Fajrul Ihsan Siregar 19150115710108 Task 2

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Fajrul Ihsan Siregar


1. What personal relation do each sender of the letter to the addressees? Provide evidence
from the letters
2. What is the tone of each letter? Provide evidences from the letters.

Letter 1
1. The sender and recipient of the letter were long-time close friends who had not
met. can be known from the sentence "I want to share something that is disturbing
these days. I have not been keeping good health and I'm really worried for her.
Sometimes I see bad dreams about mom and they wake me up in the middle of the
night, I am sure you know what bad dreams I am talking about, and the proof they
are not siblings is from the phrase "Give my love to your mom and dad and loads
of love to you too "

2. The tone of this letter is to share last news about sender’s Mom health condition.
This can be seen at the core of the letter, wich the sender tells about the condition
of his mother's health while asking the addressees to keep it a secret

Letter 2
1. the relationship between the sender and recipient of the letter is just getting to
know each other, this can be seen from the statement "Could you tell me a bit about
yourself and your family?" and he also said that he was the sender told if he knew
the addressees from his friend.

2. The tone of this letter is to make a friend and to help the adressees improving
English skills. This can be seen at the core of the letter wicht the sender tell the
addresses that he is very intrested to know the addressees and his family. The
sender also tell the addressees that she would like to help her to practice her

Letter 3
1. The sender and recipient of the letter are new friends, this is evidenced by the
sender who has just introduced himself and his family to the recipient.

2. The tone of this letter is to introduce the sender’s indentity and also ask the
addressees to introduce her indentity and family. this can be seen at the core of the
letter when the sender introduce her self and tells about her family

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