Lesson Plan 2

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Lesson Plan Guide

Teacher Candidate: Carrie Clausel Date: July 31,2019

Grade and Topic: 4th grade science Length of Lesson:45 minutes


● Students will learn about fossils and what they can teach us.

● Given a computer with internet, the student will create a PowerPoint to tell what fossils are and what we
can learn from them with 100% accuracy.

● 4.LS4.1 Obtain information about what a fossil is and ways a fossil can provide information about the

● Paper and pen to take notes
● Computer to create PowerPoint and research data.
● Needed technology: computer, internet access, and PowerPoint.


● The key concept of this lesson is fossils and what they can teach us.
● This lesson will be the first lesson in which students learn about fossils.
● In the lessons following this one, students will learn more details about fossils like the different types of


● Introduction: To introduce the lesson to the students, I will have a couple pictures of some fossils on
the board. I will then ask the students, “Does anyone know what I have on the board today?” I will then
confirm they are fossils and give the students some general information about fossils.
● Procedures:
● “Today, we are going to be doing class a little differently. Today I want you to teach me about fossils.
You will split up into groups and will research what fossils are and what they can teach us about. Make sure that
you cover both questions in your research to receive full credit.
● Before the computer:
○ Teacher Procedures: Inform the students of what they are going to be doing on the
computer and split the class into groups. Instruct the students to get their computers out and ready to
○ Student procedures: Split into the groups they are assigned to. Get their computers up and
ready to start work. Grab pen and paper to take notes on.
● At the computer:
○ Teacher Procedures: Walk around the classroom to make sure students are on task and
behaving correctly. Answer any questions that the students may have. Also, the teacher should be
observing and listening to the students to see what they are learning in their research. The teacher should
ask students questions to get them thinking more than they may be.
○ Students Procedures: Students will use the internet to find the answers to the two
questions they are required to answer in their PowerPoint. The students will take notes on paper so that
they can make their PowerPoint later in class. Students will use only reliable sources to find the
information they need to find.
● After the computer:
○ Teacher Procedures: The teacher will begin asking questions about what the students
learned while doing their research. The teacher will make sure that all the questions on the quiz has been
covered before passing out the quiz.
○ Student Procedures: Students will get their notes together and organized and tell the
teacher what they learned. The students will answer any questions that the teacher has.
○ Once the students are done at the computers, the students will complete the quiz that the
teacher has made. Once all the students complete the quiz, they will begin to make their PowerPoint.
● Before the computer:
○ Teacher Procedures: Inform the students that they are going to make a PowerPoint
presentation and what is required of them on the PowerPoint.
○ Student Procedures: Turn the computer back on and get it ready to work. Listen to the
teacher as he or she gives directions.
● At the computer:
○ Teacher procedures: Walk around the classroom to make sure the students are on task and
on the correct software. Help students if they need help with anything and answer any questions the
students may have.
○ Student procedures: Create a PowerPoint with all the information that is required.
Students will be in groups, so each student should be complete part of the project. There shouldn’t be
only one student doing everything. After the students complete their PowerPoint they will save it and
submit it to the teacher.
● After the computer:
○ Teacher Procedures: Get the students back to the lesson by asking them some questions
about the project and what they learned.
○ Student Procedures: Answer any questions they are asked.
● After students complete the PowerPoint the students will be given an exit ticket with two short answer
● Closure: To close the lesson the students will discuss what they learned. Students will also be
able to tell any information that they found very interesting with the class at this time. Then the teacher
will wrap things up with an overview of the students’ presentations.

● For formative assessment the students will have an exit ticket that they will have to answer the following
questions on:
1. What are fossils?
2. What can fossils tell/teach us?
● For summative assessment the students will create a PowerPoint to demonstrate what research they
complete and what they learned. An example will be provided as well.

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