defendant showed that he had some sort of sexual
falsely claimed not to be pregnant in her petition contact with plaintiff around the time
for dissolution, yet in her response to plaintiff's frame of alleged conception, although
“Demand for Bill of Particulars” in the pending he denied that they had sexual inter-

© 2015 Thomson Reuters. No Claim to Orig. US Gov. Works.

Not Reported in N.E.2d, 2005 WL 4694579 (Ill.App. 1 Dist.)
(Cite as: 2005 WL 4694579 (Ill.App. 1 Dist.))

course.” Frisard, 694 So.2d at 217.

Plaintiff responds that defendant's filing of a
FN3. Plaintiff has not included this parentage action against him “does not stand
pleading in the record on appeal. alone in provoking distress but is augmented by
the realization of a more calculated, profound,
Plaintiff asserts defendant “intended to inflict personal betrayal which took place nearly [two]
emotional distress on plaintiff or knew there was years before but to which he was unaware.”
a high probability that her conduct would do so.”
He claims defendant, as a physician and clinical Three elements are needed to state a cause of
professor of internal medicine, is well versed in: action for IIED: (1) the conduct involved must be
the functions of the female body; the fact that the truly extreme and outrageous; (2) the actor must
mouth is a suitable environment to house live either intend that his or her conduct inflict severe
sperm; and the art of artificial insemination. Giv- emotional distress, or know that there is at least a
en defendant's awareness of the circumstances, high probability that it will cause severe emotion-
plaintiff contends defendant knew, or should have al distress; and (3) the conduct must, in fact,
known, that filing her petition for paternity would cause severe emotional distress. Feltmeier, 207
shock him and inflict severe emotional distress. Ill.2d at 268-69. To state an action for IIED, the
complaint must be specific and detailed, beyond
*3 Plaintiff alleges defendant “actually what is normally considered permissible in plead-
caused severe emotional distress,” as manifested ing a tort action. Welsh v. Commonwealth Edison
in his nausea; inability to eat; difficulty concen- Co., 306 Ill.App.3d 148, 155, 713 N.E.2d 679
trating and sleeping; feelings of being trapped in (1999) (Welsh ).
a nightmare; diminished ability to trust; and head-
aches. First, it must be determined whether plaintiff
alleged sufficient facts to show defendant's
Without commenting on the veracity of “extreme and outrageous” conduct. Whether con-
plaintiff's allegations, defendant claims that even duct is extreme and outrageous is evaluated on an
if his assertions are true, his symptoms are insuf- objective standard based on all of the facts and
ficient to support an action for IIED. She argues circumstances. McGrath v. Fahey, 126 Ill.2d 78,
further that a cause of action for an intentional 90, 533 N.E.2d 806 (1988) (McGrath ). Mere in-
tort cannot be based on the filing of a law suit. sults, indignities, threats, annoyances, petty op-
pressions or other trivialities do not qualify as
outrageous conduct. Kolegas v. Heftel Broad-
FN4. Defendant cites generally Gibson v.
casting Corp., 154 Ill.2d 1, 20-21, 607 N.E.2d
Chemical Card Services Corp., 157
201 (1992). Rather, the nature of defendant's con-
Ill.App.3d 211, 510 N.E.2d 37 (1987),
duct must be so extreme as to go beyond all pos-
citing Public Finance Corp. v. Davis, 66
sible bounds of decency, and to be regarded as in-
Ill.2d 86, 360 N.E.2d 765 (1976);
tolerable in a civilized community. Kolegas, 154
however, this authority does not stand
Ill.2d at 21, quoting Restatement (Second) of
for the proposition for which it is cited
Torts § 46, Comment d, at 73 (1965) (“recitation
by defendant. In Gibson, plaintiff alleged
of the facts to an average member of the com-
she incurred severe emotional distress
munity would arouse his resentment against the
during a criminal investigation in which
actor, and lead him to exclaim, ‘Outrageous!” ’).
she was suspected of stealing credit
cards from defendant corporation. Gib- In the case sub judice, if proved, defendant's
son, 157 Ill.App.3d at 212. In Public actions would constitute “extreme and out-
Finance, defendant collectors harassed rageous” conduct. Defendant is accused of delib-
plaintiff debtor and induced her to write erately misleading plaintiff to believe she did not
a bad check. Gibson, 157 Ill.App.3d at want to conceive children until after marriage and

© 2015 Thomson Reuters. No Claim to Orig. US Gov. Works.

Not Reported in N.E.2d, 2005 WL 4694579 (Ill.App. 1 Dist.)
(Cite as: 2005 WL 4694579 (Ill.App. 1 Dist.))

could not become pregnant due to her menstrual legedly fathered.” He states that his continued
cycle, but deceitfully engaged in sexual acts, thoughts of this child have caused him difficulty
which no reasonable person would expect could sleeping and has interfered with his professional
result in pregnancy, to use plaintiff's sperm in an obligations and personal activities. He feels “as if
unorthodox, unanticipated manner yeilding ex- he is trapped in a terrible nightmare,” he is
treme consequences. Under these facts, it is cog- “burdened with feelings of betrayal,” and “his
nizable that if an average member of the parties' ability to trust has been greatly diminished,”
community were told of these circumstances, a which has “greatly affected his social life.”
reasonable response could be, “outrageous!”
Plaintiff must allege some facts which, if
*4 Next, it must be determined whether true, would support the conclusion that the emo-
plaintiff alleged sufficient facts to establish de- tional distress actually suffered as a proximate
fendant intended that her conduct inflict severe result of defendant's conduct was severe;
emotional distress, or knew there is at least a high however, merely characterizing emotional dis-
probability that it would. In support of this ele- tress as severe is insufficient. Welsh, 306
ment, plaintiff argues that defendant used her sci- Ill.App.3d at 155-56. It is the degree of emotional
entific knowledge to procure his sperm to impreg- distress actually suffered by plaintiff which sep-
nate herself successfully, while plaintiff believed arates the actionable from the non-actionable.
conception was physically impossible and against Welsh, 306 Ill.App.3d at 155. “The intensity and
defendant's wishes. duration of the distress are factors to be con-
sidered in determining its severity.” McGrath,
Under these circumstances, even if defendant 126 Ill.2d at 86.
intended to accomplish only conception and pro-
creation, she knew there was at least a high prob- Here, plaintiff has not stated merely that his
ability that her manner of so doing would inflict distress is severe, but has illustrated with ex-
severe emotional distress on plaintiff. According amples the effect of defendant's actions on him.
to plaintiff, defendant was aware of his desire to As plaintiff's claim involves a physically and psy-
have children only after marriage. Further, chologically manipulated non-consensual preg-
plaintiff believed defendant could not become nancy, it is cognizable that the intensity of his
pregnant, not only due to the nature of the sexual emotional distress is great and its duration long-
acts, but because he believed she was infertile at lasting. Despite defendant's contentions that
the time as a result of her menstrual cycle. plaintiff's symptoms are insufficient in law to
Months later, however, defendant informed support an action for IIED, in “Illinois, unlike
plaintiff he fathered her child. From these facts, if some other jurisdictions, physical injury or disab-
proved, it may be inferred reasonably that defend- ility is not required to accompany, or result from,
ant knew manipulating plaintiff into unwittingly the psychic trauma.” McCaskill v. Barr, 92
conceiving a child out of wedlock would inflict Ill.App.3d 157, 159, 414 N.E.2d 1327 (1980) (
severe emotional distress. Further, contrary to de- McCaskill ), citing Knierim v. Izzo, 22 Ill.2d 73,
fendant's assertion, plaintiff is not claiming the 83, 174 N.E.2d 157 (1961).
act of filing the paternity suit itself caused him
severe emotional distress; it was the result of de- FN5. The court noted further, “[w]ithout
fendant's actions in their entirety. any physical manifestation to be object-
ively observed, it is more important than
Last, it must be determined whether plaintiff ever that the [trier of fact] possess suffi-
set forth sufficient facts to allege “severe” emo- cient factual data in order to say that the
tional distress. Plaintiff claims he “often finds events would lead an ordinarily reason-
himself nauseated and unable to eat, especially able person into a state of mental dis-
when-as a family practitioner-he treats small chil- tress.” McCaskill, 92 Ill.App.3d at 159.
dren who are the same age as the child he al-
*5 At this stage plaintiff is not required to

© 2015 Thomson Reuters. No Claim to Orig. US Gov. Works.

Not Reported in N.E.2d, 2005 WL 4694579 (Ill.App. 1 Dist.)
(Cite as: 2005 WL 4694579 (Ill.App. 1 Dist.))

prove his case: “[a]lthough a complaint is defi- Ill.App.3d at 187. The circuit court did not err in
cient when it fails to allege the facts necessary for dismissing plaintiff's claim for fraudulent misrep-
recovery, [ ] plaintiff is not required to set out resentation.
evidence; only the ultimate facts to be proved
should be alleged, not the evidentiary facts tend- III
ing to prove such ultimate facts.” Chandler v. Plaintiff argues last that the circuit court
Illinois Central R.R., 207 Ill.2d 331, 348, 798 erred in dismissing count III of his complaint for
N.E.2d 724 (2003). Whether plaintiff will prevail conversion. He asserts that defendant committed
on the elements of his claim for IIED is a quintes- the tort when she took his “semen, sperm, and ge-
sential question of fact to be resolved by the trier netic material without his permission, for the pur-
of fact. Accordingly, the circuit court erred in dis- pose of conceiving a child, purportedly within the
missing count I of plaintiff's complaint. bounds of her marriage to Adeleye.”

II Defendant responds that where plaintiff did

Plaintiff contends next the circuit court erred not loan or lease his sperm, where there was no
in dismissing count II of his complaint for fraud- agreement that the original deposit would be re-
ulent misrepresentation, arguing the facts presen- turned upon request, or where the transaction did
ted satisfy each requisite element. not create a bailment, a claim for conversion can-
not be sustained. She asserts that when plaintiff
The elements of a claim for fraudulent mis- “delivered” his sperm to defendant it was a gift-
representation are: (1) a false statement of materi- an absolute and irrevocable transfer of title to
al fact; (2) known or believed to be false by the property from a donor to donee. Plaintiff's donat-
party making it; (3) intent to induce plaintiff to ive intent was clear, she argues, “had he not-
act; (4) action by plaintiff in justifiable reliance intended to deliver his sperm to [her], he would
on the truth of the statement; and (5) damage to have used a condom and kept it and its contents.”
plaintiff resulting from such reliance. Board of
Education of City of Chicago v. A. C & S. Inc., *6 Conversion is an unauthorized act that de-
131 Ill.2d 428, 452, 546 N.E.2d 580 (1989). Facts prives a person of his property permanently or for
constituting an alleged fraudulent misrepresenta- an indefinite time. In re Thebus, 108 Ill.2d 255,
tion must be pleaded with specificity and particu- 259, 483 N.E.2d 1258 (1985). “It must be shown
larity. Board of Education, 131 Ill.2d at 457. that the money claimed, or its equivalent, at all
times belonged to [ ] plaintiff and that [ ] defend-
In this case, it is unnecessary to examine suf- ant converted it to his own use. [Citation.]”
ficiency of the facts presented in the complaint, Thebus, 108 Ill.2d at 261. The elements of a
as this claim is not of the type sustainable under claim for conversion are: (1) plaintiff's right in
the instant circumstances. The tort of fraudulent the property; (2) plaintiff's right to immediate, ab-
misrepresentation historically has been limited to solute, and unconditional possession of the prop-
cases involving business or financial transactions erty; (3) defendant's unauthorized and wrongful
where plaintiff has suffered a pecuniary harm. assumption of control, dominion, or ownership
Neurosurgery & Spine Surgery, S.C. v. Goldman, over the property; and (4) plaintiff's demand for
339 Ill.App.3d 177, 185-86, 790 N.E.2d 925 possession. Stathis v. Geldermann, Inc., 295
(2003), citing W. Prosser, Torts, § 105 (4th Ill.App.3d 844, 856, 692 N.E.2d 798 (1998).
ed.1971). Fraudulent misrepresentation is a tort
distinct from the general milieu of negligent and In this case, no set of facts could be proved
intentional wrongs; it is an economic tort under under the pleadings that would entitle plaintiff to
which one may recover only monetary damages. relief for conversion, as he cannot satisfy the re-
Neurosurgery, 339 Ill.App.3d at 186. Therefore, quisite elements. Cases from other jurisdictions
plaintiff may not recover on allegations of phys- have recognized the existence of a “property
ical and emotional distress. Neurosurgery, 339 right” in materials derived from the human body
(see e.g. Kurchener v. State Farm Fire and Casu-

© 2015 Thomson Reuters. No Claim to Orig. US Gov. Works.

Not Reported in N.E.2d, 2005 WL 4694579 (Ill.App. 1 Dist.)
(Cite as: 2005 WL 4694579 (Ill.App. 1 Dist.))

alty Co., 858 So.2d 1220 (Fla.Ct.App.2003);

Hecht v. Superior Court, 16 Cal.App. 4th 836
(Cal.App.1993); Moore v. Regents of University
of California, 51 Cal.3d 120 (Cal.1989); York v.
Jones, 717 F.Supp. 421 (E.D.Va.1989)); however,
plaintiff cannot show he had the “right to imme-
diate, absolute, and unconditional possession” of
his sperm. Plaintiff presumably intended, and he
does not claim otherwise, that defendant discard
his semen, not return it to him. “The essence of
conversion is the wrongful deprivation of one
who has a right to the immediate possession of
the object unlawfully held.” Bender v. Consolid-
ated Mink Ranch, Inc., 110 Ill.App.3d 207, 213,
441 N.E.2d 1315 (1982). Plaintiff is unable to
satisfy the second element needed to state a claim
for conversion. In light of the foregoing, the third
and fourth elements of conversion need not be ad-

For the reasons set forth above, the judgment

of the circuit court of Cook County is affirmed as
to counts II and III, reversed as to count I, and the
cause is remanded.

Affirmed in part and reversed in part; cause



J.J., concurring.

Ill.App. 1 Dist.,2005.
Phillips v. Irons
Not Reported in N.E.2d, 2005 WL 4694579
(Ill.App. 1 Dist.)


© 2015 Thomson Reuters. No Claim to Orig. US Gov. Works.

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