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CRUZ Social Science and Philosophy



Man and Society according to the Realist

Reality is a truth that you can see around you. It cannot be change. It is a glaring
A theory that the world and all things within or outside of its objective reality. The
existence of reality or essence of reality is independent of the human mind.
Realist maintain that the nature of things is objective; it is free or autonomous from
human subjective view.
Varieties of Realism

 Metaphysical realism
 Naive realism
 Scientific realism
 Scientific realism
 Moral realism
 Aesthetic realism

Under realism the animal side of man could be perfected into rationality by the
enhancement of virtues particularly temperance and courage. With these virtues man
could achieve intellectual virtues of wisdom, prudence and art.
Type of society the realist would attempt to prescribe. If every member of society tries
to perfect his rationality through the habit of doing the virtues named above, then it
forms the society the philosopher of all ages would surely subscribe to.
 He was a student of Plato and the teacher of Alexander the great.
 His philosophical theories include the areas of physics, metaphysics, poetry,
theatre, music etc.
 One of the most important figures of Western Philosophy.


 Man is characterized to lived within a society where he is subjected to laws and
custom, and his rationality would entail him to follow these laws and customs
prescribe by the society where he belong.
 Is the foundation of the Aristotelian principle.

Aristotelian Principle
 Major contribution to positive psychology, which concentrates on positive
experiences, character, and virtues.
 “Eudaimonia” Greek word of happiness.
 “Good life is not a life of ease; it is a life of virtue”

 His philosophies were considered as the cornerstone of liberal democracy which
as reported influential to the American and French revolution.
 he came up with his “two treatise of civil government” in answer to the social
unrest of his country as caused by ruling party.
 “laxity of discipline and corruption of manners are basics source of
unemployment and poverty”
 Proclaimed the rationality and social nature of man.
 Followers lockian philosophy believe that people by nature are good and attempt
to practice goodness and fairness to each other.
 The ideal society under the Lockian philosophy is the one with members who
could recognize right and wrong.
Baruch De Spinoza
 His ideas revolve around the general topics like ; religious freedom, separation of
church and state, neutral monism and criticism. his publication includes political
society, power and magnum opus, ethics.
 Believed God exist only philosophically and that God was abstract and
 Proponent of Determinism so that it is wise to take a look first at the meaning of
the word before his philosophy.
Holds the view that event are determined by a proceeding events. Events do not take
place by chance. They happen because they are determined to happen.
There are two source of it;
 Physical Determinism
 God or Devine Determinism
Determinism therefore implies that things could not be taken as they are without
taking consideration t the previous event that determined it.
Self determination which holds that self or individual is the cause by his action is the
extreme opposite to determinism.

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