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How is my Honours grade calculated?

The following formula is used to calculate your Honours grade:

Honours grade = Sum of (subject credit × mark × weight)

Sum of (subject credit × weight)

Weight 1 for 400 level; 0 for 300, 200, 100 level. (Only 400 level subjects are counted)

Example: How to calculate your Final Honours grade

Subject credit points

Subject Credit points Final Mark
× final mark
EDRT401 24 83 24 × 83 × 1 = 1992
EDPD401 6 72 6 × 72 × 1 = 432
EDAR401 6 75 6 × 75 × 1 = 450
EDPD402 12 82 12 × 82 × 1 = 984
TOTALS 48 3858

1. Sum of (subject credit × mark × weight) = 1992 + 432 + 450 + 984

= 3858

2. Sum of (subject credit × weight) = 24 + 6 + 6 + 12

= 48

3. Honours grade calculation = 3858 ÷ 48

Honours grade = 80.375 (class 2, Division 1)

85%-100% : class 1
75%- 85% : class 2, Division 1
65%- 75% : class 2, Division 2
50%- 65% : class 3
0%- 50% : Honours\ not awarded

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