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12/4/2014 5:33:00 AM

Compilation of Essays

1) Should junk food be banned from School?

For the topic

Eating junk food has become the latest trend among adults and school going children alike.
With the increasing number of youngsters replacing their daily organic diet with junk food, a
point of contention arises in the minds of proponents propagating healthy living-Should junk
food be banned from school?

The foremost reason as to why junk food should be banned from school is because school is
the first institution where a child imbibes and learns life long lessons. It is also the moral
obligation of a school to promote healthy lifestyle among students. Schools can also
educate children on the harmful long term effects of eating junk food.Thus schools can
educate students at a mass level of the harmful effects of eating junk food.

Junk food also creates litter problems in schools. Students after eating junk food throw food
leftovers, food coverings etc around the school. Banning junk food from school would thus
help in keeping the school cleaner.

Junk food also creates divides among students, those who are able to afford it consider it as
a status symbol. Junk food are inordinately expensive and ends up pinching the pockets of a
middle class parents badly.

From the points that have been dealt with, it will be in the interest of a child to ban junk
food from school

Against the topic

It is neither desirable nor in the interest of a child to ban junk food from school. Nowadays
children have become far more mature and they can decide their lifestyle rather than
needing a third party interference.

There are many middle class working parents who are not able to cook food at home on a
daily basis. In such cases it is unavoidable for a child to bring home cooked food. It junk food
is banned from school it will add on stress of the working parents who will have to cook
food early in morning for their child.

Allowing junk food to be sold in school canteen also adds to a school revenue. Many
unaided and private schools have to depend on the revenue generated internally to manage
the school independently. Additional revenue through selling of junk food in school canteen
will allow a school to save corpus amount for the future.

Allowing junk food to be sold in school also creates employment opportunities for many
individuals. If junk food is banned from school these individuals will be rendered

From the points that have been dealt with it is best to leave the decision of junk food
consumption on the student.

2) Essay-Cinema its uses and abuses

For the topic

Every friday thousands of people throng cinema halls to watch a new released movie in
India. What is there in cinema that people dont give too much consideration to the cost
incurred on a movie outing or the time investment in watching a movie. One of the basic
advantages of cinema is that it provides entertainment. In today's fast paced life a working
professionals slogs the entire week to earn his daily bread and butter. It is only on a
weekend that he/she gets time to unwind, cinema acts as the biggest stress buster

On the other hand cinema is also useful in educating and sensitizing the masses on issues
like dowry deaths, sexual harassment of women at work place etc. A movie like 3 idiots
touched millions of hearts because it used the medium of entertainment to educate parents
and students on the advantages of not succumbing to peer pressure and following the path
of excellence while looking at the world of education.A movie like Inkaar highlighted the
issues of sexual harassment which a woman has to face at her workplace.

Cinema also to spread the concepts of unity in diversity and religious tolerance among
people. Movies like My name is Khan helped dispel that not every muslim is a terrorist. Thus
cinema helps in entertaining,educating, and enlightening the masses.

Against the topic

Today cinema reflects the extremes of human behavior. Movies are less entertaining today
and more titled towards mindless violence and abuses. It has become increasingly difficulty
for an entire family to watch movie together. Parents are sensitive in not exposing their
kids to mindless violence and vulgar scenes.

Entertainment has got a new definition, there was a time decades back when the lead
actors used to reflect their love with a song sequence which involved the lead heroine to
run around a tree. Today love in cinema is incomplete without the explicit intimacy scenes
under the sheet between the lead actors.

Thus i believe cinema is spoiling the younger generation instead of entertaining them by
exposing them to violence, explicit vulgar scenes and abuses.

3) Essay- Freedom of the press

For the topic-

Press is considered to be the fourth estate of the country. A strong press is considered to be
the lighthouse of democracy .There are many advantages of of having a press free. THe
foremost advantage of a free press is that publications can raise sensitive issues related to
governance and issues which affect a country in the eyes of people. A free press is also
unbiased. It aims at disseminating credible information about the issue among the masses.
Freedom of press also ensures that journalists of a publication can research and report
issues without any inhibitions and fear of repercussions.

Jessica lal's murder case is a perfect example of having freedom of press. It was only when
media channels reported the dichotomy in the case did the judiciary re-looked at the case.
Press acted as a catalyst through which people voiced out their opinion in jessica lal's case.
It was only because of the pressure from the press and public which finally delivered justice
to the family of jessica lal.

Thus i believe it is essential to have freedom of press to safeguard democracy in a country

Against the topic

Freedom of press should be restricted to a major extent. Media in the recent past has
shown glimpses of acting as an investigator, judiciary etc. Even before the judiciary has
delivered the judgement in a case media is also out with their verdict. Freedom of press if
not restricted can also result in diplomatic crisis and threaten a country relation with its
international counterparts.

In various cases press has reported incidents with wrong facts and figures, sensationalized
issues. These reports have the potential to threaten law and order of the country and also
spread rumors among citizens. Aarushi talwar's murder has not only been widely covered by
the media but has also resulted in media delivering its verdict by reporting how aarushi
parents killed their daughter. Press was considered to be a fourth estate of the nation, but i
am doubtful if press has been able to maintain their standing in the recent past.

Thus i strongly believe that freedom of press should not only be curtailed but also press
should be regulated to prevent any untoward incident in the near future.
Is death penalty effective?

For the topic

With each passing day the crime rate is increasing in India at an alarming pace. Rapes which
is one of the most heinous crimes has increased manifold in the last few years. Is death
penalty an effective punishment?

Yes death penalty is an effective punishment in heinous crimes like rapes, murder etc
primarily for the reason that it creates fear in the mind of potential criminals. A criminal will
think twice before committing such crimes. Apart from fear it is also effective in eliminating
individuals who no longer deserve a place in the civil society. Individuals who commit such
crimes are beyond reformation. Prisons for these individuals act as rest centre than
reformation centre. Such individuals are threat to the society at large. Death penalty is also
effective since it delivers justice to the relatives of the victim. It also helps in restoring
people faith in the judicial system. The finest example to judge whether death penalty is
effective is looking at the crime rate in Saudi Arabia. Crimes rates in Saudi Arabia is very low
because once the offender is convicted he/she is executed within a week or so.

Thus death penalty serves a dual purpose of delivering justice as well sending a strong
message to criminals.

Against the topic

It is a big misconception that death penalty instills fear in the minds of criminals. Even after
many terrorist and murderers are executed the crime rate is at all time high in India. If death
penalty is implemented on a regular basis then there is a fair chance that even an innocent
individual could be executed since there is always a scope for human error.

Death penalty if implemented on a wide scale would be a serious blow to the fundamental
rights guaranteed by our constitution. Article 21 of our constitution states that every
individual has the right to life. Therefore not even the state has got the right to take away
this fundamental right by implementing death penalty on a wide.

Thus death penalty should only be implemented in rarest of rare cases and not on a regular
tool to deliver justice.

5)Essay-Can computers replace texbooks in schools

For the topic

Computers today have become an irreplaceable part of our daily life. Students who have to
carry a heavy bag to school will get relief if computers replace textbooks at schools. Heavy
bag is not only a burden to a student but it also results in certain chronic health problems in
many students. A lot of paper will also be saved if computers replace textbooks at school.
Saving papers would indirect ultimately lead to saving of forest.

Students will also be able to get access to many reference materials online and will not have
to go through the ordeal of referring to numerous encyclopedia saving precious time and
energy. If students get used to computers right from school then it will give them a edge at
their workplace since computers have become an indispensable part of an employee

Thus i believe it is going to be advantageous for students if computers replace textbooks at


Against the topic

It is not desirable to have computers replacing textbooks at school since excessive use of
computers will lead to eye problems among students. Computers also have many inbuilt
tools like spell checker, calculator etc which will deprive students of basic skills like mental
calculations, writing skills etc.

There is a fair chance that students will also get addicted to social networking sites since it
will be very difficult to monitor each student at school while the classroom session is on.
Replacing textbooks with computers at school will also put additional burden on middle
class parents who would not be able to afford computers. Neither would the school be in
any position to provide computer set to each and every student.

THus i believe it is not desirable that computers replace textbooks at schools.

6)Is the use of animals in scientific research acceptable?

For the topic

Advancement in medical science has increased the average life span of a human being. THis
advancement would not have been possible without the relentless efforts put in by the
medical researchers. But the big question arises is whether it is justifiable to use animals for
research purpose.?I certainly feel it is acceptable for the very fact that it would have been
impossible to test various medicines if testing was disallowed on animals. Testing of
medicines is only possible on livings beings to understand about the advantages, effects of a
certain medicine.

Many animals die during research purposes but the discovery of a particular medicine saves
the lives of millions of human beings. Science would have never given us the cure for many
diseases like polio, jaundice, cholera etc which were once considered to be fatal. The death
of animals during research cannot be called as a murder it is a sacrifice for the well being of
the entire mankind. If research on animal is wrong and unjustifiable then the same analogy
would apply in the case of wars where soldiers sacrifice their lives so that the rest of the
nation can sleep peacefully.It is the underlying principle of the society that certain things
have to be sacrificed for a bigger cause.

Thus i believe that use of animals in scientific research is totally acceptable.

Against the topic

It is completely inhuman to conduct scientific research on animals. Animals are living

beings they too suffer from pain. In the name of scientific advancement many research
theories are tested on animals No one would wants to be locked up being tested on
everyday relentlessly. An animal can't express how it feels so it makes it that much easier
because we don't know. They could be in excruciating pain, but hey what do we care as long
as it benefits us. No, that's wrong and immoral, it's pure torture to the animal. Being
humans have so much more defense mechanisms to defend ourselves, but who's there to
defend the animals? Everyone should put themselves in their position. Animal testing just
goes to show how greedy and self righteous we've become in this world, and how much we
abuse the power we have.

7)Should celebrities be held responsible for misleading advertisements?

For the topic

I believe that celebrities should be help responsible because they are role for a vast set of
audience. As a role model it is the duty of the celebrity to only advertise those products
which he would have purchased if he was watching the ad.

It is also unethical for a celebrity to promote products through a misleading advertisement.

Lakhs of people purchase a seeing a celebrity endorsement. These people purchase a
product because of the faith they have on the celebirty who is endorsing the product. By
promoting a misleading advertisement celebrity is deceiving the trust rendered by the

Against the topic

Celebrities should not be held responsible for misleading advertisements because they are
just doing their job and not personally recommending the product. A celebrity also need to
earn his living and he cannot every time refuse endorsements which are misleading .

It is the consumer who needs to be aware while purchasing the product. He should make
appropriate inquires on the product before purchasing it. Even celebrities may not know
about the product quality in detail before endorsing. Brand Managers and Ad agencies can
very well hide certain facts from the celebrity. Thus in these cases celebrity is endorsing the
product in good faith.

Ensuring product quality is the responsibility of producers and sales agents and also quality
watchdogs, but has nothing to do with advertising spokespersons. Thus i believe it is the
company who should be help responsible and not the celebrity who endorses the product.

8) Essay-Is multiparty system in a democratic country desirable?

For the topic.

A government which is formed with the support of many parties is called as a multiparty
system Government. Is it desirable in a democratic country like India?

If multiple parties form a government it is advantageous to safeguard the underlying

principle of democracy. A single party when it comes to majority enjoys dictatorial
privileges.A single party runs the government on its own terms whereas a multiparty
government requires the consensus of the supporting parties to pass a bill in the

A multiparty system also ensures overall development of a country and not of specific
region. A multiparty system is formed through an alliance of many regional parties. These
parties will try to escalate regional issues at a national level.

A multiparty system also builds religious tolerance among the elected representatives since
the leaders are elected from various caste and creed. Thus it is desirable that a government
is formed with the support of many parties to avoid concentration of powers in the hands of
one party. It will also help build religious tolerance among leaders and helps in the overall
development of a county.

Against the topic

Multiparty Government is not desirable since it creates various obstacles in decision making
and implementing of governance policies. Any decision which has to be taken in such a
government requires consensus from all the party leaders. Many a times it becomes difficult
to bring all the leaders on the same page.

Leaders of various regional parties think about their regional growth than thinking of the
development of the entire nation. There is also fear in the minds of people that the
government would not last the entire term since if any party pulls out the government the
government collapses.

Thus i believe multiparty system is not desirable in a democratic country like India.
9) Should home schooling be allowed?

For the topic

Home schooling should definitely be allowed since a child can learn effectively under the
guidance of his parents than at school. Children are exposed to various situations which
builds undue pressure on him/her. Children would not always be able to combat the
pressures and succumb to it by losing interest in studies, getting nervous at the mildest
provocations etc. Home schooling should be allowed since parents can effectively customize
the curriculum which suits their child's needs.

HOme schooling is also effective since parents know their child's emotional quotient and
can handle situations accordingly. Home schooling also does not have a rigid structure like
formal schooling. Apart from the flexibility in designing curriculum parents can plan other
activities which ensures overall development of a child

Against the topic

I strongly believe home school should not be allowed since parents might not possess the
required qualification to design their child curriculum. A child may also get complacent
while learning at the relaxed environment at home.

Formal schooling also teaches students to adapt to intense situations. If a child is not
exposed to performing under pressure filled situations he might face difficulty in future
while dealing with pressure at his work life. Parents might not also have the means to
ensure he overall development of a child. Science labs, playground, library requires huge
monetary investment and parents might not be able to afford all the facilities. THis would
deny a child with opportunities to grow holistically .

THus i believe home schooling should not be allowed.

10) Is advertising Harmfui

For the topic-

Advertising presents a buyer with multiple product options to buy from, this leads to
confusion among the buyer while purchasing a product. Buyer also gets disappointed if he is
unable to afford he advertised product.
Advertising also puts an undue pressure on the person viewing the ad. It creates an
unnecessary buying compulsion by creating a false desire among the viewers of the ad.
Advertisements are often misleading as well the advertised product may boast of many
features which might be absent while purchasing the product. It is very difficult to measure
the exact impact of the product advertised yet brands spend a huge amount of their budget
on advertising. The excess money spent on advertising could very well be used to give a hike
to the top performing employees which will indirectly raise their morale.

Against the topic

Advertising isn't harmful since it gives an opportunity to small businesses to advertise its
product. A buyer also gets to know of the various products in the same category. This helps
him in making the right decision at the time of purchasing the product.

Advertising also helps a brand to market his product effectively which in turn can help a firm
to increase its revenue. Advertising also increases a person aspirants and he/she will work
harder to fulfill his aspiration of buying a particular product. Thus advertising is not harmful
since it keeps a buyer well informed, develops aspirations, helps a small business to
advertise its product effectively.

11) Should homework be banned from school?

For the topic

Homework should be banned because it puts unnecessary burden and stress on children to
complete it. Children rarely get a couple of hours free in evening for outdoor activities. A lot
of children suffer from stunted growth and health problems like obesity, due to limited
exposure to outdoor activities. Homework is meant to provide addiutional practise to
students but many students in order ro complete their homerwork resort to copying from
either their friends or from reference books

Also homework places more emphasis on theoretical knowledge rather practical aspect.
Due to its theoretical nature a student does not learn anything new he either just copies it
helping him in rot learning. THus i believe homework should be banned from school due to
its limited advantages.\

Against the topic

Home work should not be banned from school because it provides additional practise to
After school students get a lot of free time which needs to be invested in productive
activities to ensure a holistic development of a child.

Homework keeps a student busy, Nowadays homerwork consist of projects, case studies etc
which helps a student to cover the practical aspect of a topic He also gets in depth
knowledge of certain concepts while completing projects since he has to refer lot of
reference books.

Homework which consists of Projects also involves grouop work. Group work helps a
student to develops his inter personal skills. Students also meet their team
members outside school hours at their home which increases bonding among then. These
traits of working in a team, interpersonal skills helps a student immensely in his work life.

Thus i believe home work should not be banned

12)Essay-Should girls and boys be kept in separate classes?

For the topic

It is rightly said that "Birds of the same feather flock together". girls and boys have different
emotions, keeping them in separate classroom will help students of the same gender to
interact freely without any inhibition due to the some of the similar traits common between
individuals of same gender. One of the other benefit is that there wouldnt be any
distraction when students of the same gender are there in the same classroom. Some of the
students right from a very young age try to impress individuals of other sex. With the
separation of girls and boys students will get less distracted.

One important benefit of keeping guys and girls in separate classrooms is that it will benefit
introvert girls and guys who are shy of interacting with people from opposite gender.They
will be relaxed and interact with individuals of same gender which will boast their
confidence. Separation will also give a level playing field to boys and girls since a boy will
only be competing with a boy and a girl with a girl. There would not be any scope for biasses
as such.

Against the topic

Confining girls and boys in separate classes will only promote sexist attitude among
students. Youngsters are called as the future leaders of a nation. How would an individual
be a successful leader if his childhood has witnessed such gender discrimination. Separation
will only lead to both the members of the gender being insensitive to each others' feeling.
After graduating from a college an individual will have to interact with members of opposite
gender at his/her workplace. A child whose formation years has been solely restricted to
interacting with members of the same gender how would he even interact freely at his

Boys and girls have different style of learning, boys are good at logic whereas girls are good
at subjects involving emotions. In a co-ed form of education this cross learning helps in a
student overall development. In a co-ed system of education a student is interacting with
members of the opposite gender right from childhood this will give him a better
understanding how the member of the opposite gender thinks and how to communicate
effectively to them.

13) Does Rahul Gandhi deserve to be the PM of India?

Prime Minister of a country performs a major role in framing the Government policies and
in running the Government. The party which wins the election forms the government and
elects the prime minister. The question whether Rahul Gandhi deserves to be the PM is a
moot point.

Five points in favor of the topic

1)Rahul Gandhi recent stand against the Maharashtra Government decision on Adarsh Scam
clearly indicates that he not only has opinions on critical matters but also express it without
any inhibition.

2) Rahul Gandhi's strong pitch to the Indian Government to raise the subsidy of cylinders
from annual 9 to 12 reflects his decision making skills.

3) Rahul Gandhi has worked at the grassroot level interacting with key stakeholders, this
makes him a seasoned politician.

4) Rahul Gandhi is also popular among many congress leaders. His growing popularity
reflects the consensus of the top leaders implying that Rahul Gandhi is fit to be a PM

5) Rahul Gandhi has the charisma to connect with youth as well as with the old people.
Four points not in favor the topic

1) He does not have any significant political achievement to his credit.

2) Even being a politician for years he has asked important questions or taken a stand in
Parliament till last year.

3) After getting elected as a MP from Amethi he has not fulfilled his pre election promises.
The recent rally by AAP party member VishwaKumar reflects that people of Amethi are
looking for an alternative option.

4) He is a PM candidate by virtue of belonging to the Gandhi clan and not like Modi who has
showcased wins and has won the heart of people.

14) Should tax deduction be allowed for women?

Tax deduction to women as they take care of the educational and health needs of a family.

In the 21st century women are not longer confining themselves to the traditional set of
responsibilities of cooking food and taking care of the family.They
have extended their circle of responsibilities beyond that by playing a equal part in
supporting the family financially as well.

Four points in favor of the topic

1) Women have started shouldering additional responsibility of supporting the family

financially so they do deserve tax deduction.

2) Tax deduction will encourage women to get a equal footing with men as far as pay scale
is concerned.

3) Tax Deduction will result in women saving more for the family and a better lifestyle.
4) This will also encourage women to explore corporate careers which pay them well.

Four Points in against of the topic

1) It would be discriminatory by just providing tax deduction only to women even men
support the family financially, they do also deserve tax deduction.

2) Tax deduction to women will result in loss of Tax revenue to the government.

3) It will result in an imbalance in the salary structure of men and women working in the
same profession thus leading to inequality.

4) Not every woman supports the family financially by taking care of health and educational
expenses. It would be difficult to distinguish both the set of women: Those who support and
those who dont

15) Saas bahu serials and its impacts

The early 90's saw a stream of Private TV channels getting launched and from then started
the trend of daily serials. One of the few serials to announce its arrival in the grand style was
Kyunki saas bhi Kabhie Bahu thi. With the rising popularity of initially launched Saas Bahu
serials, a host of TV channels followed suit. Has the arrival of Saas Bahu serials had a
positive impact or negative impact is a moot point.

In favor of the topic

Saas bahu serials has definitely impacted the society in a positive manner. Decades back the
rights of a new married woman was an alien concept, forget the rights the expectations
from the in-laws and her husband had to be met at any cost. With the rising popularity of
Saas Bahu serials, women have now become aware of their rights. THey have started raising
their voice against the infringement of their rights and striving to become a equal
stakeholder in the family rather than performing the role of a traditional bahu.

Saas bahu serials have as become the source of knowledge for both urban and rural woman.
Today a woman who is a daily viewer of Saas Bahu serial is very well aware about the rights
she enjoys. One of them being she also has the right in the ancestral property.

In India discussing sex openly is still considered as a taboo but this mindset is gradually
changing. When a women who watches Saas Bahu serials and sees that in the serial a
women can broach the topic of sex. She too gets the encouragement to replicate the same
in real life too.

Mother in law who watch saas bahu serials are also getting sensitized that her daughter in
law is no different from her real daughter. She is getting sensitized to the fact that her
daughter in law deserve the same love and affection as she wold have treated her real

In against of the topic:

Saas bahu serials have made the women in a family couch potatoes.THey prefer sitting
hours in front of a television channel watching serials than doing a bit of daily physical

House politics have taken a new definition with the rising popularity of Saas Bahu serials.
The concept of an evil mother in law or evil daughter in law projected in the serials has
given rise to the same sort of mentality forming in real life too.

On a concluding note Saas Bahu serials have made a women aware of her rights and
responsibilities but at the same time made them physically inactive and given the root to
the concept of house politics in a new fashion.

16) Social Media boon or bane?

Today in this technology age the world has become a global village. With the advent of sites,,, etc communication and information can easily
be transmitted and received within couple of seconds. Today a person can get in touch with
his friend, relative or anyone within a matter of few seconds. According to Wikipedia,
“Social Media includes web and mobile-based technologies which are used to turn
communication into interactive dialogue among organizations, communities, and
individuals.” Can social media be considered a boon or bane is definitely a moot point?

Five points in favor of the topic

1) Communicating with the near and dear ones has become a lot easier. An individual can
communicate with his relatives or friends in case of any emergency.

2) Social media has helped to further spread the revolution in Middle east countries.
Without the help of social media countries like tunisia, egypt would still be under the
dictator rule .

3) With the help of social media, even fund raising for charity events has become a lot
easier. NGO, Individuals can mobilize funds effectively through social media like facebook,
twitter by reaching out to thousands of individuals online in a matter of few days.

4) Brands are able to effectively market its product and services through social media.
Digital marketing is a fast growing sub domain in the world of marketing. Brands can also be
in constant touch with their stakeholders primarily customers and solve their queries with
the help of social media.

5) Social media platforms like quora, have enabled not only in facilitation of
knowledge but also a networking with industry mentors and stalwarts a lot easier.

5 Points not in favor of the topic

1) Social media has become more of an addiction , individuals waste hundred of productive
hours by browsing through sites like facebook, twitter during work hours. The addiction and
craze is to such an extent that people will prefer browsing social media sites for half an hour
even at the cost of living a sedentary lifestyle.

2) The thin line between social media and personal life is no longer visible to the common
masses. Every minute detail of the personal life is shared on public platforms. The recent
twitter fight between Shashi taroor and his belated wife sunainda pushkar is a clear
testimony of the above fact.

3) Social media is also responsible for information overload. Since the inception of internet
information has been available freely on net but social media sites have changed the
dynamics of information sharing leading to information overload.

4) Social media has also several rumor spreading incidents to its credit. The recent case of
attacks in several north eastern countries led to spread of several rumors leading to panic
amongst people.
5) Social media has also given rise to women being stalked by mere strangers. Unsolicited
messages and friend request has become the latest trend on social media sites.

17) India’s Dismisal performance in new Zealand?

M.S Dhoni the man with the Midas touch seem to suddenly have lost his golden touch. After
losing the series in South Africa, there were high expectations from team India to perform
well in the New Zealand series. But luck seems to have favored the host and not the visitors.
India not only lost the series but also conceded the no 1 Ranking in ODI.

Who is to be blame or held accountable for two back to back series lost on foreign soil? Is it
the bowlers, batsmen or the captain himself? The answer is the entire team failed to
perform on foreign soil with the exception of Virat Kohli.

In favor

New Zealand tour has made Team India retrospect on its performance. One of the main
positive highlight is that Virat Kohli has undoubtedly emerged as the world class cricket
batting at the same pace with which he did on the home ground series. Ashwin's battng in
the third match which led to the match being tied also reflects that Ashwin could very well
emerge as the all rounder which India is desperately looking for.

M.S Dhoni has also realized the flaws of adopting of playing with 5 batsmen and 5 bowlers.
Team India has also given chance to upcoming players like Stuart binny and raised an
important question as to why chesteshwar puajara is still not included in the ODI side. THis
series has also given an opportunity to both selectors and M.S Dhoni to realize that a new
long term strategy which can be adopted till the world cup.

Negative Side

Before the south africa series India performed exceedingly well at the series played on their
home soil. One of the main reason is the failure of Team India to quickly adjust to different
conditions on foreign soil. The other problem is that Indian bowlers are not able to rise to
the occasion when the team team needs them at crucial junctures. Mohammad sami is the
only bowler who has been consistent in the last couple of series.

With the recent change in ODI rules it has become increasingly tough to bowlers. Indian
bowlers need to ensure that they start practicing on their pace and length in different
situations so that they can easily adapt themselves on foreign soil. Indian batsmen also need
to build long term partnership. Team India lacks quality all rounders like Corey Anderson
who has performed exceedingly well both with ball and bat. It is high time Indian selectors
should also focus on finding talented cricketers who can be all rounders.

World cup is still a year away and i am sure M.S.Dhoni and team india will thoroughly
introspect after suffering two back to back failures.

18) Does India need a dictator like leader?

Even after 66 years of Independence, India is still haunted by problems like

poverty,inflation,unemployment etc. Various Governments in India have been unsuccessful
in creating a sustainable impact as far as the problems are concerned.

Positive Points

India definitely needs a dictator like leader to solve the persisting problems of
poverty,unemployment etc by implementing strong Governance policies. One of the most
fast growing economy in Asia-China has shown tremendous growth in the last decade. The
credit to the continuous growth in China can be attributed to its dictatorship Government.

Just like a ship can have only one captain guiding its crew, in a similar fashion a strong
Government needs a dictator like leader. A democratic Government is plagued by problems
like lack of control, slow execution in implementing policies etc. Whereas on the other hand
a dictatorship Government does have total control, can implement the government policies
at a much faster rate.

Negative Points

A dictator like leader is not desirable in a fast developing country like India. A dictator will
have a narrow outlook while framing governance policies since he will not take into view
points of his cabinet ministers. He will implement and frame only those policies that suits or
is in sync with his mindset. A dictator believes in controlling the freedom of speech and
expression thereby threatening to deride the fundamental rights guaranteed by the
constitution of India.

The mass genocide of Jews during World War 2 by Adolf Hitler is a perfect example to the
extent to which a dictator can go to fulfill his ambition.
Thus keeping in mind the above points I dont think India needs a dictator like leader. What
is more needed is a democratic set up with sensitive leaders who are corrupt free and are
really passionate about bringing systematic change in the country

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