HW in Mmme14

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A chemical engineer is interested in determining the operating conditions that maximizes the yield of a process.

He is currently operating time

the process with a time of 35 minutes and temperature of 155°F, resulting in yields around 40%. highest setting 40
lowest setting 30
Two controllable variables influence yield: time and temperature. The engineer decides that the region of exploration should be (30, 40) centerpoint 35
minutes of reaction time and (150, 160) Fahrenheit. x' 35
A chemical engineer is interested in determining the operating conditions that maximizes the yield of a process. He is currently operating
x' 0 0
the process with a time of 35 minutes and temperature of 155°F, resulting in yields around 40%.

Two controllable variables influence yield: time and temperature. The engineer decides that the region of exploration should be (30, 40)
minutes of reaction time and (150, 160) Fahrenheit.

Initial Region New Region Starpoint Settings

Time Temp Code (x1) Code (x2) % yield Time Temp Coded x1 Coded x2 % Yield Time Temp Coded x1 Coded x2 % Yield
30 150 -1 -1 39.3 80 170 -1 -1 83 92.07 175 1.414 0 78.4
40 150 1 -1 40.9 90 170 1 -1 78.9 77.93 175 -1.414 0 75.6
30 160 -1 1 40 80 180 -1 1 79 85 182.07 0 1.414 78.5
40 160 1 1 41.5 90 180 1 1 79.5 85 167.93 0 -1.414 77
35 155 0 0 40.3 85 175 0 0 79.9
35 155 0 0 40.5 85 175 0 0 79.1
35 155 0 0 40.7 85 175 0 0 79
35 155 0 0 40.2 85 175 0 0 79.7
35 155 0 0 40.6 85 175 0 0 79.8

STEP 1 Perform experimental runs

Time Temp Code (x1) Code (x2) % yield
30 150 -1 -1 39.3
40 150 1 -1 40.9
30 160 -1 1 40
40 160 1 1 41.5
35 155 0 0 40.3
35 155 0 0 40.5
35 155 0 0 40.7
35 155 0 0 40.2
35 155 0 0 40.6

STEP 2a Perform 2^k ANOVA

Time Temp Code (x1) Code (x2) % yield Treat 1 2 SS Effect
30 150 -1 -1 39.3 comb. 80.2 161.7
40 150 1 -1 40.9 a 81.5 3.1 2.4025 1.55
30 160 -1 1 40 b 1.6 1.3 0.4225 0.65
40 160 1 1 41.5 ab 1.5 -0.1 0.0025 -0.05

Time Temp Code (x1) Code (x2) % yield diff

35 155 0 0 40.3 -0.16
35 155 0 0 40.5 0.04
35 155 0 0 40.7 0.24
35 155 0 0 40.2 -0.26
35 155 0 0 40.6 0.14
Mean 40.46 0.172 SSError
Variance 0.043

Source SS dof MS f p-value Conclusion
A 2.4025 1 2.4025 55.87209302
0.001712536703 Significant
B 0.4225 1 0.4225 9.825581395
0.0350302533 Significant
AB 0.0025 1 0.0025 0.05813953488
0.8213164447 Insignificant
Error 0.172 4 0.043
Total 2.9995 7

STEP 2b Fit a linear model

B0: 40.44444444
B1: 0.775
B2: 0.325
equation: #N/A ← MODEL
*based on coded factors
STEP 2c Check for lack of fit. (to see if there is no curvature/change in response)

Time Temp Code (x1) Code % yield % yield y(m)-yave y-yave residual y-y(m)
30 150 -1 (x2)
-1 model
39.3 39.34444444 (m)
-1.1 -1.144444444 -0.04444444444
40 150 1 -1 40.9 40.89444444 0.45 0.4555555556 0.005555555556
30 160 -1 1 40 39.99444444 -0.45 -0.4444444444 0.005555555556
40 160 1 1 41.5 41.54444444 1.1 1.055555556 -0.04444444444
35 155 0 0 40.3 40.44444444 0 -0.1444444444 -0.1444444444
35 155 0 0 40.5 40.44444444 0 0.05555555556 0.05555555556
35 155 0 0 40.7 40.44444444 0 0.2555555556 0.2555555556
35 155 0 0 40.2 40.44444444 0 -0.2444444444 -0.2444444444
35 155 0 0 40.6 40.44444444 0 0.1555555556 0.1555555556
average:40.4444444440.44444444 2.825 3.002222222 0.1772222222 SSTotalerror
SSModel SSTotal 0.1732098765 SSPureError

Source SS dof MS f p-value Conclusion dof k 2
model 2.825 2 1.4125 x+y-1 x 2
total error 0.1772222222 6 0.02953703704 n-x-1 y 1
LOF 0.004012345679 2 0.00200617284 0.9552321883
0.04632929437 insignifican cp-(k+1) n 9
Pure 0.1732098765 4 0.04330246914 wala pa yung linear curve na n-cp cp 5
Total 3.002222222 8 hinahanap n-1

STEP 3 Method of Steepest Ascent

x1 1
B1 0.775
B2 0.325
x2 0.4193548387

STEP 4a Perform Experiments and observe responses (nasa Slides)

STEP 4b Perform additional experiment on new region (nasa Slides)
repeat STEP 2 if lack of fit is significant, do STEP 5
STEP 2a Perform 2^k ANOVA
Time Temp Code (x1) Code (x2) % yield Treat 1 2 SS Effect
80 170 -1 -1 83 comb. 161.9 320.4
90 170 1 -1 78.9 a 158.5 -3.6 3.24 -1.8
80 180 -1 1 79 b -4.1 -3.4 2.89 -1.7
90 180 1 1 79.5 ab 0.5 4.6 5.29 2.3

Time Temp Code (x1) Code (x2) % yield diff

85 175 0 0 79.9 39.44
85 175 0 0 79.1 38.64
85 175 0 0 79 38.54
85 175 0 0 79.7 39.24
85 175 0 0 79.8 39.34
Mean 79.5 7621.308 SSError
Variance 0.175

Source SS dof MS f p-value Conclusion
A 3.24 1 3.24 0.0009694327418
75.34883721 Significant
B 2.89 1 2.89 0.001206136268
67.20930233 Significant
AB 5.29 1 5.29 0.0003758385446
123.0232558 Significant
Error 7621.308 4 1905.327
Total 7632.728 7

STEP 2b Fit a linear model

B0: 79.76666667
B1: -0.9
B2: -0.85
equation: #N/A ← MODEL
*based on coded factors
STEP 2c Check for lack of fit. (to see if there is no curvature/change in response)

Time Temp Code Code % yield % yield y(m)-yave(m) y-yave residual y-y
80 170 (x1)
-1 (x2)
-1 83 model
81.51666667 1.75 (m)
3.233333333 1.483333333
90 170 1 -1 78.9 79.71666667 -0.05 -0.8666666667 -0.8166666667
80 180 -1 1 79 79.81666667 0.05 -0.7666666667 -0.8166666667
90 180 1 1 79.5 78.01666667 -1.75 -0.2666666667 1.483333333
85 175 0 0 79.9 79.76666667 0 0.1333333333 0.1333333333
85 175 0 0 79.1 79.76666667 0 -0.6666666667 -0.6666666667
85 175 0 0 79 79.76666667 0 -0.7666666667 -0.7666666667
85 175 0 0 79.7 79.76666667 0 -0.06666666667-0.06666666667
85 175 0 0 79.8 79.76666667 0 0.03333333333 0.03333333333
average: 79.7666666779.76666667 6.13 12.92 6.79 SSTotalerror
SSModel SSTotal 1.055555556 SSPureError

Source SS dof MS f p-value Conclusion dof k 2
model 6.13 2 3.065 x+y-1 x 2
total error 6.79 6 1.131666667 n-x-1 y 1
LOF 5.734444444 2 2.867222222 0.02416699449
10.86526316 significant cp-(k+1) n 9
Pure 1.055555556 4 0.2638888889 n-cp cp 5
Total 12.92 8 n-1

STEP 5 Perform central composite design

Time Temp Coded x1 Coded x2 % Yield x1y x2y x1x2y (x1^2)y (x2^2)y
80 170 -1 -1 83 -83 -83 83 83 83
90 170 1 -1 78.9 78.9 -78.9 -78.9 78.9 78.9
80 180 -1 1 79 -79 79 -79 79 79
90 180 1 1 79.5 79.5 79.5 79.5 79.5 79.5
85 175 0 0 79.9 0 0 0 0 0
85 175 0 0 79.1 0 0 0 0 0
85 175 0 0 79 0 0 0 0 0
85 175 0 0 79.7 0 0 0 0 0
85 175 0 0 79.8 0 0 0 0 0
92.07 175 1.414 0 78.4 110.8576 0 0 156.7526464 0
77.93 175 -1.414 0 75.6 -106.8984 0 0 151.1543376 0
85 182.07 0 1.414 78.5 0 110.999 0 0 156.952586
85 167.93 0 -1.414 77 0 -108.878 0 0 153.953492
SUM 1027.4 0.3592 -1.279 4.6 628.306984 631.306078

STEP 6 2nd-Order Model

B1: 0.0449 13 8 8 79.5186938 1027.4
B2: -0.159875 8 12 4 -0.5838820875 628.306984
B12: 1.15 8 4 12 -0.2089953375 631.306078
B11: -0.5838820875
B22: -0.2089953375 y = 79.5 + 0.045(x1) - 0.016(x2) - 0.57(x1^2) - 0.194(x2^2) + 1.15(x1x2) ← MODEL
B0: 79.5186938

STEP 7 Determine optimum settings

y = 79.5 + 0.045(x1) - 0.016(x2) - 0.57(x1^2) - 0.194(x2^2) + 1.15(x1x2)

180 175 170 temperature

1 0 -1 x2
80 -1 77.37104138 79.26479846
85 0 78.77493671 79.5186938
90 1 79.76084138 79.35459846
time x1

maximum y^: 79.99079138

optimum settings: time 80
temperature 170

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