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SEUNGHEE YE / / +1 (415) 318-9137

MC 253-37, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA 91125
California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA Sept 2012 – Present
PhD in Mathematics (Expected graduation: June 2017)
 GPA: 4.00/4.00
 GRE General: Verbal 670(95%) / Math 800(94%); GRE Math: 840 (94%)
 Apostol Award for Excellence in Teaching in Mathematics: 2013, 2015, and 2016
Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH Sept 2006 – June 2010
B.A. Summa Cum Laude in Mathematics and Economics
 GPA: 3.89/4.00
 Phi Beta Kappa Scholar, Dartmouth Chapter
 Rufus Choates Scholar: GPA in the top 5% of the class of 2010


Poincare Polynomial Finder for Punctual Quot Schemes (In Progress)
 Compute the Poincare polynomial of punctual Quot schemes over points of various type
 Written in C++
Reconstruction Theorem for Guage Gromov-Witten Invariants (Preprint)
Generating Function of the Poincare Polynomials of Space of MOP Stable Quotients (Preprint)

Google, Inc., Los Angeles, CA June 2016 – Sept 2016
Software Engineering Intern
 Build a tool for measuring the performance of the content ads forecasting tool.
 Use the tool to identify areas that need improvement and analyze the reasons for the
California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA Sept 2012 – Present
Teaching Assistant for Calculus, Differential Equations, Probability and Statistics
 Prepare and lead lectures and recitation sessions for undergraduate students.
 Hold office hours and answer advanced theoretic questions regarding course material.
Republic of Korea Special Forces (Airborne), Korea Dec 2010 – Sept 2012
Sergeant – 7th Special Forces Brigade Airborne
 Certified airborne paratrooper.
 Interprete for the Commander of Special Forces during Korea-US Military Exercises.
Republic of Korea Special Forces Unit in UAE, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates Dec 2011 – July 2012
Asset Coordinating Sergeant, Field Interpreter
 Collaborate with the UAE Armed Forces for SEAL assets for combined trainings with UAE SF Battalion.
KPMG Economic Research Institute, Seoul, Korea June 2010 – Sept 2010
Economic Research Intern
 Collect and analyze data using the KPMG database and Bloomberg terminal.
 Conduct feasibility research on for-profit health care and make recommendations to Ministry of Health.


Mathematics Graduate Seminar, Caltech, Pasadena, CA Sept 2013 – Present
Lead Organizer
 Lead and organize bi-weekly seminars for Caltech graduate program in mathematics.
Special Forces Outreach Program, Korea Jan 2011 – Aug 2011
English and Mathematics Teacher
 Provide English and mathematics lessons to underprivileged children in neighboring towns of the base.

 Technical Skills: C++, LaTeX, Python, Linux, R
 Languages: Native in Korean; Fluent in English; Conversant in French and Bulgarian

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