1st Periodical Test Grade 9

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A.Y. 2018-2019

General Directions:
1. Read each item carefully and write all your answers in the answer sheet.
2. Use pencil in shading the letters of your choice in the answer sheet.
3. Observe intellectual honesty while answering the test. Good luck!

I. Stem Options (Rx1). Choose the letter of the correct answer.

1. What system is responsible for the exchange of 7. A 35 years old man has the following
oxygen and carbon dioxide between the air and symptoms: coughing and fatigue due to mucus
the cells? blocking in the bronchi. Which disease of the
a. circulatory c. excretory respiratory system could be his problem?
b. digestive d. respiratory
2. Which part of the respiratory system filters and a. Asthma
warm the air upon entering it?
a. air sac c. nasal cavity b. Bronchitis
b. bronchi d. diaphragm
3. How does the air enter our body?
a. nose > nasal passage > trachea > d. Emphysema
bronchi > bronchioles > alveoli
b. nose > nasal passage > trachea > 8.___________________________________.
bronchioles > bronchi > alveoli
c. nasal cavity > nose > trachea > i. Increase your walking speed.
bronchioles > bronchi > alveoli ii. Maintain a healthy weight.
d. nasal cavity > alveoli > trachea > iii. Stay hydrated.
bronchioles > bronchi > nose iv. Avoid smoking.
4. During inhalation, _______. Which of the following belongs in the blank
a. the diaphragm moves down and space above?
contracts the chest cavity. a. Causes of respiratory problems
b. the diaphragm moves down and expands b. Ways on how to avoid respiratory
the chest cavity. problems.
c. the diaphragm moves up and contracts c. Kinds of common respiratory diseases.
the chest cavity. d. Results of bad lifestyle.
d. the diaphragm moves up and expands 9. What is the primary organ of the circulatory
the chest cavity. system?
5. All of the following are associated with a. Heart c. veins
respiratory problems EXCEPT b. Arteries d. blood
a. unbalanced diet c. pollutants 10. A type of circulation which is described by the
b. enough sleep d. smoking movement of blood through the tissues of the
6. What is the role of ALVEOLI in the transport of HEART.
GASES in the body? a. Pulmonary c. Systemic
a. They serve as the linkage from the b. Coronary d. Respiratory
respiratory system and the circulatory system. 11. The _______ prevents the back flow of blood.
b. They serve as the carrier of the a. atrium c. ventricle
deoxygenated blood. b. valve d. septum
c. They serve as the carrier of the
oxygenated blood.
d. They serve as the linkage from the
respiratory system and the digestive system.
12. The beating sound your heart makes comes For 21-22, A plant with red flowers is crossed
from: with a white-flowered plant of the same species.
a. Blood going in the wrong direction All the seeds, when grown, produce plants with
b. Valves closing red flowers. (Assume that the flower color is
c. The heart skipping beats
controlled by a single pair of alleles)
d. Your ears playing tricks on you
13. It is the network of vessels that carries blood to
and from the lungs is called _______________.
17. Which allele is dominant
a. Coronary Circulation a. Red color c. Pink color
b. Lymphatic Circulation b. White color d. Red & Pink Stripe
c. Pulmonary circulation 18. Which is recessive?
d. Systemic Circulation a. Red color c. Pink color
b. White color d. Red & Pink Stripe
13. You can keep your heart strong by: 19. In cats, the allele (SS) for short fur is
a. Eating heart-shaped candy
dominant to the allele (ss) for long fur. What
b. Doing activities, like playing outside, is the phenotype of a cat with a genotype
riding your bike, and swimming Ss?
c. Smoking a. Short fur c. medium fur
d. Sleeping 18 hours a day b. Long fur d. no fur
14. Which blood vessel carries blood towards the 20. In rabbits, assume that the dominant allele
heart? (BB) produces black fur. The allele (bb) for
a. arteries white fur is recessive to B.
b. capillaries
c. lymph vessels Rabbit 1 Rabbit 2 Rabbit 3 Rabbit 4
d. veins
Genotype BB Bb Bb bb
14. Who is the father of Classical Genetics?

a. Isaac Newton
Which rabbits will have white coat color?
b. Gregor Mendel a. 1, 2 and 3 c. 2 only
c. Albert Einstein b. 4 only d. 1, 2, 3 and 4
d. Alexander Fleming 21. If rabbits 1 and 4 were mated together and
15. Atherosclerosis is a disease in which plaque
had 12 babies, how many of these would you
builds up inside your arteries. Plaque is made expect to be gray?
up of fat, cholesterol, calcium, and other a. 0 c. 8
substances found in the blood. Over time, b. 4 d. 12
plaque hardens and narrows your arteries. This 22. A Non-Mendelian process of inheritance
limits the flow of oxygen-rich blood to your that involves the expression of both alleles
organs and other parts of your body. of the parents in one organism is called
Why is atherosclerosis especially serious a. Codominance
when it develops in the coronary arteries?
b. Dominance
a. It can then go on to affect the aorta.
c. Incomplete Dominance
b. It can make red blood cells die.
c. It can lead to a heart attack. d. Multiple Alleles
d. It can limit the functioning of white blood 23. It is known as Trisomy 21 wherein the
cells. patient has 47 chromosomes.
16. What is the basic unit of heredity? a. Down syndrome
a. Gene c. autosome b. Klinefelter’s syndrome
b. DNA d. chromosome c. Patau Syndrome
d. Turner’s syndrome.
For 28-29, use the table below. II. Supply Type. (Rx1).
A. Arrange the following parts which involves
in the Pulmonary Circulation and Systemic

A. Right Atrium B. Right Ventricles

C. Pulmonary Artery D. Pulmonary Veins
E. Pulmonary Capillaries F. Septum
24. The alleles controlling the ABO blood groups Heart 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. Left
are given the letters IA (group A), IB (group B) Atrium
and i (group O). This type of inheritance is
called ________. A. Systemic capillaries B. Descending Aorta
a. Complete dominance C. right atrium D. Superior Vena Cava
b. Incomplete dominance
E. Ascending Aorta F. Septum
c. Codominance
d. Multiple allele Left 26 Aortic 27. 28. 29. 30.
25. What is/are the possible blood type/s of an Ventricle Arch
offspring if both parents are type O?
a. A and B c. A, B and AB
b. A and AB d. O only
26. In humans, maleness or femaleness is
determined by a pair of sex chromosomes
called X and Y. What is the genotype for
a. XX c. XXY
b. XY d. XO
27. It is a hereditary material and is also known
as the blue print of life.
a. DNA c. mRNA
b. RNA d. tRNA
28. Which of the following statements is true?
a. The gene is the basic unit of heredity
and is found in the chromosome.
b. The chromosome is the basic unit of
heredity and is found in the gene
c. The gene determines the sex of
humans and the chromosomes carry the
d. The gene carries the traits inside the
20 pairs of chromosomes in humans.
29. Extinction means
a. population of a species begins
declining rapidly
b. population has become so low
c. occurs when the last member of that
species dies
d. when the population is stable.
30. It happens when there is removing or
clearing of forest to include cutting of all
trees, mostly for agricultural or urban use.
a. Eutrophication
b. Acid rain precipitation
c. Water pollution
d. deforestation

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