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B2B Ecommerce

 That transparency is 100% required in order for ecommerce to

work. An amazing customer experience depends on a consistent
view of products—price, images, paperwork; that has to be there
100% of the time. If you’re missing any of those things, the
customer experience breaks down. Furthermore, without price,
you CANNOT have a true ecommerce site—because no one can
check out!

 What is your most valuable piece of advice for B2B companies

looking to add online sales or increase them?

Butters: Three things: For many of these aerospace companies,

ecommerce has just never been done. You really need one
dedicated person (even an intern) that nurtures, manages and gets
your storefront up and running and always updated. Second, you
must have quality listings and product. Sellers that want to put
excess and slow-moving inventory for sale will get infrequent hits
because there is little demand for their parts. It’s just like any other
site out there—consumers want to see products that they want.
Third, transparency in today’s world is absolute king. Bonus item:
Just try ecommerce! Many have not started on this path and it’s so
new to them but I promise that if you don’t start, you will get left

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing every aspect of daily human life, and B2B e-
commerce is no different. While it is still in its infancy in this industry, there have been several
innovations that will streamline certain business functions.

The primary usage of AI in B2B e-commerce is to read and analyze large amounts of data and
structure them into a usable form for organizations. This is helpful in determining buyer
preferences. AI basically does the task of market research for you—automatically. The resultant
data serves as a baseline for creating organizational plans and policies.
AI can also be used to provide a guided experience to customers through chatbots. Chatbots
interact with customers similarly to how a sales representative would, and they help buyers
make a final purchase. AI also uses data generated by chatbots, which can be used to improve
areas where buyers require more help.

Real-Time Market Data

In regards to important tasks like price analysis and competitive analysis, the more
current the data, the better. Thanks to AI-driven pricing software, B2B companies can
collect and analyze market data in real-time, giving them a better perspective of their
market and their position within that market. The “freshness” of data collected with
AI, along with the sheer amount of data AI can collect, can help businesses identify
new patterns in demands and sales that would have previously been impossible. This
allows ecommerce businesses to provide the right prices at the right time, even in the
most fast-paced and dynamic markets.

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