Safety 8

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The fundamental information to be provided in the Civil DSS shall include but not limited to the

a) An executive summary report highlighting the major areas of concerns and status of

b) A brief description of the project which include the following information:

 Brief description of the contract and its scope (no. and description of stations,
tunnel/ viaduct/ at grade trackway/ vehicular viaduct/ underground roads,
bridges across rivers and alignment
 The existing environment (focusing on adjacent buildings/ structures of
concerns, traffic conditions, utilities, waterways, etc)
 Brief details of integration with other development
 Brief descriptions on the proposed construction methods; cut and cover and
bored tunnels;
 Detailed Geotechnical Condition; and
 Details of key milestone and implementation schedule

c) Hazard and Risk Management process inclusive of:

 A description on the roles and responsibilities in the reviewing and acceptance of
the mitigation measures; and
 The risk assessment matrix

Soil Profile

- Show profile and x-section

- Highlight areas of soft soil
- Highlight soil type interface
- Indicate extent of support and criteria for termination

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