The Intelligent Buffalo

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Gerry Paulo Petra Pelealu/3A

The Intelligent Buffalo

Here is a farmer named Edgard, he has a buffalo named bounty.

One day Edgar wanted to release Bounty back to the forest. In the
forest, Bounty lives in a cave.

One day Bounty met a fox named Timmy, Timmy lied to Bounty,
Timmy: I'm king in this forest. But Bounty doesn't believe.

One day when Bounty was in the cave, came the tiger owner of the
cave, Bounty became afraid then he looked for ideas so he could
survive the tiger. Bounty cheats the tiger until the tiger is afraid of
the Bounty.

The next day, the tiger met Timmy and the tiger telling about his
cave, Timmy invited the tiger back to the cave, from inside the cave
Bounty spoke to Timmy, the tiger thought Timmy was collaborating
with Bounty to eat the tiger. Then, the tiger runs away afraid of
being killed by Bounty.

Moral values:

- No matter how difficult the situation gets, we must stay calm

- Don’t lie

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